
By AvengerOfTheGods

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After an unforgivable beating that takes an unexpected turn Harry goes crawling (literally) to the enemy and... More

Chapter one: Meeting Place
Chapter 2: Home from Hell
Chapter 3: Awakening
Chapter 4: Meeting and Questions
Chapter 5: Tasteful Affair
Chapter 6: Brotherly Bonding
Chapter 7: Tom Talk
Chapter 8: Back to the Beginning
Chapter 9: Dinner Then Bed
Chapter 11: New Arrival
Chapter 12: Family Doesn't End With Blood
Chapter 13: Dog Days
Chapter 14: The Dog Father
Chapter 15: Then Comes Morning
chapter 16: Home At Last
Chapter 17: Together Again
Chapter 18: Plot Thickens
Chapter 19: Final Confrontation Not Battle
Chapter 20: It's Over Isn't It

Chapter 10: Eggs with a side of News

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By AvengerOfTheGods

The next morning brought about a nervous Harry, who apologized profusely for disturbing the Malfoy's sleep. The couple, still mostly asleep, forgave the child immediately, stating how they didn't mind the interruption.

"I'm only glad that you fell back to sleep. I know that couldn't have been easy with how frightening your dream must have been," Narcissa moves up to the headboard before placing the small boy on her lap. "Do you think you could tell us what your dream was about, little one?"

"D-Dumbledore took me a-away and h-hurt all of y-you," Harry stutters out in a small voice while looking with his pajama pants. "I don't want a-anyone hurt 'c-cause of me. I s-should just go."

Lucius hooks a finger underneath Harry's chin, promting him to look up. "You aren't going anywhere. If you haven't noticed already this family has adopted you as one of our own. That means we will protect you with the very last breath in each of our bodies. I can't speak for everyone but I already love and care for you as if you belonged to Narcissa and I all along."

"B-b-but there's nothing t-to l-love," Harry has silent tears running down his face. "I'm just a b-burden that intrudes on n-normal f-families. I don't deserve--"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Narcissa cuts him off. "You are not a burden. You are not a freak. Your relatives should be ashamed of themselves for how they raised you. No one deserves such treatment."

"Even me?"

"Especially you, little one. Now let's get you changed and ready for breakfast."

After a quick bath, which Harry remains quiet and compliant in as he leans into the caring, gentle hands, and allowing the child to pick his own clothes out of the new wardrobe Narcissa and Bellatrix picked out the small group is ready to face the rest of the family.

"Good morning everyone," Lucius greets as he takes his seat.

Pleasantries are exchanged just before everyone digs into their meal, or pick at it in Harry's case.

"What do you want to do today, Harry?" Draco tries to engage the younger boy in conversation only to recieve a shrug.


"We could go out to play in the garden. Or maybe back to my room? What do you think?"

"Dunno." The Malfoy family owl comes swooping in to drop a letter onto Lucius's lap.

"We have peacocks that we can play with, but we have to be really gentle with them."

"I can be gentle," Harry takes one last bite before getting up and approaching Severus. "Bot- Potions now?"

Severus immediately cradles Harry before summoning a house elf to bring him the bottle, what Harry really wanted to ask for.

"Tom, Severus I need to speak with the both of you in my office," Lucius states in an offhanded manor, but the two men can easily pick out the consern laced in his voice. Something in that letter put the Malfoy Lord on edge. The women noticed his change as well but Narcissa was too busy distracting Draco with other fun ideas.

"We can start off in in the gardens then do different things throughout the day," the young Slytherin ultimately desides. Once Harry is done with his drink the pair accend the stairs without any idea of the private conversation going on a floor below them.

Lucius makes sure the door to his office is properly warded against any and all passing ears before sitting at his desk.

"The letter was from Augusta," he addresses the two men across from him.

"Why would Lady Longbottom require your services?"

"Last I heard she locked herself in Longbottom Manor and has been refusing visitors for quite some time."

"Well it would appear that she was under some sort of cunfundo charm mixed with regular dosages of complacent potions," Lucius pauses a moment to let that imformation sink in before continuing. "It was infact young Mr. Longbottom that cleansed her system of the foreign magic. She has asked that we meet, but omits why."

