The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

By Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... More

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Hogwarts
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Real feelings
Third year | Invisible Snowball fight
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Frog lady
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
A Year later | Babies & Names
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News


10.8K 146 36
By Jiminie_mochi1013

The sky rumbled, it was a cloudy day and the smell of a storm was strong in the air. The hidden house in Ireland on the cliffs, was Kassandra Roseore's. She had bought the place when the war started, putting concealment charms and older magic around the place.

Upstairs in her room, Arabella Roseore sat writing. Scribbling out the words on the parchment, she balled it up and threw it on the ground. This was the seventh letter she'd written and had no idea what to say.

"Careful, Aria, if Leo catches onto your stress he'll be restless," Kassandra walked into the room. "Plus, you won't heal like you should be."

"I know Kass, but writing what happened to Adrien is harder than it seems."

Arabella had been stressed ever since her boyfriend, Adrien, told her that he was going on a dangerous mission. That was many months ago, and the day after he left she found out she was pregnant. She told him after two months, he was excited, but worried about whether she'd be able to handle being pregnant without him. He had sent her a note to try and cheer her up, he wasn't going to be gone forever.

"Why don't you just tell him he's born, then put the Birthday, name, and weight. Or do you want me to owl him?" Kassandra smiled.


Kassandra handed her sister her baby, happy to do what she could for her. It wasn't an easy situation. Kassandra quickly scribbled on the parchment, Leo making little noises while in his mother's arms. He was about a month old now, the labor process had been rough for Arabella. Leo was born with a head full of honey blond hair, it wasn't staying though, because the ends were becoming darker.

"Do you think his eyes will get darker?" Leo had opened his eyes, awake from his nap.

"I hope not, his eyes remind me of Adrien's." Arabella moved some of his hair, a smile on her face.

Kassandra rolled her eyes at her older sister, she was acting like a lovesick teenager again. When Leo first opened his eyes, Arabella had burst into tears because they were like Adrien's. Also, because her baby was here now.

Kassandra handed the note to her sister. She read through it, but frowned at the part after Leo's birth.

"Kass, I don't want him knowing about that part yet!" her brows furrowed.

"Is that a good idea, Aria? You kept Leo a secret and now you want to keep this a secret?"

"Kass, Adrien almost didn't go back to the war when he found out I was pregnant," Arabella had a look of worry on her face. "He's needed on Dumbledore's side so this can be over. He'll just come back if he hears what happened."

"Fine, I'll rewrite and keep that out." She finished the note and sent it on its way.

Kassandra had been studying healing and wanted to go into medical school in the muggle world. That's why Arabella was glad to have Kassandra around when she gave birth.

"I'll go get lunch on the stove, you might want to feed Leo and put him down." She checked her watch.

Kassandra was extremely bright and could pick things up quickly, but she got criticism for doing things without magic. Always studying when she's not doing something, which results in her looking tired and wearing the same clothes two days in a row. Her curly hair was always down, but she started wearing it up when Leo was born.

Arabella stood in front of the window, looking out as she burped Leo. She saw a gray owl flying towards the house, it was Athena.

She opened the window for her to come in. Landing on the window sill, a letter in her beak. She saw Arabella was a little busy and put the letter on the bed, going to where she knew the treats were. Closing the window and putting Leo in his crib when he finally burped. Grabbing the letter she opened and read it:


I don't know if you've given birth yet, but I'm coming to see you. Things are going sour and I'm due to hide, my brother knows I betrayed him. He found out when I told Severus what was going on, he knows I'm working for the order. I'm going to be doing behind the scenes stuff, so I'm coming home.

When you get this, I will be a few minutes away.

~ Adrien

Folding up the letter, she ran down to Kassandra.

"Kassandra, permit Adrien—permission, he's close!"

She looked at her wide eyed, throwing down the wooden spoon she ran out to her front yard. Her wand pointing she recited the words in Latin, allowing Adrien to be able to come in with safe passage. He came in, a smile wide on his face and his arms out. He was in simple jeans, t-shirt, Jean jacket, and black sneakers; his hair was a curly mess.

"Adrien!"  She ran to him, arms wrapping around his neck.

He wrapped her in a gentle yet tight hug.

"Sorry if I crushed him." He laughed.

"You didn't, don't worry."

He looked at her with pure love in his eyes, looking at her belly and back to her with a smile. She took his hand, walking inside of Kass's house.

"Well, you're back." Kass smiled.

"Mm, still as angry as a tea kettle, Kass?" he teased.

Kass and Adrien constantly threw insults at each other, in good fun of course.

"So, you got the note?" Kass asked.

Adrien looked at them confused, "Note?"

"Kass owled a letter before you announced you were coming. Your owl should be coming back soon." Arabella smiled.

