A Portrait Of Love (Lesbian T...

By _SoLove_

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Joanna "Jo" Humphrey is an average 15 year old girl. She's a helper for her school's cheerleading team. With... More

A Portrait Of Love (Lesbian Tale)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not A New Chapter but Please Read Anyway
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
For All My Readers Who Are Not Fans
Chapter 12 (Unlocked)
Chapter 24 (Unlocked)
Chapter 25 (Unlocked)
Chapter 30:Final Chapter (Unlocked)

Chapter 18 (Unlocked)

5.7K 103 8
By _SoLove_

“Kate, I’m sorry” Coach Jamison said. Coach Jamison than got up, and walked away. I looked at her like was she serious right now? Kate looked at me confused. I didn’t know what to tell her. It was so rude how Coach Jamison just got up and walked away like that. I mean Kate was literally pouring her heart out to Coach Jamison, and she just walked away. She just said sorry. Sorry? Was she even listening to what Kate was saying? Kate sat still as stone, and a single tear fall from her eyes. Here we go with this crying stuff again.

“I’m so sorry Kate, that was so wrong” I said putting my hand on Kate’s shoulder.

Kate placed her hand on my hand.

“Jo, I won’t stand for this anymore. This is it. This is absolutely it” Kate said like she was exasperated.

“What do you mean?” I said my eyes widening with fear.

“I won’t take this another day. I just won’t” Kate said standing up. She walked to the back of the house. I followed closely behind her.

“What are you doing Kate?” I said she ignored me.

“Kelly!” Kate shouted.

“Yeah babe” Kelly who was laying across the bed. She had her eyes shut, and looked totally relaxed.

“You can’t even look at me when I talk to you” Kate said furious.

“What is it Kate?” Coach Jamison said unaware of the serious look on Kate’s face.

“Kelly, I hate you” Kate said monotonously. My eyes widened, oh no Kate.

Coach Jamison shot up like a rocket. Her eyes widened, she finally saw Kate’s face.

“What?” Coach Jamison said.

“I said I hate you. And I want you to know, it’s over” Kate said nonchalantly.

“Kate you aren’t serious, I love you” Coach Jamison said.

“And I hate you Kelly. I hate you. And I want you out, I want you out my house. I want you out my life. I hate you, and why I’ve stuck around with you for so long. I don’t know, maybe it was love, no I was just being foolish. I hate you, you’ve made a fool of me for far too long. And I won’t take another day of it. The relationship, it’s over. I don’t wanna see you. I don’t want to be with you. I don’t even love you. I just want you gone, I just want you gone” Kate said intensely. I looked at Coach Jamison, and it looked like she was dying. Her face was frozen, she looked at Kate wide eyed in disbelief.

“Kate, you don’t mean this. No, you love me, I love you. I’m sorry. What did I do? I can fix it. Kate don’t do this” Coach Jamison said getting up stepping closer to Kate.

“I mean every word. What did you do? No, it’s what didn’t you do? I told you a million times Kelly, you don’t listen to me. And I’m sick of it, and I want take it. It’s over Kelly, it’s over” Kate said.

Coach Jamison was face to face with Kate. She looked her in her eyes, and she looked desperately for a sign that she wasn’t serious.

“Kate please” Coach Jamison said holding Kate’s hands.

Kate snatched away quickly, and sneered at Coach Jamison.

“Get out, leave now. It’s over, it’s really over” Kate said turning and walking away. Coach Jamison looked at me, and I shrugged.

Coach Jamison ran after Kate, I followed. Kate was holding the door open when we got there.

“Good bye Kelly” Kate said calmly.

Coach Jamison began to mutter, and mumble, and babble but Kate wasn’t even hearing it. Once Coach Jamison saw it was helpless, she dragged her feet as she headed for the door.

“Kate” I said.

“Jo, I couldn’t do it anymore” Kate said.

“I’m sorry. Are you alright? Do you really want it to be over?” I asked.

“Jo, what else could I do? She wasn’t listening to me. You saw how she walked away. Enough of anything is enough Jo, and I couldn’t go another day” Kate said.

I sighed, and just like that it was over.

“I understand, so you’re gonna be ok” I asked.

“I’ll do the best I can” Kate said.

“That’s all I can ask. I’m so sorry Kate, maybe she’ll come around later” I said.

“Maybe, if not, I’ll live” Kate said. By the look on Kate’s face, you could tell she was serious. But when I looked in her eyes, I could tell she was distraught. Her blue eyes were saddened, and dispirited.

“I’m so sorry Kate” I said giving her a big hug.

“It’s not your fault Jo, thanks anyway. You better go now” Kate said patting my back.

