Nursing Professor Pompous

By MaiasPen

1.3K 78 19

COMPLETE! Misty hit Gary Oak with her car. Okay. Rewind. She didn't do it on purpose. Although, after spendin... More

Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 1
Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 2
Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 3
Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 4

Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 5

276 14 5
By MaiasPen

Chapter 5

"Please wake up, Gary, please!" Misty gripped his shirt collar like a life-raft, digging into the fabric as though his mortality depended on her physical strength alone. "Don't you dare do this to me! WAKE UP!"

She shook him.


Hard enough to jar the senses out of a conscious man and (hopefully) back into an unconscious one.

Hard enough that his glasses nearly fell from his face and Misty had to quickly secure them.

Tears blurred her eyes as Gary's head hung limply backward. He was too heavy for her to hold up much longer, she wasn't sure if she could even shake him again.

" . . . mmmm . . . "

Misty froze.

Gary's lips moved as he tried, and failed, to formulate a word. Dark lashes gave a glimpse of woozy blue.

Misty tightened her grasp on his shirt collar and rattled his frame once more. Gary's lashes fluttered again as though mocking her, not yet convinced that they should grant vitality to his eyes. He was trying to wake, but his consciousness was threatening to abandon him again. If jostling his body wasn't powerful enough to rouse him, then maybe zeroing-in on his eardrums would be!

"OOOAAAKKK!" Misty's sheer volume could've summoned Gary's ancestors from their graves!

"ARBOOOOKK!" And when the snake harmonized with her, they were loud enough to raise an army of Oak descendants!

Gary bolted upward like he'd been hit with a defibrillator in the groin! He gasped, the bewilderment within his eyes was magnified by his glasses.

"Are you alright?" Misty released his shirt collar and clutched his face between her hands. His fevered skin was slick as though he'd just washed with butter.

Gary shook his own head now, as if trying to fling the invisible butter from his face. "Medi-medication rea-ct-ion," he slurred, still processing reality.

"Medication reaction?" Misty repeated. Continuing to squeezing his face between her hands, she stilled him and forced eye contact. "I'll call an ambulance, okay? Just hang in there. I'm so sorry!"

"No," Gary stiffened, seeming to become suddenly very alert. Disorientation was replaced by obstinance. "No hospital. I'll be okay."

"You don't look okay."

"I'll be okay, dammit." He jerked his face from her grasp. "It's a just bad reaction to one of the medications. I probably shouldn't have taken them all together like that. Don't overreact."

"Don't overreact?! You blacked out. You're fevered and sweat through all of your clothes! Why didn't you yell out for me? Or call for help on your cellphone?"

"I did yell for you, but you obviously didn't hear me and my cellphone is still in the living room. I rang the bell for you to get it, but you ignored me."

"You were driving me crazy! Just ringing that stupid bell over and over. I thought you were just being an ass."

"I was being an ass. I liked watching yours walk out the door, okay? What's done is done. Just calm down, will ya?"

Emotion hijacked Misty's voice, she couldn't event register the (sort of) compliment he'd just dealt her. "You . . . you scared me, Gary."

"Don't start," he spat the words like a curse, but . . . paused, seeming to notice the genuine fear on her face for the first time. Gary's expression thawed. "Seriously, though, Waterflower," he reached for her trembling hand and laced his fingers with hers, squeezing gently. "I'm okay. It's run its course, alright?" his big fingers rolled hers over, as though trying to kneed reassurance into her skin. Gary summoned his bravado and smiled. "I'm sorry that I scared you."

Misty cast her sight from his face. She was a failure. Here was Oak: having a medical reaction to the drugs that HE needed due to the foot that SHE broke, and HE was comforting HER!

"I thought for a moment . . . I thought I killed you." Misty placed her other hand atop the one he held, sandwiching him with affection.

