My Hero Academia - An assassi...

By Mayamcookie

13.8K 382 201

You grew up in a family of assassins - therefore receiving intensive training and torture from a young age. Y... More

U.A Entrance exams
First day at U.A
Nakano vs Bakugou : Hero training
Villain infiltration
The U.S.J incident
Nakano's feelings (short chapter)
The U.A sports festival! Obstacle race
The sports festival! Calvary battle
Final battles! 1 on 1 fights!
Internships! The bank incident

A truth, a realization, and preparation

908 23 11
By Mayamcookie

Back again! YASSS. Ima' be honest with you guys. I'm running out of Dekus to do my introductions, and it's bugging me!

Author-chan: I seriously don't know...

Fem! Villain! Deku: Don't tell me you forgot about me~

Author-chan: Oh god... not another villain. Last time, I ended up accidentally deleting and having to re-write a 1000 words!

Fem! Villain! Deku: Well, I'm different. I promise I won't do anything evil. Not if it's for you, Author-chan~

Author-chan: Are we seriously just gonna gender-flip all the Dekus that have already been here? This author must really be desperate...

Fem! Villain! Deku: Well I don't care. That just means I get to spend time with my beloved Author-chan~

Fem! Villain! Deku: *Creeps up behind Author-chan, and hugs while taking a deep, seducing breath*

Author-chan: *Gets shivers*

Author-chan: Great, as if one creepy, villain- yandere wasn't enough...

Fem! Villain! Deku: What!? Some else loves Author-chan? I'll kill them!

Author-chan: *Sighs* Could you just please do the disclaimers before you leave?

Fem! Villain! Deku: *Looks insanely at camera*

Fem! Villain! Deku: You. You will review, comment, favorite and follow. Because Author-chan would be sad if you didn't. And I think we all know what happens if you make my Author-chan sad...

Fem! Villain! Deku: *Takes out knife and smashes camera*


*A couple minutes later*

Author-chan: Phew, we got the screen working again.

Author-chan: Fem! Villain! Deku left so quickly. She didn't even do the last disclaimer... oh well, guess I'll do it myself.

Author-chan: I do not own BNHA. But even so, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

I've sat in my bed for minutes now. I never stay in bed unless something is seriously bugging me.

'There's something off about that dream... not only did it feel too real, but I also can't remember what happened at the end of last night,' I think to myself.

I'm getting a headache from overthinking it, so I finally stand up. I skip exercise this morning, which again, is something I normally never do.

I go directly to the shower. I stand there for what feels like hours, just feeling the water droplets running down my face, through my hair, all the way down to my toes.

School is dismissed today, because of the villain attack that occurred yesterday. My head is still clouded though.

I really don't know what to think. Everyone thinks of me as a friend, a comrade.

Even though I was so psychopathic right in front of them, they still forgave me. Even though I hurt Uraraka, they still forgave me. Even though they knew it was right, to tell the truth about what happened, they still covered for me and lied.

I've experienced so many new strong emotions lately that my head feels all fuzzy. This is not something I'm used to, having lived the life I did.

At last, I finally turn off the running water and stand in the shower for a surprisingly long amount of time, just letting all the water drip off my body.

I close my eyes, sigh, and leave to go dry myself off. A couple of minutes later, and I'm fully dressed.

I'm just wearing some casual clothes today, again, because school is dismissed. I'm not really sure what to do today.

I sit down on my bed and start thinking. 'School is closed today, Mr. and Mrs. Iki are still out of town, my classmates are still recovering, and I'm gonna have the day all to myself.'

I sigh. My urge to exercise takes over after all, and I start does sit-ups out of habit. I keep on switching between the treadmill, weights, pull-ups, sit-ups, and stretching.

Suddenly it knocks on my door, while I'm weight-lifting. "Come in," I comment without stopping.

I instantly recognize the maid that comes in as Miss Hanuki. "My lady, you haven't eaten yet," She says.

"Not hungry," I comment.

"But miss, it's not healthy to skip breakfast. Especially since you're still supposed to be resting," she says worriedly.

I stop the weight lifting and stand up. I walk over to my humongous closet and search for a pair of exercising clothes.

"Where are my sports clothes at?" I ask after searching for a little.

"They're downstairs. I just washed them. Why?" She asks.

"I'm gonna go for a jog," I say.

"But my lady! You're not supposed to be putting any more physical strain on your body. Please, just stay home and rest," She begs.

"I would, but I would really like to get some fresh air. And I forgot my sports bag at the school anyway," I say before exiting the room and going downstairs.

A couple minutes later, I against Miss Hanuki's wishes head out the door and run towards the city. I stop as I see a giant screen, telling about yesterday's incident.

