What the Hell Are You Doing S...

By ThatSweetNatural20

164K 5.3K 12.4K

When Class 1-A goes to lunch Bakugou stays behind to have an afternoon workout and shower. However, when Kiri... More

Panic at the Dorms
Sweet Like Candy
Get Your Hands Off Me!
Winter's A Bitch
A Big Class 1-A Sleepover!
Why is it Always Me?
You Give Me Strength

What Are You to Me?

24.5K 698 2.8K
By ThatSweetNatural20

Kirishimas POV
"Sorry guys! Don't worry 'm ready to go!"
I wave at my classmates as everyone starts walking away from the dorms and out to the city.
I had rushed out here as fast as I could and had just enough time to put on my crocs, now that would have been a disaster.

Sero and Kaminari walk slowly at the back of the group so that I can catch up.
"Honestly what took you so long?" Sero asks, walking to my right.
'M not really sure what to say to that.
Oh I was just staring at Bakugo shirtless while stuttering like an idiot.
Yeah, I don't think so.

Before I could think of an answer Kaminari latched on to my arm, turning me towards him. If I hadn't been so confused about his behavior I would have busted up laughing at his face of utter bafflement, Kaminari made the stupidest faces.
"Wait!...Don't tell me... you didn't...-or did you? Holy shit Kirishima!"

I looked to Sero to see if he could translate Kaminaris strange rambling. Sero just shrugs, shaking his head, if even Sero didn't understand what Kaminari was saying...welp we're all doomed.

"Did you take our "advice" seriously," Kaminari looks around before leaning in close to whisper the last part, "-and actually have sex with Bakugo?"
"WHAT THE HELL KAMINARI! NO!" I basically scream at the moronic blond, making the rest of the class turn to look at us before most of them deciding it was just the normal shenanigans.

"Yeah, and also I'm pretty sure they would've needed more time..." Sero places his hand on his chin like he was really thinking how long it would take for Bakugo and I to have sex.
I slap his hand away from his chin, "Stop analyzing cause it didn't happen."

"I swear you guys always have your minds in the gutter..." I sigh, 's as if I have two little devils sitting on my shoulders. As we continue to move farther away from U.A. I feel a winter breeze rip through my summer apparel causing me to shiver.
"Damn, 's really cold out, huh?"

Sero laughs a little at my obvious statement, "Well yeah, it's winter dude, you look like your headed to the beach."

"I didn't have time to change-" I complained before pushing my chest out with a steely resolve, "-Anyway a real man can handle a little cold."
The trio of boys hadn't noticed that Momo and Jiro has snuck back to the end of the group to talk to them.
"You know, a real man also knows when to take the help of others." Momo says wisley as she creates a big black trench coat out of her arm and hands it to me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I slightly mumble, still wondering if this questioned my manhood or not, still Momo used her quirk so I should be grateful. "Thanks Momo!" I give a bright smile while pulling the trench coat- which is surprisingly cozy- over myself.

"Should I make something else to keep you warm, Kirishima?" Momo looked worriedly at my crocs and shorts.
"Naw,'s fine Momo, the restaurant ain't to far away is it?" I say buttoning up the trench coat to preserve body heat.
Momo pulled out her phone to look at a map of town. "Oh only five minutes!-... oh, wait, no that's by car so...more like ten minutes."

While it was very cold and the sun was mostly covered up by clouds 'm pretty sure I'd  be fine with just the coat, after all my quirk makes me naturally more hardy and resilient than others. "Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry about it Momo."

Momo nods her head turning to Jiro and Kaminari who had started arguing over the hottest new music artist. During their conversation Sero had wandered over to talk to Sato, Koda and Ojiro near the middle of the class.

I tuned into Kaminari and Jiros debate but in the back of my mind I kept wondering what Bakugo was up to right now.

Bakugos POV
I yell as searing heat tore through my arm muscles and burned my hands.
I plopped down onto a bench shoving my hands into a bowl of lukewarm water that had started off hot but got colder thanks to this shitty winter fucking weather.

'S not my damn fault that my quirk doesn't work as well when 's cold outside. That's why I'm fucking hurt in the first place, cause I have to push extra fucking hard to get my quirk working like it does in damn summer. I look around to see if anybody heard my scream-not that I care- but of fucking course since 's the shitty weekend these extras think that 's okay to slack off. The shitty stinging of my hands brought attention back to my fucking injuries.

Overusing my quirk is possibly one of the most painful things I've ever felt, and I got kicked through a fucking building by All Might. 'S like having lava poured through my damn veins while a million little needles stab through my arms. Oh, and of fucking course thats only the after effect, it feels a million times worse when I use my quirk after I've gone over my damn "limit," or whatever. The simplest way to imagine it 's as if my arms were fucking combusting from the inside out.