She glanced up to see him playfully wrinkle his nose. "Ha, if you couldn't kill me with your car or your poor wrestling skills or your terrible sandwich making, you're not gonna kill me now." He grinned a torturously-teasing grin, tucking a renegade wisp of hair behind her ear. Misty shuddered involuntarily as his fevered skin grazed hers. That invisible Charizard had returned, causing her face to flush—NO! Stop it, Waterflower. There is no Charizard. Time to admit it . . .

The arousing effect Gary Oak had on her was now as undeniable as it was unnerving. It would be easier to convince herself that Metapod's could climb trees, than it was to deny that she wanted to climb Gary like one! The realization frightened Misty. But did it frighten her more than what she had just experienced? The scare of losing him?

Misty wanted to laugh at his previous words, and then she wanted to slap him for insulting her. But instead she wrapped her arms around Gary, breathing deeply into his neck. She did not care that he was sweating and fevered, only that he was alright.

Gary stiffened at first, startled by her unexpected embrace. But then Misty felt his strong arms envelop her body, his chin resting atop her head. Misty inhaled Gary: manly shower gel, manly sweat and manly pheromones that caused her pulse to skyrocket!

"Hey, Misty, I'm okay, alright?" he exhaled the reassurance into her ear. His chest vibrating against her own as he spoke.

Misty began to pull away from him, hoping he did not feel her tremor in response to his voice, his scent, his touch . . . but his hands slid from where they innocently wrapped her shoulders, down her waist and caressed her lower back.

"Misty," Gary's lips skimmed her temple. "I like saying your first name." He smiled against her ear. And that smile was nuclear-charged! Explosions of lust and confusion ricocheted from ear canal to erogenous zone. If Gary was really okay, then Misty needed to take her leave of him. She needed space to feel whatever-the-hell she was feeling and sort it out.

Gary's hands slid from Misty's back to her hands again. He began stroking her fingers intensely.

"Misty," that hypnotic low voice, it possessed her sight to merge with his own. The air between them seemed to sizzle with fireworks of sapphire and emerald. "Stay with me tonight?"

Misty blinked, instantaneously ending the fireworks show. She was totally taken aback by his question. Surely he was asking innocently . . .?! He would not be so presumptuous to assume that she would do anything but sleep next to him?!

But Gary's eyes were lusty and the stroking of his fingers had become sensual. Misty had to stop him. She had to do something before this one-footed-god-of-a-man seduced her! Her best defense had always been her sharp tongue.

"You're hardly in the condition to thrill me, Oak." Misty laughed as casually as her acting talents would allow. She yanked her hands from his and tisked at him.

The professors spectacles did nothing to dull his salacious stare. "I'd only need my mouth and my hands."

Misty scoffed, standing up to put distance between them. "Yeah, okay, Oak— "

Gary interrupted her. His voice was so low, drenched in sultry confidence . . . Misty could feel him inside her mind, inside her thighs: "If you let me kiss you . . . if I got my hands on you, you'd never want to leave this bed."

Misty needed to get out of this room.

Right now.

"Goodnight, Oak," she breathed, unable to look at him. Unable to bare any emotion she might find upon his face — whether it be jesting cockiness or animalistic lust — because the one emotion that she wanted to see . . .

. . . Misty knew it would not be there.

"Goodnight, Misty."

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0

Hours later and Misty had slept the sleep all girls experience when they realize that:

They have fallen for a guy and all he's interested in is sex.

So, the 'not a damned wink' kind of sleep.

It was 9 AM and Gary and Arbok were both snoozing peacefully in the bedroom. Misty knew this because she had checked on them several times throughout the night (in-between tears of frustration and 'girl power' self-pep-talks).

Sometime around sunrise Misty admitted to herself that: she had been harboring a secret crush on Gary Oak since she was twelve years old.

By 7AM she cursed him for being so multidimensional. Why couldn't he just be the cocky playboy who'd tried to lure her into bed last night? That type of guy was easy to get out of your system and shake off. That guy wasn't worth losing sleep over. Why did Gary have to have save Arbok like he did? Proving that he was compassionate and sensitive inside. Why did he have to be funny, handsome, brilliant and so damn complex and fascinating?