"Up next, more information on the U.S.J incident. Yesterday, a class of hero course students was brutally attacked from a group of villains addressing themselves as The league of villains."

"Police managed to arrest 72 of the attacking criminals, but their supposed boss, Tomura Shigaraki was nowhere to be found."

"The group appeared to be out after U.A teacher and popular hero, All Might. They did not succeed, but two pro heroes and one student were badly injured."

"Police will pay a great price for anyone who has information regarding the villains or their whereabouts," The lady in the tv says.

A small crowd has gathered around, including me. I stary blanky into the ground for a couple seconds, pull the hoodie over my face and continue to run.

The thing I said earlier about forgetting my sports bag actually wasn't false. After all the commotion yesterday, and because of Izuku's sudden offer, I just completely forgot about it. And I have important stuff in that bag.

'The doors should still be open, considering the teachers are probably here,' I think as I spot the building in the distance.

I look to both sides before jogging over the street, and onto school grounds. The school is quiet, but that's to be expected since no one is there I quickly run up to class and grab the only bag still hanging in there.

I leave and start heading towards the exit. 'Good, now that that's done then maybe I can-' I bump into someone small, which interrupts my thoughts.

I look down to see a little bear/mouse/whatever. It takes a second before I realize who it is. "Oh! Principal Nezu!" I say. He looks at me and smiles like usual.

"Ah! Nakano. What gives me the pleasure of running into you on school grounds on a day off?" He asks.

"Well, I forgot my bag, and since I decided I wanted to go for a short run, I decided I could just come by and pick it up," I say calmly.

"Ah, that's understandable," he says.

"I'm sorry, but if that's all I think I'm gonna be on my way," I say as I'm about to leave.

"Hold on for just a minute," he says, making me stop.


"I and a couple of other teachers are about to go over the things that happened yesterday. I believe we would be able to find out much more if you were there," he says.

"W-well... is it really alright? Aren't you going to be talking pretty privately about stuff a student like me shouldn't know?" I ask.

"Well yes, but we only need general information. We can always discuss the important stuff after you leave," he says.

'I guess that makes sense...' I say.

"Alright. I have nothing better to do today anyway," I say.

"Excellent!" He exclaims as we head towards a meeting room. We're the first ones there. I put my bag down, open it and take out the extra pair of clothes I had prepared for yesterday's P.E lesson, but never got to change into.

"Actually, would you mind if I went and got changed?" I ask. He gives me permission, and I head towards the bathroom.

After changing, I head back towards the meeting room. Almost everyone has already arrived. Midnight, Snipe, Vlad King, Nezu of course, and Cementos. I don't see All Might anywhere though.

They notice me, and I quickly bow to show them respect. I take a seat next to Vlad King. I can only assume Nezu already explained why I'm here, and that's why nobody is saying anything.

"Is All Might not coming?" I ask surprised.

"No, he had some important business to do with his old mentor," Nezu explains to me. I nod in understanding.

A second later, a familiar face comes in through the door. I recognize him as Naomasa Tsukauchi, the same investigator from yesterday.

"Sorry I'm late," He apologizes politely. The meeting starts shortly after.

"We've been doing quite a bit of searching for a man fitting the description of Tomura Shigaraki, but turned up nothing," he exclaims.

"We tried searching for the other villain, Kurogiri, but results were the same," He says,

"No matter the case, they're gonna be a pain to find, especially considering they could always warp away," he starts.

"So in reality, we know nothing," Vlad king comments.

"We've got to find them quick. They retreated, but they'll definitely try another stunt like this again. And soon," Snipe says.

"Well, they were both reckless and overconfident. Even though it would clearly make more sense to wait for a longer period before attacking again, considering how security is going to be increased for the next couple of weeks..."

"It wouldn't surprise me if Tomura got impatient and decided to attack the next time we're away from school grounds," I say.

"And why's that?" Cementos asks.

"Well... Tomura definitely has an interesting personality. Whenever the villains showed up, all he did was brag about how amazing Nomu was. He never really spoke about himself."

"And whenever things didn't go his way he got angsty and impatient, almost as if he was about to throw a tantrum. Kurogiri also constantly had to keep him under control, as was he his parent."

"He has the personality of a toddler, a spoiled brat,"

"But I guess his quick way of handling things was an easy way to get me to fight..." I say sighing.

"That may be true, but that doesn't change the fact that what he did was irrational. Revealing his and Nomu's quirk like that was a very bold move," Nezu states.

"Bold or not, he does have an incredible and dangerous qurik," Vlad king states.