“Yeah, I guess so” I said.

“Even though it’s over right now for me and Kelly. Jo, I’m still here for you, if you ever need anything” Kate said.

“Same to you Kate, thanks” I said. Kate hugged me again, and I finally left. Coach Jamison was having a fit in the truck. When I approached she was repeatedly punching, and slapping her steering wheel.

“Crap!!” Coach Jamison shouted angrily. I got in the truck, and slammed my door loudly to let my presence be known.

Coach Jamison looked at me, then back at the wheel.

There was silence for a few minutes. Coach Jamison constantly muttered stuff angrily to herself. Then she pulled off angrily, without saying a single word to me. On our way home Coach Jamison stopped at a liquor store. She got out without a word. Came out the liquor store, with a black plastic bag, and a brown paper bag. She sat the bags down beside my feet, and drove home without a word. When we got home, she went straight to the kitchen, and got a glass, and put some ice cubes in it. She sat down on the couch, and began to drink. I went up to my room, and shut the door. Coach Jamison played the saddest heartbroken love songs I ever heard. And she played them all night long. She drank till she was maudlin. She cried Kate’s name all night long.

“Oh Kate! What have I done?” Coach Jamison cried out loudly. I soon fell asleep, and about three in the morning, I was awaken, by a CD skipping. I rubbed my eyes, and dragged myself downstairs. Coach Jamison was passed out drunk, on the floor sound asleep with a bottle of whiskey gripped tightly in her hand. I sighed, just when I thought it was safe. Back to the black, I guess. I dragged Coach Jamison on the couch. Put her head on a pillow, and a blanket over her. This brought back the memories of all the times, Harold got drunk, and I had to drag his company to my room. Somewhere I thought I left behind for good, was coming back to hunt me now. I cut the CD off, and went to bed. At school, the next day, Coach Jamison, was groggy and hung over.

She apologized to me a thousand times. She told me she was just so hurt by Kate, she didn’t know what else to do. She said she’d never do it again. I forgave her, and let it go. But Coach Jamison lied to me, and I was crushed. She came home every night, got drunk, and passed out. Every night I would have to drag her to the couch, or help her to her room. Every night she would play sad music, and cry Kate’s name. Every single night. It was the same thing, over and over again. She’d get drunk, pass out, and she was starting to disgust me. I left one broken home, just to get transferred to another. I trusted Coach Jamison, and she destroyed my trust. But after while I got use to her drinking, I just learn to live with it. At least she wasn’t beating me or nothing like that. So I was at school, I was painting a banner for a fundraiser sponsored by the cheerleaders. It was a fundraiser to help poor, homeless families find homes. I was painting the banner on the gym floor.

“Hey Jo!” Dani said sitting next to me.

“Hey Dani” I said. Dani was much better now. Her sister survived, the mishap she had with having the baby. Her sister had to spend a whole month in the hospital recovering from the labor she went through. It turns out the baby, tore her up on inside, and the doctors couldn’t repair it. So she had to get a hysterectomy. Which crushed Dani’s sister. Her sister had a bout with depression for awhile, and really didn‘t love the baby. Dani said she was suffering from something disorder or something. But she started counseling and well she got better. So everything went ok, and I was so glad to hear it.

“What’cha doing” Dani said.

“Nothing just painting this banner for the cheerleaders fundraiser” I said.

“It’s looks really cool so far” Dani said.

“Thanks, so what have you been up to?” I asked.

“Nothing school, spoiling my nephew, just relaxing” Dani said.

“Cool. How’s the boy anyway, what’s his name” I asked.

“Daniel Clinton Whitefield” Dani said proudly.

“Clinton? Like President Bill Clinton” I said.

“You got it! Bill Clinton is my sister’s favorite president” Dani said.

“Sweet. That’s a nice name” I said.

“Yeah, I chose his first name. Daniel aka Danni, get it?” Dani said winking at me.

“Absolutely, that’s awesome. Good for you Dani” I said.

“Yeah well I gotta go, my mom wants to go bra shopping today” Dani laughed.

“Wow, ok good luck” I said.

“Thanks, see ya Jo” Dani said running off.

I laughed to myself, what a silly girl. I was so glad we were friends again. It felt good to have a best friend.

“Hey babe” Ying said sitting beside me, and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey beautiful, how’s it going” I said.

“Good, Coach Jamison is late for practice again” Ying said.

“I see. I don’t know where she is. I saw her this morning” I said.

“I don’t know. Kind of bothers me, she’s never late for practice, and she’s been late all week. I wonder what’s going on” Ying said.

