The Gentlemen's Club // h.s...

By TurnUp_Tomlinson

488 17 6

The world was like a Gentlemen's Club.. it was all about the men, it was all for the men, and it was all beca... More

The Gentlemen's Club
== one ==
== two ==
== three ==
== four ==
== six ==
== seven ==
== eight ==

== five ==

46 0 1
By TurnUp_Tomlinson

{rowan's pov}

I felt fear pumping through my blood at the moment he growled those words.

I backed up against the wall farthest from him, and I began to breathe really fast. You can't force someone to come to bed with you..

It'd be rape.

But this is Harry we're talking about.. and Harry is a ruthless little asshole.

Is he really going to do this to me?

"Please.. Harry.." I began to shake my head wildly, my eyes widening as he took steps towards me. He glared at me with each step he took.

"You're coming to bed.. WITH ME." He yelled at me, his body so close to mine. My breathing was erratic. 

"NO!" I shouted at him. "You can't do this to me!"

He stopped, and he froze. I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling about his strange behaviour.

And then.. it seemed as the world had snapped. Or rather.. my left arm. Harry raised his large fist and aimed it for my stomach, but with my reflexes, I moved just a little bit to the left. And he hit my arm, really, really hard.

I could almost hear the bones in my arm crack and break. The wind was knocked out of me, and I could sense nothing. I gasped air.. and Harry didn't do anything about it.

"No one goes against me.. NO ONE EVEN DARES TO SPEAK AGAINST ME." Harry yells at me, veins protruding out of his neck as he yells. It was.. scary.

My right arm grabs my injured one as I gasp. I fell on my knees, and I felt another impact on my ribs.

He just kicked me?

I could see nothing but my blurry vision, which were caused by the unwanted tears falling down my face.

He kept kicking me, but all I could feel was the pain in my left arm.

"Harry.. STOP.." I tried to tell him, but it just felt like a breath of mismatched words.

He wouldn't have listened if he did hear me, though.

I groaned, my entire body aching.. was that blood on my neck?

I don't know.. all I know was that my body was numbing, and feel like I lost all of my senses.

I closed my eyes, immediately hearing a loud slam of the door.

In just merely a few seconds.. my mind went blank.


im sorry, this was a short chapter.

and a pretty violent one as well. if any of you guys feel uncomfortable reading it.. then i apologize. i tried to word it very.. kindly?

i dont know. i just hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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