Come along, Holmes

By UnicornHeart84

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When the Doctor and Amy Pond land the TARDIS in 221B Baker Street, they know something weird is bound to happ... More

Come along Holmes
Did you say..spaceship?
Doubtful hedgehog
This is ridiculous, really
Not a lie, not exactly
Cigarettes and stars

Totally bonkers

11 0 0
By UnicornHeart84

After a few minutes of shaking and nausea (for John), the Doctor crossed the room.

"Here, I'll show you!" He went to the door.

"Great, let's go home now" John said, passing his hand on his brow. Sherlock was glowering.

Amy let out a loud laugh and Sherlock frowned at her. "Totally bonkers" he said under his breath.

The Doctor opened the door and John passed out. Literally. Amy had to run over to him.

Sherlock was merely speechless.

There were stars outside. Like, thousands of stars. They were in space. Actually, really in space. No way this was some kind of special effect. Unless...

"Did you drug us?"

"Of course not! Geez!" The Doctor seemed offended "Come here. I'll give you the Pond Treatment" 

Amy cheered from behind.

The Doctor took Sherlock's hand and walked him to the threshold. Then he pushed him outside. Sherlock let out a shriek (more giggles from Amy) and then...

He was floating. In space. The Doctor's hand still gripping his.

"It's...beautiful" Sherlock breathed.

"Wait how is he even breathing??" John had finally come to his senses and was peering out.

"It's the TARDIS. She provides him with oxygen. That's also how you can understand me when I speak. The TARDIS translates my language to you"

"And Amy's?"

"Oh no she's just Scottish"

"Ok, I guess I believe you now" Sherlock was trying to go back inside the TARDIS. The Doctor gave a pull and Sherlock tumbled inside.

John couldn't fight the urge to hug Sherlock. It was pretty unsettling to see your friend floating in space.

"Told ya!" Amy exclaimed.

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