After War

By Meteor752

10.9K 327 72

The snap was done, and half the universe gone (Nice rhyme ik) With the Avengers broken and split out across t... More

On the Way
Welcome Back
Didn't see that coming?
More than one couple
Planning with Asgardian Siblings
The stone collectors
Problematic situations
Accomplished Mission? (Pt 2)
A soul for A soul
Making Peace
Help from above (No not from god)
To return for a War
Reunion (Pt 2)
End Game
The dark phoenix

Accomplished Mission? (Pt 1)

265 9 0
By Meteor752

Scott shrank to the ground Before anything had time to hit him, and Tony was Quick with his suit, and within seconds Mark L surrounded his body and he shot the stone closest to him.

"You Terrans and your worthless technology" Maw groaned "Don't you understand that your dead is for the greater good?"

"Um, no sorry" Tony responded and picked Scott up "We're a Little busy with saving our universe and stuff, so can you let us do our job?"

Ebony growled and lifted himself up from the ground. Scott jumped off his shoulder and grew in the air. He jumped again and shrunk, charging at the Alien. Ebony easily dodged it, and Scott flew out the window.

"That's one" Ebony said with a grin. Tony groaned loudly and followed Scott out the window, forgetting about the part with not being seen.

Scott had grown in the air, and was free falling from 170 meters in the air, but surprisingly not screaming. Tony reached out and grabbed his wrist, and then gave his jet boots a little extra boost, making them stop in mid-air.

"What happened with keeping a low profile?" Scott asked and Tony had the urge to drop him.

"I hate you"

A familiar roar echoed through the city, and Tony caught sight of The Hulk catching Past him in the air after falling through the wormhole. Merely seconds later the Aliens died, all at the same time, one nearly hot Tony in the head.

"I told you it was like Phantom Menace" Scott said.

"We need to get the stone, now. Jump up" Scott shrank down as he said so and climbed up Tony's shoulder as fast as he could.

Right Before he had time to reenter the Tower, Ebony levitated out with a sinister grin on his lips.

"Let's see how you can fight in the air" Pieces of the Tower were ripped away from the building and thrown at them

"Hang on!" Tony yelled and flew out of the way, firing his repulsors at Maw. Ebony used some debris to block the attack, and then fired them back.

"Hey can't you grow to be like 50 feet tall?" Tony asked and dodged out of the way from a glass shard.

"It's actually 65 feet" Scott corrected "But won't that draw too much attention?"

"We don't have much choice" Tony sighed. "People are put in danger, and we're in a hurry"

"You're completely insane Stark" Scott let go of his grip on Tony's shoulder and stood on unsteady legs "Throw me"

Tony grinned widely "I've been waiting to do that for hours" He simply swiped Scott of his shoulder and let him free fall from 50 feet.

Scott fell for three seconds before growing intensely. Tony saw a glimpse of fear in Ebony's eyes, but was quickly replaced by anger and annoyance.

While Giant Scott dealt with Ebony so took Tony time to look around. People had come out to look at Iron man and Elephant Man fight with a flying sorcerer, which included The Past Avengers. Tony took that as a chance to explain some shit.

He landed neatly in front of Past him who was leaning against Past Steve, still injured, Past Thor who looked extremely suspicious and Past Hulk who grunted at him. Tony's helmet flipped away from his face, and the small group's eyes widened.

"Loki?" Past Steve asked, and Tony shook his head.

"No, Loki got the easy task" He sighed and glanced towards Scott who did his beast avoiding Ebony's attacks "This may sound absurd, but I'm from the future and I'm only here to get The Mind Stone, but the floating death eater up there is kind of stopping me from doing so"

"The Mind Stone?" Thor questioned

"Loki's scepter!" Tony replied, and started to get frustrated "We need it in our universe, otherwise half of it will be trapped inside a similar stone forever" Tony just now realized how stupid it sounded, but it's too late turning back.

