The Supernaturals: Universe

By AryanaPrettyy

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A group of friends in which grows within time, comes to face different enemies and challenges as they grow mo... More

1: "Doppel"
2: "Dark Magic"
3: "Fino"
4: "Possession"
Reunion Special

5: "Angel."

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By AryanaPrettyy

Reina stood in the full body mirror in her room and looked at her belly. She was about 4 months in and was already bloated as if she were long over due. Her ex boyfriend Eric came up behind her and rubbed on her belly.

"I don't know how much longer we have to wait. Considering that this is a demon slash heretic baby.. It's clearly growing faster than usual." Eric said.

"Yeah.. I'm just afraid. And I can't stop thinking about that demon raping me. On top of that my best friends mother died. It's just a lot that happened this summer and I can't take it. But I'm glad you decided to help me with this baby. " Reina said.

"It's fine baby. " Eric said as he rubbed her belly.

"Eric, were just friends. I still haven't forgot what you did." Reina said.

"Really? You're still upset about the Natalya thing? It was a year ago. " Eric said.

"Eric.. You FUCKED her. " Reina said as she growled.

"woah now.. Yes I was drunk. " Eric said.

"Alright, it's fine. I just want to make it clear that we are NEVER getting back together." Reina said.

"Alright Taylor swift. " he said with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" she said as she giggled.

Meanwhile, Skyler pulled up to Williams New mansion he just moved into.

Skyler stepped out of Lamborghini wearing his All black silk suit fit and his red loafers to match his baddie shades. He knocked on the door and William opened the door for him.

Skyler walked inside and smiled.

"So is everything set up for the baby shower? She's gonna love the surprise." Skyler said.

"Yeah, everything is done. Hopefully after this she'll somewhat stop hating me." William said.

"I don't think she hates you I think she has a hard time letting people in and.. I mean you are the devil's son. " Skyler said.

"True. But if it weren't for you and Candice we'd all be dead right now." skyler said as he walked to the food area.

Meanwhile Gigi arrived in her pink mustang and she got out and walked inside the mansion.

"Hey guys!" Gigi said with a smile.

Reina shortly arrived and got out her car but something was off. No pregnant belly..

She walked inside and seen Gigi, Skyler and Will.

"i- Reina? What happened?" Gigi asked.

"I had a few adjustments and.. Removals." Reina said with a smile.

"Well.. Where's the party?" Reina said.

"Wait.. Let me get this right.. YOU KILLED YOUR SON?!" Skyler asked.

"What's the problem. My baby, my body, my decision." Reina said.

Shortly Pryce and Zeke showed up together and Zeke smiled as he walked in first.

"Look who I found guys!" Zeke said.

"H- hey.. Sky can we talk?" Pryce asked.

Skyler growled and signaled him to walk to the back yard by the pool.

"What?" Skyler said a bit snappy.

"I missed you. " Skyler said.

"You missed me? You disappeared without letting me know or at least saying goodbye! Where the fuck were you?!" skyler asked.

"Listen.. I heard what your mom said about the devil wanting you.. It freaked me out I left. " Pryce said.

"You fucking left?!" Skyler asked.

"Yes! I'm sorry it was fucked up!" Pryce said.

"I DIED PRYCE!" skyler said as he teared up. "AND SO DID MY MOM! You left when I needed you the most!!" He broke down crying.

"i- I'm sorry baby.. " Pryce said.

"No! My mom died pryce! I can never get her back!! and if it weren't for Zeke id be dead right now!" skyler shouted.

"Pryce.. I'm done with you." Skyler said as he wiped his tears and walked back inside and seen Reina had a knife to Gigi's neck.

"Reina what the fuck! Put the knife down!" Skyler said.

William had his guard up as if he was about to make a move on her. But Reina held the knife to Gigi's neck.

"make a move and her head will tumble down this floor like a bowling ball.. " Reina said.

"Reina!" Skyler said..

"Skyler! This isn't Reina.. " William said.

"Another Doppelganger?!" Skyler asked.

"Yes!" Gigi and William shouted at the same time.

"O- Okay! What do you want?!" Pryce asked.

"The baby that my doppelganger is giving birth to. Where is she? She's on her way right?!" She asked.

"Yes, but you know you're not getting that baby right?" William asked her.

