IronDad and SpiderSon One-Sho...

By IAmAWeirdHuman5

279K 8.6K 4.6K

I'm pretty sure the title gives everything away. There might be secondary ships within but it will mostly be... More

You're My Kid
Without You...
It Was Almost Impossible (Part 1)
It was Almost Impossible (Part 2)
Raising Angels
It IS Okay
Death of a Bachelor (Part 1)
The Orphanage
For you... Anything
I Understand Your Pain...
Death of a Bachelor (Part 2)
The Life of Pam Parker
Falling Out and Putting Back Together
PRINCE?! (Part 1)
PRINCE?! (Part 2)
Because Iron Man is a Dad
It's About Time
We Work Together
You are Perfect to Me
Child Of HYDRA
They're Back!
Steve What Happened?!
It's His Job
A/N: Requests?
Mama Spider
The Greatest Duo
Home. That Sounds Nice
Peter and the Guardians
Legion of the Stark
The One Way We Win
No More Doubts.
Wisdom Teeth
A Rip in the Universe
The Multiverse Discovery
The Day Tony Came Home
Bring Him Home
"I Just Wanted To Be Like You"
Own My Heart
You'll Fix It
PRINCE?! (Part 3)
The Anniversary of New Beginnings
Reversal of Roles
Anxiety and Depression
(A/N) Not the update you want but what you shall get ;)
What I've Been Doing
I Can't Believe It
Peter on Zoom
The Shaytan Kingdom
In Case You Haven't Noticed


5.4K 166 158
By IAmAWeirdHuman5

Description: Peter Stark is a literal angel and everyone knows it. But that also makes him a target to many people. Even people from before he was a Stark.

A/N: Let's start off with saying Peter is not Spider-Man in this one. Just Tony Stark's son. Also this isn't a request. I've just been obsessed with cop shows lately. Sorry it took so long. School sucks.

Warning: This chapter may be triggering. Possibly. Read at your own risk.

Words: 2815


"So what do you think?"

Peter did a spin in front of his family showing off his outfit. He was wearing a maroon hoodie with a black spider on the front. Some blue dark wash jeans and some black Ann's white vans.

"What's the outfit for there kid?" Tony asked smirking at his son who looked very pleased with himself.

"I'm going to my friends birthday party. I'll probably be back by around 9 or 10" Peter replied looking at the clock with said 5:54pm.

"Which friend are we talking about?" Steve asked from his spot against the wall.

"You all remember Warren right? He's having a party and he invited me. Don't worry he said it's just a few close friends" Peter replied stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"I remember Warren he's a nice boy. Just make sure you call us when you get there" Natasha adder giving a curt nod.

"Of course I will. When do I not" Peter scoffed as he grabbed the keys to the Audi.

"Well there's was that one time..." Clint joked making Peter glare at him. Everyone chuckled at the teens reaction.

"Yeah whatever. I'll be back" Peter grumbled before leaving through the elevator giving Clint the middle finger.


**[Time Skip brought to you by a douche canoe]**

"Look dad I'm gonna come home now. I can't stay here" Peter sighed leaning against his car.

"Why? Is the party too boring for you?" Tony asked giving a chuckle.

"No. It was like a huge house party when I got here. Almost everyone was already drunk. I didn't want to be around that. So I'm gonna come home" Peter replied shaking his head very disappointed in his friend.

"Oh. Sorry Pete. Alright I'll see you when you get here then" Tony spluttered out shocked by the Steve voice that Peter had put on.

"Can we like, watch a movie or something when I get there. I want to get my mind off of this" Peter grumbled pacing around now.

"You are very different from you dad there Peter" Steve's voice came from the phone making the teen laugh loudly.

"HEY!" Tony yelled in protest.

"Are you gonna tell me that I'm wrong?" Steve retorted.


"Dad you're talking nonsense again" Peter warned with a smile.

"Yeah whatever you say kid" Tony grumbled.

