Ride or die

By brujitaa17

106K 1.1K 80

Taking a turn on favorite ship Stella Kidd and Kelly Severide. From the moment they first meet...or so. More

Part 1 : Where it all started
Part 2: Firehouse 51
Part 3: Knowing her
Part 4 : Severide
Part 5:
Part 7 : the kiss
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10: The Date
Part 11
Part 12 : love
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22 : A Change
Part 23 : The party
Part 24 : the baby
Part 25 : Olivia Leslie Severide
Part 26 :
Part 27
Part 28 : Back to work
Part 29 : Just a scare
Part 30
Part 31 : Disagreement
Part 32 : An accident
Part 33 : Clearer
Part 34 : Stab
Last part : Mr and Mrs Severide

Part 6

3.3K 43 0
By brujitaa17

His hug felt good. His grip was tight, it felt comforting.

"See why you have me on my day off crying that's not nice! But thank you, you hug well" and she winked at him.

"Oh I know!" He laughed.

"You are unbelievable! You want anything else, something to eat for breakfast maybe." She proposed.

"No I already took a lot of your time. So i better get going but see you back at work" he put the mug down and was on his way, he opened the door.

"Get home safe" she smiled, he leaned in, gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Weirdly the following weeks, Severide would pop up at Stella's house on their day off, just to chat and they both loved it.
Stella status of candidate was finally over. She was happy, this firehouse was everything she ever dreamed of.

Today was pretty calm, until a call came in. Truck, Squad and Ambo were called on scene.


"Yes Lieutenant!"

"We need you to slid the backboard underneath the little girl, the space is too narrow for any of us"

"Copy that"

A house had collapsed, and Stella was the only one who could reach the girl under all the debris. But she had to act quick, it wasn't stable enough.

The backboard was in place, she was slowly backing up and taking the girl out. But the building started shaking again.

"Come on Kidd get out of there" Casey said through the radio.

"Yes i'm almost there!"

But as soon as she said this, it shook more and some concrete fell on both her legs. So she pressed her radio and said.

"Hey squad guys, I need your help! Both my legs are trapped, it is impossible to get the girl out and she needs medical care"

Severide alongside Tony and Cruz went to Kidd rescue. They managed to get the girl out first with the help of Stella and then Severide pulled Stella out.

"You alright?" He asked while helping her up.

But when she stood up, and put her whole weight on her feet and she felt a sharp pain.

"Arh! I think my ankle is a little hurt, but I can walk on it" and so she did, but her face.

Her face was telling otherwise, and Severide saw that. So he lifted her up and took her out. She rode with ambo to med.
Severide waited for the end of his shift, and he went to get Stella. Gabby was supposed to do it because Stella asked her, but he heard Gabby talk with her on the phone and so he proposed to do it.

She was sitting on the hospital bed, looking at her watch.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Gabby, and what are you doing here exactly?" She was confused "did you see Gabby on your way?"

"Well no didn't see her because I'm the one who is bringing you back home" and he laughed waiting for her reaction.

"Oh! Did you impose this on her! Severide you didn't need to really"

"I got you out this morning, I don't mind helping just a little more. Plus now that I finally got you holding conversations with me, I'm kind of loving it" he said while taking her crutches for her.

"Isn't that sweet! Thank you" she got up and they started heading out of the hospital.

On their way to Stella apartment, they stopped to get some food. Stella wouldn't be able to go back to work for a little while, it was heavy on her. She was already used to her morning routine, even if it would be for just a short period of time, still it was too much.

"Here you go, safe and sound!"

"Let's eat now"

They ate, talked and when Kelly was about to leave she asked.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

"Is that an invitation?"

"I'm not going to ask again! I just wanted somebody with me, i won't be able to go work and you took Gabby's place so"

"Okay i stay but you better have some beer!" He said going to the fridge.

He drank some beer than passed out on her sofa. Stella then went to sleep, she was still wondering why he decided to come and not let Gabby. But she was somehow happy he was the one here.
Even tho the next morning was normally her day off and Severide's too, she heard him snore. So she got up and went to her living room. She bent over, and screamed in Kelly's hear.

"Wake up!" She was laughing.

He opened his eyes quickly and saw her laughing. He weirdly couldn't get mad at her for waking him up.

"What are you doing? Come here!" And he proceeded to grab her by the waist, he knew since she couldn't put weight on one of her ankles. She wouldn't be able to get out of his grip.

"Ah let me go!"

Then everything got really quiet, they were both in each other face. Stella stopped trying to get Kelly to let her go, he was strong and plus she didn't want to leave anymore.

Kelly took one last look at her, his hand held her face gently and he kissed her. He thought she would have stopped the kiss but better yet, she was into it.

She kissed him back.

Then she thought to herself "Stella what are you doing".

And just when it was getting more intense, she stopped. And locked eye to eye with Kelly, his blue eyes.

Damn it his blue eyes.

"Um, I, I think I'm going to go now" he said.

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