"I think he's lying" Past Steve said and turned towards his teammates "It's probably Loki trying to get the scepter"

"Okay listen" Tony turned towards Thor "I've been living and planning with Loki for two weeks, and learned that he's actually kind of a chill guy. But I've also learned that he's an incredible liar, and you really think he would come up with something sounding that stupid?"

"Maybe that's just another trick" Past him said, and Tony rolled his eyes

"I don't have time for this" He groaned and flipped his Helmet back on again, flying away.

Scott had managed to grab Ebony by this point, but had a struggle holding him still. Tony landed on Scott's wrist and gave the sorcerer a smug smile "Not so powerful now Vader?"

"You petty Terran's don't realize what you're doing. When Thanos wants me to do something, then I made sure it's done" He hissed.

"Yeah, we'll see about that" Tony said with a shrug and turned towards Scott "Throw him"

Scott obeyed and sent him flying, and with the sudden speed and force, Ebony wasn't able to catch himself with telekinesis, and he were thrown out of sight

"Cool, now let's get the stone and get out of here"


Steve blocked Proxima's attack with his shield, and Natasha took the opportunity to hit her with her Widow Bites. The electricity didn't go through Midnight's armor, and therefore did nothing. She growled and instead used her batons combining them into one and hitting Proxima in the face.

The horned woman stumbled back a few steps before regaining focus and going in for a second hit. Both the soldier and they spy dodged it and Natasha took the opportunity to kick her in the stomach, but Proxima was barely affected.

Natasha dodged under her spear and Steve aimed for her head with his shield, but she avoided them and managed to hit him in the chest. Steve was thrown back against the wall, electrified.

"Not so tough without your mutant friend?" Proxima teased with a grin revealing teeth white as pearls.

"I've just started" Natasha hissed and tried for another attack. Proxima blocked it with her spear, but Natasha continued her attacks.

So it continued; either Natasha or Proxima attacked and the other one blocked it. The time was starting to run out, which made the spy anxious, which made her more clumsy. Midnight started to get hits on her, and Natasha had it harder blocking them.

Proxima managed to get a really good hit on Natasha's upper arm, that made her fall over. The horned alien placed her boot on Natasha's chest to hold her down, and she held her spear up, ready to strike.

"You know, this is one of the best battles I've had" Proxima said and tilted her head "Thank you for that" She raised her spear slightly, ready to end The spies life.

Natasha closed her eyes, ready to meet James, but the hit didn't come. Nat opened her eyes and saw Past Steve standing over her, with Proxima by his feet.

"Thanks" Natasha mumbled and tried to stand up with a groan

"You okay?" He asked, and Natasha nodded slowly

"Yes, I've been through much worse" She replied and grabbed the hand he held out to get up. She was quickly by Steve's side and noticed the major injuries and burn marks. "Can you stand?" She asked

"I think so" He mumbled and squinted his eyes open. She grabbed his hands and literally dragged him up. He had to use her as support to stand and winced slightly every step they took.

"Hey, Past Cap" Natasha said and turned her head to the Captain "You tell anyone about this and I will travel back and kill you"


The Hulk and Obsidian met each other in a punch that created a shock wave. People nearby, including Clint, was thrown back by the sudden force, and screams were heard from every direction.

Clint stood up with a groan, and looked around for civilians. Even if the people would be executed the following year, so does it not mean that they deserved to be killed at that moment.

A little girl with black braids and tan skin was stuck under loads of rocks. Clint guessed that the debris came from Obsidian causing some wreckage. He was quick on his feet, trying to get by her side.

In the background, Hulk had knocked Obsidians battle ax out of his hands, and the battle had gone over to a fist fight.

Clint didn't pay notice to the two fighting monsters though. He had full focus on the little girls fragile being. Half of her body was covered by the pile of rocks, and the upper half was seemingly unconscious, but it was hard to tell since her head was turned down.

When the archer got close to the girl, he slid down in a crouching position and lifted her head. She opened her eyes and revealed one brown and one green iris, both filled with tears.

