Dragon Ball Legacy

By SaiyanGod101

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It has been five years since the defeat of Omega Shenron. Five years since Goku left with the Dragon of Earth... More

Chapter 1: Landing
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Lexi
Chapter 4: The Strongest Human
Chapter 5: Lion's Will
Chapter 6: Newcomers
Chapter 7: Kyringan
Chapter 8: Imperial Lynx
Chapter 10: Lexi and Clawness
Chapter 11: Gate of the Unkown
Chapter 12: Burst of Power! Pan vs. Clawness!
Chapter 13: Maiden
Chapter 14: Dreams and Sacrifices
Chapter 15: Lexus
Chapter 16: Monster
Chapter 17: Severed Bonds
Chapter 18: Thunderbolt! Lexi vs. Pan
Chapter 19: Raging Thunder vs. The Kamehameha
Chapter 20: The Fighting Sun

Chapter 9: Grand Inferno

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By SaiyanGod101

A/N: Finally! Got another Chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy out! Sorry for the wait. Dragon Ball Super Broly was awesome by the way! I recommend watching it if anybody hasn't already. It's a really, really good film in my opinion. (It's also changed my opinion on Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God. That's all I'll say on that. Don't wanna spoil anything.)

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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Smoke blew outwardly across the ground, which imploded under the force of Lynx's powerful sword as she brought it down on the quarter Saiyan.

After a tense pause, smoke surrounding her, Lynx straightened up and closed her eyes, resting the powerful sword on her right shoulder. The wide smile on her face turned into an amused little smirk with a cold edge to it.

"And who might you be?" the Neko questioned, looking over her shoulder to glare at the masked feminine figure standing behind her. Pan was sitting right beside the masked woman, staring up at her in shock.

"That is none of your concern," White Rose replied evenly. "But you can call me White Rose."

Lynx turned fully around to get a good look at the new arrival. "Well Rose, I would like my prey back."

"Sorry, but your prey is currently occupied," Rose shot back. Lynx's eyes narrowed in obvious irritation.

"Here," the masked woman drawled, never taking her eyes off the armored alien cat as she flicked something at Pan.

The quarter Saiyan snapped out of her shock, catching the object with quick reflexes. Her eyes widened as she opened her hand to find a very familiar aliment. A Senzu Bean?!

"Who are you?" Pan questioned incredulously, looking up at the masked woman.

"No questions. Just eat."

Pan frowned before popping the green bean into her mouth, her wounds healing almost instantly, the bruise on her stomach fading away.

Lynx raised a curious brow as Pan shot back up to her feet with a wide smile, completely rejuvenated and healthy. Oh? So they have wonder drugs on this mudball?

"Thanks!" Pan chirped in relief, her small canines showing as she smiled widely. "I would have been a goner if-"

"Tch." The masked woman let loose a cold snarl. "Shut up."

Pan froze and narrowed her eyes. Rose turned to look down at the quarter Saiyan, her pale blue eyes shining with rage and malicious intent through the mask she wore.

Pan's black eyes widened at the rage in Rose's eyes, the masked woman's striking blue eyes pinning her to the spot.

"Let's get one thing straight Pan Son," White Rose growled lowly. "I didn't save you because I wanted to. If she didn't, I would have gladly ran you through!"

Pan's eyes narrowed in anger at that, not missing the way the masked woman spat out her surname. Lynx cat-like blue eyes widened a bit at the exchange of hostile words, chuckling in amusement.

"My, my," the humanoid cat murmured. "It seems you have your own problems to deal with."

White Rose looked back at Lynx, her bubbling anger and irritation towards Pan quickly turning back to that cool, calm and silent demeanor.

"Get outta here," the masked woman said, her tone void of emotion, never taking her eyes off the amused Neko. "You're in my way."

Pan rose to her feet with an irritated scowl on her face, her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she glowered at White Rose. She really, really wanted to punch this woman in the face. So much so, she had to mentally try to reign in her anger before her ki reacted and exploded.

So many questions circled through Pan's mind. Who was this woman? Where did she even come from? How did she get those Senzu beans? How the hell does she know my name? What the hell is her problem?!

