π•Ώπ–π–Š π•―π–Šπ–›π–Žπ–‘'π–˜ π•½π–Šπ–“π–Š...

By AlexaBlake03

402K 9.8K 649


𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 1.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 2
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽- Chapter 3
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽- Chapter 4
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 5
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 6
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 8
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 9
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 10
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 11
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 12
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 13
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 14
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 15
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 16
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 17
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 18
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 19
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 20.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 21.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 22.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 23.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 24.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 25.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 26.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 27.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 28.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 29.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 30.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 31.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 32.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 33.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 34.
𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 35.

𝕿 𝕯 𝕽 - Chapter 7

13.3K 311 19
By AlexaBlake03

AUTHORS NOTE - Above is Tico !



Kalina POV

I've been gone for six weeks. Six weeks ! How can two grown ass males make this much of a mess with their own business filing system. I groan as I pull out a stack of paper work.

I heard the office door open and close behind me, I ignored it thinking it was just one of the guys grabbing a set of keys for one of the cars.

Just as I start reading the paperwork I felt someone's breath on my neck. Without hesitation I spin around and pin them against the wall.

" Still sexy as ever, babe " He grinned.

" T, you know better than to sneak up on me. " I let him go but didn't back away.

He pulled me close by my waist, spinning us around so I was the one pressed against the wall. T-Bone moved the hair from my face and stared deeply into my eyes.

" I missed you " He whispers.

" I missed you too, more than your cute ass ever could imagine " I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

" Mmm, I don't think that's possible. I've missed your smell, your laugh, your smile, your badass ways and most of all... I've missed this cute little ass of yours " He picks me up and carry's me over to the desk, setting me down softly like I was made of glass.

" Oh yea ? How much ? " I raise an eyebrow as his hands start wondering under my shirt, slowly raising it over my head.

" As much as I wanted to kiss you the first day I laid eyes on you when we were 12 " He grins.

" Ew, we were children ! "

" That didn't stop us from fooling around when we were 14 "

" You're right. You couldn't keep your hands off me "

" I still can't, all these years later "

I lean in and kiss him slowly. He's right. We're crazy about each other. Always have been. Always will.

As it started to get really heated I heard the door slam open.

" You didn't lock the door did you ? " I groaned

" May have forget too as soon as I saw you " He nervously laughs.

As T-Bone turns around I look around his muscular shoulders to see Ajax. Pissed.

" What the fuck are you doing touching my sister like that ! " He pushes T making him slam into the wall.

I get off the desk and stand in between them.

" Cut it out Ajax ! " I yell

" He's still a prospect Kali, you can't do this shit ! "

" He's also our best friend since we were kids. We grew up with him Ajax ! He's as important to me as you are ! You lay one finger on him and I'll make sure you never have kids ! " I frown but continue..
" Probably not cause I want a niece and nephew but you get my point ! "

He sighs. " Put your shirt on. We will discuss this after the other prospects are back and I know the mission was successful "

He looks at T who was ready to jump in front of me if anything escalated.

" You better not hurt her.. " Anger and worry swirling in his eyes.

" Never. " He looks down at me with a small smile. " I'll always protect her with my life, you know that "

" Good " He walks out closing the door behind him. I could still tell he was pissed. Why wouldn't he be ? His little sister dating a prospect behind his back for multiple years. It will blow over tho, he thinks of T as his younger brother.

Ajax POV

I awake in an unfamiliar setting to the sound of my phone ringing.

" Hello " I manage to croak out before the events of last night trace through my mind.
I look down to notice Indigo laying on my chest. We must've fallen asleep watching TV.

" They fucked up the job " Anger and worry on presidents tone. He sees us men as his sons, our safety always being his main concern.

" I'm on my way, let me grab us coffees on my way in "

" Wait, have you seen Indigo ? I've been trying to call her " I can tell that he knows I'm here, he's just trying to make me admit it.

" Yeah, she's asleep on the couch. " I laugh

" Don't hurt her " Flashbacks of the incident between my sister, a certain Prospect and I circulate my mind.

