the city girl. {SLOW UPDATES}

By laneless_bae

303 10 0

"You keep robbing my heart like a bank, and I only got myself to blame.." Dehlia Naomi Anders AKA DNA, was a... More

Chapter 1: 5 Long Years Later.
social media - ONE
Chapter 2: Let's get to work.
social media - TWO
Chapter 3: Let's Work.
social media - THREE
Chapter 4: Just Dance.
social media - FOUR
Chapter 5: Just Dance (PART II)
Chapter 7: Eesome

Chapter 6: Solivagant

11 0 0
By laneless_bae


Everyone was in awe of the girls talent, the girls however were in their own world. Dehlia turns to her friends who are basically like sisters to her and smiles fondly, reminiscing on the good times. Loud chatter brings Dehlia out of her thoughts and into the present, clapping her hands: "Right. Hobi. Sean. Let's get to business we shall, I don't have long here as I've got other unexpected things to handle after this session." Both summoned boys nod their heads in agreement, and move closer to the mirrors in front of the room to stretch. Dehlia grabs her water bottle and joins the two down in the front, dropping down into a graceful horizontal split. Twisting her waist to her right and proceeding to reach behind her for her left foot, she flattens said foot onto her head and hold position for 5 minutes. Rotating she does the same to the opposite side, once deemed stretched and her muscles aren't clenched with tension she somersaulted into a standing position. Glancing at Hobi and Sean, she rolls her eyes at their feeble attempts to stretch for this routine their about practice. Sighing she walks to the two, and helps both by instructing them into better stretch positions, "place your legs together in front of you, breathe in. Grab your toes, hold for 20 seconds. Breathe out for 10 seconds." (A/N:DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS THIS! LOL!) They repeat this routine for a few more times before getting up and starting. They were learning a choreography that both Dehlia and Tony Tran put together a few weeks back. Dehlia connects her phone to the auxiliary cord with a loud static pop, scrolling through her playlist she finds the song she's looking for.

She asks Naomi to push play when she tells her to, and returns to the boys. "Okay so we're gonna learn a choreo me and Tony put together, he's gonna use it in the next arena performance with his crew but he said that I can upload something too soon, anyways I'll dance to it first then I'll go over the steps slowly."
I look up from the boys and glance around the room, the other boys are deep in conversation with Shawn, specifically Namjoon and Tae. Yoongi is probably napping somewhere, Jin is most likely in one of the media rooms gaming. The other girls are chattering up a storm in the corner of the room, Jungkook and Jimin are snacking whilst watching me and the other two. Everyone is in their own world, I nod towards Naomi and she presses play on the music. I jump on the spot for a bit waiting for my queue freestyling to the beat a bit too, and about 20 seconds into the song I dance the first move which a manipulative stutter. Each move either hits to the tempo or the melody, creating an impactful choreography. (A/N: forgive me I'm not good at describing the dance routine) The dance is quite on the tutting side, popping side which is my favourite style. My bit comes up, I grab my shirt on my shoulder like I'm a puppet then relax my body like I'm releasing tension. Then push out and down, into a swing motion, pop and swerve into a crouch. I push down into a sitting position, and reach forward and continue popping legs, feet and arms. I relax into a laid back stance and bob my foot to the beat. I stand up completely and nod to Naomi to cut the music, by then both Hobi and Sean are in awe of the choreography, I glance behind them to seeing Jungkook and Jimin jumping in excitement, Tae bopping to the song, Namjoon looking like a proud father and Shawn utterly gobsmacked. I smile sneakily and clap my hands, snapping just about everyone out of their trance and cause both Jimin and Jungkook to run up to me. "You have to teach us that choreography! It's so cool and smooth! OMG you're such a good dancer! When are you going to let us meet Tony-sunbae!" All of which is said in one breathe by the boys, " doing it again..." To which both of them ignore, so I resort to clap them on the back of the heads and necks. Silence. "*sighs* FINALLY! Right. To answer your blunt and suffocating dimwitted questions: Yes I will teach you the choreography. Yes I know it was cool, gathered that much from your expression and body language. Thank you once again, I gathered that much from your expressions and body language. And no you won't meet Tony as he is a busy man, and if you have a problem with that then speak to Bang PD-Min." Huffing at me, they turn around and go back to their precious spots in the room and continue eating with an obvious pout on their faces. "Oh grow up you two, you're just like your Hyung Jin." After saying that I hear stomping leading up to the studio, and Taehyung giggling in the back with the girls. "What did you say!? I'll have you know that I am not a baby, I am 27 years of age! They do not call me Worldwide Handsome for nothing! I am not the Oldest for nothing, you child! And you call me Hyung-" the rest of the rant is spelled out in Korean causing most of the room to either be mortified or giggling in amusement. Jin breathes after his rant, "you done? Are you done? Are you done!? Yes? Good. Jin HYUNG. You may be 27 'years of age' but you act like a five year old Kookie when he is denied his banana milk-" A yell of protest sounds from Kookie, followed by giggles. "-as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you and your maknaes need to grow up before I slap some of that maturity into your skulls." I lightly threaten with my hand raised, causing all the boys in question to jump back in fear of me coming through with that threat. Sissies... *sighs* "Anyways as I wanted to say before I was RUDELY interrupted, I'll go over the dance moves step by step. Jungkook, Jimin you may as well learn this choreo with us since I'm going over it."