I released a long sigh taking my hands out of the bowl and started bandaging them. Whatever, I'll just do a non quirk workout, 's not like my hands were that messed up anyway. Unlike shitty Deku who goes crying to Recovery Girl every time he gets hurt.
I pulled out my phone looking for this new leg and core regime I had found earlier. As I scrolled through my saved file I couldn't help but wish stupid Shitty Hair had stayed behind to work out with me- not because I- umm... well like him or anything 's just that he's more tolerable than the rest of the losers. Also he's just a really good workout partner, he's always pumped and our quirks are perfectly compatible.

Even though I was telling myself that was the only reason I wanted him here another annoying bitchy ass voice was saying there was something else too, I want to blow up that damn voice, it reminds me of fucking Deku, that shit nerd. All Mights always talking about how great fucking Deku is with emotions and shit, but I just don't fucking get it. Emotions are the fucking worst, they make everything way more confusing then they have to be. And after I just settled all that shit with Deku and All Might about One for All. Now Kirishima decides to fucking sneak attack me with a barrage of new emotions that make no fucking sense whatsoever. At least with Deku and All Might I already new things like anger, sadness, confusion and worthlessness, but the ones Kirishima plagues me with are all fucking foreign.

Yet... on the other hand, unlike with All Might and Deku I actually don't mind Kirishimas emotions. I might even say that I like them- if my pride would let me, that is.
I find the workout regime and bring it up on my phone. 'S pretty simple, nothin new I haven't tried, but still pretty damn extreme.

About 15 minutes into the workout I kept thinking about how much better this damn regime would be with a partner. So, of fucking course, my mind went immediately to Kirishima. God, even when he's not here he finds some fucking way to ruin my workout.

But if I had to guess why Hair for Brains seemed to be on my mind more than usual was probably because of the weird ass interaction we had before lunch. 'M not completely fucking oblivious like some of the other shitty extras in this damn school. Kirishima was definitely checking me out, I got to admit being looked at in that type of way by a guy like Kirishima is kinda an ego boost, even for me. Though I still don't fucking get how Kirishima can go from serious to stumbling moron in a minute. And that damn smile of his, it stands to rival fucking All Might's itself.

Anyway, 'm pretty sure Kirishimas gay, 's not like 's a huge secret or anything since I heard Raccoon Eyes squealing about it to Round Face and Invisi-Bitch once. Whenever one of the losers gathers the courage to ask me about my damn sexuality though I usually tell them to fuck off or that 's not any of their damn business. I've never been attracted to anyone, so how the hell am I supposed to know what I fucking like? There's only two people that I actually like, as in more than tolerate.

Those two are All Might and Kirishima. I actually admire those two, but in different ways. With All Might I'd rather just learn from him and keep my walls up... but Shitty Ha-... Kirishima makes me want to actually hang out with him, get to know about his stupid life and even fucking open up about myself from time to time. God he's so fucking adora-infuriating, I fucking lov- hate him! Aggghhhh Stupid Shitty Hair!!!

Kirishimas POV
Yeah, Bakugos probably fine.

Just as my toes start going numb in my stylish crocs, like an oasis in a desert I see the big cozy looking restaurant that Momo had been raving about. Apparently Satos parents work there and manage the restaurant so going always meant a big skillet desert for the class to enjoy at the end of our meals.

Since 's Saturday the restaurants pretty busy so Sato calls up his parents and soon one of the kitchen workers comes out and leads us through the back work door. They had a couple of extra booths in the back Sato said were in case of a huge party of people.

Since the booths could only seat about three people on each side the class split into groups of six or less.
(The semi colon separates whose sitting on each side of the booth.)
Booth 1:Tsu, Uraraka, Hagakure; Iida and Tokoyami
Booth 2: Sato, Shoji, Koda; Mineta, Aoyama and Ojiro
Booth 3: Me, Kaminari, Sero; Jiro, Momo and Mina

Since the restaurants kinda short staffed today and Sato basically knows the place like the back of his hand he takes our drink and meal orders and heads to the kitchen. It's only a few minutes before Sato comes out with our drinks but says we'll have to wait a while for the food.

"Hey! While we're waiting do you guys wanna play Make A Quirk?" Mina bounces excitedly in her seat.

"Don't you think we're a little old to be playing Make A Quirk, Mina?" Jiro props an elbow onto the table, leaning her check on it while taking a sip from her soda.

Mina reels back from Jiro, nearly hitting Momo in the chin. "Jiro! You're never too old to play Make A Quirk!" Mina scolds the punk hero in training.
I lean back into the plush padding of the booth. I hadn't played Make A Quirk in a while, 's traditionally a children's game after all. The game 's as old as quirks themselves, when quirks started popping up over the world children would get with their friends and try to think of crazy quirks, their strengths, specifics and draw backs.