" Never " I hang up being sure to leave a note for Indigo then heading towards the door.

I head into the office and hand Tara a coffee,
" Where's big man ? "
" In there sweetheart " She nods her head in his direction.
" Thank you " I lean down giving her a small kiss on her left cheek.
She's always been like a mother towards Kali and I after our parents deaths.

" Ajax, we have to send some guys out " Before I get the chance to sit down he's already started. I hand him his coffee in an attempt to calm his nerves.

" And we will. Listen, I caught T-bone with my sister. How about we send him out, if he solves the issue we patch him in, he fails then they have to terminate the relationship "

" How didn't you know they were together " He laughs. Was I really that oblivious ?

" But I agree, we will send him out. But I'll need you around the club more while they're gone. Indigo is working at the bar to cover Tico while he is away, who should we send in to watch over her ? " I know he's only asking for my opinion due to my interest in his daughter, he trusts I'd never hurt her.

" Dylan, she knows him and he's a good guy " I take a sip of my coffee. To most people this would be quite a sight. Two grown bikers drinking out of the local diners take away cups.

" I agree, he's never let us down before " I nod in agreement.

" If I wasn't waiting for T-bone to patch in I would've made Dylan my right hand man years ago. "

We sit there talking about other details before calling T-Bone in to let him know what he needs to do.

" I'll need to tell Kali, I know y'all don't like women in our club business but she's my Tara " T-bone states using Tara as a reference. I can't help but be mad over the fact. That's my sister.

" Kali will know, AFTER you leave. She wouldn't let you go if she knew the situation " President claims. He's right, she wouldn't.
All these years I just thought they were close friends, gotta watch out for who I trust in the future.

" Fine. Who will watch her and Indigo ? "

" Dylan, we have already filled him in. "

A few hours have past and T-bone has left to fix the mess the other prospects have made. Tico will be filling us in on everything that goes on.

Now it's time to tell Kali, as much as it kills me to have her in club business, she deserves to know.

" Kalina, can we talk " I walk up behind her at the bar. Where's Indigo ? She should be here.

" If you're gonna lecture me, save your voice. "

I can't help but half zone in to our conversation, checking my watch in confusion.

Snapping out of my concern, I turn back to my sister.

" T-bone has gone on a run " Maybe I can give her the half truth ?

" What type of run, Ajax " Anger and fear washing over her within seconds.

" The other prospects got themselves and Tico in a horrible situation, if he wants to date my sister then he needs to prove himself. He doesn't know this but if he comes back with the boys all in one piece and manages to fix it all, we are patching him in. I'm going to make him my right hand man " I take a sip of her drink.

" Is he okay ? " In that moment I knew, I knew my sister felt for T-bone what I felt for Indigo..

" I hope so, I'll keep you updated. " I lean in for a hug.

" Right Hand man, huh " She smirks.

" She's out back, she got a phone call and rushed out there. I told her I'd watch the bar "

" Look at you two getting along. Did you happen to see who was calling ? " Concern washing me.

" No. I've worked here before, it made sense to offer. And nah I didn't, want me to find out ? " Knowing Kali, her way of finding out is stealing her phone and I'm not for that.

" Nah it's okay, I'm sure if it's serious she will tell her dad " I sit down next to my sister deciding to wait for Indi.

" Is she your Tara ? " I knew this question would come up.

I nod.

" She doesn't know it yet, hopefully she will open up to me soon. " I look at my ink covered hands in an attempt to distract myself. My sister tends to get under my bikie skin, I can never be tough around her.

" She better not hurt you " She somewhat repeats what I said to T-bone less then 24 hours ago.

" I hope I don't hurt her.. "

Indigo POV

I notice a familiar voice as I hung up my phone call with Tara.

" Ajax, hey! " I smile. Whenever he is around I'm immediately happier, he's contagious.

" Hey Darlin', who was that ? "

" Just Tara, I asked her to keep me updated with Trixie " I look at my scratched up knuckles.