After agonisingly going over the choreography with the boys, I decide to call it day with them. "Right. Boys I gotta dip, Shawn and I gotta do some writing and the drive to mine is lengthy. Schedule in for next week?" All 4 of them, nod simultaneously in agreement and pencil in the date for the same time. I grab my stuff and hug everyone not caring that I'm probably sweatier than a streaming gamer boy. I wave the girls goodbye with the promise of setting up plans in the next couple weeks whilst their in the country for the month. And say bye to the other boys, wake up Yoongi and say goodbye to the grump which he of course rolls back over and goes back to sleep. I reach Shawn and VMon who were deep in conversation about the deadliness of polar bears like seriously. After rolling my eyes at their childlike wonder interrupt their conversation by clearing my throat. "Uhm. Little boys, it's time your play buddy Shawn leaves. Him and I have some big boy things to attend to, but I'll be seeing you  both next week with Kookmin, Hobi and Sean." I smile at the 2 boys in question, and turn to Shawn and ask "do you want to stop for something to eat before heading to mine, or are you okay with a home-cooked meal?" Shawn shrugs in indecisiveness, I sigh and shake my head in awe at the indecisiveness deeming him worse than my sister trying to choose between F.R.I.E.N.D.S or Game of Thrones. "Okay. Home-cooked meal it is. Hope you're okay with Spanish Omelette." I turn and make sure I have everything of mine, and say goodbye to the girls, promising to catch with them. Shawn follows me out the door and outside to the car, I grab the aux cord and control the music for this trip. "Hope you don't mind but we gonna listen to my playlist this time round?" I glance at Shawn whilst waiting for Spotify to load up, "no, no of course not. Go for it! If anything I'm interest to see what you listen to on your trips or errands." He responds with looking at me, watching me open everything up on my phone. I open the correct playlist, and press shuffle. The first song to come on is by my little Boy Scouts; BTS, Autumn Leaves which was fun fact sampled by blackbear's Dead Roses. The song is often called Dead Leaves, by the fans and radio hosts.

Shawn looks like he's digging the song and beat, pulls an impressed look at the vocal runs and falsettos. I just look away and smirk, I start the car properly and revive the engine a little, put the car in reverse and pull out the space quicker than sonic. I look in the rear view mirror to see Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi with their jaws to the ground watching Shawn and I leave. But Jungkook smirks hearing the song I'm playing, and just stands there looking smug. I roll my eyes at his smugness and look in front of me, turning onto the main road from the driveway. I turn to Shawn he's jamming out to the song, "who is this, how have I never heard this? And why is this not in English!?" Shawn fires out a serious of questions looking genuinely confused. I chuckle at him, "this, is who you just met. Bangtan Sonyeondan, also known as BTS. The song's called Autumn Leaves, or Dead Leaves pick your tea. But this song is mostly in Korean, a few lines in English or ad libs. Now shut up my fave part is coming up." The song changes pace, slows down with a bridge verse sung by my little artiste Tae. Then builds back up with ad libs by my sunshine, and he smashes it with a solo rap. The chorus intros with banging vocals by the maknae, and carried on with the rest of the vocal line. Shawn yells out an overly dramatic 'yas', the song fades out. Then the next song comes on making Shawn's face flash in recognition,