"What do you guys think? Wanna play!" Mina looks at us with childish cheer in her eyes.

"...I would like to play, please." Momo speaks quietly with a light blush crossing her checks while raising her hand a little as to show her vote. I know Momo belongs to a rich family so she probably didn't know a lot of kids her age to play with growing up.

"Yeah, sure!" Kaminari also pumps his fist into the air. "Why not?" Sero shrugs his shoulders raising his hand from his drink.

"Could be fun!" I also shout in, feeling pumped by this manly unity.
We all turn to Jiro who, after taking a chance to glance at all of us, sighs and lifts her hand up.
"Yippee!!" Mina bounces up from her seat in victory before sitting back down, her focus now on the game.
"Let's play!"

Once we started playing other people from our class booths started leaning over to watch our game. Even though we've only played a couple rounds so far there's been a lot of really unique quirk ideas, for example just to name two: Butterfly. A quirk that allows you to sprout butterfly wings at any given time and produce a cocoon like substance from your skin that can act as a shield. Senses. A quirk that allows the user to steal another beings senses. However, when taking a sense it will randomly take one of the users also. The effect is nullified whenever the user stops using their quirk.

Now it was Minas turn and she was absolutely buzzing with excitement to share.
"Gender Swap!" At Minas outburst everyone at the table kinda looked around at eachother not really knowing how to react, well I mean it's interesting at least.

"Doesn't really sounds like it'd be good in a fight." Kaminari says cocking his head in a confused manner at Mina.
"Uuuuugggggghhhhhhh!!!" Mina sprawls her arms, head and torso onto the table before bolting back up, leaning back onto the booth. How the hell does she have so much energy???
"I know we're aspiring to be heroes and all but it's not like every quirk has to be used for combat, you know?" Mina says rolling her eyes so dramatically you'd think she'd be on a sitcom by now.
Minas right though, most quirks aren't meant for combat, the chance of being born with a fighting quirk is actually kinda of rare. I guess being in the hero course gets you used to looking at quirks in a whole different light, after all it's the user that makes the quirk, not the quirk that makes the user.

"But wouldn't that be cool!? I mean imagine everyone, but gender swapped!!!" Mina once again went from irritated to hyper- wow, I feel tired just watching her.
Everyone must've been pretty intrigued by the idea since everyone was leaning or standing from their seat to watch the discussion.
Aoyoma raises a refined hand saying flamboyantly, "I would be gorgeous as a man or a wo-"
Mina interrupts Aoyoma to place a hand over her flexed bicep, "If I was a guy I'd be the most athletic and jacked in the class" Mina gives a big smile when stating this. She's probably right though since she's already the most fit and muscular girl in Class 1-A.

Talking ensues between the three booths, no one really focusing on a single topic until I notice Kaminari gasp making a face of horror, realization and disbelief. How he managed to make a face with so many reactions at the same time, 'm not sure, he does have a talent for faces after all.

Everyone's attention is drawn over to Kaminari as he leans in to whisper, as if he's afraid someone else might here, "Guys...can you imagine Bakugo! As a girl!?"

I seem to be the only one not shocked or taken aback by Kaminari's question, I mean I've meet Bakugos mom so I've basically already seen an older female version of Bakugo.

I guess I must've been thinking out loud since everyone turned to look at me with shocked eyes when I mutter out, "Its not that hard to imagine..."
There's a barrage of comments so I can't really distinguish who's saying what. I hear a mix of things like, "Wait really?" or, "Why's that?" and even some, "Kirishima, your crazy!"

"No seriously guys, I meet his mom, they look a lot alike." I say already fishing out my phone to pull up a picture of Mrs. Bakugo.
I quickly pulled up a picture of a smiling Mrs. Bakugo-she asked me to call her Mitsuki, but that doesn't seem very appropriate- who had one hand on her hip and the other slung around the shoulders of a scowling Bakugo.

"Here!" I exclaim starting by passing it to Kaminari. As it circulated throughout the three booths I see that almost everyone has the same reaction of them either gasping, muttering some sort of surprised statement under their breath or their eyes widening from shock.

When it inevitably gets passed to Mineta I swear his fucking eyes bulged out of his perverted head. "Damn!! That's one sexy Mama!!" Everyone exclaims a "Mineta!!" at his gross comment before he gets an invisible punch by Hagakure and a tail slap by Ojiro.

Fucking pervert deserved it! I usually try not to think so negatively but with Mineta I just can't help myself. From the combo hit on Mineta my phone went flying from his hand, luckily thanks to Uraraka's quirk she managed to touch and float the device back into the safety of her hand, taking her first look at the image I had displayed on it.