Pan shook her head, a growl escaping past her canines. The quarter Saiyan abruptly turned away from the masked woman, releasing a loud yell as a white aura exploded around her form, creating a brief gust of wind that blew smoke everywhere.

Pan glared at White Rose over her shoulder, who pointedly ignored her in favour of glaring at Lynx. Pan scoffed before blasting off into the sky in a streak of white.

"Pan Son."

The young teen abruptly stopped, looking down to stare at White Rose with a frown.

"We will meet again... soon," the masked hooded woman said, still glaring at Lynx who was smirking up at Pan, surprisingly not making a move to stop her. Something both Pan and White Rose noticed. "And when we do... I will kill you."

A thick scowl crossed Pan's face, her eyes wide with anger, making her look more like a Saiyan than ever. "Tch!"

It took all of her will power not to blast the woman, but she managed to do it. I've got no time for this!

With that Pan took off, blasting through the skies in a stream of white ki. Lynx watched as Pan flew further and further away until the quarter Saiyan was nothing more than a white speck in the sky. The female Neko smirked.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

Lynx turned her attention to the masked adversary standing opposite her, her pale blue eyes glinting with suspicion.

Lynx closed her eyes, chuckling as she pulled her powerful sword off her shoulders, flicking it outward. A gust of wind buffeted against White Rose, brushing against her hooded cloak.

"I guess you're right. I should have stopped her," Lynx replied, her smile widening viciously. She opened her vibrant vibrant eyes that shone with malicious intent. gold wisps of her aura began to roll off the powerful Neko.

Rose narrowed her eyes, her hands reaching back to grab the handles of her duel-blades, a tense frown on her face.

"That poor girl... she'll surely die now!"

. . . .

Smoke blew everywhere, cloaking the area in a thick blanket. Not a soul could be seen, the deafening silence nearly choking the area.

The smoke and debris began to clear to reveal the Prince of all Saiyans floating high in the air, a deep frown on his face as he stared down at the gradually clearing smoke.

A scowl stretched across Vegeta's face. What the hell was that girl thinking?! That blast nearly blew up the planet!

The smoke cleared to reveal Rin rising to a vertical base, resting her shotgun on her right shoulder. Her long black hair whipped around in the breeze as her icy blue eyes glared up into the smoke-filled sky.

The smoke cleared to reveal Clawness floating in the sky, her green eyes staring down at Rin with a glowing dark look in them.

The smoke slowly and finally cleared to reveal the massive crater that Rin now stood in. Neither of the Pallas cats were anywhere to be found, both completely annihilated by Rin's Kyringan. Not even Igne's hammer survived. Miraculously, Rin's motorbike survived the attack, a blue orb of defensive energy shining around it.

Clawness gently lowered herself into the crater, her large feathery tail flicking erratically behind her, never taking her green eyes off the black haired woman as she landed delicately on the rocky terrain.

Vegeta landed at the top of the massive crater, his arms crossed and a frown on his face, his black eyes narrowing down into the crater, watching the confrontation between human and Neko.

Icy blue eyes clashed with striking green eyes as Rin and Clawness glared at one another.

Rin's eyes narrowed at the sight of Clawness clapping ominously, a smirk stretching across her face. The black-haired woman tensed as the green-haired Neko broke out into a bout of evil laughter, her green eyes glinting with amusement.

"I just killed your comrades," Rin commented quietly. "Yet you're laughing?"

The clapping stopped abruptly, the smirk on Clawness' face widening viciously.

"Oh believe me, I'm enraged!" the Neko growled, her green eyes glowing ominously. "But I'm also impressed."

Rin remained silent.

"But don't get comfortable. I'm still gonna kill you!"

Rin's icy blue eyes narrowed into a frightening glare, her fingers tensing around the trigger of her shotgun.

Vegeta stayed silent, watching the confrontation with his usual emotionless frown. His eyes widened at the presence of a familiar ki signature, and he looked up to find a robot shooting across the skies and towards them.

