Mr. Boss Lady

By Lockerbooker

54.4K 1.4K 191

What would you do, if your mate is a boss lady and only wants what she wants? Delius lanyard is every woman's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

1.6K 50 6
By Lockerbooker

The importune feeling buzzing through Christine's mind and body prevented her from focussing on what Bryan was explaining to her, as her thoughts wandered aimlessly with possibilities.

As she couldn't quite place how she forgot the date she had to go back to 'him', yet it had always remained in her mind, maybe she truly had fallen for Delius or why would she had risked what couldn't be risked? Her sister's life was by far one of the most important things to her existence yet somehow she became careless with it.

She had signed the contract, it was a blood oath of some sort, a loophole to her life cause regardless of what happens with Delius she had to fulfill her promise. As she never goes back on her words and never planned to.

Even if she planned to, she could feel 'him' coming for her, it was like a play of strings maybe like that of a guitar or that of a violin but she was pregnant the doctor had confirmed it earlier that morning and she now bore Delius's mark.

All things the contract had called against, and this irking feeling swimming through her mournfully has her perplexing deeper into thoughts, she really hadn't meant to take things with Delius as far as it was now.

Delius was just too stubborn to accept she didn't want him, which in true sense was a lie and now there was a child involved, "what do you think mam?" Bryan asked trying to get her answer on what they had been discussing but she was too deep in thought to coerce.

All she had asked for in the contract was to complete her education and some time to get to know herself and fulfill her dreams as all she wanted to do was to hustle hard, hustle until she no longer had to introduce herself or depend on anyone.

But when she met Delius at a book launch, they spoke so well and purely that he had brought a smile on her lips in that minute, he made her tummy flutter with butterflies, but they were not just butterflies but fires igniting their souls into crackles...

"Mam?" Bryan clicked his fingers in front of Christine's eyes,

"Christine!" The aggressive sound of her name almost gave her an heart attack as she turned and looked straight at Bryan who sank back in his seat.

"Did you just call me by my name?" Bryan was about to shake his head when Paul spoke up,

"What are you thinking about? The guy has been calling for your attention but you look zoned out, are you alright? Should I get the doctor baby?" He rumbled stiffly in a teasing manner as he folded his arms to his chest, standing against the wall close to the door.

Christine rolled her eyes and wished he wasn't told about her pregnancy until she was ready but then again he was Paul the only other person that loved her perhaps more than she loves herself, "am fine," she groaned when she placed her hand down on the bed to pull herself up properly and it sent sandy waves up her arm making her rest it on her lap chiefly.

"Mam the preparation for the function has been called to a halt by the building owner," Christine's eyes almost came out of her socket when she looked down at Bryan who was seated
beside her with his notes in hand.

"When did that happen? We paid for that place and..."

"He refunded the money we paid for the rent and the money we used to organise the place, so our designer and manager are still currently looking for a place."

"What? He has no right to refund the money back, we have sent the invitations out and we have always used that place for our function. We have barely less than a week to fix up a new place and to send new invites. What was his reason for changing his mind?"

"Christine!" Paul called reminding her of her health and she huffed angrily looking up at him exasperatedly.

"He said that another person had rented the place and would like to use it two days after the day of our function so the only way to make way is if he cancels our deal..."

"Give me my phone!" She throw her hand flat at him.

"I don't have it,"

"I tried getting a hold of you as well but it kept going to voicemail and I searched your house for it, and its not there either baby," Paul said with a shrug to his shoulder.

"Mam I think its best to call off the function and auction until you feel much better, am sure our invites will understand," he said bringing out his phone then placed it on Christine's palm, who took the phone and swiped it open,

"Give me his number," she said handing him his phone back.

"Christine I think you should consider his offer," Paul contributed, still standing against the wall.

"Paul don't interfere!" I guess the pills has started working, so eery.

Bryan gave back the phone and Christine placed it to her ear, but each time they tried the number it goes to voicemail, "did he perhaps say who rented the auditorium after us, and why didn't they get one of the other rooms because that's not the only big one."

"Mam he said that the woman insisted on that venue and she paid more than triple the original price for it," Bryan finished while watching Christine's frowned face quietly.

"Who paid for the room?"

"Well mam he said it was confidential but then..."