"I don't want the baby, I want to kill it. " She said.

"My name is Winter. I come from The virgin Islands. Yes I am the original doppelganger. So you must know much about me?!" she smiled as she held the knife to Gigi's neck.

"If we heard of you would we even be here right now? We DIDN'T know Reina had a doppelganger too!" Skyler said.

"Last doppelganger that tried us, got her head sawed off. " Pryce said growling as his eyes lit up orange.

"Oh wow.. A hybrid? Hot. So who's boy toy are you?" Winter asked

"Wait hybrid? Since when?" Zeke asked.

"You weren't the only one that died, Sky. " pryce said.

"Boo hoo!" Winter shouted.

"Now where is Reina? She asked.

A car was then heard to be pulling up out front.

"Don't do it Winter. " William said.

Winter then smiled and tossed Gigi to William and speeded outside to Reina, punching the car window open and snatching her out of the window by her hair.

Eric was driving, he got out the car and shouted.

"Hey what the f-" Eric was cut off by William.

William grabbed Winter by her throat and held her up.

"Stop! Stop!" Winter screamed.

Reina got up off the ground and groaned.

"You stupid bitch!" Reina shouted as she ran towards Winter.

Eric quickly grabbed her and held her.

" I was sent! They're all coming for her baby! All of them!" Winter shouted as she was being choked.

"Who?!" skyler asked.

"I can't say!" Winter shouted before William tossed her to the floor.

"agh! I was attacked and forced to come here to kill the baby! But I know if I fail, They'll keep sending people. Her baby will never be safe. " Winter groaned.

Reina speeded towards her and ripped her head off with her bare hands.

Everyone gasped then soon Reina started to sip the blood from winter's detached head.

"Want some? Hm?" She asked everyone.

"No!" they all said.

"Yeah, we're good." Gigi said.

"why the hell am I here anyways? And who's house is this?" Reina asked.

"Well it was a surprise baby shower thrown by Will. But your doppelganger ruined it. " Skyler said.

"Will.. Thank you that was nice of you. But I still don't like you. " she smiled at him.

"Yeah I know Reina. " He chuckled.

"I see your down low boy toy is back. " Reina said.

"Yeah.. " Skyler said rolling his eyes.

"So PRYCE, when my best friend, his mother and damn near me died where were you? " Reina asked.

"I had my own things going on.. " Pryce said.

"I'm a mind reader. And that lie was full of shit.. It's okay though. For now. " Reina said as she walked past him and inside the house.

Pryce sighed as everyone walked inside and sat down. Pryce then got in his car and drove off.

Meanwhile back in the house, everyone sat down on the couch and rolled their eyes.

"Why the hell was he here?" Reina asked.

"Well.. He came in with Zeke." Skyler said.

Everyone looked at Zeke.

"Well I didn't know anything about what was going on I didn't talk to you guys all summer. " Zeke said.

"Well, anyways. You guys remember Eric?" Reina asked.

"Yes, the asshole that fucked Natalya?" Gigi asked.

"It was long ago, forget about it." Eric said.

"Yeah bitch, don't talk to me about Ain't shit Exes." Skyler said with a chuckle.

"Alright so, a war is coming.All of you need to be prepared." William said.

"Obviously. If a bitch think she's gonna take or kill my baby, hell would freeze over when that happens." Reina said as she rubbed her belly.

"Well, what use is Eric to us?" William asked.

"William..I get it you're trying to fit in but please dont come for my baby daddy-" Reina said before being cut off by Eric.

"Its fine..I'm a Shifter..but not a powerful one. I can only change to insects." Eric said to william.

Everybody smirked then Gigi busted out laughing.

"I'm sorry but insects?! Really??" Gigi asked as she laughed.

"Really? Aren't you human? Oh alright." Reina said as she rolled her eyes.

Gigi's laugh went straight away and she rolled her eyes as well.

"If war is coming im going to do whatever to take care of my child and Baby's mother." Eric said.

"Well theres 3 log cabins up in the mountains, we can hide out there until its time." William said.

"And why should we trust you?" Pryce asked. "Arent you you devil?"

"No you mutt, i am his son. And i am clearly trying to live my life here on Earth. Oh yeah and im your best bet right now, im the most powerful being you have." william said to Pryce.