"Oh wow!" Uraraka places a hand over her mouth. She zooms in getting a better look at the picture of Mrs. Bakugo. "She's so pretty..." Uraraka says quietly as if she's speaking more to her self than anybody else.
Tsu peaks over Urarakas shoulder to also get a look at the image. "She looks really young too, kero."
"Yeah, apparently her quirk allows her to secrete glycerin like sweat from her body which keeps her looking way younger than she actually is." I give the best explanation I can for Mrs. Bakugos youthful appearance.
As my phone gets passed back I hear Hagakure mutter a "Lucky..." as she goes to sit back down with Tsu and Uraraka.

By the time I get my phone back Mineta had, unfortunately, recovered from Ojiro and Hagakure's team attack. He slumped onto the booth side so that he was facing my group.
"Life is so unfair! Why wasn't Bakugo born a girl?! She would have been so hot and curvy! It would've been perfect dammit! We didn't have the aggressive tsundere yet either!"

Just like the rest of us Iida had enough with Minetas shit. Iida starts bombarding Mineta with the rules of being a decent human and hero with hands flying everywhere.
"Mineta, stop this perverted behavior this instance! Speaking about a fellow classmate in such a manner is absolutely shameful!"

Since 'm mostly listening to Iida, 'm surprised when the class rep shifts his attention to scorn the giggling girls at his table.
"Uraraka how could you join in on this indecency?!" Iida enunciates the betrayal in his voice with flat palms and whirling arms.

Mina jumps up turning around in her seat so she can see Tsu, Hagakure and Uraraka better. "Uraraka! What did you say?"
Uraraka copies Minas actions by kneeling on her seat and turning towards the eccentric girl.
"I said that Bakugos already curvy without being a girl!" Uraraka says while giggling throughout most of her statement.

Most of the other class bursts out laughing at Urarakas observation, despite a few (cough cough Iida.) However, I felt my face quickly turning to the color of my hair by the second.

"She's right though!" Kaminari laughs while shouting over the laughter of his other classmates. "I mean Bakugos probably curvier than some of the girls in the school!"
At this comment Jiro shoots Kaminari a poisonous glare. For a second I think a fights about to break out until all of us hungry teenagers are subdued by the glorious aroma of food.

Thank All Might! If that conversation had gone on any longer 'm sure my face would've turned to the color of the delicious steak I started to tear into. The talking started to quiet down as we all savored our meals, I, however, just ate while staring out the window at passing cars and civilians. I wonder if Bakugos done with his workout yet, I know he doesn't show it but... was he lonely just working out all by himself ? I hope not...then again maybe I should've asked? I don't know...

Well, I hope I'm wrong and that you're fine, Bakugo...

Nobody's POV
"Ughhhh!! Dabi! I'm bored! Let's do something~" Toga swings down from the branch of a tree like a bat with a maniac grin plastered on her face.

Dabi continues to ignore Toga once again, bringing binoculars up to his disinterested eyes to peer at the U.A. student dorms.

"Daaaabbbbbbbiiiiii!!!!" Toga once again tries pestering the indifferent man to catch his attention.
"Don't complain-" Dabi starts in his monotone voice, "-you're the one who complained to Shigaraki about wanting to do something."

"Yeeeaaahhh..." Toga draws out while climbing on top of the tree branch to swing her legs childishly. "But I didn't know he'd send us to do lookout! Gross!"

"Whatever," Dabi flicks his cold blue eyes away from the blond and back to his binoculars. Despite his relaxed persona and posture he was on alert, he wasn't planning on getting caught after all.

But this time when looking through the magnified lens something actually caught his eye. A familiar spikey blond with red eyes and an explosive attitude.

Toga must've noticed Dabis change in demeanor because she swung of the tree branch to get a better look at what Dabi was seeing.
"Haaaa~~!!!" Toga eyes fill with excitement as she starts tugging on Dabi's coat.

"Oh! Oh! Dabi can we kidnap him again? Can we?! Please!!!" Toga pleads with the older man who was still watching Bakugo head towards the dorms.

"No, he'd put up too much of a fight and pros would arrive before we could snatch him." Dabi says calmly, quickly dismissing the plan.
At Dabis refusal the psychopathic girl visibly deflates, letting go of his coat she swings back onto the tree.

"But..." Dabi glances up at Toga who looked at him, confused. As he spoke his own deranged smirk appeared on his stitched face. "It's always good to keep heroes on their toes. Right?"

Dabi lights a small blue fire in his palm as he starts moving closer to the dorms while still hiding in the forest coverage.

"Let's play,-

Word Count: 3,75o

Authors Note:
So this was a long ass chapter, if you don't enjoy long chapters I do apologize but I really didn't want to split this into two chapters. Also I'm pretty sure from now on I'll be trying to update every Friday, so look forward to weekly updates! If you read all of this I commend you :)

Bye bye till next time!

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