Hermione Malfoy

By miaa020

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HeadGirl was always the dream. However, Draco Malfoy being HeadBoy was not what Hermione had wanted or expect... More

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By miaa020

Slowly small stems sprouted and wandered out of the book on Hermione's nightstand spilling onto her bed. The stems had small, light green leaves and tiny curls at the end of each stem. Larger green ones appeared to be coming out as well as the thorns that started clawing their way through the wood on the nightstand.

Vines of ivory spilled onto the bed and covered her white nightstand beside her bed and covering her lamp and her lamp shade. Making it's way up all 4 bedposts and coiling itself around her headboard. Next it found its way to the bookshelves which Hermione spent so much time organizing. Books sprawled across the floor, and a sleeping Hermione in the bed, they never seized to grow.

Then soon to be told the whole room was drenched in ivory vines, making the whole room gloomy instead of it's original white color. Hermione started to stir in her sleep.

She woke up with a startle when the felt something crawling up her leg. When Hermione woke up she found herself on something cold. Looking down she sees it's the floor of Malfoy Manor. She had no idea what to think. It's not everyday you wake up with things pricking you and a crawling sensation on you. Finally she realized that the pricking and crawling was actually someone's wand pricking her as they toyed with her. Hermione started screaming frantically for someone, anyone to help knowing who it was.

" HELP! HELP! PLEASE ANYBODY, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

No one was there to help her. Now sobbing, she tried to get off of the floor but it was no use. The more she tried to get out, the more she somehow sunk into the floor. How is this happening?

Finally she realized something, there was a small light coming from the darkness in front of her. Poking out with lumos on their wand, her breathe hitched at the sight of the crooked wand. Right after, out of nowhere, the one and only Bellatrix swiftly stalked towards her swaying side to side slowly picking up her death eaters along the way, until she was eye to eye with Hermione. Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs as loud as her fragile voice could. It was too late, nobody could hear or help her now, she was doomed.

After what seemed like ages of anticipation, Bellatrix took her wand presssing it into her neck, "You think your the brightest witch of your age, huh? Well look at you now, a lonely, filthy little mudblood about to die all alone." Flinching from the word 'mudblood', she started screaming louder than ever, Hermione was terrified. Just as Bellatrix started to cast crucio, Hermione instantly woke up.

When the shaking girl sat up in her bed she was drenched in hot beads of sweat but yet as cold as a piece of ice. Hermione had looked around the room to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. Snapping back into reality, she realized Malfoy was standing right next to her with one hand on her shoulder while the other held the side of her head making her face him.

"Bloody hell Granger your screaming nearly gave me a heart attack, are you alright?" said Draco with obvious worry in his voice.

" Yes I am fine, w-what time is it? " croaked out Hermione. She looked around as Draco dropped his arms from her body, before grabbing a spare towel to wipe her face that was now covered in sweat.

" It's around 5:30 in the morning, I heard you screaming and when I came to see what was wrong you were crying in your sleep, I've been trying to wake you for ten minutes." Draco sitting down on the end of the bed.

Steadying her breath, Hermione tried her best to give a small smile at Draco as she put her hair up in a messy bun, " Thank you for waking me up, I was having a nightmare, it's honestly nothing."

" Granger, that must have been one hell of a nightmare for you to scream that bad, have these happened before?" questioned Draco. He had wondered if he should have even asked but he was the one who just woke her up and had a proper heart attack this morning.

"I'm fine Malfoy, really.  I think I'm going to just go take a shower before it's time for breakfast." Hermione said as she made her way out of her bed, walking towards the door. He had woken her up after all so she knew he had a right to ask questions.

Stopping in the doorway of their bathroom she turned round to face Draco as he sat down on one of the armchairs. He had picked up the book on the coffee table and had flipped it to where he had left off.

" Thank you again for waking me Malfoy," said Hermione before closing the door and heading over to the sink.

She turned on the water to the shower as she stripped her clothing and placed her clothes and towels onto the edge of the sink and walked into the ginormous shower. Letting the warm water calm her down she began to think about all the times she's had the nightmares. Ever since the war she has had extremely bad nightmares on some occasions, last night being one of them. Almost every time she had a different dream except for this one. The Bellatrix one. Every time she had this dream the witch had used crucio on her making her wreath with pain, every time up until today. She truly was thankful that Malfoy had woken her up and she was spared the rest of the awful dream.

