The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

Oleh beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... Lebih Banyak

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Holmes Chapel-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-
-The Reviews-


46.8K 1.2K 2K
Oleh beautifulnightmare2

Niall and i were walking home from school towards my house, we were going to get ready for the party. it was already getting dark and it was only four thirty.

'Niall' i whispered

'What is it Lou? i'm still annoyed at you'

'look i know you didn't get to go to Nando's like usual but i said we'll order a pizza!' I said

'The chef will be worried, he'll think i died' Niall pouted

'then order double on monday'

'Nope, i'm going tomorrow morning to get rid of my inevitable hangover' Niall said cheerily

'Niall, i'm scared' I suddenly whispered again

'Why?' He asked getting a packet of M&M's out of his bag.

'Because it's dark and we have to go down that alley way' I said pointing at the alley way that was full of shadows and to make matters worse, it was pitch black

'Honestly Lou, what is going to be down there it's fine'

'what- what could be down there? there could be a ninja cat, or a dog ready to snap out our throats. or even an old granny lady, who is secretly a serial killer! What about if the beaver is down there!'

'Don't mention that word to me!' he said cringing, Niall once had a dream about a large creature that was called the 'Beaver' it followed him around, yet he never saw it, only its big red eyes. The beaver was a deadly creature whose bite would kill instantly. We reached the alley and both froze.

'Lou, i hate you' Niall breathed

'i think i'm going to wet myself' i wined

'Let's run' Niall whispered, 'One two... three'

and we both sprinted it all the way back to my house and wrenched the door open before sinking to the ground out of breath.

'No more talk of that creature Lou' Niall warned me

'deal' i nodded quickly

Niall and I stood from the floor and walked into the living room.

'what film are we going to watch then?' Niall asked wondering over to the shelf that had the dvds sacked on them

'finding nemo' I sighed knowing he would choose it anyway,

'yay' he jumped up and down, he putter the film into the player just as my mum pulled into the drive,

'prepare to be sat on' I laughed

'bet I get Phoebe' Niall said as he ate a mars bar. I stopped asking years ago where he got his food from, I've come to the conclusion that Niall is a hamster. he stores the food in his cheeks (which don't go all big with the food because they're secretly tardis') and gets food out of them when he wants it. which is always.

the door opened and mum and my sisters cane in taking coats shoes and bags off

'hey boo' mum called, Niall chuckled but choked on his chocolate

'serves you right' I mumble as the twins, Daisy and Phoebe, run in and jumped on us. Niall was right Phoebe sat on Nialls lap, daisy was on mine. Fizzy sat next to me and Lottie sat at my feet. she kept giving me evils.

when the film ended Niall and I got up setting the twins down on the sofa, there were empty pizza boxes piled up to the ceiling.

'lets get dressed then go' I said walking up the stairs to my room, Niall behind me.

ten minutes later we were at the door, I had on cream chinos a button up grey shirt, buttoned all the way up and black suspenders hanging down from my trousers. I grabbed my keys and opened the door.

'Be quiet when you get in, have fun and for god sake both of you: use a condom' my mum said walking over to us and hugging us both. I struggled out of her grip and power walked into the street flushing red.

'mummy what's a condom' one of the twins asked as the door closed and Niall burst into laughter.

'its not even that funny' I sighed as Niall finally seemed to calm down slightly. we turned the corner and began to walk alone the dirt track to Kevins house. he lived on a farm, because he's fly like that.

'what's not even funny?' a girl asked from behind us smiling at us, Niall breathed in deeply and seemed to calm down enough to talk.

'skittle! you're at the party' he declared 'as for the funny bit, Louis mum just told us to use condoms, in front of his sever year old twin sisters' He laughed, the girl chuckled. I remembered her from our prank on the geography fool.

'perrie, right?' I asked, she nodded smiling

'lets get this party started!' I yelled at a cow. its eyes went wide and it walked away

'if this is what you're like sober I can't wait to see you drunk!' Perrie giggled

'look! Kevins house!' Niall said pointing before running towards the front door Perrie and I followed and arrived as Niall rang the door bell. I could hear the music already, the door swung open.