Reina sensed something. She walked outside and looked around only to notice her doppelganger Winter's body and head was gone.

"Wait...where is that clone?" Reina asked before everyone followed out behind her.

"This can't be good." Skyler said.

Later that night Reina was home. Laying next to Eric. He was sleeping and she was up. She couldn't sleep. She rubbed her belly as she looked at the ceiling. She then heard a soft lullaby kind of song from the outside of her window. She stood up and walked to the window.

For some reason the song started to hypnotize her. She walked outside in nothing but her white tank top and panties.

She walked into the woods until she got to the outside of it, near the river. She then seen the head of a blonde girl pop out of the water. The girls eyes glowed a pretty pink color.

Reina smiled and stepped into the water, Eric quickly rushed and grabbed her lifting her out of the water carrying her further away from the water onto the shore.

"Reina what the fuck?!" Eric asked.

"W- oh! Wait how did I get here?!" Reina asked.

"Sleep walking? I dont know?!" Eric said.

The blonde girl then walked out of water and folded her arms.

"What a sight to see. The demon baby, its mother and fake father..wonderful family reunion." The girl said.

"And who the fuck are you?" Eric asked as reina growled at the girl.

"I'm Chloe." She said.

"What the hell were you doing in the water?!" Reina asked.

"Im a Siren. Or a mermaid. You may have heard of my kind in fairytales. Your baby led you to me, for a reason." Chloe said.

"And why on earth would my baby lead me here?" Reina asked.

Chloe placed her hand on Reina's belly.

"A boy.." Chloe said as she smiled.

Reina grabbed her wrist, twisting it and pushed her across the shore making her fly into the air and tumble down into the sand.

"Was that necessary?!" Chloe asked as she growled, getting up.

"You just ruined the surprise, bitch." Reina said.

"Well pardon me. Its in my nature. Children are my weakness." Chloe said as she dusted her naked body off.

"Wait were having a boy?!" Eric asked.

"I can't do this right now.." Reina said as she Began to walk away.

Chloe waved goodbye as she walked towards the ocean.

"You and your child will be back, trust me." She smiled before going underwater.

Soon back at the house Reina ran to the kitchen fridge and tore the door off, she began to dig through the ground and raw meat. She ate it fresh out the back as she cried.

Eric got on the ground next to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Baby calm down." He said to her.

"I can't Eric!! This baby is eating at me, possessing me and doing more! I can't take it I'm ready for it to come out." Reina said as she cried loudly.

The next day Gigi and Skyler knocked on Reinas door. Eric answered and led them inside.

"We came as soon as we got your missed call, what's going on?!" Skyler asked.

They all sat down on the couch and reina was sleeping on the other couch.

"She's been..everything but herself lately." Eric said.

"What do you mean?" Gigi asked.

"Her baby has been possessing her. Last night she sleep walked to the ocean and damn near drowned herself." Eric said.

"It was so weird because...we met some girl. She was under water. I don't know what she was doing but it was as if the girl called out to our baby." Eric said.

"That's no good..what was she? Vampire? Wolf?" Skyler asked.

"That's the thing I don't know." Eric said.

Gigi rolled her eyes.

Reina woke up and looked around.

"Hey bitches." She said to them.

"Reina are you okay?" Skyler asked.

"Yeah I'm just gonna get some fresh air." Reina said.

She walked out and got in her car, pulling off driving deep into the Woods. She wanted to do some soul searching and she had to be far away from people, noise and any type of living being. Even the living dead.

She parked her car and cried her eyes out.

She then heard footsteps surrounding her car. She took her hands from her face and looked up only to see her evil doppelgänger Winter staring at her with a smile. Reina instantly got angry and got out of her car.

"You bitch! Didn't I kill you!" Reina shouted.

"Yeah well when you have a very angry, yet vengeful devil himself on your side, you get a second chance." Winter said with a smirk.

Reina charged her knocking her into a tree. Winter got up from the ground and did a cartwheel into the air landing behind Reina, she then jump kicked Reina causing her to fall face first into the dirt.

"'re bad ass." Reina said.

"Yeah I get that a lot. But Reina you're gonna have to come with us." Winter said.

"Us?" Reina asked.

Reina looked up and seen a bunch of vampires dressed in all black surrounding her.

