Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x D...

By EarthAngelGirl20

93.6K 2.8K 2.8K

Darcy has a habit of making questionable decisions, but when she's offered a job that she'll actually be paid... More

Taser vs Trickster
Space Omelettes
Fun And Games
Coffee And Confessions
Trust Issues
A Strange Situation
Get Help
Undomestic Bliss
A Perfect Day
Under My Skin
The Right Kind Of Wrong
Covering All Bases
Talking Tactics
Bizarre Love Triangle
Lost In France
The Importance Of Being Pragmatic
Piece Of Mind
Love The Way You Lie
Risky Business
Epilogue: Part One
Epilogue: Part Two


3.9K 103 39
By EarthAngelGirl20

Just a friendly warning, this chapter contains sexual content.


The bathtub was huge and most definitely made for two. The taps spouted from the faux-marble wall at the side, and each end of the tub was reclined for optimum relaxation.
Yes, she thought hurriedly, relaxation was probably on his mind more than exertion. After all, it had been a very long, tiring, eventful day.

But, this was a God after all. No doubt he had superhuman stamina, so....
Who could say?

She swallowed hard, staring at him. She could practically feel her eyes bulging like one of those little plastic toys that you press in the middle and the eyes pop out.
If she accepted his enticing offer, was she really naive enough to think it would end innocently? And would she even want it to?
Hell no.
Loki had a body that was designed to be wriggled on. And she longed to be tangled naked in his long, athletic limbs.

"I, er....I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, Loki."

Wait, what? Had she actually just said that?
Damn her stupid big fat mouth.
She shouldn't be hung-up about her appearance. So what if her body was....well, it wasn't exactly Venus (or whoever the Norse equivalent was) but so what?
The old Darcy would've reasoned that in certain countries, people bathed naked in hot tubs with strangers, and didn't give two hoots about their flaws.

But Greg had done a fine job of chipping away at her self confidence, and his cruel words bounced around her head...

"Has he seen you naked yet? If he hasn't, he might not like what he sees. Have you thought about that? How it will feel when he rejects you?"

"And why is it not a good idea?" Loki spoke suddenly, his blunt tone shattering her shambolic thoughts like a wrecking ball. "It is Valentine's Day after all. It would be rude not to make the most of these exquisite facilities, and isn't this sort of activity considered.....romantic?"

Her mouth went dry, and she nodded.
He was making a fair argument.
And why should she let Greg's poisonous words get in the way?
She had to force her doubts and irrational fears aside.
And maybe, compromise?
As much of a stretch that seemed to be (this was Loki after all) and even Greg had never been willing to meet her halfway without it ending in an argument, resulting in him giving her the proverbial silent treatment, but she wasn't going to make the same mistakes in this relationship.

Unlacing the front of her dress painstakingly slowly, in that one simple action, she'd subconsciously made her decision.
She would take a bath with the God of Mischief. But setting boundaries she was comfortable with, was also called for.

"Can we....can we keep our pants on?"

His eyebrows raised. "Pants?"

"Yeah, you know. Our underwear."

"May I ask why?"

She made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "Oh, no real reason. I'd just feel more....comfortable....keeping them on. Ya' know like when you're in a pool, wearing shorts, and a bathing suit, or bikini."

He stared at her nonplussed for a long moment, and she braced herself for resistance. But to her immense surprise, he eventually nodded.

"Fine. As you wish." He shot her a foxy half-smile, the tip of his tongue peeping out slyly from his sensual pout, as he proceeded to snake down his trousers, so that he stood before her wearing his butt-hugging black shorts.

Sweet Jesus, the sight of those lean, muscular legs, and obscenely tight pants had her practically salivating. She felt a complete idiot for passing up the opportunity to see him naked in all his statuesque glory. It's not as if she hadn't seen his....

Ugh. Best not even go there.
Just recalling it was enough to 'flood her basement', so to speak.

As tempting as it was to get Loki out of his pants, Darcy still felt laughably out of her depth in the presence of such gorgeousness. She simply wasn't confident enough to let him see her without hers. And she wouldn't even know where to begin with instigating or engaging in sex with the guy.
It had been so much easier when she was drunk.

As he elegantly climbed in, she purposefully turned away as she unfastened her dress completely, slowly letting it fall to the floor. She'd never undressed in front of someone like that before, someone with their full attention on her. And as unnerving as it was, she also found it strangely exciting.