Misty helped herself to a shower followed by a cup of tea and some toast. Her stomach was in knots and she could not imagine choking down solid food beyond that. Gary would wake up anytime now, she was certain. The home nurse was due within the hour, and Misty was hoping that he or she would arrive before Gary woke up. Then Misty could just leave, not look back and never have to deal with an awkward moment, or worse, feel her body come alive in Gary Oak's presence again.

Packing her suitcase was somehow therapeutic. Misty crammed her sexy pajamas back inside. Should she have worn them? Worn them just to 'one up' him their silent little game? Had they given Gary the wrong impression? Well, she did want him to get the wrong impression, sort of, right? So was it even a wrong impression? No. It wasn't. She wanted him. The only part that was wrong was that . . . 'sex' meant something different to him than it did to her. And as much as Misty did want him, she wasn't comfortable 'going all the way' with someone who she wasn't actually dating. And more importantly, someone who didn't care about her and share romantic feelings. Misty was a grown, sexually experienced woman, but she had never had a 'one night stand' and she wasn't looking for one now.

This morning Misty changed into simple jeans and a hooded gray sweatshirt. An outfit that hid her figure (and hopefully) her feelings.

Misty heard the shower spritz to life in the bathroom. Apparently Arbok was able to move Gary on his own, without her help. She was beginning to feel foolish for even being here. He never even needed her help! Arbok had helped Gary dress last night, helped him shower and was now transporting him easily about the apartment. Her being here was a joke and she was sure the two roommates would have a good laugh after she left. Why did Gary even have her stay here to begin with? Yes, it was his grandfather's idea; but Gary was a grown man, he could have refused. Was it just to torture her and make her feel worse for the car accident? Or, being a designated 'ladies man', was his plan all along to seduce and then shoo her away? Misty was ashamed of herself for letting him get to her, when she'd obviously not had any effect on him other than his —

"ARBOK!" The giant lavender snake appeared, resting his head on her suitcase.

"Good morning, Arbok." Misty forced a smile. Gary was a jerk. Chaz was a jerk. Different kinds of jerks, but still jerks. Arbok was not, he just had the misfortune of hanging out with them. Misty stroked his head and he cooed sweetly, his tongue tickling her cheeks.

"Arboook?" He glanced at her suitcase.

"I'm leaving, I have to go home. Besides, I think you're more capable than me of taking care of Oak." She walked over to the counter and pointed to a note she had written. "Can you please make sure the home nurse sees this? I explained about Gary's reaction to those pills. This way something safer can be prescribed for him, okay?"

"Bok." Arbok nodded, looking quite sad.

"Should Oak really be alone in the bathroom right now?"

Arbok hissed as though he were laughing and nodded. But, to humor her, he slithered toward the bathroom door and let himself inside.

It only took Misty a few minutes to finish packing her things. She sighed, trying to beat back disappointment—No, that's an understatement, Waterflower. Let's try 'overwhelming regret'.

Misty headed for the door.

"Misty, wait . . . you're breaking more than my foot if you leave like this."

Misty stiffened and turned around.

Gary was leaning on Arbok like a crutch. The guys were 'standing' (very awkwardly) several feet behind her. Gary's hair was wet and wild from the shower. He had on another pair of athletic shorts and a fitted blue t-shirt. The shirt looked like it was custom tailored to match the hue of his eyes. He smiled a smile that Misty had never seen on him before . . . it was . . . shy. Gary no longer wore his glasses, but he did wear the same unguarded expression she had adored about his sleeping face.

"Breaking your ego, perhaps?" her tone was snippy by design.

He flinched at her curt words and raised his left hand, laying it directly over his heart. "I like you, Misty. I don't want you to leave like this . . . mad at me."

He . . . likes me?! Easy girl, warned the 'voice of reason' who had been giving her pep-talks all night long. Don't let him off that easily . . .

