Quin Academy

By darkshade333

146 8 11

A place where parents put there kids just to get money. An academy filled with people from the ages of 13 to... More

2. The Challenge
3. The Hall

1. Quin Academy

99 5 6
By darkshade333

       At one point he caught himself looking out the window, and saw the large field of half dead grass, and the dark forest behind it. It probably wasn't even that dark, but from the way shadows loomed upon it, it had that silent dark appearance.

        There’s a red fire hydrant close to the building, and its the second thing that catches his eye. It just sits there standing out among all the green. It’s just so random, that its easy to get distracted by it.

        Suddenly his name was called out by the teacher, and his attention was ripped away from the window.

        “So, Hunter, what are your thoughts on this topic?” He was asked. Most people including the teacher had assumed that Hunter had not been listening, but on the contrary, he had  full understanding of it. The faces of his peers around him looked hungry. As if they were waiting for him to mess up just so they could feed off the embarrassment.

        He cleared his throat, and spoke.

        “I think it’s all about the perceptions of each individual. Because the definition of good and right are up to the persons interpretation. I mean, society has shaped us and guided us with basic rules, regulations, and morals, but in the end it depends on the person, and what they think is right and wrong. The villains think they're doing the right  so in their perception crime is right and not immoral.”

        The class was dead silent. Nobody even moved in their desks, and the teacher just stood stock still in his place. The teacher knew he should keep the conversation going, or at least continue his lesson, but he was still shocked that this had come of his student’s mouth.

        Hunter rarely talked, and when he did it was to answer a simple question with the fewest amount of words as possible. He didn't speak his thoughts because he was afraid that nobody would understand. And in that day and age, not many people tended to understand deep thinking. But who could blame them, they were raised to think simple thoughts, and not to dwell on philosophy. They were given ideas, instead of making their own.

        Hunter along with six other juniors were transfers. They came from a place nobody knew of, and nobody cared enough to find out. The seven of them were raised differently, and as much as they tried to fit in, they were unique.

        They even looked slightly different. Just little things, but it made them stick out even more than they already did. For example, Hunter’s eyes were a vibrant green. The kind that stand out, and are a major anomaly. Everyone’s eyes were brown, some a light brown, some almost as dark as black. But everyone had brown eyes. Except of course, the seven transfer students.

        The transfers also all had different hair. Hunter’s hair was shaggy and a dark brown that almost looked black. All the regular students had either buzzed, brown hair, or long straight brown hair, tied back into a simple pony tail.

        Hunter and the other transfers all had markings which just added to their differences. Each one of them had unique markings, but all of them had a barcode on the inside of their right arm. The barcodes were more like chips that were put inside of their arms when they first arrived.

        The barcodes kept track of the seven students. Each time they left, or entered a room or building. Each time they got food. Everything and anything was registered onto the barcode. It was like they were something getting bought at a store. But they needed to be watched and monitored.  After all, they were different. And they could mess something up.


        The teacher had gone back to talking about something uninteresting and boring, while Hunter turned his head and looked back out of the window. He wished he could run across that giant field of tall grass, and into the forest. The darkness of it fascinated him. But it was against the rules to go beyond the perimeter. Everyone knew that. Not everyone follows the rules though.

        Time went by slowly as the teacher droned on and on again about his lesson. The class was close to being over, and he handed out the out-of-class assignments that would be due the next day. The clock on the wall read 4:29 and everyone was on the edge of their seats, ready to grab their stuff and get out of the class.

        Once the time was 4:30 all the students rushed out of through double doors, and walk towards their dorms. Each dorm held three people, and you didn’t have a choice in who you were with. Even the seven students were mixed in with all the regulars.

        Hunter had a long walk each day to reach his dorm room. It was all the way at the end, and it was the farthest room from where his last class was. The school was composed of five wings, and a main center. At the end of each wing theres a building which holds all the dorms, and the wing holds all the classrooms.

        Each wing was designated for a certain subject, and there were five subjects; General Knowledge, Strength, Technology, Skills, and Soul. Nobody knew why they had to be proficient in these five things, but that was what the school was designed for.

        Quin Academy for the Different. Such a strange name for a school, but that’s what it was. Most people just called it Quin, but that was the official name. So few people outside of the institute even knew Quin existed, and the ones that did know, kept it a complete secret.


        The only thing known about Quin Academy, is that once a kid goes in there, they don’t come back out. But then again, that’s the reason they were put there.

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