"It's possible he never got the quirk councilling students normally receive in elementary school," Midnight says.

'That is if he went to elementary school of course,' I think to myself.

"Maybe so, but it's not like that's gonna change the fact that he uses it for evil," Snipe says.

"There were 72 villains arrested from the attack, all which were small-time thugs or bandits. But what worries me is that they were all able to agree with Tomura's ways so quickly," Naomasa says.

"If that's the case, then that must mean that all the small-time criminals are starting to feel cornered," I comment.

"Exactly. The number of people becoming pro heroes has greatly improved over the last couple of years. The criminals must be starting to feel the effect of that," Midnight says.

I nod as a response.

"So what exactly are we supposed to do to stop them?" Snipe asks.

"Well, it is thanks to all of the heroes that we have time to investigate stuff like this," Naomasa says.

"We'll continue our investigation and keep searching for the perpetrator of this incident," He states.

I cross my arms and close my eyes. 'Somethings not sitting right with me...' I think to myself.

"Is something bothering you, Nakano?" Nezu asks.

"Well, it's just.... Tomura can't possibly their real leader, right?" I say, which seems to surprise them a little.

"I mean, he obviously isn't mature, or powerful enough to lead an organization that successful. They did manage to infiltrate the school, and launch an attack after all," I say.

"So what you're saying is that their real leader hasn't shown himself yet?" Midnight asks. I nod as a reply.

"Unless they have more Nomus in stock, there's no way they'll be able to kill All Might unless they have a secret weapon," I say.

Silence hits the room for a couple seconds.

"I don't wanna think about how powerful a guy like him might be," Vlad King comments.

After that, I'm politely kicked out of the room. I didn't even notice that it had become so late that it was dark out.

I take my bag and start running towards my house in the outskirts of the city. Down the streets, through the park, up the road, and bam! I'm there.

"I'm home," I say walking in the door,

"My lady! Why are you home so late!?" Miss Hanuki asks in a tone of anger, yet concern.

"Sorry. While I was in grabbing my bag, I ran into the principal, and I had to talk with a lot of the teachers there. I'm very sorry I didn't call," I say.

She sighs. "Fine. Go take a shower and give me your exercise clothing. Dinner will be ready in a minute."

"Yes, Miss Hanuki," I say doing so.

While I'm in the shower, something keeps bugging. The most frustrating thing is that I don't know what it is.

'What is it... just what is it that I'm missing here?' I keep asking myself that question over and over and over but come up empty-handed.

My second shower of the day is a short one. I change into a tank top and some sweat-pants, considering I'm most likely gonna be exercising again later in the evening, to help get rid of all my built up tension.

I don't sweat when I exercise anyway, so doing it even though I've already showered twice is fine.

I head downstairs and eat my dinner in silence. Mr. and Mrs. Iki aren't gonna be home for another 5 days. I sigh as I finish my dinner.

Just as expected, I start exercising again. 'I really need to update my routine a little. It's so basic,' I think to myself.

I can't help but think back to my days as an assassin when every single second I lived was one where my life was in danger.

Constantly growing stronger and stronger for each passing day. Still... mentally it was a living hell. Knowing that you just took somebody else's life is hard to get over at first.

That's why assassins are trained to comprehend emotions. To prevent them from coming in the way of missions. Over the years I've learned about a lot of different emotions, which is why I'm able to blend in with the rest of the students.

Even though I left my past life behind the moment I killed my parent, I know there will always by darkness haunting me. That is my punishment for going against my family.

I start analyzing all the things I'm able to do.

(Ability list. If you're not interested in knowing I'll let you know when you can start reading again:)

-Super speed (roughly 138 km, or 85 mph)

-Super strength (max weight able to lift 1610 kg or 3549 lbs)

- Able to hide one's "presence" (meaning even people with sensory type quirks won't be able to tell I'm there)

-Able to sense people presences (Doing the opposite, and locating people by tracking their presence. Presence must be known in order to do this,)

-Poison resistance (only extremely deadly poisons have an effect on me, but aren't able to kill me due to my quirk)

-Pain endurance (I can't feel any paint due to my quirk)

-General resistance (Immune to things like electricity, fire and such)

- Super-regeneration/Immortality (I'm able to regenerate from any wound, no matter how fatal, in a matter of seconds. Even blowing up my entire body would do nothing)

-Heightened senses (general senses like hearing, smell, vision and so on are shockingly higher than normal)

-Bloodlust/Snapping (When emotions like rage, anger, fear or so take over, I release bloodlust, and if anger is triggered too much, I will snap and go on a rampage. Bloodlust can also be released on command, but to much can eventually make me snap)

- Super endurance (generally has a larger stamina supply, due to hard training)

-Blade hands (the ability to sharpen my hands, making them cut easier than any weapon. Comes in handy when killing by ripping out the heart, or other vital organs)

-Sharpened memory (has a better memory, and a higher IQ than most on my age, and some, if not most adults)

-Afterimage/special movements (the ability to make "clones" of my myself by moving in a certain way that makes afterimages. Other moves like this can also by triggered by doing etc.)