"What was in the letter?"

Kass smiled, "Show him."

Taking his hand again, Arabella walked him upstairs, outside her room. Quickly turning to him, she brought him down, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Aw, so fast?"

"It's just a welcome back kiss." she giggled.

"Some welcome back, how about a real welcome back?"

The blood rushed to her cheeks, his arms trapping her, they kissed.

"Hey! No, last time this happened you gave me a nephew!" Kass yelled from downstairs.

She moved away from Adrien, embarrassed at what her younger sister said.

Adrien rolled his eyes with a smirk on his lips, "You were going to show me something?"

"Close your eyes, I'll lead."

He did as she said, and she led him into the room. Placing him a bit away from the crib.

"Don't look yet!" She let go of his hand, grabbing Leo out of his crib gently. "Open!!"

Adrien's eyes opened and he immediately teared up, his lip quivering, "Is that—is that my son?"

Arabella smiled warmly, stroking the hair on Leo's head, "His name is Leonidas Adrien Riddle."

Walking to him, Adrien touched him gently, smiling brightly as he kissed their son's head.

"Leonidas?" Adrien asked.

"After his grandfather, but I'd say he got his looks from you. My cute little lion cub is giving you a run for your money."

Leo opened his eyes, revealing to Adrien the same blue eyes he had. Leo had brownish blond hair, which was a surprise, because Adrien didn't have blond hair as a baby.

"How old is he now?"

"One month."

Adrien put his finger out to Leo, who grabbed it and held it tight as he moved his face into Arabella's chest.

"He's a bit sleepy, I fed him not too long ago. Right, my little lion?" she said in a baby voice.

Adrien smiled, happy that their family was expanding. Quietly leaving the room, they stood in the hallway.

"How's your recovery?"

"It's hard, but I'm getting stronger. Obviously, I still have a bit of a bump." Arabella put a hand on her slightly smaller stomach.

Adrien took her hands in his, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during the pregnancy or birth."

"You had to be in a war. I can't blame you and I did fine, I had Kassandra and Castor to help me."

Adrien paused for a bit, letting go of her hand he dug around in his jacket pocket. He took out a black box, causing Arabella to stumble back in surprise.

"A—Adrien, What are you—"

He stopped her, getting down on one knee.

"This isn't how I really wanted it to go, but with the war going on I have limited options. Arabella, I've loved you since fifth year when you beat me at quidditch and then beat up that boy who made fun of me for losing to you," Arabella laughed at the memory, realizing how horrible it made her sound. "I'm lucky someone as amazing as you could love me. After everything you've been through you've stayed strong, even dealing with me being gone. It was a surprise when you told me you were pregnant, but I saw my life with you way before. So...Arabella Phoebe Roseore, will you marry me when the war is over?"

He opened the ring box, it revealed an oval cut diamond with smaller diamonds around the band. Arabella choked a little from the crying, she could barely speak. He looked at the ring nervously when he saw her crying.

"I—Uh—Castor, he helped me pick it out. If you don't like it I can—"

"No! I love it, Adrien, yes—yes!" 

His smile widened and he put the ring on her shaking hand, kissing her with delight.

"Aww," Kass gushed. "I get to have you as a brother in law."

"So you can stand me a little bit, carrot top." he teased.

"Keep calling me those names and you won't live to see your wedding." Kass skipped down the stairs, Adrien making a face as he looked at his soon to be wife.

"It's scarier that she said that with a nice smile."

They went down to where Kass was and ate, but in the middle of it, Leo started screaming at the top of his lungs.

"He's up." Arabella tried to get up to go get him, but Adrien stopped her, seeing how tired she was.

"You're still recovering, I'll get him." He went up the stairs and Kass looked at her with a smile, her chin resting on her palm.

Messing with her food a little, Arabella could feel her staring.


"So when will you tell him?" She smirked slightly.

Fidgeting uncomfortably in her seat, Arabella looked at her annoyed.

"Kass, he just proposed, I think I should give it some time."

She got up, went to the kitchen and came back with a picnic basket in her hands, "Or, you can take him for a romantic picnic tonight and tell him. Once you two come back in, Leo will be in my room and you two can have some...alone time."

Realizing what she was implying, Arabella dropped her cutlery in shock and embarrassment.

"Woah, no, we're not doing that tonight. He's probably tired and I'm still recovering!" She put the picnic basket up, all huffy with her.

"Fine, but you have to tell him."

They heard Adrien's footsteps and saw Leo in his arms holding onto him. He had changed Leo into different clothes and brought him to sit with them.

"Did I interrupt something?" He looked between the two suspiciously.

Kass threw her hands up in surrender to Arabella's glare.

"Don't shoot the messenger," she sighed and got up.