Suddenly she heard bones cracking. The vampires screaming and flying around, she even heard winter screaming. Reina stood up and seen the vampires fighting with a group of girls. The girls were naked and they looked wet. She then seen Chloe, the siren she met the other night.

"Chloe?!" Reina asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Chloe said as she held Winters head in her hand.

"You killed her" Reina chuckled.

"Yeah but she'll be back, I'm sure." Chloe said.

All the other sirens surrounded Chloe and looked at Reina.

"You have to keep yourself safe, Reina. That baby is important. Especially to our species. It is our duty to keep you safe. So we're gonna do that. But it starts with you. Be more careful next time." Chloe said before walking off with the rest of the sirens.

William pulled his car up on the side of Reina and quickly got out.

"Are you okay?! What the fuck?!" William said.

"I'm fine William. Just had a little scuffle." Reina said rolling her eyes as she got back in her car.

"Reina your face is bleeding and you're pregnant! I know you can handle yourself but you're pregnant!" William said.

"Yeah yeah what are you doing here anyways are you following me?!" Reina asked as she started her car.

"No I always come to this river area to relax." William said.

"Well I have to go. My boyfriend is waiting on me." Reina said before pulling off.

Meanwhile Skyler was back at home going through pictures of his mother. He smiled at the memories and photos.

He cried himself to sleep yet again. In his dream his mother appeared. He gasped softly and smiled as tears fell from his eyes.

"Mom?!" He said.

"Yes my son, it's mother." Ketya said.

"Is this real!?" Skyler asked.

"Yes but no. I am real but this situation isn't." She said.

"Oh well..hi mother." Skyler said with a bit of disappointment.

"Don't be so down son, I'm proud of you. Despite our family beliefs, you stuck to yourself and went your own route. I'm the luckiest mother alive..well dead." She said jokingly.

Skyler laughed softly and wiped his tears.

"Mom I'm so stressed out..I'm tired and I miss you." Skyler said.

"I miss you more baby..stay strong alright?" She asked him.

"I've been strong for too long. When will it be my turn to be weak and relax for a while?" He said as he wiped his tears.

"Never. You're built for this life which is why you were living it. You're everything I could never be." Ketya said.

"You're right mom. I love you." He said to her before she disappeared.

The next day, Gigi, Reina, Skyler, Eric, and William all stayed the night at Reinas house to make sure nothing happened. That next morning Gigi had got up early to cook everyone breakfast.

William woke up and went downstairs as he smelled the fresh scent of Eggs, bacon and pancakes in the air.

"Look who's being motherly.." William said to Gigi with a smile.

"Well everyone's going through a lot right now so, this is the best I could do." Gigi said back to him.

"Yeah true." William said before making himself a plate and sitting down to eat.

"I'm gonna go get fire wood to start a fire. It's pretty damn cold in this house." Gigi said as she walked outside to the back yard where the fire wood was stacked. Suddenly a red haired, dainty figure came up behind her and yanked her out of sight. It's as if she disappeared into plain sight.

William heard a thud and put his fork down, Standing up to look around.

"Gigi?!" He said.

He walked outside to see her and she wasn't there.

"Hm, weird." He said before walking back inside the house.

Just as he got inside the same red haired figure shoved a wooden stake into his back before speeding off before he or she could be seen.

"Agh!" William screamed before giggling and pulling the stake out.

"Whoever you are, nice try! But I'm NOT a Vampire. I'm something more complicated and stronger. Step your ugly ass out here and face me if you're tough." William said.

Suddenly the house started to be surrounded by vampires dressed in all black. They all had clown masks on.

Then suddenly a red head gay boy came and walked out slowly with a smirk on his face.

"Ugh! Well suck the fun out of it why don't you?!" He said with a sarcastic whine.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you and your goon of ugly bitches want?!" William asked.

"These aren't ugly bitches. This is family. And we're here for the demon child..or whatever you want to call it!" He said with a horrific giggle.

"I still didn't get your name." William said as he slowly walked towards the boy.

"My name is Sidon." He said. "And you are?"

"Well, Sidon. My name is Fino. And it's time for you and your friends to go." William said before swinging his right hand as hard as he could , punching Sidon in his face making him fly back across the woods, smashing into a tree. As he hit the floor he laid there unconscious.