Keeping her back toward him strategically, she chanced a glance over her shoulder.
Loki was reclining leisurely, steam rising in little swirls from his arms which rested on either side of the tub.
Steeling herself, she stepped over the side, sat down, then turned herself around to face him. His blue-green eyes were still on her and full of interest, as he just watched and said nothing.

"Mmmm, this is nice." She sighed contentedly, settling opposite him, and the warm, foamy water swallowed her whole, right up to her collar bone.

Perhaps they could've got completely naked after all, and there wouldn't have been so much as a stray nipple in sight, thanks to the heaps and heaps of foam.

She realised then just how much of a prude she was being.
Bathing in her pants was just silly. Now she was feeling like the worlds biggest prude. But, sex stuff aside, she still couldn't risk him seeing her belly. Not this early into the relationship. Or, perhaps it would be best to get it over with sooner rather than later.

'Get a grip, Lewis.' She scolded herself mentally.

Their feet and knees accidentally met in the middle of the tub, as he sat upright to wash himself. Lathering a bar of soap between his large hands, he rubbed meticulously over his arms and chest, and she couldn't help wondering if he felt some degree of arousal as a result of the sensual atmosphere.

Darcy herself was beginning to feel increasingly hot and bothered, and when he invited her to turn around again,  so he could wash her, she obediently spun her body in the bath without hesitation.

"I like your other tattoo." He drawled, sliding his soapy hands up and over her back, squeezing and massaging the muscles in her shoulders and neck. "At least now I got to see it."

"What? Oh. The Alice In Wonderland-inspired quote..." She breathed, eyes flickering shut. "All the best people are crazy.' I told you I'd show it you."

"Yes. Mores the pity you won't show me what else I'd like to see."

Her eyes snapped open. "Pervert!"

"Tease!" He riposted.

His fingers were pushing through her wet hair now, gently rubbing her scalp in small circles, and her head instinctively lolled back, leaning in to his sensual touch.

Christ, his tender ministrations felt so good.

She was completely relaxed, her overactive mind, her body, subdued, when suddenly he reached down and she felt the clasp on her bra ping open.

"Hey!" She squealed in surprise.

He laughed deeply, the sound reverberating off the tiled walls as he discarded her bra to the floor.

"What? I'm the God of Mischief, what do you expect?" He snickered. "Besides, I'm bare chested. It's only fair that you are too. You wanted equality, did you not?"

"You're a little shit! I should've known better than to trust...." Her playful words dissolved into nervous giggles, as he nuzzled into her neck.

And then his hands were gliding around and over her breasts, cupping and squeezing them, manipulating the small nubs into hardened little peaks, as his lips trailed sensuously along the line of her shoulder.

She bit her bottom lip to stifle a whimper, nearly melting with pleasure as she reclined back in his arms. Now she was between his legs, her back leaning against his chest, as he continued to caress her flesh with his long, nimble fingers.

For a minute, she thought she felt his manhood poking her in the back. She wanted to twist around and find out, envisaging his semi-erect penis tenting enticingly in his wet shorts. But then his wandering hands slid around her middle, and she pulled forwards abruptly, creating a splash.

"Please don't do that." She said, more sharply than intended.

"I'm sorry, what? Do you suddenly have an aversion to my touching you?"

Darcy waved her hands around wildly, flicking water everywhere and inadvertently extinguishing one of the candles.

"No, no just....just on my stomach. I'd rather you didn't touch that. It's a no-go area." She looked at him nervously over her shoulder, and he stared back at her through his dark, wet lashes.

"I see. And why is that?"

Oh God.
How was she going to answer that?

"Darcy, If you expect intimacy and honesty from me, then it is only right that you are in return. Tell me."

"'s complicated."

"You're telling me."

She held his gaze, and the almost boyish innocence in his eyes was enough to crumble her resolve.

"I....I had a motorcycle accident, back when I was in High school. I thought I was being smart showing off in front of my friends. I lost control. I wasn't wearing any safety gear, obviously, which is just so typically me...." She tried to laugh, but suddenly her throat was painfully dry, and tightening with suppressed emotion. "Well, anyway....I fractured a few ribs, and I needed surgery. And it left me with scars. Which is why I changed my mind about getting my belly button pierced, d'you remember me saying? It's because my stomach is kinda ugly. And you can feel it too, like, the scar tissue, where the skin was stitched. It's gross."