"I do say I think-" a sudden force slammed into the back of Peter's head causing him to fall to the ground and drop his phone.

"You're Stark's kid now? How pathetic" a man scoffed standing over Peter.

With hazy eyes Peter touched the back of his head and felt a warm substance coming from the wound.

"PETER WHAT WAS THAT?!" Tony yelled but it was very hazy in Peter's ears.

"Whatever I'll take you anyways. We're gonna have a little fun just like old times" the man chuckled before grabbing Peter's shoulders.

Peter couldn't fight back as he was thrown over the mans shoulder, his whole world went black to the sound of his dad yelling through his phone.

** Tony **

Tony heard the sound of the metal hitting Peter's head. Tony heard everything. He heard his sons whimpers.

He. Heard. Every. Single. Thing.

The second after he heard the mans voice Tony took off running towards his landing pad in desperate attempt to get there. Even though in the back of his mind, Tony knew he was too late.

Just as his suit landed right next to the Audi, the only thing that could be seen was Peter's car keys, his phone, the car, and a small puddle of blood on the ground.

"FRIDAY find something. Anything" Tony cried desperately as he looked around for any signs.

"Nothing sir. The city cameras show Peter being picked up by a man who's face is unidentifiable to me, and then walking away" FRIDAY said in her usual monotone voice.

"SHIT!" Tony yelled catching the attention of some passing people.

"Would you like me to notify the police?" FRIDAY asked a small icon appearing in Tony's view.

"Notify everyone. My son has been kidnapped and I want EVERY POSSIBLE PERSON LOOKING FOR HIM!" Tony screamed as he returned the nanobots to his arc reactor.


Tony grabbed Peter's keys and his phone. There was a crack along the centre of the phone where their call was still on.

'IronDad! ❤️💛'

Tony's heart cracked when he saw his contact name. His son was so damn innocent and this just had to happen. To him of all people.

Tony forced himself to fight back his tears as he climbed into his sons car where it only got worse.

Right on the dashboard was a picture of Peter and Tony on the day Peter graduated. He held up at least 8 medals in his hand, his diploma, and a sign that says 'on my way to MIT'.

Both father and son had bright smiles on their faces and pride just gleamed on Tony's face.

Tears finally pooled over in Tony's eyes as they started to cascade down his face. On the bottom of the picture was some writing.

'Following in my hero's footsteps!'

Tony could see the meaning behind those words. To Peter, Tony was many things. His dad, his mentor, his hero, and his best friend. When Peter was adopted at 12, he was so shy. But as he got to know Tony more, they grew very close. They are inseparable to this day.

"I'm coming for you Peter" Tony promised with a new fire burning in his eyes.

** Peter **

Peter's eyes fluttered open and was shocked to find himself laying in what seemed to be some sort of trailer. His hand, feet, and mouth were all bound with duct tape. He was still wearing the same outfit he was wearing before thankfully.

"So Einstein is finally awake"


The teens heart dropped at the name. The one person who had caused him so much grief in the past was back.

"Oh don't look so afraid"

The man himself showed his ugly face in the doorway to the room flashing a smile which made the teen shutter.

His white hair was very matted and his eyes showed nothing but craziness.

Peter quickly started to cry as Skip laughed at the teens trembling form. The duct tape stopping him from screaming for help and his bound hands and feet stopping him from running.

"Oh how long I've waited to see you again Einstein. I've missed you so much. We had so much fun together. I thought it was about time that we continued where we left off" Skip said his crazy eyes meeting Peter's tear filled ones.

"NO SKIP PLEASE!" Peter tried to yell but was stopped by the tape over his mouth.

Skip chuckled quietly before stalking towards Peter and reaching out towards the teen.

What was happening inside the trailer was unknown to the outside world, but to Peter, it was all too real.

** 2 months later **


Peter's eyes fluttered open to the sound of people yelling. He squirmed around a bit extremely confused at to what was happening.

Very suddenly the window next to him was smashed open but all Peter could see was a hand reaching through scaring the living daylights out of the teen.