-Reading expression (the ability to read a person from their expression or words)

-Extreme agility and flexibility (able to move like a top trained gymnast or stuntman)

-Staying awake (the ability to stay awake for 4-5 days without any sleep. Whenever I sleep, whether I want to or not, my brain is constantly aware of my surroundings, making it impossible for someone to surprise we while I sleep)

Ok. You can read from here again:

Of course, there are a couple other minor things, like amazing balance, making me able to run over a power cable.

But nevermind that. I sigh. 'Why does my life has to be like this? Could I not just have lived a normal life, like literally everyone else?' I think to myself.

For some reason, I find myself thinking of the dream I had yesterday. Well, I can't be 100% sure it was a dream since I can't split dreams from reality anymore.

'Why does it keep bugging me? Who was that guy anyway? Even though I can't remember his face clearly, there was something familiar about him... but what?'

I remember his ocean, almost sky blue eyes glowing in the dark. His hair a dark color, along with his clothes. He had a dark aura, which means his nature is dark.

Your aura turns dark if you plan something evil, or do something heartless or unforgivable. Of course, it's also possible to acquire a dark aura after experiencing trauma from things like abuse, bullying or alike.

Of course, every single person's story is different. So are the villains'. No matter how badly we wanna deny it, we can't go against the fact that all villains have a reason for doing what they do.

Not every intention is good, but everyone has a reason. That is an undeniable fact.

I usually don't care about other people's reasons, but this guy felt different from all the other villains I've seen. I just quite can't put my finger on it.

'Oh well,' I think before heading to sleep.

The next morning I wake up... something horrible happens.

My vision slowly returns to me...

'What in the...' I think as I look at my phone.

'Crap! I am so laaAAATEE!' I scream in my head as I jump out of bed and towards the bathroom.

It's 8:32 am, meaning I'm already 32 minutes too late. Plus, it takes 5 minutes to get to school anyway!

Chaotically running around my room, I throw on my uniform, not tying the tie properly. I don't brush my hair, or tie my shoes. I almost forget my bookbag, but I manage to grab it in the last second.

I don't have time to check if I have everything or eat breakfast. While running as fast as I can to school, I wonder how this happened.

'There must've been a power shortage yesterday, causing the electricity to go out! But why didn't Miss Hanuki wake me up!?' I think.

'No use thinking about that now. What matters the most is getting to school before Aizawa sensei-..'

'Hold on a sec. Isn't he still supposed to be in the hospital?' I think. That doesn't make me slow down though.

After running for several moments, I'm finally at school. I almost forget to change my shoes, but end up doing it hastily anyway. I look at my phone.

8:45 am. Damn it. That took longer than wanted. I spot the humongous door and rush inside.

I'm panting, which is unusual. I can usually hold out a lot longer, even if I do run at full speed.

I look up to see the entire class except for Uraraka staring at me. I look over at the teacher and see a mummy version of Aizawa-sensei.

"Well, Iki. What's the excuse today? You're even later than usual," He says from beneath the bandages.

"A-Aizawa sensei!? Shouldn't you still be in the hospital?" I ask as I sweatdrop.

"My health doesn't really matter. What matters is, you were over 45 minutes late today. He says."

"S-sorry... I kinda... overslept," I say. He sighs disappointed.

"Go to the principal's office after school," he says.

"Yes, sir..." I say in a sad tone as I take my seat.

I can't help but feel lonely with the empty seat behind me, where Uraraka would usually sit and cheer me up.

I turn my attention to the lesson.

"As I was saying, the reason why the school wants to hold the sports festival anyway, even though it's still extremely shortly after the villain attack is to show that we're not afraid of them. It is an extremely important event after all," he says.

'Hold on, sports festival? As in the U.A sports festival? And we get to participate? Woohoo, this is awesome!' I think to myself.

"Exactly. Pro heroes from all over will be observing the festival. It's your chance to show what you're made off. You're chance to get scouted," Momo says.

"Yeah! Most people join up with hero satiation as a sidekick after they graduate!" Kaminari says.

"Yes, but that's as far as most people go. They completely miss their chances in the spotlight. To be honest, I think that's how you're gonna end up. You're kinda dumb," Jiro comments back at him.