"I'm sorry about last night, Misty. I was completely out of line coming on to you like that." Gary and Arbok hobbled pathetically toward her. Gary was exerting great effort and enduring great pain to close the distance between them. Despite his discomfort he offered her a sheepish smile and extended his hand. "Can you please forgive me?"

Screw it, her 'voice of UNreason' exclaimed, he's gorgeous, he's sincere and you've liked the guy for nearly 15 years. Forgive him, Waterflower. PLEASE!

No! Not so fast, came her 'voice of reason' again. He insulted the hell out of you a multitude of times. Did you forget about Brainy Brock Jr?! Remember all that scientific mumbo-jumbo about him only becoming aroused as a 'physiological response' to wresting with you, blah blah blah!? If Oak really likes you, he needs to back that up.

Misty carefully eyed the hand he'd extended between them. She mustered as much suspicion into her facade as possible. "Put your hand away, Oak. If I touch you, you might experience an uncontrolled physiological response."

His little smile faded. She had killed it. But a thoughtful frown took its place that was —somehow— just as charming. "My physiological response would not have occurred without the added factor of physical attraction." Now a smirk tugged at his lips. "What I mean is, Misty, you're smokin' hot . . . totally beautiful. I, ah, I, um . . ." she'd never imagined Gary at a loss for words. "You turn me on."

Misty clenched her jaw so hard to keep from squealing. Her heart was about to burst from her chest and make a big old mess on his pristine floor.

Gary continued: "You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you in the bathroom last night. And then again in my bed. And . . . how much I still want to right now."

"Yeah, I have an idea." Misty mumble-admitted under her breath, well-knowing that Gary's ears would not register her words. However, Arbok's Pokemon hearing was vastly superior. His reptilian eyes squinted, head cocking judgmentally to the side. Through expression alone Arbok CLEARLY communicated the following:

"You and I both know you wanna do a helllll of a lot more than kiss him! AND you want him to do a hellllllll of a lot more than kiss you! So STOP torturing my BFF already! Kiss and make up!"

Gary was oblivious to the 'Human-Pokemon facial expression exchange.' He simply noticed Misty faltering to respond to his kissing confession. Gary was clearly uncertain if her hesitation was positive or negative. After a moment he landed on optimism, and again extended his hand to Misty. He winced against the obvious pain he was abiding to remain standing on one foot and leaning on his snake (who looked equally uncomfortable).

OMG! C'mon, girl. FORGIVE HIM!

Misty greedily gathered her wits like candy spilling from a piñata.

No. Not . . . yet. Think with your head, Waterflower. Ignore the snake, ignore the thing behind your ribs and between your legs!

"Put your hand away, Oak, I'm not going to be one of the ladies who gives you 'sympathy sex'. You made it pretty clear yesterday how grateful you were to me for providing that window of opportunity. I'm not falling victim to your professional womanizing playboy ways! I'm not that kind of girl. And if you think that I am then we've had an outright misunderstanding."

His shy smile was reborn. "I know you're not 'that kind' of girl, Misty. I'm insanely attracted to you and I got carried away last night. You were so concerned for me and . . . it meant something. Regardless, that's on me. I can't blame the fever or the pills or even your sexy-ass leggings, just my dumbass over-eager self." A blush stained Gary's cheeks and he ran a nervous hand through his damp hair. "I hope to Zapdos I haven't ruined your opinion of me. That might sound lame, but it's me being totally honest." He cocked an eyebrow now. "I have to ask, do you really think that I'm a 'professional womanizing playboy'?"

Misty only nodded and Gary lowered his hand in surrender, continuing: "Okay, I'm just gonna continue vomiting honesty here: sure, I've had a few girlfriends and a handful of one night stands. But, I'm hardly a 'professional womanizing playboy'." He actually laughed. "Though, I'm sort of half-flattered-half-insulted that you think so. The only head which frequents my pillow is Arbok's. In fact, I haven't even been on a date in several months. My professional life has been so demanding that my personal one is basically non-existent. Although, it sure would be nice to go on a date sometime. Hint, hint!"