Well now the adult.

"NYPD! Anyone else inside make yourself known!" The voice of a female yelled making Peter's eyes widen.

He started to scream loudly through the tape as a new gleam of hope sparked in him.

"GET OUT OF MY HOME!" Skip yelled from the other side of the trailer.

Peter could see Skip waving a broom a someone who was trying to get through the bathroom entrance.

"PUT THE WEAPON DOWN OR YOU WILL BE TASED!" A man yelled as he suddenly came barreling through the hole.

Peter watched as taser prongs were shot at Skip sending him to the ground. A blonde officer pinned him to the floor as a brunette officer came running towards the bedroom.

Peter started lightly yelling again as the brunette came into the room. The man ripped the sheet that was covering his off of him before quickly throwing him over his shoulder.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" The brunette yelled carrying Peter carefully out of the room.

A female officer with blue hair ran out the door holding it open so the brunette could run out. The man quickly carried Peter over to a police truck before gently placing him on the ground.

The brunette had bright green eyes as he gently peeled the tape off of Peter's mouth before putting it in a bag that had EVIDENCE on the front.

"Alright you're okay now. Can you tell me who you are?" The brunette asked stepping a safe distance back to make Peter more comfortable.

"Peter. Peter Stark" Peter mumbled shaking like a leaf.

The brunettes eyes widened before he reached over to his com unit on his shoulder saying something that Peter wasn't able to make out.

"Alright. My names Mark Simpson. I'm here to get you out of here okay. I'm gonna take these off of you alright?" Mark said gesturing to the tape around Peter's hands and feet.

"That would be great" Peter sighed allowing the officer to gently take the tape off of him.

"There you are. I'm just gonna have you sit here for now. We gotta question the man over there" Mark told Peter giving him a soft smile.

"Just come to me if you need information. I know who he is" Peter responded quietly rubbing his wrists.

"Perfect. I'll have Ally come over here to sit with you. Just to keep you company" Mark said nodding towards Peter before walking away.

Peter started to take a look at his surroundings and was quickly surprised to see that he was recognising some things around him.

"Hey there. We need you for just one more second. We wanna know if you know them man who called us" the blue haired woman, apparently Ally, said softly snapping Peter out of his shocked state.

Peter nodded silently before standing up carefully. He wobbled a bit as he stood up since he had been laying down for the most part during his two months of captivity.

Peter eyes widened fully when he caught sight of the house. Knowing who's house it was immediately. Much more, knowing the person he was staring right at.

"PETER!" Wade yelled seeing Peter fully past the truck.

"WADE!" Peter cried taking off into a sprint ignoring the call from Ally.

Wade catapulted himself off of the porch and started running towards Peter.

Both of them met right in the middle practically slamming into each other. Both had tears streaming down their faces as they gripped onto each other like a life line.

"Oh you're okay. I've got you" Wade sobbed into Peter's ear trying to pull them closer.

"You've got me" Peter hiccuped burying his face into Wade's neck.

"I can't believe that you were right there all this time. I'm so sorry honey" Wade whispered looking Peter right in the eyes.

"How would you have known?" Peter asked reaching up to wipe Wade's tears.

"So I'm gonna take a gander and say that you two know each other" the blonde joked earning a few chuckles. The first chuckle out of Peter for what seemed like an eternity.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend" Wade replied proudly placing a soft kiss on Peter's forehead.

"Well I'm glad we are able to reunite you both. It's nice that it was able to work out this way" Mark added giving a nod.

"OH WOULD YOU ALL SHUT IT WITH THE SAPPY SHIT!" Skip yelled from the chair he was cuffed to.

Peter whimpered quietly before burying himself back in Wade's neck trying to hide away from Skip's gaze.

"Go put him in the car Simon" Ally told the blonde who nodded before grabbing onto Skip and dragging him away.

"Alright Ally, we've gotta tape up the area" Mark nodded towards the female who nodded back before walking away from the couple.

