You're In The Way.

By 5SauceAnd1DLand

70 6 5


You're In The Way.
Chapter Two.
This Just In...

Chapter One.

9 1 1
By 5SauceAnd1DLand

 "Hey Luke" Calum said, Hitting him on the shoulder. "Hey bud, Sup?" Luke said, Happily. They both sat down on their favorite rug. It was brown and red, Really gave the place a part home, even though they were so far away from home.....

"Ah nothing.. Just bored I guess, Hey ya wanna practice?" Calum said quietly. He was bored. Plain bored. There was nothing he could do, if he stepped out of the hotel, He was destined to be dead. Everyone in that room was actually. One step without a disguise and BOOM. Over. Suffocated. Done. "Yeah I'll practice with you" Luke said breaking the awkward silence between them.

They both got up and quickly went into the band room. They got on their guitars and started singing and strumming to amnesia. They played in perfect harmony. Calum Jumped as a dance to the music and landed in front of Luke. Both boys stopped suddenly. 


Hello! Calum Here :) I just wanted to say that if you know of any banner artists, Then I would be more then happy to work with them, I can't seem to find any. Thanks again. Calum.

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