A DATE! OMG! C'mon, girl! FORGIVE HIM ALREADY! He's not a professional womanizing playboy. He admitted that he made a mistake, and knowing Oak that can't be easy for him to do. If you don't forgive him, I swear to Motlres, you'll regret this moment for the rest of your life. He's clearly embarrassed and remorseful so GIVE HIM A CHANCE! If he can forgive you for hitting him with your car, you can forgive him now! You want to forgive him, Waterflower. You want this more than you've wanted anything in a long, loooong time.

Gary pressed onward: "Arbok and I are going to visit grandad's lab in Pallet next weekend. We could, you know, hobble by Cerulean City on our way . . . maybe limp on over to your gym?"

"YES!" Misty's heart did explode, directly out her mouth! "You have to come to my place! I would love to show you and Arbok the gym, and you can meet my Pokemon and I can make you dinner!"

Gary grinned as though he'd just discovered a new Pokemon species. "I would love a tour of your gym and to meet your Pokémon. BUT let's go to a restaurant? After that awful sandwich you made me, I'm a lot more interested in your company versus your cooking."

"Deal?" Now Missy extended her hand, inviting a handshake.

Gary accepted her hand, but pulled her into his arms.

"I think a kiss is more binding to seal our date contract than a handshake."

"Easy Oak, you'll have to work hard to earn access to my lips," she paused, smiling coyly. "However, I'm willing to compromise. You may kiss my hand instead of shaking it."

Gary accepted her hand and placed a chaste kiss upon her knuckles. Misty felt the kiss transform into a hopeful little smile. He lingered there, as though trying to press the smile into her flesh like a stamp of endearment.

"I forgive you." she breathed, closing her eyes and savoring the feel of Gary's lips upon her skin.

Gary clasped her hand between his, moving in closer. He was so near that Misty could kiss him. But she hugged him instead. Hugged him hard. If it hadn't been for Arbok they may have tumbled to the floor!

"I forgive you," Misty repeated, squeezing Gary so tightly that he winced.

"Sore ribs," he laughed.

"Oops," she relaxed her grip slightly, peering up at him. Anticipation played blissfully upon her features. "I like you, too. A lot."

"That's a relief cuz I've been crushing on you since I was ten," he admitted, his hands were now on her waist, forehead resting against hers. "That's not creepy is it?"

Misty gave him a melodramatic frown. "Oh, yikes. Yeah, it is actually. Really creepy. I'm not sure I should be talking to you." For a moment he looked concerned that she was telling the truth. "Haha, relax, Oak. I kinda maybe sorta have liked you since then, too. You were horribly annoying back then," she paused. "Okay, you still are, but in an attractive sort of way."

"Touché." He beamed down at her, dimples in all their Gary Glory. "I'm going to say something else that may come out as creepy."

"Disclaimer in place. Proceed," Misty's fingers suddenly felt obliged to roam across his hard abdominal muscles. Their proximity enchanted her curiosity and teased her self-control.

"Your ex-boyfriend. The asshole. If I ever meet him, I am going to punch him. But not before I thank the bastard for being a bastard. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have Arbok or you right here, right now."

"Charrrrbokaaaa!" Arbok peeked over Gary's shoulder, nodding enthusiastically.

"Noted. And the creep-factor is low due to the sweet-factor being high. Sooooo, I guess we should really give this a chance then? You and me, well, and Arbok too, of course." Misty was fidgeting with the bottom hem of his t-shirt, feeling quite irritated with the fabric for blockading his flesh from her fingers. "A real date?" she continued, her hands sliding upward, slowly admiring his entire torso . . . abs, ribs, pectorals, and coming to rest upon his broad shoulders.

Gary had been a proper gentleman up to this point, his hands remained virtuously around her waist. But Misty could sense that she was testing the limits of his chivalrous resolve.

"A real date," Gary agreed, entertained by her bold exploration of his chest.

