sat by the window โžณ d r a r r...

By PositivelyPeachyyy

102 16 0

harry isn't exactly happy he moved. he had friends back home. but here he was. in a rather expensive seeming... More

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โžณ F i v e โžณ
โžณ S i x โžณ

โžณ O n e โžณ

27 2 0
By PositivelyPeachyyy

Harry wasn't exactly happy about moving. He'd had friends back home. But here he was, in an expensive looking apartment in a rather busy city.

His room was the smaller of the two, his adoptive fathers - Remus and Sirius Lupin - getting the larger one. Which was expected. And it wasn't even that small. It still had quite a bit of room even after the queen-sized bed and his desk had been put in. The floors were all hardwood, which Harry found terribly exciting as he would get to slide around in his socks all the time.

Harry's room also had two windows. One was facing the street to the left of their apartment building, which was rather gross and uninteresting. The window on the right was one of those windows that was large and had a windowsill large enough for someone to sit on. Harry was ecstatic at first, he loved windows like this, but was disappointed when he looked out. It just looked out to the other apartment building across from his.

Disappointment was soon replaced with a sense of irony, as the window was practically useless. Who would want to see a carbon copy of your own apartment building? Not Harry.

➳      ➳     ➳

Harry tiredly opened the door to the apartment. Remus was sat at the table, a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

"Hey Harry," Remus smiled brightly and genuinely at Harry, "How was school?"

"Absolutely horrid," Harry's tone sounded exasperated and exhausted.

"Awh, why's that?" Remus stood and sat down his things, "Here, we'll talk over tea."

"Well, everybody there is rude, or at least everyone I've met. And there's this kid, his name is Tom Richard or something like that. He seems like the popular type. I don't care for him."

"Well, I'm sure that if you have a more positive outlook that things will get better. Sirius will be home soon," Remus sat down and slid over a mug with warm earl grey tea inside.

"I guess..."

➳  ➳  ➳

Harry finished his tea as quickly as he could. Sure, he loved spending time with his fathers, but he needed alone time. And he had homework to do.

His teachers were anything but forgiving, he had an extremely large stack of homework to do. And they knew it was his first day. Oh, bloody hell.

Harry grabbed his algebra homework first. He hated maths of any kind, so he figured he should get it over with.

After about five minutes Harry was already tired, bored, and unfocused.

To busy and distract himself, Harry was looking out his window. He was sat on the large window sill, a small, red, fluffy throw pillow behind him. He took the time to look at all the windows on the building across the street. Most of them had intricate looking curtains, with pretty patterns and nice colours. Others didn't have curtains on their window. Most of these windows looked into a rather boring, plain, and unlived in apartment. The windows showed a white-carpeted and unfurnished living room without anything inside.

Harry's eyes drifted lazily over to the window directly across from him. He expected to see some odd yet intoxicating curtains, but he was greeted with the eyes of a blond boy. He was pale, and so was the colour of his hair. He had platinum blond hair that was seemingly perfect. His face was thin and pointy. He was absolutely intoxicating to look at. And these were just the details Harry could make out from across the alleyway. 

Harry soon realized that the boy was staring directly at him. With purpose, as well. His eyebrows were furrowed and his expression was unreadable. Both Harry and the blond boy's eyes had locked, they were officially staring at each other. Harry found this very awkward and uncomfortable-feeling. He assumed it was just his social anxiety, but he still didn't enjoy it very much.

He wasn't sure why, Harry assumed it was just to stop the awkwardness from continuing, but Harry waved with a tiny smile.

The blond boy across the street perked up and his face brightened. He smiled - which had Harry going mental - and waved. His attention was then on something behind him. The boy turned back to Harry with a look of slight sadness, then, without another thought, he turned and left. 

Harry was then left with a feeling of mixed confusion and amusement. He turned back to his homework with a small smile playing at his lips. 

➳  ➳  ➳

yeet yoink welcome to hell

so? how was it? good, i hope. well, see yall soon ;)

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