'if it isn't my flock of pranksters' Kevin said as Jimmy walked over with stan.

'come on in, this party is sick!' Stan chuckled, we skipped in and went to the table of drinks.

two hours later I was on the dance floor stopping traffic, but not letting them through. because I'm me and I choose if they can or can't and if they don't like it i'll have them killed.

'h-hey Niall you so should do kareoke... naked' I advised him. He grinned

'great idea. You're the best, Lou'

'I know' I grinned as Niall took his clothes off, people began to look at him weird. I frowned, I wonder why?

I downed my latest beer as Niall began to sing Take On Me by AHA, hitting the high notes perfectly. a girl just cringed next to me. She smelt like roses. like in a very over powering way, maybe she sleeps in a rose bush?.

People began to move away from Niall and walk out of the room. Then i burst into laughter and sank to the floor gaining even more odd looks. Well they can go deck a chair. I stopped laughing and stood up looking around. Seeing who i recognised

'Oi, oi Dildo' i shouted at a familiar boy across the room

'My name is Dilo' He said angrily, crossing his arms and scowling, So i skipped over to him and hugged him.

'I know you're sad, but don't blame yourself too much, your mum just didn't like you as a baby. Maybe you looked like a mutant turtle' I said patting his back, he pouted and then burst into tears,

'she thought that i looked like i'd been abused by a donkey' He sobbed

'there there' i said hugging him and sniffing his shoulder. He smelt like outside, like a man outside. He walked off.

'Hey, Louis' a voice called over to me, i spun around and saw Perrie walking over to me. 'Want to go outside and see the animals, i heard there are pigs' i sniffed her shoulder as she gave me a curious look

'Okay, but only because you smell of vanilla' I said, she chuckled and handed a still naked Niall his clothes as he walked over to us.

'Looking damn sexy, Ni. But i only love you because of your hair' I shouted over my shoulder as i ran outside.

'See, pigs' Perrie said pointing to a field of fluffy white things 'go ad stroke one Lou'

i walked over to the field and and one of them ran followed by all of the others making me jump.

'oh my socks, HA, that's funny because i don't wear them' I said bursting out laughing, Niall joined in as Perrie walked over to me.

'Let's feed the pigs, and i'm not talking about Niall' she giggled, causing me to laugh even more. Niall too joined in until he stopped suddenly looking at us

'wait what?' He asked frowning as Perrie and i quickly ran away

Perrie and i left Niall with a pot of green paint and walked into the house and into the kitchen.

'I want to go swimming' i said suddenly

'There's no pool' Perrie pointed out

'no, there is a pool. STOP HIDING IT FROM ME!' i shouted

'there isn-' i pushed past her seeing water.

'see, pool' i said pointing at the water

'That's a fishtank' She giggled

'pool' i said as i dunked my head into it. Perrie pulled me out and i shook my head spraying water everywhere. I pouted and my eyed began to sting. Next minute i was sobbing sitting on the ground

'What's wrong?' Perrie asked me

'Ha, look at that little poof crying on the ground' A guy said, Perrie looked around

'Hey misses, don't say anything about my friend, you're probably a prostitute who sells her body for money anyway'

'hey, i think you'll find i am a guy, i have a penis' he said slightly huffily


'I don't look like a girl!' he wined

'just a little bit' I said smirking slightly

'shut it nancy boy' He growled

'don't say that about my friend' Perrie said again and punched him in the jaw 'Now make us both a hot chocolate'

'with whipped cream' i said

'with whipped cream' She told the boy

'i can hear him' he muttered holding his jaw

'and sprinkles' i said grinning

'yum, marshmallows too!' she giggled

'No' the boy said walking out of the room

'Some people are so selfish' Perrie sighed

'woof' i agreed before running out of the room and up the stairs, i could hear Perrie behind me giggling as we ran into Kevins room.

It was full of teddy bears, everywhere. I looked at them and picked up one. it was a unicorn.

'Look, it's harreh' 

'meow' she answered

'let me tell you my onion' I said raising my finger and staring at it

'your onion?' Perrie asked

'My onion' i nodded before frowning 'no, my option. N-no my ovary. No wait my opium!'