He scowled at the sight of Lexi caught in the bot's hands. Damnit! The girl just had to get herself captured!

The moment Clawness caught sight of the female Saiyan, a vicious cheshire grin stretched across her feline features, her green eyes widening in such a state of glee that Rin tensed at the look on her face, extremely put off by the humanoid cat.

The black-haired woman eyed the Saiyan female, her eyes narrowing distastefully at the sight of Lexi's tail. Another one?

"OooOOOooh, what timing," the cat commented as the bot landed in the crater. Clawness sauntered towards the full-blooded Saiyan, her tail flicking from side-to-side hypnotically. "Oh how I've missed that cute little face of yours! It's been such a long time friend!"

Lexi opened her silver eyes to glare viciously at Clawness, a thick enraged snarl on her face, her brown Saiyan tail lashing violently as Clawness got closer to her.

"I'm no friend of yours!" Lexi growled, shaking with rage at the sight of the woman. "You monster!"

Clawness laughed as she stopped in front of the captured female Saiyan and leaned heavily forward until they were face-to-face.

"Oh the irony of a Saiyan calling me a monster," Clawness drawled, giggling at the thought. A clawed finger brushed against Lexi's cheek, making her flinch away with a low growl. "There's no need to be so hostile Lexi!"

"Screw you!" the female Saiyan snapped, making the green-furred Neko laugh as she leaned back up to a vertical base.

She looked back, surprised to see Rin closing her eyes and turning away, walking back to her motorbike.

"Oh, giving up are we?" Clawness commented in amusement. Rin remained silent, continuing to walk away. "I hope you know I'm not letting you leave. You still have to pay for killing my men."

Rin stopped, looking back at the humanoid cat with those icy blue eyes of hers. "You wanted the girl right? Then take her and leave this planet."

Clawness raised an eyebrow, while Lexi's silver eyes widened in horror.

"My... how generous of you," the Maine Coon drawled in amusement.

Vegeta scowled faintly as Rin continued to walk towards her motorbike. "HEY!"

The woman came to a stop, her icy blue eyes moving to the side, glaring coldly at the prince in her peripheral vision.

"You're on our side right?!"

"I'm on no ones side but my own. I don't care what she does as long as she leaves this planet and never comes back. Besides..." Rin's icy blue eyes glowed with dark intent and rage as she narrowed her eyes with a scrutinising gaze, glaring at the former Prince of All Saiyans. "We don't need more of your kind on this planet."

Vegeta huffed, unbothered, and turned away from the woman. "Fine. Leave if you want. I don't care."

The Prince of All Saiyans uncrossed his arms, glaring down at Clawness. "But that girl is going nowhere."

"Oh?" Clawness tilted her head with a smirk, her green eyes glinting in amusement. "And who's gonna stop me? You?"

In response, Vegeta tensed, veins pulsing.

"You're damn right!" he snapped, and with a powerful yell, he exploded back into his Super Saiyan form, a gold aura shining around his form, the familiar blonde locks flowing in the breeze his energy created.

"Vegeta..." Lexi murmured with wide eyes, surprised that he'd fight for her freedom. Clawness scoffed, shaking her head with a chuckle.

"Don't bother Prince," she said. "If the Pallas Twins was giving you trouble in that form then you won't even scratch me with it."

Vegeta chuckled through the power circling through his veins, before suddenly releasing a powerful roar, his teal green eyes wide with power, his yells echoing throughout the canyon.

Clawness' eyes widened as Vegeta's energy seemed to pulsate and rise at a frightening rate, the golden aura surrounding his form lashing out erratically, exploding against the ground that crumbled beneath his feet.

"Amazing..." Lexi breathed, her eyes wide with awe as the warm glow of the Super Saiyan brushed against her face, warming her entire being.

Rin glared at the Super Saiyan, placing her shotgun back in its holster and sighing at the sight of the legendary and powerful form.

Clawness scowled as Vegeta opened his teal green eyes to glare down at her. And then he disappeared.

Clawness looked behind her, eyes wide. A fist slammed into her cheek, sending the woman flying off her feet and into the side of the massive crater they resided in, smoke exploding outwardly from the impact.