Immediately all the vampires starts to charge towards William, he jumped in the air waving his hands and they all flew back.

This loud ruckus woke everyone else up in the house.

Reina rushed to the window only to see William being attacked by a group of vampires. It was about 15 of them.

Reina ran downstairs and was followed by Eric. As soon as Reina got downstairs she was tackled down by a vampire. Eric quickly grabbed the vampire and tossed it towards the wall making it bust through the wall of the house and fly outside.

"Yeah! Try it again mother fuckers!" Eric screamed arrogantly.

"Help William dumb ass!" Reina screamed to Eric as she got up off the ground.

Skyler soon rushed downstairs and immediately rushed outside. He waved his hands making the vampires that were charging towards him fly back to hold them away from the house for a while.

While William and Skyler were holding them off, after a while the vampires started to get the upper hand, biting into both of them and tearing chunks of skin from their bodies as if they were zombies.

Two zombies rushed into the house towards Reina right after Eric had got outside to help Skyler and William.

Reina showed her fangs as her eyes turned red and veiny.

"I'm a heretic, neither one of you can take me, not even together. Come on bitches." Reina said.

Both of the girls ran up to Reina and started to throw punches at her, one of the vampires dig into reinas stomach, tearing flesh from her baby.

Reina fell to the floor and screamed.

"Nooo!!! My baby!!!" She cried out in pain. the vampires drug her outside to the middle of the yard right before the woods and they held her down in the grass. The vampires were winning.

Suddenly a female voice shouted.

"That's enough!!" She said.

It was Aryana. Her long red straight hair was flowing as she walked.

Skyler and Reina were shocked.

"I thought Zeke killed you, you dirty fucking bitch!!" Reina shouted as blood dropped from her lips.

Next to Reina was Winter, Reinas doppelgänger.

Meanwhile Gigi was in the middle of the woods covered in blood. She woke up with a loud gasp. Her eyes flowed white and she looked around.

"Oh my god! No!! I died!!!" Gigi said as she cried tears.

" I'm a vampire!!" She cried. She got up and walked back towards reinas house where everything was going down.

She seen what was going on and she hid herself behind a tree. She seen Aryana and growled.

"So who's ready to die first?" Aryana asked.

"I think you need a memory refresher on what happens when you FUCK with me and mines." Reina says as she laid on the floor.

"Says the bitch that's on the ground , with a half dead baby." Winter said.

"You both are pathetic. It seems as if you both want to fit in, but you will never be me or Gigi." Reina said as she laughed and began to cough on her blood.

"Let her go she's dying!!" Skyler said as he was held down on the ground as well by the vampires.

Eric was unconscious as well as William.

Suddenly multiple figures speeded around and the vampires began dropping like flies. Flying around and being torn limb from limb.

It was the mermaids! Chloe and her friends!

Aryana giggled as if she was amused by the scene. She slowly stepped towards Reina picking her up off the ground by her throat as her stomach was bleeding out. Winter laughed as she watched.

"Do it slowly.." winter said to Aryana.

"My pleasure." Aryana said with a smirk and right before she reached in to grab Reinas throat. Chloe the mermaid rushed over and grabbed Aryana by her hair and tossed her to the floor with a loud thump.

Winter rushed towards Chloe and Chloe tackles winter, biting her head completely off.

Reina looked in surprise as she groaned. Her stomach was still bleeding.

Aryana quickly rushed over to Chloe throwing left and right hook punches towards her.

Chloe blocked every punch before sucker punching Aryana making her fly back.

As Aryana flew back she did a flip and landed on her feet.

"I gotta admit, that was a good one, but now it's time to die!" Aryana shouted before her and Chloe ran towards each other.

Suddenly Gigi dropped from the sky between them and as she hit the ground a powerful force blows everyone within miles of her, feet away off the ground.

Everyone looked at Gigi as they laid on the ground in pain and seen White Angel wings floating and flapping.

"Gigi?!" Reina said.

"I'll explained everything later but right now we have to heal you." Gigi said as she ran towards Reina as well as Chloe.

"I can heal her...but this will make her give birth as well." Chloe said.

"Just do it! Save my baby!" Reina said.

Chloe and her mermaids surrounded Reina and healed her slowly. Reina screamed as she began to push the baby out.