I knew what was going on. Coach Jamison had a serious drinking problem, and lately it had spun out of control. First she started just getting drunk at night. But now she was drinking in the morning, noon, night, and whenever else she got a chance. It was bothering me, she kept promising me she’d stop, she has yet to keep that promise.

“I know why” I said quietly.

“Why” Ying asked.

“Coach Jamison has a drinking problem, every since Kate left her, she’s been drinking none stop” I blurted out.

Ying eyes got bigger than a full moon at midnight.

“What!” Ying exclaimed.

“Yeah, her girlfriend of two years left her” I said.

“So she’s been burying her pain in a bottle, for how long?” Ying asked.

“For a month and a few weeks” I said.

“Oh no, Jo I’m so sorry for you. Does she get crazy like your step dad did” Ying asked.

“No, she just drinks, cries, listen to sad music, and eventually she’ll pass out somewhere” I said.

“But that’s crazy, all because her girlfriend left her” Ying asked.

“Yep, all because her girlfriend left her” I said.

“They must have been madly in love. Oh poor Coach Jamison. She should stop, she’s gonna kill herself” Ying said.

“I know, I tried to talk to her. She keeps promising me, she’ll stop, but she still hasn’t” I said.

“Oh Jo, I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do” Ying said.

“No, I don’t think so” I said.

“Well I guess it’d be a bad idea, to ask if I could come over this weekend” Ying said.

“Ah, of course you can, you’re always welcome to come spend some time with me” I said giving her a kiss.

“Really? Because my parents told me, I could hang at someone’s house this weekend, since our house is being renovated, and it’ll be pretty crazy, with all the loud machines and stuff” Ying said.

“Your house is being renovated, for real” I said.

“Yeah, we’re getting flooring, and new bathrooms, and new paint on the walls” Ying said.

“That’s great! What made your parents do that” I asked.

“Well my dad made this million dollar deal, with some drug lord, and well he decided, it’s time for something new, and of course my mom agreed” Ying said.

“That’s awesome! I’ll ask Coach Jamison if it’s ok, I’m sure she won’t mind” I said.

“Great, besides, I been kind of wet in the Nether regions” Ying said with a sly smile. I looked at her, was she talking about what I thought she was talking about. She saw the question in my eyes.

“Uh-huh” Ying said winking at me.

“Well if it’s wet there, I could dry the wetlands if you like” I flirted back.

“Well I hope your thirsty, because my springs overflows” Ying said.

“Well I’m  very dehydrated, and I think only your springs can hydrate, to the very last drip” I said smiling mischievously at her. Ying giggled in that cute girly way she does, that drove me mad about her.

“Stop it, you naughty bear” Ying said.

“Only for you doll” I said giving her a kiss. She kissed me back, I put my hand on her thigh, and moved to her inner thigh. I tickled her there, through her shorts, and it caused her to squirm.

“Jo!” Ying squealed with a laugh.

“What?” I said like I done nothing.

“Don’t do that, you make wanna do you right here, right now” Ying said quietly.

“Come to the back with me, we could hit the supply closet if you like” I grinned.

Ying playfully pushed me.

“Stop it, not here, not now, you freak” Ying smiled.

“You started it” I said.

“Maybe, but who could resist not flirting with you” Ying said. Just as Ying said that, Coach Jamison walked in. She blew her whistle, and started practice as if she wasn’t almost twenty minutes late. Her eyes were bloodshot red, and she looked like she had aged triple times in the past few hours. She had deep lines in her forehead, and a gray she streak was peeking form under her blonde hair. Coach Jamison was starting to look rough. Practice was rough, Coach Jamison, was running the girls hard today. She was scream and shouting more than usual. She even cursed at them a few times. And that’s when I drew the line.

“Coach Jamison, that’s enough! End practice now!” I demanded.

“What! No, do you see how sorry these girls are doing. They’re pathetic! We have a game tomorrow, and they can’t even get their heads, out their fucking asses, and do the damn cheers!” Coach Jamison yelled. I smelled the heavy smell of liquor on her breath.

“You’re filthy drunk! End practice now, or I swear to God, I’ll report you to Principal Franklin so fast, you won’t know what hit you” I said looking her dead in the eyes. She stared at me for a moment.

“Do it!” I said. Coach Jamison blew the whistle, and ended practice. The girls scattered to the locker room.

“I can’t believe you” I said walking off.

“Jo, wait, I’m sorry” Coach Jamison said. I waved her off, I wanted to hear nothing she had to say. She was being plain rude, and I wouldn’t stand for it another day. I went to the locker room. All the girls were badmouthing Coach Jamison and all her crazy antics.