'i don't want any' Perrie said jumping in a pile of stuffed rabbits and picking one up.

'i-i meant my opinion, yeah that'

'your opinion on what?'

'i can't remember' i frowned as i watched her sizing up the rabbit, i grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room,

'hey perrie' a boy winked at her

'sorry i don't speak english' She muttered as we walked past him 'He is such a communist'

'like totally' I replied in a high pitched voice

'so mum wanted me home at twelve and its now two, that's like two hours ago' She said holding up four fingers.

'don't leave me' I pouted

'i'll see you at school on Monday, bye Lou' She said hugging me, i stood still in the middle of the room and looked around.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder so i spun around quickly to see who it was, It was Eleanor. what a bitc-

'Hey Lou, want to dance?' She smiled at me, how dare she interrupt my thoughts, and how dare she ask me to dance. i squinted at her face as it came into focus more

'I'm sorry i'm going to have to disagreed with you there' I said sternly

'i asked if you wanted to-' she began sounding confused

'i won't' i said crossing my arms but missing as they slumped back to their previous position, i looked down at them confused as i tried again in slow motion and managed to cross them successfully.

'Why not?' She asked me, that question seemed to sober me up slightly more than i had already.

'why not? W-why not? you thought i was gay! which i might be, but you don't go around being all accusing!'

'you might be gay?' she asked, damn it, had i just said that?

'no' i said firmly

'but you just said-'

'stop violating my personal space!' i shouted 'Good, now i just need to remember where i parked my glass elevator'

'what?' she asked looking nervous as i turned around and walked from her

'oh, right hang on. I don't have one of those, ha ha ha' Then i ran away from her and straight into Niall who was singing loudly wearing a very badly painted green traffic cone on his head

'I'm a little leprechaun short and green, here's my hat and here's my knee, Louis likes to dunk me in to his tea, but right now i have too pee' he stopped singing and began hopping on the spot 'if you need me i'll be in the bathroom' he shouted loudly, everyone turned to him as he ran towards the bathroom and straight into the door, he stood up and opened the door mumbling something about how doors should open automatically for drunk leprechauns, everyone chuckled as he closed the door.

I walked over to Stan who was talking to some guy

'hey Stan, random guy' i said as Stan smiled at me

'Hey Stan's friend, i'm Aidan' the guy hiccuped

'prove it!' i said before grinning at Stan causing his friend to look confused and pass out a moment later, falling on the floor with a loud thump.

'have you ever wondered what the point in useless questions is?' i asked turning around and bumping into Niall again, Stan stood looking confused, i grinned to myself before pulling Niall to where Jimmy lay slumped on the sofa snoring heavily

'Kevin' i said and Kevin jumped up from the floor and soared into view

'Louis' he grinned

'Niall and i are going now' i smile 'Thanks for a great party'

'see you at school, last week before holidays. Glad you had a good time' he bounced and then opened his arms and grabbed Niall and I into a hug

'see you' i groaned from his grip that was suffocating me, he chuckled and let go before collapsing onto the floor again.

Niall and i walked out of the front door and towards my house. I got to the door and spent about ten minutes trying to find my keys, two attempts to slot the key into the hole and the door was open, we both skipped in and i shut the door quietly, i didn't want to wake anyone else

'Shh' I said loudly to Niall, he giggled and then slapped his hand over his mouth.

I walked to the stairs but every time my foot touched the step it slipped off it, i stared down at my foot and giggled

'I can't remember what it's called but it- it won't work properly' I giggled looking at Niall, he swayed a little before sitting down in the hall way

'i vote we sleep right here' he said collapsing on the floor, i have the urge to as well... so i bend down but fall sideways and laugh on the floor until my eyes start drooping,

'Ni' i said from the floor my eyes closed, his were closed too, but i wasn't sure he was asleep

'what is it, Lou?' he muttered, so he was awake!

'i-' here goes 'I think i'm gay'

'really?' Niall asked sleepily


'that's cool' he said, i smile and then i felt myself drifting off.

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