"Who paid?" She asked agitatedly with a rise to her voice, feeling irritated by Bryan's lack of agility.

"Princess Joyce McKnight mam, she wants it for her wedding shower," read Bryan and a smirk pulled at Christine's lips before a knock sounded on the door and their heads turned towards the direction.

Alpha Seilen along with James came bashing into the room with an apologetic look marring his face. "I'm so sorry about what happened,"

Seilen said apologetically, "it wasn't your fault."

"Yes it is, how could such an imbecile reside in my pack?" He asked taking the seat Bryan stood up from, "I heard about your business encounter with him I hope..."

"Alpha Seilen!" She called in an appraising tone. "Its fine, the police are handling the case and it's not your fault he is the person he is," she stated flatly, still with an attitude of business as she stared down at the alpha not really surprised John Dyke was brought up from his pack.

"I also came here regarding my business proposal to you," he said softly and Paul growled loudly at him to which James countered with a snarl of his own, keeping Paul quiet.

"The one about the Jewellery I suppose," Christine's face wore the same smirk it did when Bryan told her about Joyce, which caused Bryan to study her face affirmatively. "I'm not interested in buying them,"

"But you haven't seen them yet!" He argued and Paul's face wore a proud smirk, quite different from his mysterious grin as he glared at the seated alpha. "I've the pics for you to see,"

He smiled as he searched through the papers he had placed in his back pocket while a frown adorned Christine's face as she suddenly felt a weird sensation grace through her system.

"This are the pictures of the stones available," he got up from his seat and went close to Christine's face to show her the pics, to which Christine resents against.

"I don't need to see their pictures, I don't buy stones like those, it's that simple alpha Seilen." Her anger was back in check as even Bryan's face shone over with a proud smirk, "so please take a seat I need to use the bathroom."

She turned facing Paul, "please," Paul bounced off the wall and immediately walked to her, helping her up, he moved the 'blood and water' drip holder close to her, then walked them both to the bathroom.

Upon reaching the bathroom, she pulled his sleeves to her when he turned to leave, "he is close," she said straightening her thick afro curls as it was starting to irritate her neck.

"Baby I also don't think my plan will work, if you go to him there is no coming back," he whispered fearfully and Christine pouted at him in understanding. "Do you think he will let me come visit you? Or you me?"

Christine smiled and she has been doing that a lot today, are they sure the pills haven't expired somehow? "We will make a plan."

She reassured, "what about Delius? You know he won't rest until Delius pays for the damages he's done to you,"

"I don't know but the contract clearly says we both could date whoever we wanted until my time away from him is due," They both looked at each other sympathetically, Paul because he was about to lose his best friend.

Christine because she is worried about losing all the people she had grown close to over the years even if she behaved like she didn't care to some, you just can't live with humans and not get attached to them even if they irritate you to some extent.

As an amused expression suddenly crossed Paul's face as he came to a sudden realisation, shuffling his hair amicably, "baby did you asked me to take you to the bathroom so you could rape me with your emotions? I never knew you hated me so much," he pouted shamefully pretending to be at the brink of tears and Christine stepped on his shoe.

"Was that supposed to be painful?" He tease glare then crunch his eyes when Christine moved to pee in front of him.

Stepping out of the door with a grim expression, he watched how their eyes followed his every move before Christine knocked on the door and he walked back in, "who would you miss the most if he decided to keep you away from the world."

Paul asked sorely as he helped Christine fix her standing then she looked up at him thoughtfully, "why are you thinking? Shouldn't it be a super easy question?"

"Well no one actually!" She shrugged suggestively.

"Good, then get to your bed by yourself," he turned around leaving her with the drip holder, pretending to be upset has he knew the others are waiting for them to come out.

"Why does it feel like you're saying goodbye?" She asked him and he turned around showing her his tear stained face, wiping it off as he came closer to her, she also made the effort to him.

"Because lycans are very possessive of their mates and the chances of me ever seeing you again is quite slim," he cried on her shoulder and Christine ruffled his blonde hair like he was a child.

"I won't let that happen, I promise and he isn't like that." She reassured to which Paul rose his head to and gave her a disapproving look.