“Hey Jo, what’s going on with Coach Jamison” one girl called out as I headed for the supply closet. Then I found myself lying to the girls, about Coach Jamison’s great aunt dying, and she wasn’t taking it so well. I was lying through my teeth, and I could only hoped the girls believed me. And they did, then they all felt pity for her, all except Ying because she knew the truth. After the girls cleared out, Ying stayed behind.

“Your mom isn’t here yet” I asked.

“No, she told me she’d be running late today” Ying said.

“Oh, good, that means we can finally hit the supply closet” I grinned, as I walked up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her.

“No, we can’t” Ying smiled.

“Why not? Nobody’s around, it’ll be real quick” I said pulling her closer to me, and kissing her neck.

“Jo, stop it, you’re turning me on” Ying said putting her hands on top of mine, which rested on her hips.

“That’s the plan baby” I said kissing her, and pressing my body closer to hers.

She smelled so good, I think she used a new body wash or something. But whatever it was, it was driving me wild. Her skin so soft, delicate like a flower. I just couldn’t help myself.

“Jo, dear God, Jo” Ying moaned laying her head back on my shoulders.

“You smell so good, and you’re so hot” I whispered in her ear. I let my hand, and slide down in her shorts, and I could tell she was happy to feel me. My fingers I felt her moisture soaking my fingers. It had been awhile, since I had taken care of business with my baby, and boy was she missing me.

“Baby, you missed me huh?” I said letting her wetness engulf my fingers.

“Uh-huh” Ying moaned. I began to rub her pearl, in a circular motion. My fingers slid right over it, wet. This just made me want to taste her, but she seemed to be enjoying the finger massage.

“Jo! Oh yes Jo” Ying said as I rubbed faster. I began to kiss her neck, and massage her b_obs with my free hand. This was driving her insane, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

“I love you so much Ying, you feel so good” I said.

“I love….love….you…Jo” Ying said in between moans. I rubbed my faster, and soon I let my finger slide inside of her. She was tight, and really moist, I ran my fingers in and out of her. I bent my fingers so that they could slide right over her pearl, and right into her.

“Jo, baby, please don’t stop” Ying panted as went faster. She was so moist I could hear my fingers making a splash.

“Oh yeah, you like that baby? You gonna come for me huh?” I said working my fingers.

“Yeah, yes, don’t stop, Jo! Baby yes!” Ying moaned. I went faster, went as deep as I could with my fingers, and wiggled them inside of her.

“Oh Jo! Ah God” Ying said as her legs began to wobble, she was on the verge of a climax. I went just one last time, and Ying grabbed the locker, her legs were giving out. I pushed her up closer to the locker so she wouldn’t fall. She breath heavily, as her river overflowed. She panted harder, her chest heaved, she was trying to catch her breath. She leaned back on me, and I held her tight. I felt her heart pounding in her chest.

“Oh Jo, that was amazing. Oh my gosh, you have to have the Midas touch” Ying said giving me a kiss.

“Well I try, I’m glad you enjoyed that” I said.

“I more than enjoyed, I loved it. Oh Jo, wait till this weekend, I’m gonna eat you up delicious” Ying smiled.

“I cant’ wait, you’ll be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sweet as you are sugar, you can be my dessert” I smiled.

“I won’t mind. I love you so much Jo” Ying said hugging me.

“And you know I love you even more” I said hugging her, and giving her a kiss. Soon her mom came, and I walked her to the car. When I got back, Coach Jamison was locking up her office. I sat on the bench and waited for her. It seemed like I was waiting longer than usual .I looked over to Coach Jamison, and she was struggling to find the key to her office. Had that same office, using the same key, for almost ten years, and suddenly she couldn’t remember. Had to be the drinking, because that didn’t make any sense. She was getting frustrated, her hands began to shake, and she winded up kicking the door in frustration. I walked up to her, and took the keys from her trembling hands. I shook my head, pity on her. I locked the office up, and gave her back her keys. She looked at me apologetically, and I simply walked away. It was quite disturbing to see Coach Jamison destroy herself with drinking. I knew she was heartbroken from Kate leaving her, and it was probably worst that she knew it was all her fault. I hadn’t seen or heard from Kate in like a month and a few weeks. I was sure she was probably missing Coach Jamison, then again maybe she moved on or something. Anyway I didn’t worry about that, I was going to ask Coach Jamison if Ying could come spend the weekend at our place.

“Kelly” I said as we pulled in the driveway.

“Yeah” Coach Jamison said.

“Could I have company over this weekend” I asked.

“Who’s the company” I asked.

“Ying” I said.

“From the team?” Coach Jamison asked.

“Yeah” I said.

“Sure” Coach Jamison said.

“Thanks, can she spend the night” I asked.

“Sure, why not” Coach Jamison said.