"Probably in fear of having the letter intercepted. Whatever she must discuss with you is probably for your ears only. Augusta must still be feeling a tad unwell if she chose to even revel that much."

"I'll be leaving to meet with her in one hour. I wish to ask Tom to join me as we all know of Nevil's fear of Severus." The potion professor looks away slightly ashamed.

"That's a great idea. Lady Longbottom is a very respectable woman but we have no idea what she wants with you."

"I'll go prepare myself for our departure," Tom exits the room, thinking of the advantages of having not only the last Potter but also the Longbottoms. Dumbledore has seriously messed up, basically handing the dark side victory.

"While you two are away I shall give Harry a full body scan. He is a lot stronger than when he first got here, but we have no idea of any underlying problems he may have."

Severus departs with Lucius following shortly after to explain his absence to his son. Draco doesn't need to know everything as the boy would only worry about his dad. Lucius hated when his own father left without warning and sometimes came back days later without offering an explaination. The moment Lucius held his son he vowed to never allow him to feel the same bitter loneliness growing up as he did.

"Draco I need to speak with you," he calls noticing Harry's absence from the room. Severus must have already taken him.

"Everything alright?" Draco immediately thinks the worst at hearing the seriousness in his dad's voice. "Is it Harry? Uncle Sev just took him. Is he alright?"

"Everything is fine, Dragon. I just have to leave to go to a meeting in a little while. I should be back a little after lunch. Harry is off getting a full body scan most likely done in his room," Lucius soothes his nerves. "Be good for your mother, aunt and uncle and watch out for Harry. I'm counting on you to make sure he doesn't get himself into any trouble."

"I can do that. We'll both be perfect and have a brilliant time together."

"I don't doubt that. Now run up to Harry's room. I'm sure he could use the support. I'll see you later," with a quick hug abd kiss to the temple Lucius heads to his room to dress. Afterwards he goes back to his study where his Lord is waiting before they both floo away.

"Harry I need you to stay very still while I administer the full body scan. This will show me every injury and illness that you've ever had," Severus explains.

"E-every injury?" Harry looks around the room nervously. "Is it g-gonna hurt?"

"The most you'd feel is slight tingling which is only my magic washing over you."

Harry hops onto his bed and lies down, trying to force himself to relax. Although Professor Snape said it wouldn't hurt being tense and stiff surely wouldn't help him.

"Just relax and breath. This shouldn't take too long." How wrong Severus had been. What is normally a 2 minute procedure for even his most abused Slytherin takes over double the time.

Once the scan starts Severus is happy to note the lack of any injury other than the typical bumps a rambunctious 1 year old gets. It all comes to head when the 2 year mark hits and malnutrition and broken fingers are revealed. The injuries only get worse with the addition of serious illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis, most likely caused by a number of untreated cold. The injuries only become more frequent and severe as the years go by.

Burns on the hands and arms at age 5.
A broken knee at age 6.
A case of pneumonia at age 7.

As the seconds tick by Severus feels his horror and hatred for the muggles grow stronger and strong. They didn't just abuse Harry, they tortured and tormented him. As the Slytherin head of house he's seen the affects of half the amount of abuse Harry was subjected to. It's no wonder the child tried to off himself so many times. Merlin knows the amount of psychological and emotional abuse tied in.

"P-please don't b-be mad. I-I-I sorry." Severus doesn't realise that he's let his emotions show until Harry's voice brakes him out of his destructive thoughts.

"I'm not angry with you, little one. I'm angry with your relatives. You should have never had to go in their care. For that I am truly sorry." Before Harry can come up with a reply there's a tentive knock on the door.

"Come in," Severus calls.

"I'm here to make sure Harry is ok," Draco states as he walks into the room before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"He can't move too much while the scan is going through but you may hold his hand." Immediately Draco grabs the smaller boy's hand to wait out the rest of test before they're free to go play.

Lucius floos directly to Lady Longbottom's library with Tom following closely behind. The woman herself is seated in a leather loveseat before she rises to greet them.

