Feel the Rush

By Girlracer92v

13.6K 282 216

When there's nothing but old friends tying you somewhere, it's pretty easy to leave. That's what Sienna did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 23

293 6 4
By Girlracer92v

---Chapter 23--- 

"Rory, it's Sienna. Are you looking after Kieran's case?" she asked once he was on the phone.  

"Unfortunately yes, how do you know him?" he asked wanting to understand.  

"That's irrelevant. I want you to explain the details to me," she said as she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.  

"Basically he's got 23 days until the judge and jury will decide. It's not looking good for him, the amount of evidence they have against him is quite convincing and if he's found guilty on all accounts then he'll get the death penalty. Otherwise it'll be life in prison," Rory explained simply.  

"Right, Rory do you still write in red pen?" She asked as she jotted down the details.  

"Yeah, why?" he asked confused.  

"Give Kieran two of your red pens, and I need you to keep me updated, tell him that in twelve days to be ready," she said as she checked the dates.  

"What's going on Sienna?" Rory asked suddenly getting suspicious.  

"Just please do what I said, I'll explain it all to you one day. Please just do it, and could you put Kieran back on?" she said hoping he would agree and stop asking questions.  

"You better tell me," he sighed before passing the phone over. She heard him telling Kieran what she had said before the phone was passed to him.  

"I take it you've got a plan," Kieran said excitedly.  

"Of course I do. After you get given your lunch they come back to pick up the tray right?" she asked smiling, she was getting anxious, she hadn't seen Kieran in ages.  

"Yeah, everyday at one." he said wondering where she was going.  

"How good are you at playing dead?" she asked him smirking.  

"Oh I get it, good plan Si," he nodded liking her idea immensely.  

"Boss, good news and bad news," Sienna said as she got to the kitchen.  

"Just get me some painkillers," he said as he moved and winced as pain shot through his arm.  

"Anyways, we're breaking Kieran out in twelve days. Otherwise he's risking death penalty," she explained while grabbing a glass of water and some pills.  

"Lovely, you deal with it," he said grabbing the water and pills swallowing them instantly.  

"I already was," she said taking the glass and putting it into the sink. She pulled open the fridge and looked through before deciding on eating an apple.  

"Did someone mention Kieran?" Zane asked as he walked down the stairs.  

"Yeah, I was just talking to him before," Sienna said taking a bite of her apple before Zane could snatch it off her.  

"What? How did he get a phone?" Zane asked astounded. He knew his brother was smart but not that smart.  

"Stole it off his lawyer, luckily it's a mate of mine," Sienna said laughing.  

"True, so we got a plan?" he asked getting excited. He'd be getting his big brother back.  

"Twelve days. Be ready," she said simply before the other boys started coming downstairs.  

"Tyler I need you to find out where Rory Forst is living," Sienna said as she sat next to him at the table.  

"Whys that?" he asked as he ate his cereal.  

"I need to pay him a visit," she said being as vague as possible.  

"Alright...?" he said pulling out his phone and tapping away at it. "Rory Cameron Forst?" he asked wanting to double check. 

"Yup, that's him," she replied easily waiting for the address.  

"I'll tell you the address if you tell me why you're going to see him," he bargained.  

"I'm going over there so that we can have mind blowing sex," She said sarcastically, "That's what you wanted to hear isn't it?" she asked waiting.  

"Seriously Si, why?" he asked laughing. 

"He's Kieran's lawyer," she said simply as he just nodded and then smirked.  

"I'd already sent it up your phone," he chuckled before ducking the hit that she threw at him.  

"Love you too," he called as she got up and walked out giving him the finger.  

She programmed the GPS and then headed out to find Rory. He ended up living about an hour away in a nice little apartment building. She parked her car and then climbed out before walking inside and heading for the elevator. She pressed eight and then waited as it slowly took her to the eighth floor. She stepped out and walked down the hallway until she found 83 and knocked on the red door.  

"Sienna? What are you doing here?" he asked once he opened the door.  

"Mind if I come in?" she asked politely. He simply stepped back to allow her in. She looked around seeing a really nice little apartment. It was spacious and modern but still felt homely.  

"What brings you here?" he asked as he sat down on the couch and gestured for her to do the same.  

"I guess I owe you an explanation," she said simply getting straight into it.  

"Basically, I'm not exactly on the right side of the law. Neither are any of the boys I live with. You know what Kieran's record is like and all ours are quite similar if not worse in some cases. I trust you Rory, and I need you to keep quiet about this," she said waiting for his reaction.  

"I already figured that you weren't exactly the law abiding type, I know about the juvie. I actually paid attention unlike some people. I'm not going to lie your friend is deep in the shit. I won't say anything but just don't drag me into this," he said quite calmly. Sienna was so grateful. Rory was the quiet one who was always there when you needed him.  

"Me and my boys are breaking Kieran out. They won't even know that he's gone until it's too late but I need you to keep it quiet. I'll pay you if you do that for me, and once you're fully qualified you can have us as full time clients if you want. Name the price," she said, silently thanking him for cooperating.  

"You don't have to pay me, I'm not qualified yet and I'd be happy too as long as I don't get dragged into any of your other business," he said smiling at her. He's known her his whole life practically, he was one of the only people who really knew who she was, he wasn't exactly on the right side of the law either for a while and he saw firsthand just what she could do.  

"Here's twenty grand, I'll give you another twenty once he's out. I owe you big time," she said pulling out a stack of cash from inside her jacket.  