We then pulled into the liquor store parking lot.

I sighed, here we go with this again.

“I be right back” Coach Jamison said.
“Guess so” I said. After she returned with the brown paper bag, she pulled off. And nightly routine of laying her on the couch, or dragging her to bed began. The other nights she drank so much, that she vomited in the middle of the floor. I had to clean that up, and get her to bed. It was the worse smell I had ever smelled in my life. And it stunk up the whole living room too. Hopefully, Coach Jamison would clean up some for Ying. And if she didn’t than oh well. So I picked up my room, and made sure everything was nice and neat. At practice the next day, I sat in the locker room, and sorted out poster board letters. The cheerleaders were doing the homecoming game, and decided to use letters in a cheer. The only thing was, someone couldn’t spell and made too many letters, and now they were all out of order. Now how you spell “dragons” wrong was out my spectrum of understanding. Anyway as I sorted, Linda came from the back.

“Hi Jo” Linda said sitting on the bench.

“Hey, why aren’t you at practice” I asked.

“I’m cramping extremely bad, and I have the worst headache” Linda said.

“Oh, I got some Midol, you want two” I asked.

“Of course” Linda said.

I went into Coach Jamison’s office, and dug around in her drawers for the Midol she always kept close. Funny thing is, I found more empty liquor bottles, than anything else. She must be trying to get fired or something. I finally found the Midol, and I found a foam cup, in which I filled with water.

“Here you are” I said handing Linda the cup of water, and Midol.

“Thanks” She said dunking down the Midol and water.

I sat back on the floor, and continued to sort letters. All I needed was a “g” and “d”

“Is it really that hard to spell dragons” Linda asked.

I chuckled “No, it’s just finding the letters are hard, and I don’t have enough space to spread out all the letters.

“Oh. You been doing ok Jo, you look tired” Linda said.

“I am tired, but I been doing fine thank you. How about yourself” I asked.

“Oh same old same old. Just ready for school to be out and over with” Linda said.

“Same here, I never worked so hard in my life” I said.

“I told you being Coach Jamison’s assistant isn’t easy” Linda said.

“Ya got that right. How’s Randy” I asked.

“Ok I guess, you know he twisted his ankle at the last game, he’s so miserable now that he can’t play” Linda said.

“Oh yeah, that was awful. Sorry for him. Was it bad?” I asked.

“Well it wasn’t too bad, it should be healed within two weeks or so, at least that’s what the doctor said” Linda said.

“That’s good” I said.

“How are you and Ying” Linda asked.

“Great, she’s coming over to spend the night this weekend” I said.

“Ooooooo really?” Linda said with a sly smile.

“Yeah” I smiled back proudly.

“So, Jo can I ask you something” Linda said.

“Sure what’s up” I said.

“How do you guys do it” Linda asked.

“Same way you and Randy do it. Fingers, and tongue” I said.

“So you actually lick her down there” Linda said.

“Yeah” I said.

“How’s it taste” Linda asked like a curious child.

“Sweet, kind of salty” I said.
“I’m sorry am I making you uncomfortable” Linda asked.

“No, you’re fine” I said.

“I seen it on a dirty movie once” Linda said.

“What” I asked.

“Lesbian loving, it looked different to say the least” Linda said.

“So what are you doing watching dirty movies, lesbian dirty movies at that” I asked with a smile.

Linda giggled “I get bored, and hot  sometimes. Adult movies are interesting and great play with yourself  material”

“Wow. Well that’s nice to know” I said.

“Hey you ever watch gay movies like boy on boy” Linda asked.

“No, not that I recall” I said.

“It’s awesome” Linda said.

“Wait, so you like gay movies” I asked.

“Definitely. I don’t know something about two dudes banging each other, blows my mind.” Linda said.

I fell out laughing, Linda had lost it.

“What’s funny? I’m serious” Linda laughed.

“No, it’s just who knew you would like gay movies. I mean if that’s what you like, then that’s what you like but whew, that’s a good one” I said wiping my eyes.

“You should check it out sometimes, it’s crazy. It’s all man, and banging, and they are like the most beautiful men, I mean hair, eyes, body, whew makes me hot every time!” Linda said fanning herself with her hand.

“Wow! You’re sick I said laughing.

“And then sometimes the guys c_cks are like anaconda sized. Like monster c_cks. Especially the black guys, they are beast like Randy. I watch that, and sometimes Randy comes over, and I just wanna r@pe him to no end” Linda said.

“Linda, honey you are out of your mind. Ha! R@ping Randy” I said laughing till my face was red. It was funny because she actually was very serious about this, the whole raping Randy and everything.