Vegeta huffed as the smoke cleared to reveal Clawness snarling dangerously at him. "You really think I'd waste my full power on those weaklings?"

"So you were holding back huh?" the cat growled, pulling herself out of the hole she had made. "You'll pay for that."

"Oh I'm sure you'll try your best," Vegeta replied mockingly.

Clawness growled thickly, a green aura shining around her form, her dark green locks shifting threateningly as she pulled off her hooded cloak to reveal a skin-tight vest top, with holes in the sides of the top, exposing parts of her green skin and revealing the white mane of layered fur that nearly spilled over her chest and covered the green fur of her shoulders. Her large, long, feathery black-trimmed green tail on full display.

Clawness suddenly shot forward in a green blur, appearing behind Vegeta with her canines bared, only to be on the receiving end of a backfist that launched her back.

The humanoid cat's black high-heeled boots tore through the ground as she slid back on her paws. Clawness snarled darkly, her green eyes wide with rage before she shot forward with a howl, her canines gleaming in the sunlight.

Vegeta ducked her swinging reverse kick to the head and blocked the cat's fist, making her growl in anger at the emotionless stare on Vegeta's face.

The Super Saiyan moved backwards, expertly avoiding each of Clawness' kicks and punches with ease, jumping up into the air when she tried to sweep his legs from under him with her huge tail.

Clawness scowled, a green aura exploding around her form before shooting into the sky, chasing after the Super Saiyan.

Lexi watched, mesmerized as green and yellow clashed high in the sky, becoming nothing more than shockwaves erupting throughout the blue yonder as they continued their fast-paced sky battle.

"Wow!" Lexi breathed in surprise, her eyes wide with new found awe for the Prince of All Saiyans. "I knew he'd be powerful, but still... Super Saiyans are amazing!"

Rin scoffed but didn't comment, a look of disdain on her face as she watched Vegeta continue to battle the Neko.

Clawness attacked Vegeta viciously, each of her strikes missing their mark as Vegeta dodged and evaded each of them with ease. He caught the feline's fist with an unimpressed look on his face that made her growl.

She tried to punch Vegeta in the face with her free fist, but the Super Saiyan moved his head to the side before slamming his fist into her gut with tremendous force, making the Neko double over with a cry of pain, saliva trailing from her mouth.

Vegeta then sent the feline spiralling through the skies with a kick to the abdomen, a shockwave bursting through the skies from the contact.

Vegeta appeared above Clawness, slamming his elbow into the feline's back, making her cry out in pain, her back arching against the Super Saiyan's elbow. She would have plummeted to the ground below if the prince hadn't grabbed her tail.

Clawness' green eyes snapped open, wide with rage, a deep red blush painting her green cheeks. Vegeta felt a sudden change in the Neko and moved back to avoid the very flexible kick that would have caught him in the face, although he didn't move quick enough to avoid the glowing green claws.

Clawness swiped Vegeta in the face, sending the Super Saiyan crashing through pillars of stone and rock.

Vegeta slid across the ground in a low crouch, eyes wide at Clawness' increase in power, blood running down his cheeks. What was that?!

Clawness appeared behind the Saiyan, making him look swiftly over his shoulder with a look of surprise. Clawness roared in outrage, her claws extending dangerously and glowing an ominous green.

Vegeta moved rapidly to the side as the feline swiped at him violently, avoiding the Neko's glowing sharp claws, flipping onto his hands.

He flipped backwards to create some distance, landing on his feet when he deemed it far enough. However his eyes widened when Clawness appeared above him, her vibrant blue eyes shining with rage.

What the... Vegeta barely lifted his arms in time, blocking the rolling axe kick to the top of his skull in an 'x' formation, a scowl forming on his face as his arms trembled from the force, his boots digging into the ground beneath him, the rocky surface cracking and groaning from the force.

Teal green eyes stared into glowing blue orbs as the two powerful warriors stared each other down, the tension thickening.

