CodeLyoko: Season Five (Compl...

By minkswriting

14.8K 343 50

Xana has been defeated and the Lyoko warriors; Odd, Yumi, Jeremy, Ulrich, and Alieta, can live a life with ou... More

CodeLyoko: Season Five (Editing)
Watching For Xana's Sign
Back On Lyoko; A Sign
Xana Here
Chapter 6
Xana Attack; William
Stuck on Lyoko; The New Girl (Edited)
Xana's Strength
New Program; Xana's New Lair
Volcano Sector
Part 2 of the Volcano Sector
Xana's Attack
Day Of The Test
Battle of The Bands, Practice for the Dance
The Guardians and The Imposers (Edited)
Saving the Warriors
Final Chapter B4; Season Six
Message to The Reader

The Mission

389 14 6
By minkswriting


After Jeremy transported us to sector five  we sprinted after Ulrich. Soon we found our selves in a large room. Sections of the floor where going up and other sections down. Ulrich was just ahead making his way through the constantly changing room. 

"Ulrich!" Yumi called. He spun around grumbled something before jumping off the rising platform. Instantly William and I ran out to divirtualize him. I was our only option because he was under Xana's control. Odd hung back to help Marie which was fine because William and I could take him. I jumped onto the lowering platorm and threw my fans. Ulrich dodged them easily. William, using his two handed sword, and hit my fans that were spinning towards the other side of the room. They bounced off, one came back to me and one was heading towards Ulrich. If Ulrich hadn't turned around at the moment it would have hit him. 

"Aww, dar- AHHH!" I started to say, but then yelped. Without warning or a sound the platform I stood on dropped down. 

"Yumi!" William called my name and turned into black smoke. There was no way he'd be fast enough. Ulrich; however, watched with a blank expression and he seemed frozen.

"Hang on" someone said, Marie. She grabbed jumped onto the platform that was quickly falling, grabbed my hand, and pulled me onto another platform.

"Odd hurry up and hit the trigger!" William yelled.

"I'm on it" Odd said as he climbed. Ulrich growled something I couldn't make out. WIth super quick speed he ram with his arms out, holding the swords, and sliced through William. William clutched his stomach. His body disappeared in a puff of black and red smoke. After that, and a laugh of triumph, he went on to attacking Odd.


I hit the trigger just as I spun around. I spun around knowing Ulrich was directly behind me. Before he could stab me, some friend he was, I kicked him hard in the face. He fell backwards and hit the floor. His body flashed a few time.

"Hurry guys! I need you to find a program to free him!" Jeremy said. 

"We're on it!" Aelita replied. We headed out, went up the elevator and we ran out to the virtual interface. 

"Wait, he's back" Marie said turning around to see Ulrich coming back to attack.

"I'll take care of him" Yumi said running out to him with her metalic fans in hand. Aelita hurried to find the program. We stood by incase Aelita needed to be defended.

"Odd what's that?" Marie asked.

"Uh oh, it looks like flying manta's" I said. I still had at least four arrows in each arm. I shot a few and narrowly missed. Okay seven arrows. 

"Aelita have you found the program?" Jeremy asked.

"No Jeremy I'm still working on it" Aelita replied while scrolling through the virtual interface. I did a back flip to dodge a few lasers fired by the flying manta. A few were fired at Marie which she dodged  a couple. 

"Carefull!" I exclaimed taking two hits for Marie and Aelita.

"Odd you have about thirty life points" Jeremy informed me.

"Doing the best I can Enstein. Am I not good enough?" I asked as I took out one of the three manta's with a few arrows.

"Odd you......." Jeremy said before we heard nothing but static. 

"Jeremy?" I asked.

"The clones must have reached him" Marie said.

"Clones?" I asked. I ducked just narrowly dodging a laser.

"I'll explain later" she said. A laser was shot and she was hit in the shoulder. Aiming carefully I shot down the second manta leaving one left. 

"Ooofff!" Yumi exclaimed. She was kicked in the stomach and fell to the ground. Ulrich stood above her about to swing his sword down. I aimed for Ulrich and fired, but nothing happened. I shook my paws a bit and realized I had no more arrows.