“Jo, I’m serious. I’m getting desperate. Like uh the oral  he gives me is awesome, but I want his pole. I want him inside of me, and he’s so scared, like my cat will bite or something. It’s getting crazy” Linda said. I got up off the floor and sat beside Linda.

“Oh calm down, Randy isn’t ready for all that, and you can’t force him to be. When he’s ready, he’ll let you know. But all you can do now is just wait it out” I said.

“I’m tired of waiting, and she is too” Linda said pointing below the belt.

“One word d_ldo” I said. Linda busted into a fit of laughter. Did I crack a Joke, I was serious.

“What? I’m serious” I said.

“Jo, d!ldos are for desperate women” Linda said.

“Well you’re desperate, do what you have to do to survive” I said.

“I don’t the thought of that creeps me out. An artificial penis is weird” Linda said.

“But they get the job done. You can get them in any shape, size, or color. They have plastic ones, jelly ones, vibrating ones, ones with attachments, strap-ons, large ones, small ones, black ones, white ones, and everything in between” I said. Linda was giving the weirdest look.

“And you know this how?” Linda asked.

“Umm, well see what had happen was, it doesn’t matter, we ain’t talking me, we talking about you” I said.

“Anyway, I don’t know maybe” Linda said.

“You should try it, I heard they were so much fun. And you can use them whenever you want, however you want, and go on as long as you want or until the batteries die” I said.

Linda laughed “That sounds awesome right now. Maybe I’ll try it, I don’t know.”

Linda yawned, and stretched.

“Tired?” I asked.

“Yeah, late night last night. I was up till one in the morning writing a paper. I’m so sleepy now” Linda said rubbing her eyes.

“Oh, hey how’d it go meeting Randy’s parents. You told me you were to meet them a few weeks ago. You never told me how it went” I said.

“Oh, yeah that went wonderfully well. His parents were extremely nice, very welcoming. His mom can cook so good Jo, like the food blew my mind. They are very nice people, and didn’t even seem to care that I was a White girl” Linda said.

“I told you, it would go great Linda. Well I’m glad it did, and good for you two” I said.

“Yeah you did tell me that. Thanks” Linda said. I heard Coach Jamison blow the final whistle. The girls flooded the locker room, and Linda got up to change into her regular clothes.

I finally found the letters, I needed, and put the rest away.

After most the girls filed out, Ying stood at her locker, and Linda combed her hair in the mirror hanging on her locker door.

“Hey beautiful” I said.

“Hey” Ying said greeting me with a kiss.

“Coach Jamison said you could come over this weekend” I said.

“Great! I can’t wait” Ying said.

“Me either, I hope you know I’m gonna eat you up” I said pulling her close to me, and hugging her tight.

Ying giggled as she wrapped her arms around me.

“And I’ll do the same for you” Ying said.

“Hey Jo, I’m gone” Linda said.

“Bye, see ya later” I said looking over my shoulder at her.

“Bye Jo, bye Ying” Linda said as she left the locker room.

“I can’t wait. Is Coach Jamison still drinking” Ying asked.

“Yeah” I said.

“Oh, she should stop” Ying said.

“She should, but I guess she will in her own time” I said.

“What if her time is too late” Ying asked.

“I don’t know, maybe it won’t get that far” I said.

“I hope not” Ying said locking her fingers together with mine. She kissed my hand.

“I love you Jo” Ying said.

“I love you too” I said. We kissed, and then she went home. I don’t think I ever loved anyone the way I loved Ying, not even my mother. She had stolen my heart, and I didn’t even want it back. She was just so sweet, and kind, I couldn’t resist her. Why hadn’t anyone else picked up this prize? I don’t know, I didn’t care, all I knew was she was mine, mine to keep for all time. As the week winded down, and Friday finally hit. I was stoked. I had cleaned the whole house up in anticipation for the weekend to hit. Coach Jamison hadn’t drank all day, which was shocking. She just seemed to mope around the house. She’d watch TV with a blank facial expression. Like she wasn’t there, just her body, but her mind was elsewhere. But I didn’t let that bother me, any, Ying was coming over, and I couldn’t wait. After waiting for what seemed like forever, the doorbell finally rang. I jumped up quickly, and ran to the door.

I opened the door, and there stood Ying with her overnight bag at hand.

“Hey doll” I smiled.

“Hey lovely” Ying said giving me a kiss.

“Kelly, Ying’s here” I said.

“Hi Ying” Coach Jamison said.

“Hi” Ying said.

“Hey look Jo, I’m gonna go get dressed, and I’m going to go out for a bit. You girls gonna be ok” Coach Jamison asked standing up.

“Yeah” I said.