That brief pause was suddenly blown away when the Neko broke away from Vegeta, backflipping through the air and landing on her feet. With a yell, she immediately shot forward, engaging the Super Saiyan in an intense flurry of close-combat. Clawness punched and kicked aggressively at the Prince of All Saiyans, forcing him to block and evade her furious attack.

Vegeta launched back onto his hands, avoiding Clawness' swiping glowing claws and slamming his feet into her chin, sending the female Neko flying upwards into the sky. The Super Saiyan flipped back onto his feet and shot into the atmosphere, rushing after the female feline, a golden aura shining around his form as he thundered through the skies at the speed of a bullet.

Clawness managed to stop her ascent, but Vegeta was a few seconds faster than she could track, appearing instantly above the Neko. Clawness whipped her head around with wide eyes, surprised by his speed.

She only managed a gasp before Vegeta's fist slammed into her cheek. Teal green eyes narrowed in suspicion, the former Prince of All Saiyans' fist pressed against the female Neko's face, quickly noticing the continuous increase in the feline's battle power, her energy steadily rising by the minute.

The two swung at each other with furious abandon, shockwaves booming through the sky as they exchanged a furious fast-pace flurry of kicks and punches in the sky.

"Wow," Lexi gasped in awe, forgetting for a brief moment that she was in the grasp of one of Clawness' machines. "He's amazing!"

Rin remained silent, a permanent frown on her face as she watched the fight rage on.

Clawness and Vegeta continued to battle in the sky, kicking and punching at each other furiously until Vegeta disappeared, causing the woman to strike nothing but air. Vegeta teleported behind the Neko as she turned rapidly around, kicking her in the gut with enough force to send the feline flying back, soaring across the azure sky.

Clawness managed to control her flight, backflipping through the sky and planting her high-heeled boots against the side of a mountain. Her blue eyes narrowed dangerously, a steamy blue aura starting to shimmer off her body.

Her energy spiked slightly, just enough that Vegeta narrowed his teal green eyes at the feel of it. The side of the cliff caved in beneath her feet, flinching from the energy output that was steadily raising to the surface, just waiting to burst.

"Take this!" Vegeta shouted, holding his hands out in front of him and firing a range of ki blasts at the Neko.

The cliff imploded, unable to handle Clawness' strength and power as she pushed off it, blasting off towards the Super Saiyan at such speeds that the energy blasts shooting her way were blown off course, impacting the ground and exploding against cliffs and pillars.

Vegeta's eyes widened, and he barely managed to lift his arms up in time to block Clawness' fist. A shockwave resounded throughout the area as the feline's fist met Vegeta's forearm, the Super Saiyan's teal green eyes glaring into Clawness' blue ones, not missing the slight increase in the woman's body temperature.

Vegeta pushed Clawness' fist away, scowling as he engaged the suspiciously silent Neko in close combat, the air shuddering in response to the clash, the two warriors kicking and punching at one another furiously.

A smirk appeared on Clawness' face, and Vegeta could only watch with wide eyes as she twirled upwards and above him to avoid a kick, her feathery tail wrapping around the prince's outstretched leg.

Crap! The Super Saiyan couldn't stop what happened next. Clawness used her powerful tail to swing Vegeta through the air, before with a flick, she sent him rocketing into a cliff that exploded from the force of the impact, dusty smoke and bits of rock flying everywhere.

The smoke cleared to reveal the surprised Super Saiyan trying to pull himself from the side of the wall of rock, only for the Neko to dive down on him, drop-kicking the Super Saiyan clean through the cliff, making Vegeta cry out in pain and sending the cliff crumbling to the ground.

Vegeta slammed roughly into the rocky terrain, causing a smoky explosion of dust. Clawness floated in the sky, her shining blue eyes glaring down at the smoke cloud that had formed from Vegeta slamming into the ground, her long spiky dark-green hair and the furred mane covering her neck and chest flowing in the sky breeze. A soft wavy blue aura shone around her form, her teeth gritted and her knuckles tightening, as if trying to keep something at bay.

The smoke was suddenly swept away to reveal Vegeta charging up a Gallick Gun in his hands, that were now positioned at the side of his head, a purple orb of ki forming in his palms.