"You don't, just don't mention what happened that night and we're even," he said as she just laughed.  

"I remember now, I won't, but take the cash anyways. Pre-payment," she shrugged handing it to him.

"Alright, so do you want a drink?" he asked grudgingly taking the cash and then standing up.  

"Yeah, coffee would be great, thanks Rory," she smiled as he put the jug on and grabbed two coffee mugs.  

Sienna left the apartment feeling pretty good about the plan. She laughed remembering the night he'd been talking about. He was the quiet kid who hung out with the popular ones, which everyone thought was weird; it was just that they never paid any attention to him. He delved into drugs for a while after his brother was killed and he happened to be at a party that Sienna was at. He was as high as anything and he tried getting into her, begging her to go elsewhere with him. It was one of the funniest things she had ever had happen to her.  

She went to the hotel afterwards and had a look at the progress that was happening. The whole building had been pulled down and they were just beginning to rebuild the whole thing from scratch. She drove past and then headed home to hit the workout room.  

She kicked and punched the punching bag while Tyler was benching and Aaron spotted him. The three of them had hardly said a word, they were all focused and that was the main thing. Zane appeared in the doorway a few minutes later and went over to the rowing machine and strapped his feet in. The only sounds were the huffing and then groaning coming from them as they pushed themselves.  

"Si, do you want to come with me tonight? I'm going to catch up with Connor," Zane asked breaking the horrible silence.  

"Sounds good, haven't seen him in ages," she replied as she stepped away from the bag for a minute.  

"You can take a separate car if you want, I'll probably end up elsewhere," he said suggestively.  

"It's alright, I'll just stay the night at Connor's and get him to drop me off here tomorrow," She replied taking a mouthful of water from her drink bottle.  

"Sorted, either of you two want to come?" He asked waiting for them to respond.  

"I've got to finish the software that will cripple the prison system. We have to install it at both the prison and the backup hard drive. It's not quite ready yet," Tyler said once he'd racked the bar.  

"I think I could do with a night out. Haven't had one for a while," Aaron said quite happily.  

"Sweet as. We'll go in a couple of hours," Zane said happy as he continued to row.  

They spent another hour down in the gym before they started making their way upstairs. Sienna jumped straight into the shower to wash off all the sweat before getting dressed in a nice blue top and her jeans. She pulled her jacket on top and then went down to the kitchen and lounge where she found Nate and Chase both lying on couches.  

"You both need your dressings changed?" she asked as they both simply grunted a response as they watched something on TV. She sighed before grabbing the stuff she needed and some painkillers before going over to them. She dealt with Nate's leg first which had already started to close up before looking at Chase's shoulder which was still bleeding occasionally. She gave them some pills and then sat on the end of the couch by Chase's feet while she waited for the other boys.

"Thanks Angel," Nate said gratefully as he swallowed the pills and then laid back into the couch.  

"Yeah, thanks Sienna," Chase said smiling, she faltered a smile back remembering his drunken words last night.  

"You're welcome. Just remember to get better," she laughed as Nate tried to reach for the chips and almost fell off the couch.  

"Shut up," he scowled as he gave up and just lay there.  

Sienna got up and passed him the bag as he just smirked before mumbling thanks. She then grabbed herself a glass of water before Zane and Aaron appeared dressed up.  

"Ready to go?" they asked her as she just nodded swallowing the water.  

"Bye Nate, bye Boss, if you need anything Tyler's here. See you tomorrow," she said as the three of them walked into the garage and climbed into Zane's car.  

The whole way Sienna listened to the two of them talk about how they planned on getting laid and who with like if they should go for sisters or friends or just two different chicks, she ended up blocking it out as she just got sick of it in the end. They found a park around the back by Connor's apartment and then walked around the front. The guys on the door knew them by now and easily let the three of them through.  

"Let me know when you're leaving ok, so I don't have to worry about you guys. Oh and remember... don't be silly, wrap your willy," she laughed before hugging them and then heading up the stairs to find Connor. He was lying back on one of the couches talking with a couple of other guys. The security guy at the top stopped her but once Connor saw her he ushered her over immediately.  

"Sienna, what brings you here?" he asked pulling her into a hug as he stood up to greet her.  

"Can't I just drop by?" she asked smiling as they sat down beside each other.  

"Of course, these are a couple of my mates. Finn and Josh," he introduced them pointing them out. Finn was blonde and had the most sparkling blue eyes while Josh had wavy dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. They were both quite good looking though.  

"I'm Sienna, an old friend of Connor's," she said smiling and shaking their hands.  

"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," she apologized being as polite as possible.  

"We were just catching up, it's fine," Connor said smiling as he handed her a drink.  

"I hope you don't mind but is it ok if I stay with you tonight?" she asked taking a sip.  

"Yeah, whys that?" he asked wondering why she wanted to stay, she hadn't for quite some time.  

"Zane and Aaron are getting laid and I won't be able to get home so I figured I could just stay and go home tomorrow," she explained as Connor just nodded and Finn chuckled.  

"You can stay with me tonight if you want, I'm sure my place is a lot nicer than here," Finn told her smiling flirtatiously.  

"If you ask me that in a few more months I might actually accept but for now I'm more than happy to stay here," she replied as she heard Josh whisper "burned" to Finn before chuckling.  

"So Finn is really good with fake ids and stuff. Josh is very good at hacking into things," Connor said trying to start a conversation.  

"Well Finn, I have a job for you very soon," Sienna said happily as she started adding onto her plan further.

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