Loki, who had been listening intently, leaned towards her, his hands outstretched. "Let me see."

Her stomach clenched in anxious knots. "No. I don't want you to see them."

His frown deepened. He looked surprisingly hurt.

"Why not?"

"Because, I just don't like myself very much. I put on a front, but really I've always secretly wanted to be someone better. Someone prettier. Someone smarter. And the scars make me even more self-conscious. And're a God. Your perfect."

"Darcy, may I remind you that my original form is that of a frost giant?" He said bitterly.

"It doesn't matter. I still find you gorgeous and attractive. This is about me not being able to compete with the likes of the Goddesses you're used to. I saw, what's her name....the Lady Sif, was it?"

He arched his eyebrows. "Yes. What about her?"

"Well....she was beautiful. You come from a place where the people don't have physical imperfections. Shit, even that Jem probably doesn't have any! And she's human--"

"Darcy, you're being ridiculous. Please stop trying to hide. You never have to hide yourself from me." He said in a soft, yet commanding tone. "Let me see you. I want to see all of you."

She shook her head, but he was holding her shoulders now, and she knew it was impossible to refuse him. Holding her breath, she let his large hands steer her around in the water, prompting her to turn to face him once more.

Unsurprisingly, his eyes lingered appreciatively on her bare breasts for the briefest of moments, making her blush deeply. But then his hands were at her waist in a firm grasp, urging her to lift her body upwards until she complied and manoeuvred herself into a kneeling position, which brought her to almost waist-height above the foamy water.

He stared openly at her abdomen, for once not hypnotised by the rapid rise and fall of her generous bosom, and she shifted nervously beneath the weight of his intrusive gaze.

And then he shocked her by doing the most unexpected thing....

He bent, so that he was at eye-level with the area she was so ashamed of. Tilting his head to one side as he inspected the scars, which ran diagonally across from her navel to the left side of her rib cage.

She was about to speak. To ask him not to scrutinise her physical flaws so intensely, when she felt the soft brush of his fingertips tracing along the slightly raised, thin jagged lines.

"So fragile." He muttered, as if to himself. "So vulnerable."

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "Yeah. That's humans for you. We don't have self-healing skin. Or your durability--"

"Which is precisely what makes you unique." He interrupted, fingers still ghosting over her soft flesh.

"It doesn' doesn't repulse you?"

His eyes snapped to hers. "Repulse me? You're talking nonsense. On the contrary, I'm actually quite overcome with the desire to protect you. More so now than even before."

His words filtered through her ears and straight into her heart, pumping it up, making it feel full to the point of floating away like a balloon. And she needed him. Needed him there to catch it just in case it did.
She wasn't prepared for the hard rush of emotion, which was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was unstoppable.
Hurriedly she wiped stray, silent tears away with her hand before he had chance to notice. Not wanting him to mistake her overwhelming relief, her breathtaking happiness, for something else.

Darcy leaned forward and cupped his face in her small hands, then pressed her full lips to his thin ones, kissing him deeply. She poured everything she'd got into the kiss. Everything she felt, all her adoration, and love. Trying to convey to him exactly what he meant to her. Anxiously hoping that he would understand. She wanted to kiss him like he'd never been kissed before.
To love him like he'd never been loved before.

When she ended the kiss, she was pleased to see the slightly dazed expression he wore. As if he'd been clubbed over the head with raw emotion, and wanton desire. His eyes held hers, then dropped to her lips, and then her breasts, before scaling back up her face again. The moisture-filled air around them thickened, becoming heavy with unspoken longing, and sexual promise.

And she found herself wanting him more than ever. To show him just how much she loved him on a deeper level, by connecting with him physically.

And he understood that loud and clear. Her hungered gaze, and rapid breathing was now betraying her every need.

"Darcy, would you say that technically you're still on duty?" He smirked, giving her a sultry, deliberate look. "If so then I'm afraid you may have to report me for sexual harassment as soon as we return."

"In that case, I'm definitely off duty." She smiled. "You have my full permission to sexually harass me as much as you want."

"Good. I intend to."