"Mr. Malfoy I am so glad that you were able to make it on such short notice. We have much to discuss."

"Indeed we do. May I introduce Tom Riddle?" he gestures to the man behind him. They can see the exact moment she recognizes the name but Agusta only offers her hand.

"A pleasure I'm sure," her tone holds a tight edge. "Let us sit. Can I offer either of you a cup of tea?" They both accept the fine china and settle in before Augusta starts her explanation.

"I know it was not Lord and Lady Lastrange that tortured Frank and Alice," is how she starts off gaining identical shocked faces before both men school their features. "They wouldn't have even made it to the gate with such ill intentions. The wards are too strong. No. My dears were hurt by someone that was invited in. An Order member most likely but I have yet to identify which one. As I said in my letter I couldn't even tell you where I was not 2 days ago."

"How did exactly did young Longbottom manage to cleanse your system of the foreign magic, if you don't mind me asking," Tom interjects.

"My Neville has always had a gift with plants and a love for herbology," Ms. Longbottom adapts a small smile. "He loves going out and naming all the plants that grow around here. Both muggle and magic. I'm not exactly sure what he gave me but something was put in my afternoon tea two days ago and my wit has never been sharper. I'm just grateful that my memory has stayed intact. The first thing I did was throw that no good uncle of his out of this house."

"What happened with the uncle?"

"Horrors that you can only imagine. It isn't really my place to be asking this of you but the real reason I've invited you is due to another gift Neville seems to have.

"It's not quite seer vision but he has these dreams that come to him randomly. Sometimes they're utter nonsense while other times they can be quiet useful. He saw Harry Potter in your manor speaking with the Dark Lord," she nods her head towards Tom. "Suprisingly he didn't curse the child nor harm him in any way."

"I assure you Lady Longbottom that my actions were not that of my own. I apologize dearly for the loss of your loved ones--"

"Nonsense," she waves whatever he was about to say off causing Lucius to have a new found respect for her. Not many people have the courage to interrupt the most feared wizard of this century. Although the Longbottoms are a long line of Gryffindors. "If I blamed you I wouldn't be asking you for such a favor."

"And what is this favor you keep dancing around?" Lucius wishes to get to the point so that he can return home to his family.

"I wish for you to take in Neville Longbottom as a ward of the Malfoy Family."

"Slow down boys. Be careful." Narcissa calls out to the children as Harry and Draco rush around the garden chasing one another.

"Yes Mum."
"Yes ma'am."

Once Harry's scan was through Severus discovered that the multiple illnesses has caused the child's lungs and heart to weaken making him more susceptible to other diseases. A multitude of wrongly healed bones were also found but the potion master felt that it would be best to fix those closer to bedtime as he can sleep through most of the pain the rebreaking will cause.

"Come inside boys lunch is just about ready" and then a nap is soon in order. Narcissa adds the last part in her hand once she spots Harry rubbing at his eyes for the third time is the last ten minutes.

"Just a few more minutes? Please mum?" Draco tries to plead. "Papa isn't even back yet. Shouldn't we wait for him?" he doesn't want to explain his nervousness of not having his father around at the moment.

"No, Dragon, you have to eat before the food grows cold. I'm not sure when your father will be home, but he won't like that you're talking back to me. Now go get washed up."

"Yes ma'am."

Harry quietly follows Draco inside the house before vearing off to his own room. They've been so kind as to invite him to many of their family meals but Harry's sure that they would like to eat alone this time. With Lucius not here it seems that Draco needs a little reassurance from his mother. When Uncle Vernon had to leave for his business trips Dudley always attached himself to his mother to keep from missing his dad too much. During these times Harry was let out of his cupboard even less than usual so that his aunt could devote all her attention to her son rather than make sure the Freak wasn't causing any trouble.