“Ok good. There’s plenty of food in the fridge. My cell phone will be on, so call if you need anything at all. And whatever you do, please don’t burn the house down” Coach Jamison said.

“We promise we won’t” I said.

“Good girls” Coach Jamison said patting us both on the head.

She went upstairs, Ying and I sat to watch some television.

“When Coach Jamison came downstairs, she was dressed in full biker gear. Nothing but leather and denim was her whole outfit.

“I be back later ok” Coach Jamison said

“Ok” I said.

She went in the garage, and we soon heard her motorcycle start up, and roar off.

“She always leave you alone like this” Ying asked.

“No, not most days” I said.

“Oh I wonder where she’s going” Ying asked.

“I don’t know. Probably to be with her biker gang or something” I said.

“Oh, that’s pretty dangerous lifestyle” Ying said.

“Yeah I know, that’s one reason Kate left her” I said.

“I would never do anything that would jeopardize our relationship” Ying said.

“Me either, I’ll die first” I said.

Don’t say that, that’s even scarier” Ying said.

“It’s the truth. I would, all for you” I said.

“That’s really sweet of you” Ying said looking me in the eyes.

“I know” I smiled.

“Ah Jo, I love you so much. I think about all day long, I miss you when you’re gone. I don’t know where in this world I’d be without you” Ying said.

“Same here. You know all the time I worked with Coach Jamison, I never even knew you liked me” I said.

“I know I had been crushing on you since the school year started. It was something about your eyes, and the way you acted that drew me so close to you. You were different, from all the other girls in school, your boyish ways, the way you always made that Dani girl laugh. Every time she was around you, she’d laugh. You two were so close that I thought maybe you two were lovers. It was something in her eyes, that made me think it was you she loved. I really thought you two were dating, and so did half of the school” Ying said.

“We were only friends, as we have been for years” I said.

“Well you guys didn’t portray friendship more like an intimate relationship” Ying said.

“Oh no, Dani and I are good as friends, and nothing more. Is that why you got so upset when I told you she had a crush on me” I asked.

“Yeah, I thought she was your ex and you would go back to her. I mean she’s gorgeous, and she has those beautiful blue eyes, and that dark hair. It drove me mad Jo, mad at the thought of losing you to a much more attractive girl” Ying said.

“Oh Ying, yes Dani is gorgeous but baby I only got eyes for you. You’re more beautiful than any girl at the school. From the inside out, you know I love you, and none of those girls compare to you” I said kissing her.

“You really mean that Jo?” Ying asked as I kissed her neck.

“I never say anything I don’t mean, and you know this baby” I said putting my hand on her thigh, and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“You make me feel so beautiful Jo” Ying said

“Because you are” I said.

“No one ever made me feel as you do” Ying said.

“Because no one ever loved you as deep as I do” I said.

“I love you Jo, I love you so much” Ying said.

“You know I love you even more, now come on let me show my room. I’m hungry, and tonight, you’re my buffet” I said kissing her. I lead her up the stairs by the hand, to my room.

Soon as we got to my room, I dimmed the lights. Ying laid across the bed. I took off my clothes, and Ying did the same. Her body was so beautiful, that I could never keep my hands off of it. I got on top of her, and kissed her sensually. I grinded my body against hers, as I smothered her in kisses. She let her head fall back, as her eyes rolled to the back of her head in pleasure.

“Mmmmm Jo” she moaned in my ear.

“You ready for this baby” I whispered in her ear.

“Uh-huh” Ying said.

I dragged my hand up her side, and cupped her t_ts. I slid bo_b in my mouth, and sucked away. She had firm ones, that were the size of peaches. I nibbled a bit, worked my way down. Kissing her stomach, and going on down. I kissed her thighs, and she spread her legs. I was dying to taste her, and she was already wet for me. Her pearl glistened she was so moist. I rubbed her pearl, my fingers slid smoothly on it. I stuck my fingers inside, and wiggled them. Her natural juices oozed out with every stroke of my fingers.

“Oh Jo baby yes!” Ying moaned.

With my free hand, I let my thumb massage her pearl, as my fingers slid in and out of her.

Ying began to moan louder, which turned me on more. I took her wholly in my mouth, and sucked it like a pacifier. Spreading her lips with hands, I wanted to go as deep as I could. Ying was loving this, she began to get louder, and I began to go deeper. I moved my head from side to side, letting my tongue slide back and forward over her pearl. Ying’s river began flowing, and I was slurping up every drop of it. This sweet nectar was too good to go to waste. I sucked on pearl as I fingered her good.