"Push!" Gigi shouted.

Soon Aryana would come behind Gigi and put her in a head lock, Gigi then elbowed Aryana and pushes her feet away.

"Get back bitch!! I'm not human anymore!! I will fucking kill you bitch!!" She screamed.

Ayana giggled at her anger. She speeded towards Gigi and began to throw punches at her, Gigi started to throw punches back making her bleed.

Aryana jumped high in the air and so did Gigi and they began to fight in the air while they hovered. Aryana wrapped her legs around Gigi as Gigi flew around and kept punching Aryana in her face. Gigi's wings were flapping rapidly making the flying go faster as Aryana quickly bit into Gigi's neck, a light quickly blew Aryana away from Gigi making her crash down into Reinas house living room. She groaned as she dusted herself off and stood up.

Soon William walked into the house and smirked as he seen Aryana.

"I finally get to meet the infamous, and the first ever doppelgänger on the planet." He smirked.

"Yeah? Well look at it and love it, faggot. Because your father isn't too happy with you anyways considering you chose a bunch of losers over him." She smirked.

William quickly rushed towards her and grabbed her by her hair throwing her into the kitchen over the counter. She quickly got up and tossed three knives at him and he used his magic to stop the knives as soon as they got to him. He turned them around and shot them right back at her. As the knives hit her she flew into the wall and they pinned her.

She groaned and ripped the knives from her chest before healing herself slowly. William walked towards her slowly as she was on her knees.

"You know..I was gonna go easy on you because you were a girl, and growing up I admired you and your work...until you called me a faggot." William said before super kicking her making her fly back into the fridge. She quickly got up and threw the hot pan of bacons at his face before speeding off.

"Damn it!" He wiped the grease from his face before looking around seeing she was gone.

He ran outside and seen Reina holding her baby.
He smiled and rushed over.

"You guys are good?" He asked Reina.

"Yes." Chloe said.

"Yes. Me and my new baby boy are good." She said she smiled, wiping the blood from her baby's face.

Gigi flew over and everyone was now surrounding Reina and her baby.

"He's so beautiful he looks like you." Gigi said with a smile.

Reina looked up and seen Gigi's bright white eyes and her beautiful angelic white wings.

"I'm gonna name him Angel." Reina said.

Hours later everyone was sitting in the living room thinking about everything that just happened.

The mess outside and inside.

Eric woke up from his sleep and William was standing over top of him in the back room.

"Reina!!? Where's Reina?!" Eric said as he panicked.

William comforted him and looked at him.

"Relax she's fine everything is fine. But I think there's someone you should meet." William said.

Eric nodded and walked towards the next room where everyone else was. He smiled heavily as he seen Angel.

"My baby boy.." Eric said as he walked to Reina and gently grabbed Angel from her.

Everyone smiled and watched. Meanwhile, Aryana ran into the woods only to find the body of Sidon coughing up blood.

She cried and held him in her arms as she slowly healed him but it wasn't working.

"Brother! Come back to me!!" She cried out.

His eyes slowly going black and blank.

"Sidon please! I can't lose someone else please! Oh my god this is all my fucking fault." She said as she cried.

She looked up at the sky and screamed as loud as she could. Back at the house they could hear her. They all looked around confused.

"Stay here , me and William are gonna go see what's going on." Gigi said as her and William walked out. They followed the screaming and crying and seen Aryana and her brother on the ground, and Sidon dead.

Aryana looked up at them and growled.

"That's the second person you took from me Gigi. Sidon was the last thing I had left! So now..I'm gonna make sure, you have nothing left either. Slowly..I will pick off your loved ones around you. You are my shadow self and that's all you ever will be. You fucked with the wrong bitch!" Aryana said before speeding off.

Gigi rolled her eyes and walked to Sidons body.

"Who killed him?" She asked.

"I mean I punched him and he hit a home run..but that's it.." William said.

Gigi looked closer and seen a wooden stake inside his Heart.

"The trees branch..good one." Gigi said.

Back at the house Skyler had Walked off from everyone to clear his mind. He started to have visions.

Visions of Zeke and his rage. He seen animals, screaming, blood. And when he blanked out of the vision he was having a tear fell from his eyes.

What could this mean?

SEASON 2 Coming soon!

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