"Please Ulrich no!" Yumi cried. I ran towards the two, but they were still a good distance away. There was a good chance I wouldn't reach them in time.

Xana-Controlled Ulrich:

I glared down at Yumi, my sword raised.

"Please Ulrich no!" she cried. I grinned evily at her. 

"I'm not good enough for you, so why shouldn't I strike you down?" I said with a voice that wasn't my own.  I felt like that was the truth. We were set on being just good friends, and eventualy she'd probably go out with William over me. Fine, if it was going to be like that I'd use Xana's power and strike her down.  

"Ulrich..." Yumi whispered my name. I brought the sword down, but couldn't bring it down far enough to hurt her. 'What am I doing?' I wondered. I dropped both my sword and backed away from her. 'Ulrich do it, devirtualize her and you'll have my power' Xana promised. 'No I can't do it' I replied and put a hand to my forehead that was throbbing with pain.

"Yumi are you okay?" I heard Odd ask Yumi.

"Yeah I'm fine" Yumi replied now sitting up. 'Fine then I'll do it for you' Xana hissed. Without my doing I felt my own body move. Using all my will power I didn't devirtualize them,  but I ended up kicking them over the edge of the platform we stood on. 

"Yumi! Owwww my tail!" Odd complained. Odd had grabbed onto the ledge and Yumi hanging on by his tail. 'I'm so sorry' I thought. I then pushed Aelita and Marie out of the way. Standing in front of the virutal interface I began entering codes and putting in place some kind of program. I punched in the last code. I could hear Xana laughing mischieviously. I felt something in my throat and nose making me unable to breath. 

"Ulrich!" I heard Yumi call my name. The others had ran up towards me, Aelita was at the interface looking at the program that had been activated. I was still gagging and coughing from the pain that had spread all over my body.

"Jeremy are you there?" Aelita called to him. Someone else coughed before the sound of static reached our ears.

"The clones... the disappeared and some kind of *cough* program has been activated" Jeremy replied.

"What's happening? Is Ulrich okay?" Odd asked.

"I don't know" Aelita said shifting through the files and codes I had entered. My eyes opened wide and I like I was throwin up; althought, that was impossible in the virtual world. A foul, black and red smoke started rising out of my mouth and nose.

"Jeremy do you understand what's happening?" Aelita asked.

"I believe I do" Jeremy said solemnly. Finaly the black and red smoke had come out and disappeared. I sat there paning, my hand on my chest as the pain slowly faded.

"Ulrich?" Yumi said my name again. I managed to give a faint smile.

"Ulrich!" she exclaimed and pulled my into a hug. I felt my face heat up slightly at her sudden affection.

"Jeremy I think it is time you bring us back" Aelita spoke softly.

"Right" Jeremy said in the same tone. It sounded like they were upset about something, but I didn't really care at the momment. 

"Rematerialization. Odd, Marie, Aelita, Yumi, Ulrich" Jeremy said. Yumi and I were still in each others arms. I felt her disappear as she and I both rematerialized back in the scanners. We all went up the elevator back to the computer room. Jeremy sat with his eyes closed, head resting on his hands.

"What's wrong Enstein?" Odd asked curiously. We stood around the computer. 

"No one was lost, so what's wrong?" William asked, and again Jeremy didn't speak.

"Jeremy seriously tell us what's wrong" Yumi said. 

"There was someone lost" Jeremy spoke quietly.

"Jeremy what are you talking about?" I asked.

"That program that was entered" Jeremy said.

"Was the program to release Xana's connection to the supercomputer" Aelita finished. There were a few gasps of suprise. So Xana had escaped... and... and worse of all it was my fault.


Important message!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I think I'll write one more chapter before taking a break. I think I will write a second book by the way. What's your favorite couple?

Odd + Marie; Ulrich + Yumi; Jeremy + Aelita  ??? The next chapter will be mostly about your favorite couple. Oh and should it be happy or sadish?

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