She took Leo from Adrien, taking him to the kitchen to get him a bottle ready.

"Arabella, what is she talking about?" Adrien asked, a serious look on his face.

"Adrien, there was something I didn't tell you about when I gave birth."

He took her hands, "Arabella, whatever it is...we can get through it."

Arabella put her head in her hands, upset she had to tell him like this.

"When I was in labor, Kass was helping me during the process. She was panicking a bit, but someone showed up. She knew him, scolded him for coming, but he helped us. Afterwards, he said some strange things and then Kass...she gave a prophecy."

Adrien's eyes widened, "Since when was Kassandra gifted in divination?"

He had never heard of her even having some skill in it.

"She isn't, she can do some was the man. After she said the prophecy, she yelled at him for letting the oracle take over."

Arabella recalled what had happened during her labor. Kassandra had kicked the man out of the house, then called him her father. Avoiding Arabella's questions afterwards. Telling her not to worry and that the prophecy was her problem that she'd deal with after the war.

"What was the prophecy?"

"Hecate's chosen her above all, master of her powers, to unite the 7 together. Blessed by Hades, Ares, and Poseidon, the sons will fight until the night ends. When time stops all cares wilt away, remember yourself. Giants will stomp with all their might, giving the wizards a fright. The one with the gray eyes will be her demise, and the wings of death will rise."

Kass stood there after reciting the prophecy.

"What could that possibly mean?" Adrien asked, panic in his voice.

"Like I told Arabella, that is for me to figure out after all of this. So I suggest you don't look further, or you won't like what you find." Her voice held a level of threat in it.

Adrien slammed his hands on the table, rage in his eyes, "If my son is in danger I want to know Kassandra! I will not let my family be in danger because of who my brother is!"

Arabella winced at him, raising his voice, she never wanted to make him mad.

"Adrien, we should do as she says."

"No Arabella, you and your sister have decided that without me! You didn't tell me this immediately!!" He shouted, angry at the sisters for lying to him.

"I didn't tell you because you were fighting a war and have enough to worry about. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but would it have been any different from how you're acting now?" Arabella's face was serious, and frighteningly calm.


Arabella shook her head, "It wouldn't and you know it. I didn't want you to worry more than you already were! Your half brother, the only surviving family, is the villain in this war! A prophecy was the last thing I wanted to concern you with!"

"Hold me back! That's what I'm here for, you and Leo!!"

"I know you want to protect us, but you've done that since this war began. Now it's my job to protect my son, because I don't want him to grow up wondering why he doesn't have a father and wondering why I didn't help in protecting you! Family is always and forever!" Arabella shouted, the saying was one her and Kass were familiar with.

They grew up with that as kids, their mother asking her and her siblings to promise they'd always have each other's backs.

"Arabella, what are you planning?"

Arabella looked at him with a serious look, knowing he wouldn't like what he would hear.

"When I'm recovered, I'm helping Castor find Harley. We think we know where he is, but I need to be the one to get him. He needs me and Castor will be with the other Aurors during the ambush."

Adrien was fuming when she finished.

"No, you're not doing this! Arabella I have put my life on the line for you, I'm not letting you do this! If something happened what would happen to Leo?"

Arabella's gaze immediately went to her son, who looked at them both as he gnawed on his baby fist.

"He'd have an Aunt, and he'd grow up knowing we protected him and did this for him to have a better future."

Adrien scowled at her sister, who had been quiet the entire time, "You're letting her do this?"

Kass moved Leo's fist out of his mouth and put a pacifier in, frowning at Adrien, "She knows what she's doing, Adrien. Don't underestimate her."

"I don't like this one bit." Adrien held his head in his hands.

Arabella looked at Adrien, Kass, and Leo. She knew it was risky, but it was one she was willing to take, for Harley and for them. Harley has been taken by the death eaters when he was one, he'd probably be three around the time she could get to him. Arabella looked at Kass, who immediately understood her sister wanted to hold him. She gave Leo, Arabella smoothed out his hair with a sad look.

"I'm the one who loves him the most, and I'm not going to let anything happen to him," Her voice cracked a bit, holding back her tears. "Adrien, please, you can't be the only one to protect us."

Adrien sighed, looking up he was smiling slightly, knowing her all too well, "I can't talk you out of this, can I?"

Arabella shook her head slowly. He got up and stood in front of her, wiping the tears that now slowly fell down her face.

"I'm going to marry you, we are going to be present in Leo's life, and we are going to get through this war alive. Because...dammit Arabella, I love you and want to spend eternity with you. I will spend eternity with you, we will find Harley, and we will get a happy ending. We are not my brother, we know what love is."

A/n: I'm sorry the prophecy sucks, I've never had to write a prophecy before. If I can think of a better one, I'll edit 😅

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