"Gallick GUN!" Vegeta yelled, thrusting his hands out in front of him, firing his family technique at the Neko.

Clawness' sharp canines grinded against each other as she snarled thickly, before releasing a powerful yell. Vegeta's teal green eyes widened as Clawness' energy suddenly surged.

The dam officially broken, burning hot blue flames exploded around the Neko's entire form, bathing the azure sky in a light blue glow. Vegeta's blast exploded against the blue flames that seemed to act as a shield, protecting the feline against Vegeta's attack in a sphere of burning blue flames.

The Prince of all Saiyan's eyes widened in shock as the blue flames suddenly latched onto his Gallick Gun and shot along it, burning through the legendary blast.

Vegeta barely had time to jump a fair distance away, a fiery blue explosion erupting and tearing through the ground before him, sending the former Prince of All Saiyans tumbling across the rocky floor.

Luckily the Super Saiyan managed to gain some control, tumbling onto his feet and sliding across the rocky ground, his white boots digging through the ground, forming a trail of trenches. He looked up, instantly noticing the dark scorch marks that burnt through the ground where he previously stood, and the blue embers that were left, blazing against the burning ground.

"The hell was-" The words were caught in his throat at the sight before him.

Lexi's silver eyes widened in horror, her tail, that had been twitching in excitement at the fight, now drooping against the ground in horror.

"No..." she mumbled, her voice shaky. The woman shook her head rapidly, visibly shaking at the sight before her. If she wasn't still held in the robot's grasp, she would have probably taken a few steps back out of fear. "No, no, no, no..."

The first thing that Vegeta saw was Clawness' large vibrant blue cat-like eyes, that stared a hole through the Saiyan prince. Her clothes had been completely burnt off, leaving her furred body bare, which was now as dark as a night sky, glowing a dark blue thanks to the hot blue flames that coated most of her body. She stood on her toes and on the balls of her feet, making her even taller than she already was.

Flames completely covered her legs, the blue flames crawling up to her knees, leaving her dark thighs exposed. The blue flames also creeped up her arms and wrapped around her slightly more angled cat-like ears.

Her dark-green spiky long hair was now white with vibrant blue tips, and a trail of blue flames traveled all the way down her back and to her tail, that had burst into a large blue flame. Three crystalized gems had now also appeared on the white mane of fur around her upper body, glowing a bright blue colour.

Lexi stared, stunned and horrified. That was the same form she used to... Lexi shook her head rapidly, fighting those dark thoughts away. Thinking about that would do nothing but distract her.

Clawness scowled thickly, her dangerously sharp canines glinting in the blue flames that had become apart of her being. Her whole body shook violently, before with an echoing roar, the flames surrounding her intensified and exploded upwards, her energy rising, the ground beneath her flaming feet burning and crumbling in a sea of blue fire.

. . . .

Pan came to a stop in the sky, her black eyes widening at the sight of the atmosphere glowing an abnormal light blue, flickers of blue flames peeking over the pillars and cliffs in the far distance.

"What is that?" the quarter Saiyan wondered, apprehension setting in as she sensed a powerful ki signature in that direction. That energy... it's massive.

The woman narrowed her eyes, willing her apprehension and nervousness away, blasting off towards the unnatural blue glow.

. . . .

Sweat trailed down Vegeta's cheeks, the heat that Clawness produced starting to reach unbearable levels as he glared at the female Neko.

Clawness glared right back at him with her large vibrant blue eyes, an almost soulless look in their depths. Blue flames rose from the scorched earth around her, her face masked by the darkness that suddenly overtook her. Stray bits of stone and debris levitated around her, her blue eyes glowing ominously as the humanoid cat glared at the Super Saiyan.

And then she disappeared.

Vegeta had no time to react or prepare before a flaming hot fist slammed into his face. He felt and heard the snap of bones breaking, before the force and power behind the surprise flaming fist sent him flying back, blood flying from his now broken nose.

The former Prince of all Saiyans slammed straight through the side of a cliff, sending it crumbling to the surface in a messy, smoky heap of rock.