After taking off and putting away his shoes, Harry settles himself against the headboard of the bed with his knees pulled up to his chest. Thinking back on those unpleasant moments he realizes that he may be taking up too much of Draco's family time. Not only has Mr. Malfoy feed and changed him on more than one occasion but both him and his wife had spent the night in bed with the little boy. What if Draco had had a bad dream too and needed his parents there for him. Harry knows he would hate it if a new child came in and started stealing all his parents' attention, especially if he use to hate that kid with a fiery passion. Harry sat there a short while, starting to doze off slightly when a sudden knock jolted him to full conscienceness.

"Po-Harry are you in here?" the voice of a well known potion master calls out into the room.

"Y-yes pro-professor." Harry wants to kick himself for once again stumbling over his words.

"Why are you not at lunch. Are you hurt? Are you in any pain? It is time for another dose of your potions," Severus talks more to himself than Harry towards the end but he responds nonetheless.

"Draco would like to spent time with his mom-mother," he quickly corrects himself while mentally patting his own back for not stuttering.

"Did he tell you that?" The older man takes a seat on the edge of the bed; not too far but also not too close.

"W-well not ex-exactly-" Harry looks sheepishly down at the blanks. "-b-but I've been t-taking a lot of at-attention."

"Is that how you feel or what you've been told?"

"A little of b-both? I just don't want to g-get in between them and have D-Draco h-hate me again," Harry speaks down, nervously twiddling his fingers. Suddenly the skiddish child finds himself picked up and placed in strong arms

"We will tell you as many times as you need to hear this, but you are safe and wanted here. I don't give my word very often so don't take this lightly when I say that you have my word that no one here will go back to the abominable way we treated you.

"B-but what if I--"

"I don't wish to hear any of your self doubts," Severus runs a soothing hand down Harry's face which he leans into immediate, after a tiny flinch. "Now you must eat in order to properly take your potions." Without getting a response he gets up hoisting the too light child onto his hip before making their way down to the dinning hall.

"What took you so long Harry?" Draco asks once the younger boy is sitting in his place beside Bellatrix.

Instead of answering he just shugs and starts eating. The talk with Professor Snape had really helped him relax more into his new environment. He's now not seeing the Slytherins around him as enemies that feel pity for him but as people who truly want him around and help him get better.

"D-Dray can we p-play in your room a-after lunch?" Harry asks while hunching over his plate, half expecting the other child to come up with some excuse as to why that would be a terrible idea.

"Yeah! You can choose whatever game you wanna play. Or maybe you'd like to lay down for a bit. We can even--"

"Dragon, breathe," his aunt reminds him. "You both can choose after you finish your lunch. Harry, darling, can you stomach a few more bites?"

To answer her question Harry picks up his fork and goes back to eating. The meal continues on in silence with the exception of the sound of forks scaping along the bottom of plates. Until suddenly it's interrupted by the distinct sound of aperration.

"Master Harry's bottle is being ready," the small house elf informs the room while setting down the item before apperating away with a pop.

"Alright baby who do you want to feed you this time?" Bella asks.

"Not a baby," Harry mumbles in response but gets up and walks to Severus once again.

Once situated on the man's lap and suckling away at his bottle, Severus goes back to his conversation with Narcissa. Only a moment passes before Severus cuts himself off with a choked gasp. Harry, in his relaxed state of mind, had reached up and tangled his little fingers into the man's hair, stroking softly. Not many people are close enough to the dour potion professor to touch him and even fewer has been daring enough to mess with his hair. Severus doesn't consider himself a vain person, or even beautiful in the slightest, especially not his hair which everyone thinks is greasy and dirty. The shock of the tender touch draws his eyes downward to the child that ssomehow wiggled his way right into the center of his heart.

Harry can't believe the utter softness of the locks running through his fingers. To everyone that called his professor's hair greasy is dead wrong. His hair feels of fine silk, soft and wavy. At first Harry didn't even realize that his hand was creeping upwards until he buried it deeply into the man's hair. He was about to retract but the way the potion master unconsciously leaned into the touch made up Harry's mind.

He loves being here. Here is where he wants to stay.

No body really got the mystery person who was Lady Longbottom, but because I originally wanted it to be Neville too I'm going to give it to Ashley_twinkle_04. Private message me with your request. I also really wanted Harry to call Severus daddy but it just didn't seem right. Hopefully next chapter.

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