Raven Soul

By WolfGirl3475

5.6K 340 132

Blair's life changes when she is forced to go live with a grandmother she never knew she had. Suddenly magic... More

Raven Soul - Chapter One
Raven Soul - Chapter Two
Chapter Three - Raven Soul
Chapter Four - Raven Soul
Chapter Five - Raven Soul
Chapter Six-Raven Soul
Chapter Seven - Raven Soul
Chapter 8 - Raven Soul
Chapter nine- Raven Soul
Chapter 10 - Raven Soul
Chapter 11 - Raven Soul
Chapter twelve
Raven soul: chapter 13
Chapter 14: Raven Soul
Raven Soul: Chapter 15
Raven Soul: Chapter 16
Raven Soul: Chapter 17
Raven Soul: Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Raven Soul
Chapter 20: Raven Soul
Chapter 21: Raven Soul
Chapter 23: Raven Soul
Chapter 24: Raven Soul

Chapter 22: Raven Soul

129 10 2
By WolfGirl3475


Blair's pov:

The next day was hard again. Blake had to work today until two so I was training with John and River.

"You have the magic down, but you need to work on self control. If you just let loose on your magic it could go anywhere around you and you could hurt someone other then your target." River said.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"It's not easy. You need to really focus on the one spot you want to hit. If not your spell will go everywhere and cause a disaster. Make a very small water spout and focus on that tree." River said pointing to a tree five feet away.

I called to my water power and I felt the cool liquid rush from my palm and flow out.

I saw what River meant. It was going strait but also spraying out all around my hand. I looked at the tree and willed the water to go to it.

The water rushed to the tree, but still spread a little.

"Cup your hand." John suggested.

I did as he said and the water flowed easier and spit less. I focused on the tree harder and it finally went right to where I wanted it to go. It was extremely hard and drained my energy.

I could only keep it up for a little while before I had to stop.

"That was good. Let's go again." John said.

So for the rest of the morning I practiced and improved until I was to tired and was driven home. After a shower and lunch I decided to get some home work done.

I was working on my biology report when Blake showed up. He looked tried and stresses.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked.

Blake shook his head.

Now that I got a closer look he was pale and looked like he would pass out. He was drenched in sweat and I noticed blood on his shirt. The stain on his stomach was growing.

"Blake?" I asked.

He suddenly was dizzy and started to fall over.

I quickly cough him before he fell. Blake weighted more then I expected and my arms shook.

I quickly dragged him to my bedroom and pulled him onto my bed.

Remembering the first aid class I took I quickly looked him over.

He was unconscious, but breathing and had a pulse. He was sweaty and pale, also blooding in the stomach area and his leg.

The stomach was worst so I quickly took his shirt off and saw a bullet hole.

I gasped. He was shot. Blake was shot, in Fallen Springs. How could this have happened?

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the rubbing alcohol, gauze, sterile wraps, gloves, and bandages.

I rushed back and put the gloves on before reaching in the the bullet. His body reflexively twitched and his expression was pained.

I quickly pulled it out and set it aside.   Then I quickly poured some rubbing alcohol into the cut and I heard him groan a little.

After that I piled some gauze on top of the bottle hole and held it there. It bleed through so I added more before wrapping it into place and tying the knot over the wound.

Then I went down to his shin and cleaned the cut and badged it.

After that I looked him over again and didn't see any other cuts, just bruises.

'What do you think happened?' I asked Owen.

'I'm not sure. Watch him closely." Owen said.

'I will.' I said.

And I did. I watched him all day. I put a wet cloth on his forehead and waited for Alba to come home. She was out with John. The only time she leaves is when I need her.

I wish Alba believed in cell phones. She only had a house phone and I didn't know John's number. River wouldn't know what to do so I just waited and watched.

He was looking a bit better but still never woke up hours later. I was starting to get worried.

"Come on Alba, where are you?" I said out loud.

Alba said nothing about staying out late, yet it was almost eight and she was with John.

