The Major's Mate

By ShadowGirl1996

645K 10.9K 783

When Edward was turned so was his sister Lillian. When Edward rebelled agents Carlisle's way of life and left... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fithteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four

Chapter fourteen

24.2K 415 125
By ShadowGirl1996

After a couple hours Bella just sat in Edwards room. She refused to move or speak. I looked at the clock. 8pm. Charlie must be worried. I picked up the house phone. I dialled his number and waited.

"Hello." I could tell by his voice he was worried and stressed.

"Hi Charlie. Its Lillian...Bella's here." I heard his sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness. I heard your family left town. Carlisle got a job offer somewhere else? Is she okay?" I looked towards the stairs.

"Physically she's fine. But mentally I think she's struggling." I say. "Do you want me to bring her home?"

"No that's okay. I'll come get her." He said. "I'll make my way to your house now."

"Alright. I'll see you soon." I hung up and walked to Jasper. "Are you going hunting?" He nodded and I kissed him before he quickly left. I sat, playing with Mason until I heard a knocking on the door. I picked him up and walked down stairs. I opened the door and Charlie stood there.

"Where is she?" He frowned.

"In Edwards's old room." I say and lead him up to the room. I pointed to the room and he walked over and opened the door. There she sat, sitting on the bed, curled into a ball.

"Bells. It's time to come home now." He said and I frowned. She slowly got up and walked over. "Thank you for keeping her safe." I nodded.

"You're always welcome over Bella. Mason loves seeing you." Mason was fast asleep in my arms and Bella smiled slightly at him. "Things will get better Bella." She nodded and I walked them out. I waved as they left and I sighed. I walked back up to Masons room and laid him down. "Night baby."


Over the next couple months Bella started going to the rez. Her friend Jacob was there. Then she turned up at the house in tears. I was furious. Jacob had abandoned her just like Edward had. I snapped. I knew Jasper was out hunting so I got Mason into his car seat and strapped myself in. When Sam came over we discuss how me and Mason where only half vampires so we could go to the rez. I drove towards Sam's place. I now Emily wants to meet Mason. Apparently she's got a soft spot for kids. I pulled up and got out. I got Mason out and held his hand. He was the size of a 2 year old now and I smiled at him. We walked towards the house and Paul walked out.

"Paul." He looked over and I waved. "Is Sam here?"

"He's inside with Emily." I nodded and Mason hid slightly behind my leg. We walked up the small steps and I knocked on the door.

"Mummy." I looked down and Mason lifted his arms. I picked him up as the door opened. "Sam!" I looked over as Sam chuckled. I smiled as I handed Mason to the wolf man. Mason smiled and looked around inside.

"What brings you all the way here?" He asked.

"We need to talk and I remember you saying that Emily wants to meet Mason." He nodded and moved to the side so I could go inside. There was a woman cooking in the kitchen. She looked up and I saw the scars. I waved and she smiled.

"You must by Lillian?" I nodded and her eyes gleamed when she saw Mason. "And this cutie must be Mason." Mason looked at her and frowned he touched her scars and tear up.

"Owie." He said and Sam frowned.

"Not Owie." I say and Mason looked at me. "Its okay baby." He smiled adn put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a plaster with colourful pictures of animals on. "I was wondering what you did with all your plasters." He handed it to Emily who smiled and took it.

"Thank you, sweetie." Mason smiled and looked at a frowning Sam. Mason put his hands on Sam's cheeks and stretched it so Sam was smiling. I bit my lip to stop laughing but Emily just giggled.

"Sweetie, why don't you and Emily play while me and Sam talk?" Mason nodded and Emily took him and walked to the kitchen. I turned to Sam and frowned. "Its about Bella and Jacob."

"I know what your going to say." He said.

"No you don't. Bella knows about the shifters. How could she not? She was sat in the next room when you came to talk to me. Im trying to help her get out of the vampire world. Jacob was helping and you went and told Jacob to not have anything to do with Bella." He frowned and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she new." I nodded and looked towards Emily and Mason who were making cookies.

"She'd make a great mother." He smiled and nodded. "And I saw the way she looked at Mason. You better plan on giving her a child at some point." He chuckled as we walked over to the two. Mason was eating a little cookie dough while Emily put the cookies into the oven. "Oh and I hope you know about head friend." I say through my teeth. He nodded and I smiled. "I hope you catch her soon. You know your welcome on our land to go after her. As long as no harm is influenced on me Jasper or Mason."

"Dont worry. I have told the pack. They'll stay clear of you." I nodded as I saw a group of people walk in.

