Distracted √

By RobinVanAuken

2.5M 44.1K 1.9K

When the "Sexiest Man Alive" reneges on his book contract, no-nonsense editor Erin Andersen is sent to rein h... More

Distracted: Chapter One
Distracted: Chapter Two
Distracted: Chapter Three
Distracted: Chapter Four
Distracted: Chapter Five
Distracted: Chapter Six
Distracted: Chapter Seven
Distracted: Chapter Eight
Distracted: Chapter Nine
Distracted: Chapter Ten
Distracted: Chapter Eleven
Distracted: Chapter Twelve
Distracted: Chapter Thirteen
Distracted: Chapter Fourteen
Distracted: Chapter Fifteen
Distracted: Chapter Sixteen
Distracted: Chapter Seventeen
Distracted: Chapter Eighteen
Distracted: Chapter Nineteen
Distracted: Chapter Twenty
Distracted: Chapter Twenty-One
Distracted One-Shot
NEWS: Free Book for Fans!
Round 1 Results
Contest Results Round 2

Distracted: Chapter Twenty-Two

107K 3.7K 556
By RobinVanAuken

Four months later, Erin stood on the pier at the marina and watched as ex-Sergeant Mick Smith maneuvered his skiff against the pilings. He tossed her a line and she wrapped it around the cleat.

"Thanks, sweetheart. I've got a dive lesson this afternoon," he said as he clunked two diving tanks on the pier.

Erin rubbed her swelling stomach and smiled. Mick caught the gesture.

"When's the wedding?"

"Excuse me?"

He winked. "Well, gal. Appears you're knocked up and I'm asking you, when's the wedding?"

Erin watched a sailboat tacking its way up the sound.

"I'll ask. I'll ask if you're invited, too."

Mick laughed and pulled tanks from the bow of his motor boat.

That night, as Spence stroked her belly and kissed it, she told him about Smith's comment.

"He said 'knocked up'?"


"Well, did you tell him that it's up to you?"


"When will you marry me?"

"As soon as you finish the manuscript."

Spence sighed. "How many pages do we have left?"

"Oh, I think we could wrap it up this week if you promise to focus."

"Baby, it's not my fault. You've been distracting me since we met."


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Thank you for taking the time to check out my work - I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please rate and comment before moving along, if you will.

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