the revenge

By ManalHannane2

587 31 6


the revenge
chapter 1 new beginning
chapter 3 : revenge plan

chapter 3 : devil plan

119 7 1
By ManalHannane2

Chapter 3

I heard it; the sound of my phone buzzing, I ignored it but then the deathly screech of the electronic alarm clock came to life. i opened my eyes already fully awake though I didn't want to be. I stretched my body and hurried over to the alarm clock to turn it off. I went to make myself some coffee and did my morning routine, got dressed and got out, I didn’t think of what happened yesterday or let’s just say that I didn’t want to think about it.

 When I got to the office, I saw a path of flower starting from the door and heading to my desk, I followed the flower making sure that it really was mine. I took the card laying on my desk next to a red flower to read it “sorry about yesterday love. See on Saturday I‘ll pick you up. Ian” I didn’t have the time to think about it I just felt a hand snatch the card from my hand

“who the hell is Ian?” Caroline almost yelled at me “ARE YOU DATING?”

“no I m not” I said taking the card back and throwing it into my desk drawer

“oh really than who’s the secret admirer” she glared at me obviously not believing me

“ok here’s the thing. Ian is a guy I met yesterday; he poured coffee over me and had to take care of me. That all!” I said trying to be convincing but she knew me better

“and why are you seeing him this Saturday then?” she crossed her arms still fixing me with her eyes

“I m not gonna meet him” I said determined yet disappointed

“Why is that?” she put her hand on my shoulder in kind of sorry way.

Caroline was and still my best friend, she is tall with blonde hair and blue beautiful eyes and cherry lips, in two words she is a “beauty goddess”. By her behavior you would say she is a bitch and she can be sometimes but she’s also the best friend a person can ever have. She is the most caring, intelligent, honest, tolerant, friendly, talkative person you would ever meet. I mean she can be in the most awkward situations ever but still she gets out of it in no time. Plus she knows me more than anyone else, she knew that something was wrong and I m sure she wouldn’t give up until I tell her what was going on with me.

“His full name is Ian Johnson” I said finally

“So? what’s up with his name?” she frowned at me then added “Ian is not an amazing name but it’s a good one! I mean ..” I couldn’t hear her bullshit anymore so I cut her off

“his last name is Johnson, he one of the Johnsons! He’s Enrique’s son!”

“you mean the douche bag who tricked your father?” her eyes got wide

“yep that’s the one!” I said sitting in my desk in defeat

“Omg! But wait! Why aren’t you going?”

“what the hell are you saying? You want me to go with him out on a date after what his dad did?” I yelled at her clearly annoyed by what she said

“ yeah that’s what I want you to do! You are going out with him and you are going to give him a taste of the pain you’ve been through”

“oh yeah? And how is that?” I asked lost because I couldn’t understand where she was going with this

“well… he’s obviously into you, I mean he spent a fortune on this flower, so you are gonna go out with him and you’re gonna break his heart” she smirked at the last part, but still I wasn’t sure that he really deserve this, I mean it’s his father who did it not him

“I don’t know about that! It’s Enrique who ruined my family not him” I answered confused either I should go on with Caroline’s plan or not

“well who is the CEO now?” she asked but I knew that she knew the answer she just wanted to make a point

“it’s Ian!” I admitted hating her guts for it

“well then you should have no problem crashing him down” she laughed and I couldn’t help but smile

“god you’re an evil creature” we laughed together then I asked the security guy to move all the flower and thrown them away but I kept the red one that was with the card

*I’m so gonna crash him* I thought to myself and started working.


The rest of the day went pretty fast since I had a bunch of files on my desk, I tried to finish all of them by the end of the day but still couldn’t.

I was I about to get off the office, I started gathering up my stuff and arranging my desk when my phone rang. The number wasn’t registered on my phone so I couldn’t figure out who was calling. I picked up

“hello” I said waiting for a response

“hey beautiful” I heard Ian’s voice on the other side of the line, I could feel him smiling I couldn’t help but smile too

“Oh hey there” I said trying to show that I wasn’t interested

“I was waiting for your call all day long” he said disappointed

“I didn’t know I had to call you” I frowned then added “why Were you waiting for my call?”

“well I guess I just wanted to hear your voice; love” oh my god that English accent is killing me

I ironically laughed “oh really?”

“yeah really” he said in a dead serious tone then paused probably waiting for me to say something but when I didn’t he continued “ so, I just wanted to make sure that you still remember our date on Saturday”

“oh yeah i guess I remember since you turned my work place into a garden”

 I won’t lie I did like the fact that he’s sending me flower but my hatred for his father was more stranger for me to give up easily.

“yeah about that I hope you like them”

“yeah I did thank you by the way” I said with the nicest voice I have

“you’re most welcome, well I’ll be seeing you on Saturday, love”

“ok bye” I hung up

‘how the hell am I gonna bear crashing this guy?”

I mumbled for just me to hear and continued getting my stuff in my purse and headed home.

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