"This must be your pack." I said adn they looked to me. Some growled others just ignored me.

"What is she doing here?" I looked to a young girl and frowned.

"I thought girls didn't phase?" I asked turning to Sam.

"Leah is the first girl to phase that we know of." I nodded and turned to the girl. Mason ran over and hid behind my leg. Leah looked down at him and tensed. I knew what just happened and I hid Mason behind me more and I hiss at her.

"Leah." A young boy said.

"No way in hell." I growl. Sam walked over and stepped in front of Leah. "No way in hell Sam. He's 2!" I yelled and he frowned.

"He ages faster than a human child." He said.

"True. Technically he's not even 1 yet!" I yelled. Mason sniffled and I looked down. He had never heard me yell. I guess I scared him.

"Mason, hun. Let's go see the cookies?" Emily suggested. Mason looked at me and I nodded. He hurried to Emily and they went to the kitchen. I looked back at the girl who couldn't be older than 16.

"I know how this looks...I didn't mean too-"

"I know." I growl. "But he's a baby. A vampire hybrid. I know how you guys are with vampires." I said looked around.

"But I also know you guys imprint and I can't separate you. It would affect Mason too." She looked at me with a little hope. "I'll have to talk to Jasper. I obviously have my issues with this but right now I have a lot of issues." I looked around. "That reminds me. Who's Jacob?" Two of the wolves pointed to a teenager.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked.

"Your a dick. Your best friend is suffering because you abandoned her. Me and Sam have spoke and you can see her. Since she knows about all this. But don't be shocked if she's a little scared when sees you phase." I turned back to Leah. "I'll deal with you another time. I can't right now I have to go. Me and Mason have to go into town and get him some new cloths-"

"Can I come?" I just looked at her. "I just want to get to know him. And you." I sigh and nodded.

"Fine." I said and looked to Mason and Emily but only saw a panicking Emily. "You okay Emily."

"I lost Mason." She panicked. I looked up and there he was floating with a cookie in his mouth.

"Mummy. Cookie." I smiled as he floated to me and into my arms.

"He has a gift. He can move things with his mind. He sometimes uses it to fly. Trust me I panicked too when I found out. We was in the woods and he just kept going higher and higher. Emmett had to climb a tree to get him down." I say and Mason looked at the others. I saw him looking at Paul. I put him down and he walked to Paul. Paul just looked at him and I smiled. Mason giggled and clapped and Paul went into a wall. Everyone jumped up and I frowned.

"Mason. Say sorry. Now." He frowned and looked at Paul.

"Meany." I frowned and walked over and picked him up.

"Say sorry or no ice-cream later." He tears up and looked at Paul.

"Sorry." He mumbled. I looked back to Sam and smiled.

"Sorry. I better go before he breaks something." He nodded and I walked out with Leah and Mason. I strapped Mason into the car seat and got into the driver's seat. Leah got into the passenger's seat. "Before we go to the mall I need to go home and get my purse. Jasper wants to come too." She nodded and I looked to her. "Look I'm not angry. I'm glad actually." She looked over and I turned to the road. "You'll protect Mason if I'm not around. I know you won't hurt him and now neither can any of the wolves. But you got to understand. He's a baby. My baby. I am his mother. He's not even a year old and it feels like he's been taken away from me."

"I wouldn't do that. You're his mother. Jasper is his father. Even if I hate are his parents. It would hurt him to separate him from you." I nodded as I pulled up at the house. Jasper stood there with Bella.

"Daddy!" Mason cheered and Jasper walked over to the car smiling. He got Mason out as I got out with Leah. "Daddy, I made cookies."

"Oh really?" Jasper asked looking to me and Leah.

"He also threw Paul into a wall. And got imprinted on." I said motioning to Leah. Jaspers eyes darkened and I stepped between Jasper and Leah.

"Move out the way Darlin'." I smiled seeing the Major come out.

"Long time no see Major." I said and he grinned at me. "But maybe you should calm down. Your holding your son." He looked at Mason who smiled at him.

"Daddy Major!" He chuckled and I looked to Leah.

"The three of us will talk later. For now we should get ready to go out." Leah and Jasper nodded. I looked to Bella who had just stood there. "What's wrong Bella?"

"I saw Laurent." I just looked at her. "He went to kill me but the guys got him."

"I know. They let me know earlier." I said. "Call Jacob." I smiled and she nodded. She went to her truck and drove off. Jasper handed me my purse and we got back into the car.

"Mummy? Ice-cream?" I smiled and nodded.

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