Rewrite the stars

By HollyBowden4

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When Perri Met Holly whilst on the genesis tour he never imagined that they would fall in love but fate decid... More

Flashback to the day we met
A heart full of love
The sign of three
Why can't you be happy for me
Smile through the Pain
I'm ready to Dance
I love you with all my heart
Everything is Lost
Dance with me

Dreams really do come true

178 0 0
By HollyBowden4

Ashley's POV:

Today was the day we'd all been waiting for, today was the day that Perri and Holly got married and I knew it was going to be a really special day the sun was shining, birds were singing and me and the lads were just finishing putting the finishing touches to the wedding venue. I'd sent Jordan and Mitchell round to help Perri get ready because knowing him as well as I do I know he'll be pacing back and fourth worrying about messing up his vows or his speech.

Jordan's POV:

Right now Perri is pacing back and fourth in his boxers with no top on and eating some dry shreddies so it was very clear to myself and Mitchell that he was nervous, I smiled and said 'Pel I need you to take a deep breath and come with me you need to get ready'. Perri put down his bowl of dried cereal and followed me upstairs to get changed, once he was changed he started to calm down he decided he wanted to have one last run through of his speech and vows before Sam arrived to pick us up.

Perri's POV:

Who knew wedding days could be so nerve-racking but finally I was in Sam's car with the lads on my way to the wedding venue to get married to Holly. Once we arrived we met up with Danielle and the others who insisted on taking loads of photo's, at the time we took this one it was very windy and Ash decided to duck out cause he didn't want to mess up his hair but it was still a good photo.

After having some photo's taken Ash pulled me aside so he could have a chat with me so we decided to take a stroll through the gardens I looked up and said 'So what did you want to talk about', Ashley looked at me and said 'I just wanted to say how incredibly proud of you I am Perri,  and I'm so happy that you've found someone you love. I have no doubt that you and Holly will be really happy together'. I hugged Ashley and said 'I'm so grateful to you for everything you've done', After having a walk I went with Ashley to look at the decorations and it was exactly the way myself and Holly had wanted it, I turned around and said 'Group hug, I love you guys so much'.

Holly's POV:

I was sat at the dressing table in my hotel room as Perri's sister Starr finished my hair I stepped into the wedding dress and Starr did the buttons up before attaching the veil to my hair. I looked up in the mirror and said 'I can't believe how different I look', Starr smiled and said 'Holly you look beautiful, who's giving you away'. I looked down at the floor and sat down in the chair and said 'Well it won't be my dad he's not forgiven me for shouting at him, I think I really upset him'.

(Starr, Ellie and Elivie's bridesmaids dress)

(My wedding dress)

(My hairstyle and Veil)

Starr's POV:

Holly was just having some photo's taken before we went downstairs but I couldn't help but be worried about her relationship with her parents I think I needed to speak to Perri but not today, today is their happy day. I looked out of the window and saw the car pull up I turned to Holly and said 'Holly it's time to go to the venue'.

Perri's POV:

I was stood at the top of the aisle waiting for my beautiful bride to arrive Ashley and the lads were stood to my right, Starr walked over and said 'Sorry Pel could I just borrow Ashley thanks'. I looked up at my sister and said 'Um yeah I guess', I glanced to the barn doors and briefly saw Holly stood outside and from what I saw she looked beautiful.

Ashley's POV:

I followed Starr out into the lobby where Holly was stood waiting she looked absolutely beautiful I turned to Starr and said 'Is everything alright', Starr smiled and said 'Um Holly's parents aren't here and she's got nobody to give her away'. I didn't know that Holly had nobody to give her I smiled at Starr and then turned to Holly and said 'Holly I would be delighted to give you away'. I signalled to the wedding officiator who stood at the top of the aisle she smiled and said 'Please be upstanding for the bride'.

Holly's POV:

I was over the moon when Ashley offered to give me away I hooked my arm through Ashley's left arm and we walked up the aisle towards Perri, once I was next to him I turned to Ashley and said 'Ashley thank you for giving me away it means a great deal'. Ashley hugged me before taking his seat next to Jordan, I smiled at Perri before turning to face the front.