" Hey don't feel bad, she had it coming " Kali says in an attempt to cheer me up. Although I hate her, I can tell she genuinely cares for her brother and the club. I respect that.

" It's not her I feel bad for, it's my hands. They won't be seeing that pole for a while " I shake my head

" Good " I head Ajax mumble. Rude.

" Is my dancing really that bad ? " My confidence slowly dropping

" I think it's too good, right Ajax ? " Kali chimes in trying to save her brother.

" I meant good as in, I don't want others to see you like that " Confusion hitting me, I'm not his sister or his girlfriend so I don't see why it bothers him so much.

" Thanks Ajax, but last time I checked I wasn't your sister or your old lady, what I do doesn't concern you "

" Doesn't concern me ? Okay so I guess I'll stop - " Before he could finish the sentence his phone started to ring on the bar.
The name ' Tara ' displayed on the screen.

" What's up? "
We couldn't hear the other end of the phone, but judging by the smile on Ajax's face it's good.

" We gotta get to the club, Tara is hosting a BBQ. Tico, T-bone and the other prospects are back " What does he mean by ' are back ', where did they go ?

" You coming ? " Ajax turns to me as he reaches the door.

" No, I'm gonna stay here. It's club business " I've come to realise I need to stop involving myself, just because my father is the president doesn't make it my business. They do their thing, I do mine.

" You're apart of the club ? " Ajax pushes.

" If you need me, call me " I say before heading back to washing up some glasses.

An hour has passed and the bar slowly starts to empty, watching the bikies have a drink before heading towards the BBQ has honestly been my highlight. I don't understand why Tico complains so much.

" Indigo " Dylan's voice catching me off guard.

" Hey Dyl, what's up ? " Dylan is one of the members who checks on me regularly. Apparently he's now been assigned to look out for me. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

" You gotta come to the club, we are about to patch in T-bone " The excitement clear on Dylan's face.
I'm so proud of T-bone, I've seen how hard he has worked for this. The only concern I have is.. What did he have to do to finally be patched in ?

I throw on my jacket, locking up the bar.

I decide on jumping on Dylan's bike with him instead of taking my car, apparently the lot is packed and there would be no room for it.

" Does he know ? " I ask as we walk in
" Nope "

" Hey guys ! " T-bone approaches us
" Hey T, enjoying the bbq ? "
" Yeah, it's great. I love when we have the whole family together. " He's so pure, I can't help but wonder what he's doing in this world, in this lifestyle.

" Can we grab everyone's attention please! " My fathers voice over powering everyone.

" Tonight, we stand together and bound with another brother. Tonight we open our doors and our hearts to another. " He continues clearly drunk as hell

" T-bone, hand me your cut " He shouts again gaining everyone's full attention.

T-bone hands his cut to my father before slamming it down on the table in front of him.

" Ajax, if you'd do the honours " Ajax steps up to the table, knife in hand. Cutting off the badges that read 'Prospect' shoving them to the side before attaching the clubs chapter and V.P right hand on the front.

" Baby sis " He calls before handing the cut to Kali.

I watch as she approaches T-bone, signalling for him to turn around, before pulling the cut over his shoulders.

Everyone cheers while taking a swig of their beer.

" Right hand man ? " T-bone smirks.

" Couldn't imagine anyone better for the job " They share a bro hug before separating in two different directions.

I can't help but notice a stitched up Trixie in the crowd, bruises covering her pale face.
I debate with myself for a moment wondering if I should approach her and apologise or just walk away and have a smoke.

Deciding on the later I walk away from the intoxicated messes, being sure to grab a bottle on my way out.

I reach into my pocket in search for my relief before putting the drug between my lips.
I've often found myself longing for something more other then cigarettes and alcohol, but we all know where that road leads.

Shoving the thought to the back of my mind, I take a seat on Dylan's bike knowing he won't mind.

He's meant to be taking me home but by the looks of it he intoxicated and currently preoccupied with two blondes.

Nights like this really have me thinking, watching all these people have someone, isn't easy.

