Percy meets The Mortal Instru...

By enostervy

225K 5.4K 1.7K

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments WARNING there may be spoilers. POV stan... More

Percy meets The Mortal Instruments
Chapter 1 Clary POV An Unusual Encounter
Chapter 2 Annabeth's POV A Strange Couple of Mortals
Chapter 3 Percy POV The Most Unlikely Friend
Chapter 4 Isabelle's POV What a Day
Chapter 5 Percy's POV Shadowhunters?!!!!!!
Chapter 6 Magnus's POV Disaster and An Allie
Chapter 7 Isabelle's POV Isabelle's Peril
Chapter 8 Jace's POV Danger In Our Midst
Chapter 10 Nyx's POV An Unusual Turn of Events
Chapter 11 Maryse POV I'm Scared for Isabelle
Chapter 12 Clary's POV A New Dangerous Game
Chapter 13 Gaia's POV Sebastian's First Capture
Chapter 14 Nico POV Disaster Lurks
Chapter 15 Alec's POV Alec's Shock
Chapter 16 Clary's POV A Full Dose of Adventure
Chapter 17 Annabeth's POV Into Monster Woods We Go
Chapter 18 Nico's POV The Reunion
Chapter 19 Percy's POV Ugh Meetings.
Chapter 20 Percy's POV We save a little girl
Chapter 21 Percy POV We fall into the Dark
Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family
Chapter 23 Nico's POV The Discovery
Chapter 24 Clary's POV Monsters, again....
Chapter 25 Jace POV Annabeth's concerns
Chapter 26 Clary's POV We return home (or close enough)
Chapter 27 Percy's POV The Last Battle (Hopefully)
End? (AN) and Poll
OC's ? And ANs
Poll Results!

Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV Wise Girl Has No Words

7.5K 198 24
By enostervy

Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV


"You should go home. This is dangerous not a game for kids." Jace said. looking directly at Percy and I.

"And just leave you guys to face this alone, not going to happen." I said

"Just go home! What happens in our Shadowhunter family is none of your business." Jace snapped.

"It became our business as soon as you brought us here and were going to help you no matter what!"  Percy said.

"Izzy is my sister and we don't need your help to save her." Alec said.

"What about your parents you'll have to tell them." Magnus stated.

"Need to tell us what?" The door swung open and a tall woman stood and looked around the room.

"Alec? Jace? Where's Isabelle?" The women said tensely.

Alec and Jace looked shocked and avoided looking the women in the eye.

"Well I'm waiting." She said. "Where is Isabelle?"

I didn't know what to do, the aura that surrounded this woman left me speechless, and I found I couldn't move my legs, even if it was a life or death situation.

"Who are you?"  Percy asked.

"I believe I should be asking you that?

"I'm Percy Mam, Percy Jackson." Percy replied.

"And you?" She said. turning to me.

"My name is Annabeth Chase."

"Now ONE OF YOU tell me, where in heaven, hell, or of this world is my daughter?"

"Is your daughter Isabelle lightwood by any chance?" I asked. "I'm sorry to inform you that someone has kidnapped her."

The women quickly drew her dagger, and pushed me up against the wall, her dagger at my throat. Percy started coming towards me.

"Don't move. I'm only talking to this girl at the moment. Where is Isabelle?"  The women asked.

"I'm sorry I don't know...." I replied

"Meeting in the library now!" She said loudly letting me go and leaving the room quickly.

"Ugh, well thats Maryse for you." Jace said.

"We'd better get going." Alec said. Following Maryse out of the room.

Then Jace followed after Alec, and Magnus, Clary, and finally Percy and I. followed them.

"Look at what we've fallen into." Percy said.

"Were you expecting it to be peaceful Seaweed Brain?" I asked.

"No, but I was hoping it would stay peaceful, for a little while at least." He said.

"It's never peaceful for long, and thats fine, we wouldn't really be Demigods if it was peaceful." I said.

"Lets go meet up with the others." He said.

"Okay." I replied.

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