Vegeta's back scraped painfully against the rocky floor, a trail of dirt and dust being kicked up into the air. He slowly and painfully lifted his head, his teal-green eyes glaring up at the cat that was now floating in the air, glaring down at the Super Saiyan.

"I don't know whether to congratulate you or feel sorry for you," the Neko finally spoke, her voice rich and firm. She placed a flaming paw on her dark hips. "Very few have gotten me to unleash my Lion's Will."

The humanoid feline's blue eyes shone with malicious intent as she stared a scorching hole through the Super Saiyan lying on the rocky ground. "The few that have are dead."

Vegeta chuckled despite the situation. "Is that supposed to scare me?"

The Super Saiyan sat up, wiping the blood from his nose, smirking up at the female Neko.

"And all because I pulled your tail," he quipped, not missing the way Clawness' eyes narrowed, daring him to continue. "You must be sensitive-"

The next thing Vegeta knew, a blue flaming fist punctured itself deep into his gut, making him release a strangled cry of pain, the ground beneath his body caving in, forming a crater that promptly erupted into a blue blaze.

"Vegeta!" Lexi cried out in worry, hating herself for letting herself get captured.

Vegeta shot out of the large plume of smoke with a cry of pain. Part of his armor had completely melted away and was destroyed by Clawness' flames, leaving burns all over his exposed chest. The Prince of all Saiyans bounced across the ground, smoke wafting off his burnt skin.

The powerful feline appeared underneath Vegeta, leaning all the way back onto her hands and slamming her flaming feet into the Saiyan's back. The former Prince of All Saiyans howled in pain, his back burning and groaning in agony, the dropkick being strong enough to send him soaring into the sky.

Vegeta cried out in agony as he soared up into the blue skies above. Clawness appeared above the Super Saiyan, her right flaming fist rising up to the left side of her head as she snarled down at the prince.

The flaming Neko spun and smashed her flaming fist down into the side of Vegeta's neck, sending him flying through a rocky cliff, the large wall of rock imploding into smoke and dust from the force in which the prince collided with it.

The Super Saiyan slammed into the hard rocky ground violently, kicking up a large geyser of smoke and dust.

Vegeta dazedly rose to his hands and knees, his right eye starting to swell and his armor falling off his body piece by piece.

Blue flaming legs appeared right in front of him, and he looked up into Clawness's scorching blue eyes before finding himself being sent flying through a pair of pillars with a devastating kick.

The Prince of all Saiyans slammed repeatedly into the ground, creating mini craters in the rocky surface before his body rolled to a stop, kicking up dust and smoke.

Vegeta's body trembled with pain as he struggled to push himself off the cold rocky ground, only for his face to smash harshly and violently into the rocky floor, the ground cracking from the force, a small cloud of dust collecting around his head. 

The Super Saiyan groaned as Clawness grinded her flaming foot against the back of his skull, his blonde spiky locks turning back to its normal black threads, the power of the Super Saiyan finally snuffed out for good this time.

Clawness stepped off the Saiyan, reaching down and pulling him up by his fiery black hair. The night-skinned Neko's ferocious blue eyes glared into Vegeta's swollen black orbs, watching as the prince panted in pain.

For the first time since transforming, a fanged smirk stretched across the feline's dark face. "You don't look so good Vegeta."

"Fuck... you... bitch," the Prince of All Saiyans spat out.

Clawness' blue eyes narrowed dangerously, and Vegeta's eyes widened in agony as the Neko buried her hot blue fiery fist deep into his gut. He was then sent shooting back with a powerful kick, barreling into the side of a cliff, smoke blowing everywhere from the impact.

Clawness' upper lip lifted up into a snarl. "Burn."

The female cat was suddenly engulfed in blue flames that towered into the skies.

Lexi and Rin could only watch, Lexi's eyes wide, frozen in horror at the sight before her. She could sense Clawness' battle power rising rapidly, chilling her to the bone. She's gonna kill him!

With a battle cry, Clawness punched the rocky ground with her fiery fist. "Grand Inferno!"