"A man that hasn't been with his mate for almost 15 years will do anything to keep her by him always." He said with an hint of sadness to his tone before pulling her to him in an embrace, "I know I would if I was in his shoes."

Pulling away he wiped underneath his eyes smiling at her, "you made me an emotional mess." He said and Christine smacked his arm smiling up at him before clinging unto it as they opened the door out of the bathroom.

They walked back in with Bryan, James and Seilen still in the same position they had left them. "I'll be taking my leave," said Seilen rising to his feet, he walked out of the room with disappointment titling down the curvature of his face.

"Mam I tried his number a few more times and it's still not getting through," Bryan said after Paul had placed Christine comfortably on the bed.

"I'll be back I need to get something to eat, baby" he said running out of the room to get some food for his starving stomach.

"You were quite rude to Seilen you don't talk like that to powerful people maybe that's why John killed your Sister because you..."

"James!" Her face looked pained at the reminder, "John isn't the one that killed them, his strategy isn't that keen to commit a crime so good as that."

"There you go under estimating people..." He said taking his sit, staring through Christine's face like a jigsaw.

"Pardon me sir, but I think this discussion is unnecessary. She is still in the hospital and yet to recover from her loss, I think it would be best if you leave."

Both of them looked at him as James got up amusedly then turned to the other direction, maybe that's why Christine had always considered Paul her best friend among all three, maybe.

But before he could step out of the door, Delius's beta and mother pushed past him and he stopped in his footsteps, watching them walk hysterically to Christine.

He felt defensive when Delius's mother walked to Christine and almost slapped her face which was stopped by Delius's beta who shook his head at her.

"Have you seen Darryl?" The beta asked and James walked back in, stopping beside Christine who had moved her face closer to Bryan's side in reflexes.

"You can't even greet?" James said putting his arms to his chest, as all three of them stared at them pointedly.

"Sorry about that, Darryl and Delius has gone missing and we have been searching for them everywhere," the beta said still holding Delius's mother's hand tightly.

"Okay they are not here, can't you see? They are grown up men they will find their way back home." James said pointedly, especially at their mother who looked at Christine with so much hatred swimming through her eyes you could see the depth of the Atlantic ocean.

While Christine just laid quiet with her head towards Bryan, her body had been pulsing severely since morning, as the feeling of him being almost in the same room as her grew wickedly. She couldn't tell if she was excited to see him or scared of the outcome seeing him would cause.

Her mind was no longer in the room, as the former Luna looked at her agitatedly, wheeling her body in a fierce position in front of Christine, "have you seen Darryl?" She snarled her teeth irritably at her as Christine just stare through her not showing any concern to the question at hand.

While through the corridor close to Christine's room, heads astounds to the presents of a powerful figure, walking stoically to the room, his face was without blemish as his heart pounds like a jackhammer to his rip cage, he could smell Christine from far away. He was excited to finally see his mate in so long and nothing was going to hinder him from finally having her to him.

Delius's mother moved to strangle Christine, as she bent over with her hand shaped in a strangling manner, sweat coating her skin immediately at the feeling of bring dominated. Leaving James and the beta in their track of stopping her as they stare at Christine who unbeknownst to them was staring straight at the love of her life.

He looked so yummy as he stare through her with his electric blue gaze taking snapshots of her face like he wasn't going to feel or touch her face ever again, his healthy shiny blonde hair flap against his nose as a certain breeze blew between them, Christine couldn't take her eyes off him as her heart stopped at the same time it was beating ten thousand miles per second.

She knew their paths would once again cross but wasn't expecting it so soon, "prince Calumet!? What are you doing here?"

Delius's mother asked as she was shocked as to why the prince was in the hospital room. "Am here to see your future Queen..." He said taking a step forward into the room as Christine's heart pounds with every step he and his guards took into the room.

As Delius's mother stared from Christine to the Prince as she couldn't quite close her mouth at the unexpected news, however somehow she understood why Christine has always had a powerful aura to her, even for a human, she couldn't still quite place why the Prince hadn't gotten engaged to a normal human.

Hey guys thanks for reading, so we've reached the 10th chapter.

I'd like to know your thoughts on the story so far.

Yea I know none of you like talking but I don't bite.

If you liked this chapter please vote and comment and thanks for your previous vote I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

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