"Wait you- but how do you- hUH!?" He was stuttering and stumbling over his words. I just smile and sing along to the song, unbeknownst to Shawn recording me. I unashamedly belt out Jack G's high note without breaking a sweat, which is then that I notice the complete silence from my passenger. I glance at him and see him recording me, with a complete look of shock and pride. My cheeks go slightly pink, from the unexpected reaction and the recording. He's knocked out of his shock and ended the recording, tapping on the screen like a speed demon. Until I heard my phone ding, I wasn't bothered to look as I was driving but my gut told me he posted it on social media tagging me in it. I shake my head lightly in nonchalance, I check my mirrors before changing lanes to take the exit from the freeway. Once off the exit ramp I pick a speed and continue on the long stretch of road leading to outside of the hustle and bustle of the city. Love in ruins starts playing but the remix and honestly love Sinead, I nod along to beat and flip the button for the hood to lower the roof.

By the next chorus Shawn's singing along too, I glance over at him and just admire him. The wind blowing through his curls, the soft smile he has on his face as he watches the vibrant colours of Autumn fly by in the dusk light. He looks so at peace in this moment, so calm. I glance back at the road and feel his eyes on me, I ignore them knowing damn well who it is. "This is beautiful, how did you find this area?" I glance over at him, then look back to the road, "I've always loved nature, forests, jungles, reserves. You name it, I've adventured, lived in and so forth. Growing up I've always lived out near forests, my parents property back home stretches kilometres into a reserve privately owned. Plus who could fault the beauty and aesthetic of nature?" I smile softly side-eyeing him, gauging for a reaction to my response. "I never really asked but where did you grow up?" Hmm curious one is he? "Well I spent a decent portion of my childhood in Hartington, Ontario.(A/N:Literally has to look up the town closest to a forest/reserve region cause I've never visit nor lived in Canada) Then later moved to Toronto during high school. My family still owns houses in both towns well city and town. But yeah that's basically it." I laugh a bit causing Shawn to smile softly at me, I shake my head clearing any random thoughts and continue driving, my favourite part of the route comes up which is the slightly bent road shadowed by beautiful orange burnt Japanese maples. "Wow..." in awe, Shawn stares at the passing trees and quickly whips his head to look uphead to see a view of the lake and the sun setting. Never gets old... I cross over a bridge that's near the local lagoon, and drive for another 10 minutes. Almost near the house, I turn onto a semi-dirt road that leads to my house and 2 other houses. The view of the lagoon is secured by thick semi-green trees spotted with a full orange. Softly in the background the music continues to play, a chill edm song plays and the angelic vocals of Troye Sivan filters through the speakers.

I slow down a bit passing my neighbours houses, and continue down the road for another 900 metres. I drive road a small bend and pull up towards my driveway. I reach up and open my garage door, I see Shawn glancing at my house in awe of the wooden architecture and luminous shadow the sunset and evening glow casts on the property. I pull into the garage and park, I quickly make sure the door is closing automatically activating the indoor lighting. I turn towards Shawn, "come on let's head inside, after all I promised dinner." I get out and lean into the back grabbing both my satchel and gym bag, Shawn grabs his stuff out the car too. I walk towards the side door, making sure Shawn knows where to go too. It was only when I walked outside and properly looked that I noticed the black Jeep parked under the trees on the other side of the garage, I nudge Shawn in the direction of the car. "Your car parked there?" I raise an eyebrow at him suspecting Jake had dropped it off before we got here, "yeah its mine, had this baby for a few years now." Shawn looks at the Jeep like it's his lover or something, I chuckle at his gaze snapping him out of it. I give Shawn a few minutes to collect his things outta his car, in the mean time I text a few people and respond to texts.

JUSTIN - JayBear 🐻🐒

DEHLIA - Daytime 💐🐸

Don't forget rehearsal in a few days I'll text the times about a day before, I'll get Scoot to text Hel about any other details 😆🖤

Coolio! I got a few ideas brewing. That you'll find out about on the night of the concert 😏

Come on Day!! That's not fair , why?!?!?! 😭

Because! You cheeky shit, this is payback for the stunt you pulled in the studio yesterday 😈


Lena - leNaDeE🥴
Dehlia - DEadAsS💅🏾

When are we catching up and getting lunch boo?? 🤔

I don't know yet. Send me your free days and I'll try and work around that and hit you up.