A loud whirring was caught in everyone's ears but even though everyone else looked up, Peter stayed buried in Wade's neck.

The sound a boosters getting closer finally made Peter turn around but still staying close to Wade.

The IronMan suit came tumbling onto the ground landing on the ground very ungracefully. All the nanobots retracted quickly revealing Tony Stark in all his glory.

** Tony (a few minutes earlier) **

Tony was sitting in the common area of the Avengers floor with his face where it always seemed to be for the past couple months.

Stuck right in front of a holoscreen.

Of course he did take breaks to treat himself properly. Tony's only drive was the fact that he needed to see Peter again. Tony needed to see his son again.

Tony kept himself healthy because he knew that it was what Peter would want. Tony knew Peter would kick his ass if he didn't.

Tony looked at the calandra again before sighing loudly.

August 10, 2019

It was Peter's 18th birthday. His son was finally an adult.

"Sir. There is an incoming call from the NYPD" FRIDAY announced starting the man to death.

"Answer it" Tony ordered lightly not bothering himself to move.

"Hello Dr. Stark. We've got some news about your son" a squeaky woman's voice rang throughout the room.

"If you are going to try and close the case by saying he's dead again so help me I will be my lawyers. All 36 of them" Tony threatened a scowl appearing on his face.

"No sir. Quite he opposite. An officer has informed me that they have found your son" the woman replied nervousness clear in her voice.

"THEY WHAT?!" Tony practically screamed standing up.

"Yes. He was found in a trailer that was rented. The owners son had reported screams and called us. It would appear that the son is actually Wade Wilson" the woman replied the nervousness now gone.

"FRIDAY END CALL!" Tony yelled running towards the launch deck.

Tony's suit formed around his body just as he jumped off the platform. So many emotions were flowing through Tony's body all at once but there was one that was prominent.

Tony was going to see his son again.

** Present **

Peter held eye contact with his dad as if he wasn't even real. Everything seemed so surreal to Peter as he thought it was all a dream.

"P-Peter" Tony stuttered stopping himself from running right at him.

"Dad" Peter whimpered his spark in his eyes being reignited.

Wade pushed Peter towards his dad making his boyfriend give him a look.

"Go" Wade said simply giving him a smirk.

Peter didn't even have time to move before a force collided with him. The sound of sobbing reached Peter's ears as two strong arms held him tightly.

"Dad?" Peter whispered wrapping his arms around the man.

"Yeah it's me. It's me kiddo. I'm here. I've got you" Tony cried kinda assuring himself.

Peter quickly started to sob again as relief filled him to the brim. He grabbed onto his fathers jacket and clutched it tightly in his hands. Both of their shirts were getting wet but neither cared.

Tony pulled back only to look his son right in the face. Peter still looked like a little kid in Tony's eyes. He still looked like the little 12 year old he picked up from the orphanage.

Peter couldn't help but smile at his dad trying his best to show that he was okay, even though he knew he wasn't.

Tony reached up and placed his hand against Peter's cheek and wiping the tears that continued to flow down. Peter leaned into the touch closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"I love you dad" Peter said another bright smile spreading across his face.

"I love you too Pete" Tony responded giving an equally just as bright smile.

"I love you too Petey" Wade jumped in earning chuckles all around.

"I love you Wade" Peter said shaking his head lightly.

"You're free to go when ever you please. Just please make sure you get Peter checked out when you get back" Ally butted in politely giving a curt nod.

"Alrighty then Pete. I'm taking you home to see Bruce and Helen" Tony responded turning his attention back to his son who had a tight grip on Wade's hand, "and Wade can come too".

"You can have my hoodie Petey" Wade said taking off his red sweater noticing Peter was only in a shirt and shorts.

"Thanks Wade" Peter mumbled leaning against him.

"Oh c'mon forget about me already" Tony jokes waving his hands around crazily.

"Of course not dad" Peter sighed sarcastically chuckling quietly.

"Fine Fine. Let's just go home".

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