I couldn't wait forever. I knew what I had to do. I didn't like it, but it was necessary.

I half carried/half dragged Blake to his car and out him in the passenger seat. Nothing was bleeding anymore so I was calmer.

I carefully buckled him in and drove off. I tried to remember the way to Blake's house.

I drove twenty miles over the thirty mile per hour speed limit.

I really hoped I was going the right way. I peaked over at Blake, he was still out like a light.

I sighed and turned into Blake's driveway. I'm glad I remembered the way. Or else we would have been terribly lost.

The lights were on inside the cabin, indicating that someone was home.

I quickly got out of the car and ran to the front door. I knocked on the hard wood loudly and waited.

And waited. No one was answering the door.

I knocked louder. Still nothing.

Maybe the wood was sound proof?

I went to the window and tapped it a few times.  Finally I heard someone grumble and walk to the door.

The door swung opened and Rocks was holding a shot gun to my face.

"Whoa!" I said.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He rasped.

"I'm a friend of Blake's. I was here sailing with him the other day." I said.

"Oh, you. What do you want?" He asked lowering the gun.

I breathed out and tried to relax a little. It wasn't easy because he still held the gun tightly.

"It's Blake, he showed up at my house and I didn't know what to do. He's been shot and he's got a cut on his leg." I said.

"Where is he?" Rocks asked quickly.

"In the car." I said.

Rocks brushed past me and went to Blake's black truck. I quickly followed him.

"Oh my." Rocks said.

That's something I could see Alba saying at this moment.

"Let's get him inside." Rocks said.

I nodded and unbuckled him.

We both carried Blake awkwardly into the house. I had his arms and Rocks his legs.

Once we got him to a bed, which I assumed was in his room Rocks faced me.

"What really happened?" Rocks asked.

"He came to my house like this. He was standing then he just fell over." I said.

"What was he shot with?" Rocks asked.

"Um, a bullet." I said.

Rocks looked at me like I was dumb.

"What kind of bullet?" He asked.

"I- I don't know." I said.

"Do you have it?" Rocks asked.

"It's at the house." I said.

"Then go get it." Rocks said.

I looked at the sleeping Blake before I looked back to Rocks.

"He'll be fine, go." Rocks said.

But will he?

'He's with his Dad, he's in safe hands. You have to go get it, I feel this could be important.' Owen said.

'Ok.' I said.

"I'll be back." I said.

Rocks nodded.

I quickly went back to Blake's car and drove home.

It was getting very dark and driving on these streets was hard. Especially with no street lights.

Johns car was in the drive way when I got there.

Little late Alba, I thought.

I went into the house and saw John, River and Alba all there looking rather depressing. John and River with sad expressions, Alba's disbelief.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They all jumped then I was talked by River.

"Your ok!" He said hugging me tightly.

"River I'm fine, I was never hurt." I said.

"All the blood though." River said.


'You forgot to clean up Blake's blood.' Owen reminded me.

'Oh shoot.' I thought.

"That's Blake's blood." I said.

"What happened?" Alba asked.

"I don't know. He just came here and he was bleeding. He was shot and I need to bring the bullet to Rocks." I said.

"You know Rocks?" John asked.

"Yes." I said grabbing the bullet off the ground.

"I'll be back." I said.

"Blair wait!" River said.

"What River?" I asked getting in the car.

He hopped into the passenger seat.

"I'm coming with you." River said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why not?" River asked.

"Alright." I said pulling out of the drive way.

Alba and John yelled at us to get back but I ignored them and sped down the street.

"Were so dead." River said.

"Don't remind me." I said.


Almost half way to Blake's house I felt like something was going to happen. Something not good.

I looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. So I just drove faster down the rode.

When we were one rode away I saw something in the middle of the street. I stomped on the break and stopped in front of it.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know." River said.

We both got out and ran in front of the car to see a body. Small and female.

River turned it over and gasped.

It was Alena.

I took her pulse and a tear fell.

"She's dead." I said.


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