"Until then," Misty shimmied from Gary's arms and began relocating him toward the couch. Arbok was not going to be able to 'play crutch' much longer. "I'll hang out with you until the home nurse arrives. The nurse should be here anytime now."

Together they plopped down on the couch. Misty helped Gary prop his broken foot on the coffee table. Next she took the liberty of draping his arm around her. He laughed, approving of her forward affection.

"Can I interest you in finishing the Slowpoke documentary?"

"Can I interest you in another broken foot?"

"Can I interest you in that kiss?"

Misty did not reply with words.

Her time here, with this man, was rapidly coming to an end. The realization of this deadline slammed her. Fortifying her willpower against him last night had been torturous. How he'd stood in the bathroom, nearly naked and vexing her. And here he was now . . . beyond receptive, no more games. Misty's vision and fingers were compelled to commit Gary Oak to memory.

Little hands became adventuresome — yearning for an exploratory tour of the gorgeous male artifact before her. Misty reached forward, boldly cupping Gary's face as though he were an exquisitely rare chalice. Her sight traversed his features, memorizing the curve of his cheeks and the dimples that appeared as he smiled within her grasp. She admired Gary's lips as they parted, as he exhaled a breath she'd not known he'd been holding. This singular breath seemed to touch Misty in the most intimate places and her body began to ache with every beat of her heart. His lips . . . the allure of them cast a spell upon her sight, tempting her like a forbidden idol. Those lips led to the ultimate venture, to a destination of where — dared she journey forth — she could never return. It was a venture wrought with risk, not to her physical body . . . but to her heart.

Misty had always craved the taste of risk.

She could feel his eyes upon her, and her own were now drawn upward to meet them. Which sight was more spectacular to behold, that of the sunrise or sunset? Gary's eyes and lips were both so flawlessly crafted, as though by a divine hand. Misty wished that she could somehow grant them both the full attention they deserved, but her mortal eyes were not skilled enough to do so.

Like discovering a solitary flame within a blizzard did Gary's eyes captive her. Twin cobalt lures, drawing her in with their mesmerizing, imperative heat. Conflicting desires of carnal yearning and innocent affection radiated upon her, until Misty was forced to blink or else burn.

With her eyes closed, Misty's fingers led The Expedition of Gary Oak. His skin was warm beneath her thumbs. She traced the smooth skin around his mouth. He was freshly shaven. As her fingers grazed his lips she felt him tremble. In unison with her eyes, Gary's lips opened. He bit down upon the lower one, failing to stifle a moan. She had caused that. She had drawn a guttural sound of pleasure from this beautiful man. This awareness infused her hands with courage. Up climbed her fingers, claiming fistfuls of his wild russet hair. Each hand greedily ensnared their fill — tightly— and she yanked backward, directing his head downward; controlling the tilt so that his mouth was inches from her own.

She did not need Arbok's humorous interjection to know that Gary was aroused. His longing for her permeated the very oxygen between them.

Gary closed his eyes, his own hands remained unmoving. He was not challenging Misty, he was willingly surrendering to her.

Misty guided his face closer still, close enough that she could breath into his parting lips. "You are so damn sexy, Oak." She murmured and his face shivered within her grasp.


They jumped at the familiar sound of a car alarm locking! Arbok zig-zagged to the window and glanced back at them nodding, confirming that the home nurse had arrived. The nurse was likely gathering his or her things and would head up the walkway and into the apartment within a few minutes.

Disappointment assaulted them like a Sludge Bomb from the world's most powerful Weezing.

With the reluctance of the final leaf from an autumn Oak tree did Misty's hands fall from his hair.

Misty avoided Gary's eyes. Sadness and embarrassment ambushing her features as she stood up, preparing to head to the front door to greet the nurse.

But then Gary's hand was on her forearm. Expression cast in unashamed resolve, he pulled Misty back downward. Strong hands were now in her hair, seizing fistfuls he turned her face toward him. A light show of azure confidence gazed upon her and Gary . . . grinned.