(W/O: Wedding officiator, H: Holly and P: Perri)

W/O: A warm welcome to Perri and Holly's friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Perri Kiely to Holly Edwards if anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony then let them speak now or for ever hold their peace.  Now Perri and Holly have written their own vows so Perri would you like to go first'.

P: Ever since I met you on the first day of the Genesis tour I knew instantly you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I stand here before you today and make a lifelong promise that I will love and respect you, I will care for you in sickness and in health and I give you this ring as a sign of my undying love for you

H: I never imagined that I would find my one true love but when I set eyes on you I knew I'd found the one I loved, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and start a family of our own. I stand here today and make a lifelong promise that I will care for you in sickness and health, I will love and respect you, I will support you through thick and thin and I give you this ring as a sign of my undying love for you

W/O: You have made your vows in front of all your friends and family, therefore it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride.

Perri's POV:

I wrapped my arms around Holly's waist and kissed her passionately on the lips, before taking her right hand and we walked down the aisle as husband and wife. Whilst the guests headed into the room where we were having the wedding reception myself and Holly had a few minutes to ourselves, I picked her up bridal style and began to spin her around as I did so I said 'So how does it feel to be Mrs Holly Kiely'.

Holly's POV:

I held on tight as Perri spun me around and asked me how it felt to be Mrs Holly Kiely, I leaned in and kissed Perri on the lips and said 'It feels absolutely amazing Mr Kiely, I am the luckiest person to be married to you', From outside the Ballroom doors we heard Ashley say 'Ladies and Gentlemen please be upstanding for Mr and Mrs Kiely'. Perri took my left hand and said 'Are you ready', I smiled and said 'I'm ready for anything so long as it's with you'.

Perri's POV:

Me and Holly linked arms and walked into the Ballroom I looked over at her and she smiled when she saw how beautifully decorated the Ballroom was, we sat down at the top table with Ashley and the rest of the lads. Jordan was sat beside his girlfriend Naomi who was expecting their first child I'd never seen Jordan so happy as he was now.

(Still Perri's POV:)

After having the starter and Main course it was time for me to make my speech which went down really well, and then it was time for Jordan and Mitchell to make their best man speeches which both reduced me to tears. After all the speeches were done it was time for me and Holly to have our first dance, it had been hard choosing a song but eventually me and Holly settled on (A Million dreams, from the greatest showman).

Jordan's POV:

This wedding was so beautiful I was so happy for Perri and Holly I had never seen two people more in love, well apart from my brother and his wife Francesca. I couldn't wait to propose to my girlfriend one day and also I couldn't wait to be a dad.

Holly's POV:

I was stood to the side talking to Ellie about a new routine we were going to start working on when I got back from my honeymoon, I was so wrapped up in the conversation that I didn't hear Perri come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist I smiled and said 'Well hello my gorgeous husband'.

Perri's POV:

I wrapped my arms around Holly's waist and said 'Shall we slip away my love and have some time to ourselves', I felt Holly relax in my arms she turned her head and kissed me on the lips and then she said 'Good idea let's go my love'. I turned around to Jordan and said 'Jordan me and Holly are going to slip away', Jordan and the rest of the lads smiled and hugged me and Holly before we left the wedding reception I carried Holly to the wedding car and the chauffer drove us to the address I gave him.

Holly's POV:

I was confused as to where we were going the Chauffer had missed the turning to Perri's house I turned to Perri and said 'Sweetheart where are we going', Perri kissed me on the forehead and said 'Take a look out the window cause we've arrived'. I smiled and looked out of the window and saw that we had stopped outside the most beautiful house, I looked at Perri and said 'Where are we my love' Perri smiled at me and said 'This is our new house, I put in the last payment a couple of days ago and I picked up the keys yesterday'. I looked over at Perri and said 'Perri my sweetheart can we go inside' Perri looked over at me and said 'Of-course we can sweetheart'.

(Mine and Perri's new house)

(The most important room, Mine and Perri's bedroom)

Perri's POV:

I carried Holly bridal style into the house and showed her round the house eventually we came to the last room which was painted a pale yellow colour, I turned round to face Holly and kissed her on the lips before saying 'So this is the last room, it's very special this one because it's our room', Holly leaned in and kissed me on the lips one kiss led to another and soon we ended up in the bed our sweaty bodies entangled in the sheets.

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