After she had woken up he had some sort of look in his eye. Hermione wasn't quite sure what the look was but it definitely wasn't hate for once. It seemed like he cared, like he was genuinely concerned. It made her feel good knowing that maybe he did change and they could even be friends. Merlin knows she was trying to let go of any bitterness after the war.

After washing her hair and finishing what she needed to do in the shower she got out and wrapped a towel around her body. She then dried herself off, got dressed, and headed towards her room to finish getting ready. She had thrown on a black skirt, and a black tank top over top a white long sleeve, paired with her cloak. Upon leaving the bathroom she saw Malfoy still sitting on the armchair, reading the same book although it looked as if his mind was elsewhere.

"I'm done in the bathroom, so you can use it now," she said as she walked over towards her room.

" Alright, thanks," he muttered, as he walked over towards the bathroom door.

As Hermione entered her room she glanced over at the clock and saw she had around 45 minutes until breakfast started. After taming and drying her hair she put on some light makeup and headed out into the common room to sit on the couch and read while waiting for breakfast. After a little while Hermione hears the bathroom doors opening and she looks up to see Malfoy with no shirt on.

" Oh, I'm sorry Granger I didn't think you would be out here, I would have put a shirt on," said Draco smirking.

" I-it's fine," said Hermione obviously flustered. Never in a million years did Hermione think she would see Malfoy shirtless... and honestly look good shirtless. Staring at him she took in what she could see. There was no denying it... Malfoy was good looking. He had a six pack and Hermione couldn't help but look at it. Then those arm and all his muscles... although she couldn't help but notice how he had his shirt draped across his left forearm.

Prying her eyes off of him she continues, " I was just waiting to ask you if you'd like to walk down to breakfast together."

" I would love that, just let me throw on a shirt and we can go. Although are you sure you weren't purposely waiting out here trying to see my gorgeous body?" Draco smirked at her.

" In your dreams Malfoy, now go put a damn shirt on," retorted Hermione with a slight chuckle.

Coming out with a shirt on Draco and Hermione make their way out of the common room and towards the Great Hall making small chit chat along the way about which classes they were both taking this year and all the ones they had together.

Upon entering the Great Hall, Hermione realized how tired she was from the eventful morning. From her awful nightmare to seeing Malfoy shirtless, she had a lot on her mind. Walking over to the Gryffindor table she took a seat next to Ginny. With one look at her Ginny instantly knew something was off, although not even her boyfriend did as he gave her a small "hello".

" Hermione what's wrong, you look like you're going to pass out, " said Ginny in a worried tone.

Laughing to herself thinking about the morning as a whole, she said," I'm okay Gin. I just have had an eventful morning to say the least."

"This eventful morning consisted of a nightmare again didn't it?" Ginny was the first person to know when Hermione started having nightmares considering she was next to her the first time it happened. Ever since she has always even able to tell when Hermione has one. The rest of the morning she always looks tired and not herself.

Grabbing food onto her plate, Hermione took a quick bite of her roll, " It wasn't as bad this time, I was woken up before the worst part could happen," said Hermione.

" It was the her one ? I thought that one had stopped. And what do you mean you were woken up? Malfoy woke you up?" Ginny asked as she had a million questions.

"The her one did stop for a while but it came back last night, yes it was Malfoy. He said it took 10 minutes to wake me up, I don't think i've ever screamed that long." Hermione said with worry in her voice.

" Hey I have never been able to wake you up so at least he was able to stop it before you started screaming like a full on banshee when the bad part came around. Has anything else happened to make this morning so eventful?" Giving Hermione a little wink to see what it would invoke.

" Well if you count the fact I saw Malfoy without a shirt on, then that made it pretty eventful," said Hermione smirking a tad bit as she whispered to Ginny.

"WHAT?!" screeched Ginny as everyone in the Great Hall turned to look at them.

"Ginny! Be quiet!" Hermione whisper-yelled so that only Ginny could hear her as she glanced over at the Slytherin table she could see Draco smirking at her causing her to blush and turn back towards an amused Ginny.

" NOTHING TO SEE OVER HERE! CONTINUE EATING EVERYONE!" Ginny yelled, causing everyone to turn back to their food and start talking amongst themselves.