Gary grinned a grin derived from devilish desire. And now he offered his desire to her. Gary's lips were upon Misty's lips, branding her with his unbearable need to finally taste her.

Misty shut her eyes, quivering as an oppressive fever ravaged her system. She willingly allowed herself to burn, to just . . .

. . .feel.

In this moment Professor Pompous had become Professor Passion.

The couch was his laboratory and she had become his willing test subject. The fingers in her hair were his instruments which guided her face downward. He tilted her head to the perfectly calculated angle to grant himself full access to her mouth. His own mouth maneuvered expertly over hers. He sampled her lips and her tongue, ravenous to acquire every detail of how they chemically reacted together. It was as though he desperately wanted his next doctoral thesis to be on her.

The flavor of Gary Oak was like a euphoric drug upon her tongue, and prolonged exposure ran the risk of addiction. Shockwaves of paralyzing ecstasy lit her bloodstream. Misty's very bones seemed to liquify. Her pulse thudded within her ears, within her wrists, deep inside her belly and between her tights. Misty was raw organic material within his practiced, capable hands. He was the chemist capable of synthesizing the most sinful mixture. He could be generous one moment and torturously withholding the next.

As though sensing her need for oxygen, Gary's lips migrated down her jawline, her chin and now down her throat. He used painstaking precision, not neglecting a centimeter of skin on his decent. If he were testing the theory that she enjoyed his mouth on her neck, he was correct. His lips defined 'controlled lust'— methodically kissing, suckling, nibbling her neckline. Misty squirmed as pleasure sent tremors through her body. Gary felt her response and moaned into her throat, the vibrations of which only caused her to trembled harder. His grip in her hair tightened, he was strong enough to still her with ease. The professor would not allow his examinee to succumb to his oral ministrations. He was not finished with her. His research was still incomplete.


"Ignore it." Gary nearly growled into her ear. A carnal whimper was her only response as his mouth was upon hers again. But this time they indulged in a slower kiss . . . a rhythmic fusion of lips upon lips. Misty had always thought of kissing as an art form, but maybe it was a form of science instead? Gary had otherworldly attention-to-detail, noting exactly which of his intimate actions caused the most intense physiological reactions from her. He could then masterfully replicate those results, and even intensify them, with ease.

Misty kissed Gary back with all of the energy she could muster, there were no precise calculations factored into her kisses. Misty operated on raw instinct, following Gary's lead. She graciously accepted all of the generosity his mouth granted her and returned it.


In a moment Gary pulled back, just slightly. The separation from him was unacceptable to every cell in her body. It were as though gravity were drawing their lips together, like powerful magnets, and the effort to pull a part was near pain.


His will-power far exceeded her own. Gary's lips debated with hers, and then departed. He landed a final chaste kiss upon her forehead. His lips lingered upon her heated brow as though he were trying so hard to press his unspoken affections for her right there, as though they would somehow seep into her mind and remain there forever.


Misty jarred herself back to reality, opening her eyes for the first time in . . . how long had they been kissing? Time and space seemed meaningless right now. She glanced at the door, gasping at the fact that the poor home nurse was banging away. Misty had to pull herself together and let the person inside!

Gary's hands were still in her hair, he released her locks and grazed his thumb across her lower lip, attracting her attention from the nurse and back onto him. He studied her, noting every reaction generated by his display of sensuality. He was searching for lust, searching for yearning, searching for admiration. But more so, he was hunting for her genuine affection. For these were the same sensations radiating from him.

Misty stood up. Gary raised a hand over his own mouth, breathing into it, attempting to steady himself biologically and mentally. Finally he lowered it, revealing a slightly swollen smile. "Damn, girl." he panted. "Um, hey, please pass me that blanket, will ya? I have to cover up before that nurse comes in . . ." he gestured downward to his shorts, and it was blatantly obvious what he had to cover up.

Misty giggled, raising an impressed eyebrow she handed him a blanket. "I'm glad I hit you with my car, Gary."

"Me too."

The End.

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