The Student of A Raven (Male...

By VinylScratch7

190K 3K 1K

Follow the story of Y/N on how he became the student of Raven Branwed and how he became the world known Hunt... More

Chapter 1: The Student of the Black Raven
Chapter 2: Black And Red
Chapter 3: Beacon I
Chapter 4: Beacon II
First ever Story art for The Student of a Raven
Art scene from Chapter 4
A Fan art by Me Before and After
Chapter 5: Beacon III
Chapter 6: Beacon IV
Chapter 7:Beacon V
Chapter 8: New Start
Chapter 9: First Day
Chapter 10: Jaune Arc
Chapter 11: Fall Part 1
Chapter 12: Fall part 2
New Art and Chapter 13 will be up soon
Chapter 13: Change
Chapter 14: A New Semester
Chapter 15: In Thought
Chapter 16: Arrival
Chapter 17: Group
Chapter 18: The Plan
Chapter 19: Investigation
Chapter 20: Round One
Chapter 21: Journey Part I
Chapter 22: Journey Part II
Chapter 23: Journey Part III
Chapter 24: Journey IV
Merry Christmas!!
Chapter 25: Journey V
Chapter 26: Journey VI
Merry Christmas to my Readers!


6.3K 56 20
By VinylScratch7

Well apparently I had no time to continue the chapter, some unfortunate event occurred......*Cough* (Playing Kingdom hearts and Resident evil 2) But i am sorry that i haven't post nothing hope you forgive me.

Ruby: Chapter tonight...

Weiss: He said Tonight....

Yang looks at her right and spots Y/N and gave him the bedroom eyes "Hey Y/n"

Y/N: Yang Stop your Scaring me..."

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