His arms threaded beneath hers, and he pulled her into his lap with arousing strength.
That's when she felt him.
Rigid, needy and eager, and undoubtedly naked.

"W-where did your pants go?" She wheezed, all the air leaving her lungs.

He grinned devilishly. "They were an illusion of course. And I can't believe you actually fell for it."

"Screw you, trickster!"

"Mm, I have no objections to that whatsoever. Please do."

His voice had dropped an octave, setting her senses aflame, and even if they hadn't been in the bathtub, Darcy's pants would've been wet anyway, for entirely different reasons.
His suggestiveness always made her smile, but this time it was different.
This was for real.

She caressed the contours of his magnificent chest with her small hands, delighting in the feel of every inch of his glistening skin.

"Loki, I want you..."

The words had barely left her mouth, when his lips met hers. The kisses were fiercer, and wilder than any they had shared before, and they seemed to sear her very skin, turning everything hazy, hot, and dark.

He kissed her and kissed her, everywhere. Along the side of her face, behind her ear, along her neck, and between the middle valley of her breasts. It was only his mouth upon her skin, so small a pressure to have so much power.

But what power.

His touch, the scent of his clean skin, his hot mouth, his hands, the warmth and strength of his powerful body, made unbearable heat pool within the pit of her belly, shooting up her spine.

She felt his deft fingers fumbling between her legs, then from far away she heard fabric tearing, and a second later her panties were ripped and gone -- she didn't know where, and she didn't give a damn -- The latent hunger that had built up between them, was now clamouring for release, as their wet bodies strained against each other.

She twisted on his lap, needing to get closer, and his hands were on her waist, pulling her in tight and lifting her a little, helping her to straddle him so that her inner-thighs hugged his outer ones. The anticipation was unbearable, and she rolled her hips against him encouragingly.

"Wait!" He protested huskily.

"What? What is it? Are you scared you might like it with a human girl?"

"Don't be absurd. I mean doesn't one generally expect a little foreplay before--"

"Not this one! Not now!" She interrupted, wavering against him.

The sweet, aching-need was almost defeating in it's intensity, like a perpetual fever that burned away at her insides, threatening to reduce her to a flaming pile of ashes.

He raised one elegant brow, and smiled at her wolfishly. "Are you sure you're ready for me, little earth girl?"

Boldly, she tried to match his salacious grin with a confident one of her own. Hoping to come across as a seductive temptress. "How about you stop asking dumb questions and just fuck me already? You egomaniac."

To her immense amusement, his smile immediately vanished, and his eyes became hooded and dark. Abandoning all restraint, Loki shifted slightly beneath her, the tip of his large erection rubbing teasingly against the opening of her body, poised and anxious to penetrate.

This was it.
They had reached the point of no return.
It was finally happening.

"Loki---" His name left her throat on a choked cry of pain at the intrusion, as she sank down onto him.

Oh God have mercy.

They gasped spontaneously, and for a few moments remained absolutely still, staring into each other's eyes, breathing in rhythm. But it was only a heartbeat or two, or a thousand furious ones, before she felt herself ease around him.

He was big, stretching her to accommodate his impressive size, touching her deeply, and she was completely overcome by the sheer sensation of having him inside her.
It hurt, yet felt purely euphoric at the same time.

Her arms curled around his neck, small hands fisting in his silky hair as he slowly began thrusting. Pleasure swamped her, and she instinctively started to move her body in synch, attempting to match his thrusts. Each flex upwards with his hips met with the downward motion of her own, making her moan progressively louder like a professional actress in a lovemaking scene.

Only this was not an act.
And she surprised herself by being so erotically vocal. She was making noises she didn't even realise she could make. Incoherent, unintelligible sounds poured from her lips, along with his name.

"Oh, God.....Loki---"

She came almost instantaneously, her climax so sudden it took her by delighted surprise. Stars studded her vision, as she was engulfed by the sublime pleasure that wracked her small body.

Nature had blessed the trickster by making him extremely well-endowed, and his long life had enabled him to gain plenty of experience in the bedchamber. These two attributes combined, meant he was able to provide maximum stimulation. Resulting in earth-shattering pleasure.

Perhaps that's how he'd also earned the nickname in Norse Mythology 'Breaker of Worlds' Maybe it hadn't just been a reference to him being instrumental in the Ragnarok prophecy, but rather a God in the sack.

