The New Meta //ON HOLD\\

By izukukugo

37.5K 1K 150

After the nogistune, Stiles got kicked out because he was weak now and all he had was a bat, Stiles immediate... More

1) Welcome to Central City!
2) The Accident
3) Waking up...
4) Powers?
5) Testing the powers
6) Explaining..
7) The Heroes Of The City!
8) Anchors
9) Phoenix
10) Suits
12) An Old Friend.
14) The Duo(Part Two)
15) Friends and Acquaintances

13) The Duo

1.5K 44 2
By izukukugo

Stiles and Kira were walking home, when they walked into Eddy, who looked like he was in a rush. "Oh, Hey Stilinski." He said, plainly. "Hello Eddy, Why are you in such a rush?" Stiles asked, lifting his chin up. Eddy looked confused. "There has been a fight down at the park, I have been chosen to check it out." Eddy explained. Stiles tensed up. "A fight you say." Stiles repeat. "Yea, Now please excuse me." He said, walking off. "What was that about?" Kira asked, rubbing her arms. "Nothing, just a guy Barry works with, I don't think he likes me very much." Stiles breathed. Kira nodded as they continued to walk home. "So, where do you live?" Stiles asked. "Here." Kira laughed, point at the apartments. "This is me." Kira said, walking in front of Stiles. "Yea, I will talk to you tomorrow." Stiles suggested. "Yea, sure, I will text you when I can!" Kira replies. "Ok, see ya later!" Stiles said. "See ya." Kira said, walking inside. Stiles waved his hand, winking. Kira laughed.


"Barry?" Stiles said, walking into the house. "Hello?" He took off his coat. "Well, no ones here, house to self, equals Star Wars." Stiles ran into kitchen a little too fast, lets say, he was going that fast, he broke the door. He laughed at himself, grabbing the popcorn. He started humming the Star Wars theme song while the popcorn was heating up. He got the dvd from the stand and danced to the tv. He danced back to the kitchen now singing 'All of me'. He grab the popcorn and ran back into the living room and smashed play. As the movie began, his phone bussed, He looked at it, then sighing turning off the movie.


Get to star labs now!


Stiles walked in huffing. "This better be important or I swear to god, I will rip you throats out, with my teeth." He said, remaking Derek quote. "First of all, you ain't got your fangs yet, two, We got Clade!" Caitlin said, turning the computer screen, to show him , Stiles ran over, looking. "So what do we do?" Barry asked. "Uh. Well, you kinda don't want me to be the spark s-" Stiles got cut off. "Stiles, get your ass in that suit." Barry said, speeding off and putting his on. "And were gonna go stop that son on a bitch!" Barry told him, doing the super-hero speech. Stiles smiled then his face dropped realizing he left his suit at home. "Oh come on, we were just getting to the super-hero speech and I haven't got my suit." Stiles complained. Barry brought out a new suit that Cisco had made. "This one has a everything you need to get in contact with us, and has heat pads so when your wings grow out, you won't worry about the suit going on fire." Cisco said, now walking into the room. Stiles smiled, running away with it to go and put it on, He put the boots on with the pants, and put the red jumper on next, Then put the arm gloves on with he mask. He made so the hood showed he hair then looked in the mirror. "This is you, now Stiles. You can do this son." He heard his dad say in his mind, then flashing his eyes, he walked over to Barry, jumping in his back and they sped away.


Stiles got dropped off at the farm, jumping off legs feeling weak. "oh sh-" He mumbled before, his legs went. Barry caught him "Come on buddy, I got you." Barry said, lifting him. "Dude, how to you handed that?" Stiles question, standing up straight. "There my legs." Barry said, walking into the building. Stiles ran after.

"Ok so this is quiet, scaring." Stiles whispered, pointing at the roof, which had a hole in it. "Dude, we are fine." Barry hissed. "Yo, team flash!" Cisco yelled, down the ear piece. Barry didn't mind, but Stiles grab his ears due to his sedative hearing, "Cisco, I understand you are exited, but please don't yell." Stiles hissed. "Sorry, Yo team flash." Cisco whispered. Stiles rolled his eyes.

Stiles continue to look around when he heard something drop. His hearing kicked in and he started walking over to the area. He opened the door, seeing Clade with a bomb in his hand. "Holy Shit!" He yelled. Clade then turned around to pushed Stiles away, he went flying back to Barry. He landed on his ass, groaning. "That's gonna hurt later." He mumbled. Clade then came rushing out, with a fog following him. "Oh come on!" Stiles said, arms falling. He threw one at Barry turned to move, when time stopped. He move him and Stiles out of the building before the wind even began to move. When time came back to normal, They heard a bang. "Come back here." They heard, Stiles had to admit, he nearly half shit himself. "Barry, I am scared." Barry looked at him. "We will be fine." Then they heard gun shots. They turned there heads to see Joe shooting Clade. Stiles ran behind a car trying to make himself a bit angry. He had to think of something he hated, Scott wasn't on his mind, nor any others of the pack. He was getting with himself easily now. Stiles heart started beating like a harmer. Stiles felt his eyes glow. Then heard a voice in his head. " How do you feel?"  It asked


To Be continued..... 

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