“Yeah, yes, just like that yes!” Ying shouted. By now she was gripping my head, and holding me between her legs. I stuck my tongue deep in her, and took it out. I flicked my tongue like a snake against her pearl. Ying pulled my face deep into her p_ssy. I began to make circles around her pearl with my tongue. Then I dipped inside again, and slurped hard.

“Jo! Jo! Oh baby yes!” Ying said. I pulled away for a slight moment.

“You love me baby?” I teased.

“Yes! Please don’t stop, keep going” Ying said. I went in at it again. Licking, sticking and slurping her good.

“Jo, oh God, I’m gonna c_m. I’m gonna c_m baby” Ying screamed.

That was my cue to really go in. I licked her cl!t faster, and fingered faster. I pounded her p_ssy with my finger so hard, juice was oozing out everywhere.

“Come on girl, come for me, c-m hard” I said. Ying’s whole body tensed up, and I knew it was coming.

“Don’t stop now, here I c_m” Ying screamed. She flooded, milky white cream, came flowing out. I licked it up, and kissed her cat. I got up on top of Ying, my face had her juice all over it. And she kissed it clean. Deep, passionate open mouth kissing. She slid her hand between my legs, and began to finger me. I laid on my back, and now Ying was on top. She fingered me as she kissed me passionately. Her fingers felt so good slipping in and out of me.

“You’re so wet” Ying said in between kisses.

“That feels so good” I said. She rubbed between my slits. Caressing my pearl, and now sucking my breast. Ying went down on me, and went to work. I felt her licking my cl!t, orgasmic bliss began to rip through my body. Ying fingered me as she ran her tongue all over my pearl. She fingered me till I began to scream her name. Then she stopped. I looked at her in wonder.

“Change positions” she said. Then she had me on all four, and she ate me from behind, which was way more intense than the usual style. Ying placed her hand on my  cheeks, and squeezed them as she licked my pearl from behind.

“Ah God, Jesus Ying! Yeah!” I said this was feeling amazing. I wiggled my rear end, and she buried her face deeper. I grabbed the headboard bars, this was intense.

“Ying, oh goodness! Yeah yeah!” I panted. It felt so good, I felt myself pulling away some, but Ying pulled me right back.

“Don’t run from me baby” Ying said. She began to rub my pearl fast, as she licked me on the inside. It all felt so good, the combination of the two. I felt my whole body beginning to tremble. My legs began to shake rapidly, and I panting, it was hard to catch my breath, as my heart raced out of control.

“Ah! Ying! God yes! Ying!” Ying gave my butt another squeeze. Spread my legs farther apart so she could get deeper in. By now my cl_t was swollen, wet, and puffy. Ying sucked on it like it was a lollipop.

Just than I felt the biggest orgasm, I ever felt rip through my body, causing me to jerk uncontrollably. My legs collapsed, I fell face first on the bed, and squeezed my legs tight together, in an attempt to try and control this orgasmic sensation, that left my body shaking. I screamed in my pillow I felt my p_ssy pulsating. After it calmed down, I turned over on my back, Ying laid next to me. I still hadn’t caught my breath. I gasped, and panted for air, like a mad dog.

“Was it good for you” Ying asked.

“That was amazing! Whoa!” I said breathless.

“Can we go one more round” Ying asked.

I smiled “you bet we can” I said. Ying and I had mad passionate, hot, steamy, mind blowing, orgasmic blissful love making till our bodies collapsed from exhaustion. We had done so much that when it was over we were sound asleep in each others arms. When woke the next morning, the house was quiet.

“Good Morning” I said to Ying.

“Morning love” Ying said. I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

“Did Coach Jamison come home last night” Ying asked.

“Not really sure” I said.

“Last night was so mind blowing, I didn’t even notice if she came in or not” Ying said.

“Totally. Let’s see if she’s home” I said sliding out of bed. I put on my pajamas and looked throughout the house. Coach Jamison was nowhere to be found.

I checked the garage, and her motorcycle wasn’t there either. This puzzled me, and gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. Where on earth could Coach Jamison be? She never stayed out all night. Maybe till the wee hours of the morning but not for a whole night and half the day.

“Where do you think she is?” Ying asked.

“I don’t know” I said.

“Maybe at the bar” Ying asked.

“The bar usually kicks you out after a certain hour” I said.

“Thinks she drunkenly wondered the streets, and got lost” Ying said.

“Maybe” I said.

“You think she’s ok” Ying asked.

“I’m not really sure" I said getting worried.


Ok so I made this chapter long as an apology to you all for waiting for so long. I hope you like it, and a new chapter will be up soon. But until then please comment and tell me what you think about the story so far. I been loving you all's feedback, and would appreciate more. Thank you so much for reading. Please read, please comment! And thanks a million for reading.

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