Hmmm, you've got tea to spill don't you... 🤨


Dehlia Naomi Anders!? Your ass better tell me what it is!?!?!!!

I giggle at Lena's message knowing I'm going to get an earful the next time I see her. I hear someone clear their throat and look up to see Shawn with a backpack on his shoulder, and a guitar case on the opposite. "Right, let go in shall we?" I smile and turn on my heels, speed walk towards the front door. I grab my house keys from my satchel and unlock the door, place the keys in the bowl by the door and continue downstairs. "Here we are you can leave your stuff by the carpeted stairs on the left, I'll be in the kitchen which is to the right. Holler if you need anything?" I see Shawn nod as he soaks in the layout of the house. (A/N: I'll do a chapter with the layout) I slide my gym bag into the laundry on the way to the kitchen, and dump my satchel on one of the stools. I do the necessary prep before heading into the pantry and grabbing the ingredients. "Hey Shawn? Chorizo or chicken?" I hear a bit of shuffling, "um... chorizo." Okay cool. I stride over to the walk in fridge and grab some chorizo and place with the other ingredients. I walk over the docked iPad and turn my home system on, I scroll through my playlist and choose a random one. A twinkling synth piano plays and then Wale booms through the speakers in the kitchen. I shake my hips back behind the counter and start cutting the necessary vegetables and whisking eggs. I preheat the stove top with a stainless steel pan placed on top of the stove plate. I'm combining the ingredients to cook in the hot pan, when the harmonises for Nothing But Trouble play through. I'm in my own world, doing small dance moves round the kitchen whilst singing along to the harmonies and lyrics of the song. I don't even notice Shawn walking into the kitchen and situating himself on a stool by the counter. I'm browning the vegetables when one of my unofficial songs starts playing (A/N: Pretend it's hers, credits to Lauv) the echoing organ like synth plays through the kitchen, I knew damn well what song this was. The place I was in... writing this was just my release... my sanctuary. "Smile when you're sleeping, wonder who you're dreaming of. Oh cause I could just see you with wine on your t-shirt and somebody else on your arm. Can't control this feeling, wonder who you're dreaming of? After all of these nights laying right by your side, how could my brain make me feel so far?" The piano blares louder, and the chord changes and my voice goes up in an octave. "Maybe it's a case of paranoia, nervous that I'll never really know ya. What do I feel? Who do I trust? Maybe it's real, or maybe I'm just." The song builds up and then the bass drops for the chorus "Paranoid. Paranoid. Maybe I'm just, paranoid. Paranoid, Maybe I'm just." The second verse makes me choke up remember him... The one that made me forget my troubles for a bit. Escape reality. But he's also the one that hurt me the most, almost got me killed. It was toxic, and honestly? I'm glad I'm out that relationship, and he's gone from my life. I kind of go on autopilot, I wanna turn this song off. I have to turn this song off. It's bring back too many memories, especially about Max. I turn around to turn it off before I shutdown, and spook myself with seeing Shawn behind me. I yelp in surprise causing Shawn to chuckle at my embarrassment and scare, "Jesus Shawn! You scared me don't do that especially with someone like me in the kitchen! I once knocked Gigi out with a pan, cause she thought it was a smart idea to sneak up on me. Much like you did." I deadpan to him, only causing him to chuckle more, "What song was that? I've never heard it before and it sounds different to most music that's out today..." he narrows his eyes at me accusingly and suspiciously, tryna sus me out and find out information. I shrug "oh that silly song, that's one of my projects I did when I first started looking into making music professionally. Made it when I was.. hmm.. 16 years old I'd say? So about 5 years ago. I went through a heavy phase of alternative-pop/EDM and RNB? But yeah that's that." I dust my hands like there something on them.  "Anyways dinner will be done soon just gotta combine the meats, vegetables and egg and voila! An omelette!" I smile and turn back to cooking dinner, preparing myself for the impending invasion of creative questions and possible snooping. "You should finish you know. It sounds like it's not finished, like it was-" "Interntionally done? Yeah... it was, look I'm not entirely comfortable talking that song or why I made it. So can we please drop it? I don't want to make this weird between us, or uncomfortable." I interrupted Shawn's question, his eyes soften. Like he knows what it's like, like he's felt the same things I've felt. I guess that's why I get along with Justin so well. Both have pasts with toxic relationship/s. 

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