The ground ripped apart as a powerful wave of fiery energy traveled through the rocky terrain. Vegeta could do nothing, watching with wide eyes as the explosive and destructive attack tore through everything in its path as it blazed towards the Saiyan prince.

A large blue explosion of flames annihilated the cliff Vegeta was stuck against, the ground shaking from the force.

Rin closed her eyes at the sight, while Lexi continued to stare at the blue blazing inferno of fire with wide eyes, the light blue flames reflecting off her silver eyes.

Clawness rose back up to her feet and looked upwards into the sky, her glowing blue eyes narrowed, blue wisps of flames flickering against the hot charred ground around her blazing feet.

Pan floated high above the ground, Vegeta tucked underneath her right arm, glaring down at the Neko. Black smoke trailed off her and the prince, soot covering the woman's face. She just about managed to get herself and Vegeta away from that huge explosion, that would have probably wiped her and the prince out had she not been fast enough. But the soot on her face showed that she didn't quite manage to get out of there unscathed.

Lexi gasped, surprised to see the quarter Saiyan. Rin remained quiet, her arms crossed as she glared up at the black-haired female Saiyan.

Pan wordlessly landed on the ground, touching down in front of Lexi and gently placed the unconscious prince on the floor, ignoring Rin's presence in favour of glaring at Clawness.

Clawness glared right back at the young woman, looking a touch annoyed. "You're all crawling out of the woodworks huh. How irritating."

Lexi stared at Pan's back, her silver eyes shining with gratitude. "Pan... you don't give up huh?"

A small smile stretched across Pan's face as she and Clawness stared each other down. "You ain't gettin' rid of us that easily girl."

Lexi simply smiled.

"You're awfully confident for someone way out of their league," Clawness quipped, an unamused frown on her face.

Pan frowned back at the Neko, her black eyes taking on a killer edge to them. "I take it you're Clawness?"

"And what of it?" the night-skinned feline replied, her blue eyes shining dangerously with a killer edge of their own.

Pan scowled, her bands covering her dark eyes. In the next moment, the quarter Saiyan spun in the air, her foot connecting with the robot that held Lexi captive, violently and furiously kicking the bot in the side of its head.

Clawness' glowing blue eyes widened as Pan kicked the mechanical machine's head clean off, sending it barreling into a boulder where it exploded upon impact. Lexi stilled in surprise as the bot released her, its headless body stumbling back in confusion.

It only took the female Saiyan a second to react accordingly. Lexi's foot slammed into the headless bot's abdomen, sending the machine that had previously held her captive flying through a pillar that collapsed on top of it.

The full-blooded Saiyan stretched her limbs out, a relieved smile on her face. "Finally!"

She smirked at the quarter Saiyan, who had landed back onto her feet, rising to a vertical base, staring down the increasingly irritated Neko that was now glowering at her. "Thanks a lot Pan!"

"That's what friends are for," Pan replied, never taking her eyes off the angered cat, wiping the soot off her face. "Stand back."

Lexi raised an eyebrow. "You sure we shouldn't work together? She's pretty strong."

"Thanks for the offer," Pan said, her black eyes sharpening into a rage-filled look as she glared at Clawness. The air around the two women seemed to thicken, Pan's long black locks being swept up in a small breeze. "But I'll be fine. Keep Vegeta safe for now."

"You arrogant..." Clawness snarled, her entire being shaking in anger.

Pan pointed a fist at the humanoid cat, determination in her eyes as she growled at Clawness in anger that matched the Neko standing opposite her. "Listen up fur ball! Lexi ain't your property for you to use as you please! There is no way in hell I'll let you take her against her will!"

Clawness shook with rage, the blue flames that curled around her body like a never dying flame intensifying along with her anger, glowering at the outspoken quarter Saiyan in unbridled wrath.

"Why you irritating, cocky lil runt!"

* * * *

And that's Chapter 9 done! What did you guys think of Clawness' Lion's Will? Did I do it justice? Tell me what you think so far in the comments! And don't forget to vote ;)

Next Chapter: Lexi and Clawness

'Goodbye and Goodnight! BANG!'

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