Loki's fluid movements increased, growing more rapid, more desperate. Forcing their bodies even closer, he pulled her into him so that her soap-slicked breasts pressed against his wet chest.

"Aah! Oh! Loki----"

She sunk her nails into the bare skin of his shoulders, eyes flickering shut as she came again. Her head spun. The walls of her sex tightened around his swollen length, and he emitted a low, masculine groan.

And there was no time for her to recover, as his large hands held her hips in a painful grip, guiding her movements as he murmured low encouragements into her ear.

"Come for me, sweetheart. Yes....that's it. Ride me....Harder!"

She was pleasantly surprised at him calling her 'sweetheart' but it wasn't the time to start overanalysing. It wasn't sugary sweetness they needed from each other.
Not now. She was too preoccupied, more than happy to oblige him, as she rode him with erotic enthusiasm, and more abandon.

Water and soap spilled over the bathtub, and the room was filled with the sounds of lapping water, Darcy's mewled cries of ecstasy, and Loki's growls of approval.


"Third time's a charm." He purred, breath thickening from arousal rather than exertion, as she climaxed once more.

Darcy's petite body went limp, her strength diminished by his glorious skilfulness, his remarkable ability to hit just the right spot -- and others she hadn't even known existed -- to bring her to orgasm multiple times.

God sex, was a marvellous, wondrously exhausting, but beautiful thing.

He held onto her tightly, supporting her as he went on thrusting, deep and slow. Her helpless whimpers fuelled his excitement, as she became lost in the heady throes of pure, physical sensation.

She felt the way her insides swelled around him, felt his cock pulsing with urgency, and decided her complacency just wouldn't do. He was a God, and deserved an offering. Loki's otherworldly genetics might've blessed him with outstanding stamina, but to let him do all the work was just plain lazy and mean. And such a waste.
He deserved better.

With new-found vigour, she used her leg muscles to lift and lower herself repeatedly, and her change in rhythm appeared to drive him wild. Slipping his large hands under the curve of her buttocks, he lifted her slightly to increase leverage. His long fingers splayed across her ass, guiding and moving her, and she tried to follow his fevered pace.

He let out a long, hissing breath. "Can you feel what you do to me, Darcy?"

Pulling back slightly, she gazed down into his face, and drank in his lustful expression. The pleasure that radiated from him, the inflamed desire that blazed in his eyes, drove her to the edge of insanity.
He was looking at her like she was the only woman in the world. The universe even, and it was astonishingly sensual as well as gratifying.

"So.....beautiful." He rasped, enamoured by the sight of her lifting her body to him, breasts bouncing with every thrust. "Your imperfections are beautiful to me."

She couldn't even begin to comprehend how he could find her beautiful. But she took the compliment gratefully, and didn't have the breath nor the inclination to argue with him.

To her, he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. All sculpted arms, and chest, like a work of art that had been carved from precious marble. Rivalling Michelangelo's David easily. And regardless of the colour of his skin, she knew she would always find Loki exquisite. She touched him like she could never get enough, and the impact her amorous attentions had on him was evident in his eyes, as they darkened and gleamed with lust and appreciation.

Darcy couldn't be sure if any other woman had took such great delight in his body before. He was watching her, mouth slightly open, drawing in shallow, unsteady breaths, and the new sense of sexual power gave her a thrill of excitement.
She -- perhaps unlike Asgardian women -- fully appreciated him.
Hell, she practically worshipped him.

"You feel so good. Oh,'re amazing. And you....mmm, you're going to make me come again!" She keened, hands grasping blindly onto his shoulders as she leaned back, arching into his touch, making the most of his engorged cock, as it slid in and out of her, so smooth, so slick.

He bent his head forwards, lavishing her breasts with his skilled lips and velvety tongue. Kissing and suckling each hardened nipple in turn, as he murmured against the soft mounds of her flesh. "Yes! Come for me again, Darcy. Say that you are mine."

Her face was flushed, eyes rolling back into her head, and she yelped as the pleasure built and intensified. And all the while they kept on moving, moving faster now, with the uninhibited determination of two lovers conjoined. Like two well-oiled pieces of machinery that were designed to fit together perfectly, working in perfect hydraulic harmony.