"Okay, what do you mean you saw him shirtless? I mean how was the view? I've always wondered what was under those robes..." Ginny rambled on.

"Ginny! I was waiting for him to come out of the bathroom to ask if he'd like to walk to breakfast together and he came out with no shirt on. He apologized saying he didn't think I was going to be out there and if he'd had known he would have put a shirt on, which in my opinion did not seem like that was quite the case then he put a shirt on and we came here."

"... and how was it?" asked Ginny.

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed, "How was what?"

"His 'gorgeous body' of course!" Ginny said as if it was the most obvious question.

" Ginny I am dating your brother I didn't focus on Malfoy's body!" Hermione blushed.

"Well you're blushing so obviously it was a good sight," Ginny smirked and she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Okay fine. Yes it was a good sight, he definitely started working out. Merlin, I can't believe I'm saying this about Draco bloody Malfoy." Hermione stated shaking her head.

" Don't worry Hermione, I'll never tell," Ginny laughed but Hermione knew she literally wouldn't ever tell after all the secrets they've shared.

They then turned back to their friends as Hermione looked over at Ron and smiled earning a small smile back. Finally putting some more food on their plates they all ate their breakfast talking about classes and what not and how typical Ron already had missing assignments that Hermione made a mental note to help him with later. Upon thinking about homework, Hermione realized how she hasn't been to the library yet and thought about how she would go later that day to do some light reading and check out some books.

Turning towards Ron, Hermione asked, " Want to walk to class together?"

"Sure," Ron answered giving Hermione a smile, one she hadn't seen in a while. This made Hermione happy considering how not himself Ron had been since the war. Getting up they said goodbye to their friends and started walking out of the Great Hall. Quickly glancing back at her friends, Hermione couldn't help but notice that Malfoy was staring at them as they walked out. Not thinking anything of it she continued walking down the halls with Ron towards their Potions room.

Glancing down at their intertwined hands Hermione couldn't help but feel sad. She couldn't even remember the last time they had held hands or the last time Ron had shown affection towards her when they weren't in a group of people.

" Is everything okay Ron?" Hermione asked cautiously.

" Of course 'Mione. Why wouldn't everything be okay? Do you think I'm not okay?" Ron questioned seeming angry.

"Maybe considering every time I ask you or want to talk to you, this is your response." Pulling her hand away from his she crosses her arms at him.

Pulling his hand away from her's, Ron turned towards her, " I am going to go talk to Seamus and Dean, I'll see you in potions."

With that he left Hermione in the middle of the hallway asking herself what had just happened. Cursing herself she just continued down the hall keeping her head down until she collided with something hard causing her to fall onto the floor.

"Well hello to you too Granger. Do you always like to crash into people and fall onto the floor or is this something new you're trying?" said Malfoy as Blaise and Pansy chuckled beside him.

As Pansy bent over helping Hermione pick up her books Hermione said a small 'thanks' while glaring at Malfoy and saying," Thanks for asking if I was okay Malfoy, glad to know you care about people besides yourself."

"Alright Granger, here..." Malfoy said as he offered his hand for her to take.

Grabbing his hand he helped Hermione off the floor, Hermione felt shivers down her spine from touching his hands. Surprising enough they were quite warm which surprised her, she had assumed they would be colder. Not only did she get this feeling but so did Draco. It was like sparks flying through their systems. After she had gotten up she had muttered a small 'thanks' yet again as she just stood there for a moment as they locked eyes. Breaking the tension Blaise spoke up while he had a huge smirk on his face .

"Well we better get to class before we are late."

Continuing down the hall Blaise and Draco talk about how they hope they get good potions partners as Pansy and Hermione have a conversation of their own.

Sparking up conversation Pansy says, " So Granger, how bad has Draco annoyed you so far?"

Chuckling slightly she answers, "He hasn't been that annoying, just his usual arrogance I guess."

"Hm thats good. I'll have to come over later and get a tour of your guy's common room," said Pansy.

Hermione obviously a little confused at how nonchalantly Pansy is talking to her just hums as a response. Pansy notices her awkwardness and take this as a chance to explain.

"Granger," she started, "I know we aren't really friends but I really would like to be, I am genuinely sorry for all the trouble I caused in our earlier years and the whole stunt with Harry. After the war we all changed for the better and want to have a good year here at Hogwarts. Do you think we could just put everything that happened, in the past and be friends?"