I can't help but giggle, considering she's so on point.

"It's true that joining hero agencies can grant you better expirence and give you a better chance when you graduate. That's why this sports festival is so important."

"You only get 1 chance a year, as 3 tries in a lifetime. Don't dissapoint us now," He says.

"Yes sir!" All of the class yell in unison. "Class dismissed,"

Next up, we have modern literature, taught by Cementos, and then the bell rings for lunch.

"Hey, Momo?" I ask. She turns to me.

"You wouldn't happen to know how to make a hilarious hat any chance, would you? I rushed out of the door so quickly this morning that I didn't have a chance to brush my hair," I say.

She hands me a newly crafted hairbrush shortly after. I run to the bathroom an get it done in a matter of seconds. I want to return it to her, but then decide that it would be better not to.

While on my way to the cafeteria, I run into the boys. "So um, Nakano. I've been meaning to ask you this for a while," Izuku asks.

"Sure, what is it?" I say back.

"Well, it's just... why do you want to become a hero?" He asks.

He makes me stop for a second. My eyes widen. They both look at each other, and then at me shortly after.

"Is.. something wrong?" He asks feeling a little bad.

I shake my head shortly after. "No, it's just... not something I speak about very often," I say.

'Actually, I never talk about this anyway. If it hadn't been for Izuku, I probably still would've been an assassin to this day...' I think to myself.

"I-its okay if you don't want to answer," Izuku stutters.

I shake my head. "No, it's fine," I say.

"I made a promise..."

"A promise?"

"Yes. I made it with my first real friend. We promised we would become heroes together, and save people from villains and so," I say.

'I'm sorry Izuku... I'm not ready to tell you the truth yet,' I say.

They both stare at me for a while, until Iida starts clapping.

"What a noble and kind reason for becoming a hero!" He yells. I blush a little embarrassed, as I see Izuku nodded his head wildly in response.

'All Might's coming,' I think as I sense his presence from down the hallway.

"There you are, young Midoriya!" He yells in the same energetic tone as ever.

"AAAH! A-All Might!? What are you doing here?!" Izuku asks startled.

"Lunch! Do you care to join me?" He asks, holding up a nicely packed bento-box.

I laugh as spit comes pouring out my mouth. "So cute!" I exclaim.

Izuku looks at the both of us. We nod, and he runs off with All Might.

Iida and I walk down to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Iida? Why do you think All Might is fixated on Izuku?" I ask.

"Well... remember what Tsu said on the bus? About them having similar quirks? Maybe he wants to give him advise," he says.

"I guess that makes sense..." I say.

'Though I'm not sure that's the case...' I think but don't say out loud. I quickly eat lunch, and head back towards the classroom.

I don't want to be late again, so I figured I would just go up the ahead of time.

But on my way there, my sharp ears pick up on something.

"I don't have much time left as the symbol of peace...soon I'll have to put that title to bed," I hear an unfamiliar voice say.

'Hold on... is that... All Might!?' I think to myself. I can't help but listen in on their conversation.

'He sounds so calm and collected, unlike his usual chipper personality...' Now I'm intersted.

"No way..." I hear Izuku's voice say.

"Some of the villains out there are starting to notice that. Someone has to step up and keep this country safe," he says.

'Wait... he's not saying that... is he?'

"I gave you my power for one reason!" I hear him say.

My eyes widen. 'What...? All Might... Gave Izuku his power? But how is that even possible?'

Now I really have to figure out what's going on.

"Because you will be the hero to take my place!" He says.

'Why Izuku though!?' I start panicking in my head a little. This was definitely unexpected.

"Do you still feel the same you did when we met?" He asks.

"Yes of course! I wanna save people with a fearless smile too!" He says back.

"Then go out there, and show them that you are Izuku Midoriya!"

"When you walk out there show all the people who you are. Show them what you stand for!"

"I want you to go out there and say with a fearless smile. I AM HERE!"He says.

I really don't know how to feel after that. 'Izuku... winning this festival really means a lot for you, doesn't it? Alright fine... I'll find out the truth about you and All Might eventually. I'll help you dream come true!' I think as I sprint down towards the classroom.

Now I was even more excited about the sports festival.

'It's gonna be awesome!' I think as I give out a smile of victory.

Woo! Finally done! This chapter is one of the longer ones, but I don't suppose you mind?

Well anyways, I PROMISE the sports festival is gonna be the next thing I write about! Believe me, this chapter is necessary for future stuff, but that's a secret for now.

Again, please like, review, follow and favorite. It really means a lot! -

Next up: The U.A sports festival! Obstacle race

Next guest hint: A new Deku trend

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