"I'm y-yours, Loki. Ohhh, fuck! Yes----"

Hot shards of pleasure shot through her trembling body as her orgasm hit, and she squirmed in his lap, her mind becoming a fevered pitch of scattering lights.
Loki kissed her mouth, swallowing her moan, echoing it with a rasping groan of his own.

Suddenly his large hands clamped around her waist, and he was hoisting her up and out of the bathtub, splashing water all over the floor. She didn't have time to protest, only squeal in surprise, eyes rounding in stunned amazement as he rose to his feet in one fluid movement, supporting her weight and pinning her against the wall.

The tiles were cold against her back, but she hardly noticed, because Loki was now hooking her legs around his hips, so that she was trapped between the wall and his sturdy torso.

And this was another first for her. Darcy had never met a guy adventurous enough, or who possessed the upper-body strength, to take her against a wall.

"Loki, wait. What are you doing? You can't--"

"Quiet!" He snarled, not angry but urgent and unyielding.

Then he was pushing into her in a swift, wet glide, and she cried out in agonising bliss, as he impaled her.

And this daring new position afforded him more freedom and a much better angle, enabling him to drive into her with rabid intensity. Free from the restricted confines of the bathtub, Loki now became an untethered beast. Each thrust came faster, harder, reaching deeper than the last.

Sweet God Almighty Jesus.

His hot kisses brutalised her lips, scorching a path down her throat, where he nipped at the sensitive flesh then licked the sting away. His tongue plundered the recesses of her mouth with deliciously skilled precision. And all the while his narrow hips kept on flexing in a smooth, forwards-thrusting motion.

Never before had Darcy felt more in tune with her own body, with someone else's body. He was all around her, and inside her, buried to the hilt in her wet, female heat, filling her so completely. It felt as if he was the missing part she had been searching for all these years. Loki completed her. They seemed to fit together perfectly, like they'd been made from the same mould. She could no longer tell where she ended and he began, as their bodies fused together, her rocketing pulse beating perceptibly in her throat, her wrists, and where they were joined.

"Say. My. Name." He growled, punctuating each word with an excessively sharp thrust.


She came with a ragged sob. Wave after wave of euphoria washing over her like a tsunami.

"That's my girl." He whispered, hoarsely.

His proclamation, his signature crooked grin, made him appear unapologetically smug. But as she prised her heavy eyelids open to look at him, she was stunned by all the different emotions she saw in his eyes...
Lust, passion, concern, adoration, erotic desire and...something else.
Something that could easily be mistaken for love, but that wasn't possible.
Was it?

Just as her orgasmic high was beginning to ebb, he gave a rough, low groan, and his thrusts came so fierce they really did hurt a bit, but in the best possible way.
She tightened herself around him, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he'd given her. He cried out again -- a sharp, animalistic sound -- and then he was coming, sweet pleasure pouring off him in waves, cock convulsing inside her as he made his final, desperate thrusts.

The muscles in his arms tensed violently, tendons standing out stark against his pale skin, not unlike they did when he received a shock from the obedience disk.

"Oh, Darcy---" He said her name like a curse word, throwing his head back as his climax consumed him. She felt the sensation of his release, his liquid heat, as he came deep inside her.

Shit, Darcy had never known sex to be so damn good. So uninhibited, passionate, liberating and wild, yet sweet.

It had certainly been an experience.

The world softened and hazed over, and spun about her. She was lost and found all at once.
And then it hit her.
She'd just had sex with the God of Mischief.
Mind-blowing, life-ruining, God sex.

Silly, silly girl.
There was no going back now.
Not that she wanted to.

Loki wasn't exactly the first man she would've chosen to lose her mind over, or her heart. He was more like the last, in fact.
But too bad for her, because he was the one.

Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. Her heart finally slowing to a regular rhythm.
She tightened her arms around him, her legs encircled him, trapping his body to her, never wanting to let him go.
She was his now. She'd said so. He'd even asked her to say it -- aloud -- as if he'd always suspected she were his for the taking.

And she was. Damn it.

He was breathing hard against her shoulder, when he turned slightly and absently ghosted his lips down her neck, affectionately rubbing the tip of his nose against her ear like some adorable little puppy. The gesture felt sweet, tender, and....loving. And sweet God in heaven, it felt so good after what they had just done.

"Loki." She said, a little breathily and desperate, as if time was suddenly of the essence. "Loki, I think I love you."

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