Sure, I guess I have Marvin but even then I'm not holding out, waiting for a daddy-daughter relationship to appear any time soon.

I can't help but feel like a burden to him and his club. I just walked on in to their lives leaving nothing but drama their way. I hate to be the kind to feel sorry for myself but sometimes even the strongest become weak, and I hate that.

I take a swig of my drink, wincing at the burn it causes in the back of my throat, a feeling all too familiar.

Before I knew it the whole bottle was gone and I was anything but sober.


I should probably head off before I drink any more. Before I start to leave I send Tara a text message letting her know I was walking home. Just so she knew I was safe.

I've managed to walk a single block before tripping over my feet into the gutter, attempting to get myself back up, I start to hear a rumble of a motorcycle.

" Hello Darlin' " Choosing to ignore him I continue to focus on getting off the ground.

" Need a hand ? " He tries again.
I shake my head deciding on just giving up and sitting back down.

I notice Ajax remove his helmet before stepping off his bike and reaching down to pick me up.

" Let's get you home " He sits me on the back of his bike.

I slowly wrap my arms around him before the roar of the motorcycle comes to life, once again.

There is something about being on a motorcycle that gets you feeling a certain way and the fact I have a handsome biker pressed to the front of me isn't helping.

As the alcohol floods my blood stream I feel more at ease, more content with myself.

We pull into my drive way, Ajax taking my hand to help me off the bike.

" Want me to come in and make you a coffee while you shower ? " He's such a gentleman.
I can't help but laugh at the idea.
Ajax, the V.P making coffee.

Without realising I was laughing out loud, I was met with a glare.

" What ? " He quirks a brow
" Nothing, I'd love that. " I smile. Another small laugh releasing from me.

I step into the shower letting the warmth consume me. Being sure to wash my self off after being in the local gutter.
I mentally face palm myself at my clumsiness, how embarrassing.

As I turn off the taps I hear a knock at the door.

" Yes ? " I call out.
" I made your coffee, do you want it downstairs or in your room ? "
" Downstairs, are you in the mood for a movie ? " I question.

" I'd love that. I'll meet you down there, Darlin " Every time he calls me 'Darlin' I can't help but blush, there's something about the way it glides off his tongue.

Shaking the thoughts from my head I start to get dressed in some Pj's.

I know it's not a good thing to wear your exes clothes but man his shirts are comfortable.

" You're practically swimming in that shirt " Ajax laughs. He has a point, I am small.

" Ha Ha real funny " I mock.

" Is that T-bones ? I swear I've seen it before " Of course he has.

" Nope, It's Wade's " I look down. 
" Yum this coffee is amazing, thanks Ajax " I attempt to change the subject.

" Take it off " Excuse me ?
" What ? "
" You're not wearing that around me. " Why is he so over dramatic, it's a shirt.

I watch as he takes his cut off before pulling his shirt over his head, throwing it towards me

" Put that on " Is he serious ?
" Excuse me ? " I look down at the shirt and back at him. It's a simple black top with the clubs patch on it.

" Fine. Look away " I wait for him to turn around before taking Wade's shirt off and replacing it with Ajax's.

" Done. Happy ? "
" Very. " He smiles a simple smile before taking a seat on the couch. Idiot.

A few hours have passed and I can feel myself drifting off to sleep.
I feel a pair of arms slide under me before being lifted from the couch and slowly walking up the stairs.

I don't want to be alone, especially after drinking, my nightmares always get worse after a few drinks.

" Goodnight Darlin " He turns to leave the room.
I reach for his arm slightly pulling him back

" Stay " I barely whisper
" Please "

He had ended up putting Wade's shirt on earlier, for some reason he preferred himself in it rather than me.
I watch as he removes it, repeating the actions from earlier.
As he unbuckled his belt I start to get nervous, I hope he's not expecting anything.

" Don't worry Darlin', I'm just getting down to my boxers, nothing to stress about " Relief slowly taking over me.

I feel the side of my bed dip down before his arm gently wraps around my waist.

My eyes go heavy and I'm pulled into a deep sleep.

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