"Are you alright?!" He shouted to drown out the roars of the two monsters behind him. The little girl shook her head, and Clint sighed "I'm going to do something very dangerous, and I need you to lay still and trust me, alright?"

The girl nodded.

"Do you have a name?!" Clint asked

"Samantha!" The girl replied with a Spanish accent.

"Well, Samantha, I need you to cover your head!" Clint said, and Samantha obeyed his orders. Clint picked out his last explosive arrow and aimed it at the debris on top of her. She screamed when the arrow exploded, but held her head down and stayed still.

The rocks flew off of her, and she crawled away from the spot. Clint helped her sit up, but the pain in her legs and the new injuries the explosion created made it hard for her.

Clint could see that she was about to black out, since she had the look in her eyes Natasha always had when that was about to happen

"Samantha listen to me," Clint said and she looked up at him "Do you know who I am?" he asked, just to give her something to focus on.

"Your Hawkeye" She mumbled "An Avenger"

"Do you know where your parents are?"

She shook her head and gave Clint a sad look "Don't have any. I live with my sister"

Guilt, sadness and familirarity struck Clint all at once. He just wanted to help her, to help them both, but there was nothing he could do "Okay, do you know where she is?"

Samantha nodded and tried to stand up, but her legs were too weak to do so so she fell to the ground again.

"You can't stand" Clint said "Is it okay if I carry you?"

Samantha nodded and Clint scooped her up in his arms. She pointed at an apartment not to far away, that looked a little rough and cheap. Clint ran towards it with her holding on for dear life, and The Hulk throwing Cull Obsidian into a building in the background.

"Third floor" Samantha mumbled in his ear, and Clint did as he was told and ran up the stairs.

There were two apartments on the floor, and Samantha pointed at the left one and Clint knocked on the door. It was opened by a girl that looked to be in her late sixteens, who were very similar to Samantha except for her eyes that were both brown.

"Oh my god!!!" She exclaimed and took Samantha away from Clint's arms. She asked her something in Spanish, and Samantha responded to something else and pointed at Clint.

"Thank you so much for helping my Hermanita" She said with an even thicker accent

"Your welcome Miss" Clint said and took a step back "I have to check if my friends doing alright, but take care of your sister's injuries"

"I will" The girl responded and closed the door. Clint stood there for a moment, sighed, and then ran down the stairs again.

When he came out in the fresh air, it was oddly silent, which meant two things. Either Obsidian is dead, or Hulk is.

"Fuck" The Archer starts running at full speed to the point where he found Samantha and the two monsters had been fighting.

The place was still and silent, except a human body lying in the middle of the street. Clint took careful steps towards it with his bow drawn, only for it to be revealed that it's Bruce.

"You dead?" Clint asked, and Bruce opened his left eye looking at him

"It feels like it" The scientists replies and stands up with some effort and help from Clint.

"That was...something" A voice behind them said. They both turn around quickly, and see Doctor Strange enter through a portal, levitating.

"Oh, it's you" Clint mumbled and crossed his arms "Why are you here exactly?"

"To congrats you on not dying-" He lands "-and to give you this" The Doctor holds his hand out, and an amulet appears in a shimmering light

"Why?" Bruce asks and furrows his eyebrows

"I talked a bit with your universal version of me, and it's a part of the futures he saw" Strange replied

"Wait you can do that?" Bruce asks, but Clint grabs the amulet and nudges his side

"We're in a hurry" The archer mutters and turns back to the Doctor "Thank you for this, I hope you don't die"

This, he really does. Not for Strange's sake, but for Samantha's and her sisters. Clint gives himself a mental note to check up on his versions of the sisters when all of this is over.


//I first thought of writing about Obsidian vs Hulk, but I wouldn't know how to do that. Instead, I wrote about Clint saving a girl, that actually came to me in a dream (Weird huh?). Her name is Samantha because of future reasons

I split it into two parts, because otherwise it would have been so fucking long

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