Hermione looked at her and saw that she was indeed truly sorry. It sounded genuine and she knew somewhat Draco had changes so maybe this would be good. " Of course I'll put it in the past. Thank you for apologizing but I mean I apologize too Pansy, I probably made some comments of my own over the years." Hermione said smiling at her.

Pansy took a breathe of relief. " Great! This is going to be a good year, I can feel it. Would you mind talking to Ginny and see if she would try being friends as well? I really need some more girl friends," she said as she glanced over at the two boys they were walking with who were bickering over who was hotter. Laughing, Hermione agreed and they continued down the hall. Turning the corner they arrived at Potions and Hermione went over to Ginny while Pansy stood over by Draco, Blaise, and some other Slytherins she didn't know the name of.

"Hey! What's up with you and Pansy and why weren't you with Ron, I thought you guys left together?" Ginny asked.

"It's a long story that I'll explain later," Hermione said with a shake of her head.

"Okay students, Welcome back! I will be giving everybody their partners for the year. I hope you all have your required books but if not I believe I have two extra copies in the cabinet behind me. Anyways let's get on with the partners. Seamus and Dean will be partners, Pansy and Harry, Ron and Lavender, Draco and Ginny, and Blaise is with Hermione. Everyone find a table now," spoke Professor Slughorn continuing to read off the rest of the pairs.

Turning around to find Blaise, Hermione sees he has already chosen a table in the back of the room. Diagonally to the left of them was Draco and Ginny, and diagonally right of them was Harry and Pansy and everyone else was in front of them. As Hermione walked towards the back of the room she could already hear Ginny and Malfoy fighting since they both wanted the same side of the table. Malfoy claiming "this is always my seat," and Ginny claiming, " I want to be closer to Harry."

"Well this should be fun, huh Granger?" Blaise smirked.

" Loads" She spoke back with a small chuckle.

"Okay class today we will be brewing Living Draught of Death. You have this class period and if you finish early you may leave. All ingredients and materials can be found in the pantry. Start Now. " Slughorn said.

Looking around the room, Hermione sees Ginny and Malfoy actually having a civilized conversation and wonders what it could be about.

"So Malfoy, now that we're besties tell me... hows living with Hermione so far?" Ginny questioned as she minced her ingredients.

"Fine, although she screams rather loud,'' Malfoy said as he tossed ingredients into the cauldron. "Do those happen often? The nightmares." He asks turning slightly towards Ginny.

"She used to have them every night but now they come and go, it's not really my place to say more though, why so much interest Malfoy?" Ginny says as she smirks at him.

"I'm not a monster Weasley. I've changed since the war, so naturally when she is screaming as if someone is murdering her in her sleep I'm going to show a little interest, " he spoke as if it was obvious.

"Fair enough. Thank you by the way, for waking her up," Ginny said looking over at him and giving him a small smile.

"Yea well let's just get back to the potion," Malfoy said as he looked back down at the ingredients lied in front of them.


"He actually got rejected?! That has got to be the best thing I've ever heard!" Hermione laughed.

"It is my favorite story to tell, 'The time Draco Malfoy got rejected by a Beuxbatons girl for the Yule Ball' ... ah it never gets old," Blaise said as Hermione giggled beside him.

"So tell me Zabini, Parkinson says that you've all changed, I know she has and I know you have, what about Malfoy?" Hermione spoke up.

"Oh yea, Draco has definitely changed the most out of all of us. Ever since the war ended he decided to turn his life around and he's doing a lot better. Honestly, just give him a chance and you'll see. He was actually the one that got Pansy and I to change ourselves. He gave us a lot of insight about how to change and why we should. Honestly one of the best mates I have. Although he took up working out very seriously and I can do it sometimes but merlin I cannot keep up with that , only downside." Blaise chuckles.

"That's good to know, thanks Zabini, and I'm sure you'll catch up with the working out." said Hermione laughing.

"Maybe he has changed, I mean no one has been able to wake me up from my nightmares and he could after the first try, although it did take him rather long but that's besides the point. Maybe I will give him a chance." Hermione thought as she glanced over towards Malfoy.

Just as she looked over, her chocolaty brown eyes met his grey ones and neither could look away.


Enjoy loves

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