Tower of Light (Under The Cow...

By NuraNico

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It shines in the brightest day. But as a threat looms over her world Jessica Cruz must find a way to conquer... More



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By NuraNico

     Everything moved as if time had stood still.

The walls were first to crumble behind her. Picked up off the ground, Jessica felt a force disguised as a powerful gust of wind rush across her scalp down to her tips of her toes.

Baz or whoever that was recited words contrary to the oath of the Green Lantern Corp. Never had she felt power like this erupt from a lantern ring. She returned his words with the oath of the Green Lantern on instinct.

It's the last thing she remembered before everything turned bright.

Flashes of her decent from her apartment window, while in the uniform of the Green Lantern quick to shield her from a fatal fall, Jessica crashed through glass, collided with stone debris and metal rails from the fire escape. She flipped and spun around in multiple directions until everything came to an abrupt end.

Woken by the blare of a car alarm followed by sirens that echoed over her head, Jessica closed her eyes only to then open them and face the shine of blinding lights, sticky leather on her back, and the sudden erratic beeping of a heart monitor in her ear. Nothing seemed at all in direct sequence.

Jessica could feel herself leaping through time every time she opened and closed her eyes.

The face of a panicking young doctor forced to work the night shift in the ER and the nurses, who believed they'd seen it all, couldn't believe what they were looking at; a young woman who shouldn't have survived what she'd gone through with no broken bones.

"Do you think her ring protected her like it should have?" the voice of an unfamiliar woman asked.

"Not sure, she is sharing her power battery."

"Was." the woman made sure to emphasize.

"Keep your voice down."

Jessica opened her eyes to the brush of air hitting her nose and lips; the oxygen of a breathing mask. Stuck with a needle in her arm and its tube that followed, Jessica turned her head to follow the trail where she found an IV.

"You're awake." a relieved voice greeted.

Hard to see what she couldn't help but to think of as a bright orange blob hover above her, Jessica blinked a couple more times until her vision started to clear. There, a blonde haired man with a camera ready smile. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice horse and barely able to project.

"Hi, my name is Michael Jon Carter, a friend sent me to check in on you. How are you feeling?"

"Better once you back the fuck up."

"Sorry." Michael said before he picked up a pitcher of water off the nightstand and began to fill an empty paper cup.

"Your throat is a bit dry, you must be thirsty."

Jessica removed the breathing mask off her face and snatched the IV off her arm.

"You shouldn't, that's for the pain."

Jessica ignored Jon's warning and took the cup of water from his hand.

"Easy now, the water isn't going anywhere."

Not long did it take for her to gulp down the water when she finally came up for air and asked, "I'm I suppose to know who you?"

Michael scooted his stool closer towards Jessica's bed. "You were thrown from your apartment window and landed on top of a park car. Luckily you weren't severely injured thanks your lantern ring. However you did use a lot of its power on Dawnbreaker by sending him to the green realm, so it's to be expected."

"What? Who the hell is Dawnbreaker?

"Right, listen, I'm a time traveler and a member of the Legion of Superheroes, maybe you've heard of us. I've come here to fix what I know shouldn't be happening. There are some things that have happened that I cannot go back and change. But with your help we can prevent any more changes to the timeline, and deaths."

"Casey." Jessica sat up off the bed where she then pulled the bed sheet from over her legs.

"Wait a minute." Michael grabbed Jessica by the shoulders hoping to slow her down.

"Get off me!" she shoved.

Michael wasted no time to stand aside with his hands up. "Sorry."

Jessica ripped the rest of her her taped IV from the top of her arm and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. She didn't want to, but she couldn't help but to meet Michael's grave expression painted across his face. The same expression stood painted on the face of the woman in the corner of the room. It begged the question. "Where's Casey?"

Michael lowered his hands slowly to his sides. Jessica froze at how soft and solemn his features became. He has the kind of news that was not foreign to her. The news of how her friends had died, shuffled through the media for click bait and view count, received the very same look from family and friends who came to see her then. Those same family and friends figured if she were to hear about the deaths of those close to her and how close she came to joining them, the best course of action would be silence.

"I know I didn't have a practically great relationship with the Doom Patrol, doesn't mean I wished the worst for them."

"You had managed to save Casey from being taken away by Dawnbreaker at the last minute. But her body couldn't withstand the injuries she suffered. She didn't make it."

"Danny- she said something, but I can't really remember."

"Danny the Street, a sentient being that created Casey, he's the last remaining member of the Doom Patrol, it's unconfirmed if he's still alive or not."

"The person who attacked us, that was not Baz."

"We know."

"Why did he look like Baz? And why did he have a lantern ring?"

"That was someone not from this earth. He's from another earth." Michael grew quiet for a moment. "And he's been on a rampage across many earths."

"What do you mean?"

Jessica could tell that Michael was finding it hard to say the next couple of words that will likely affect her. "He's killed the Green Lanterns of sector 2814, all except for you."

"What?" Jessica's tilted head and narrowed her eyes in response, a painted portrait of pure disbelief.

"That's why we're here. I thought we could stop him from-"

"I spoke to Baz on the phone." Jessica interrupted.

"Baz was on assignment when he was attacked. It was an ambush. My friend Mary and I believe Dawnbreaker had a hand. Hal, John, Kyle, Guy, they are all gone, killed by Dawnbreaker. You are the only Green Lantern on this earth."

Jessica could feel her mind going a mile a minute. The thoughts she had running through her head, what didn't quite make any sense. Why not kill me? The words that came through Baz's lips, called "weak". Was that the reason? I'm I too weak to kill? "Who is Dawnbreaker?"

"He was a Green Lantern, and a powerful one at that. He became so powerful that he was able to impose his will to change the power of the Green Lantern and shape it into something... different. The death of Hal Jordan was what initially caught my attention. He was Dawnbreaker's first victim. I came here after he killed Kyle and Jon. Mary," he pointed to the woman behind him leaning against the wall, "and I was too late to save Baz and Guy. I thought we were too late to getting to you."

"You still didn't tell me who Dawnbreaker is-"

The door into Jessica's room opened abruptly with a shrieking voice quick to call out her name. "Jessica!" a young woman entered with long sandy blonde hair, eyes bloodshot and puffy, and nose red as fire. She dropped her purse on the floor before she nearly ran Michael over to give Jessica the biggest hug. "When I heard about what happened I ran over here as fast as I could. An explosion, how in the world did that happen."

"I'm fine, Rosie."

Rosie pulled away, her hand clutched tightly on Jessica's shoulders. "You're fine!? I heard what the doctors said. You were thrown from the window and landed on the hood of a car., you're lucky to be alive."

"I said I'm fine, isn't that enough? Look at me. Do I look like I was in a terrible accident?"

"No." Rosie answered softly but  still confused. Although Jessica knew it would not stop Rosie's from being melodramatic as she pulled her into her arms, and harder the second time around.

"Ehh-hem." Michael cleared his throat. "And who do we have here?"

Rosie jumped at the question and turned to face Michael. She scooted over in front of Jessica, almost like an overprotective mother. "Who are you?" her question snippy and short with no real interest to know who this man she's never met before is. "I don't know you." 

"They were just leaving." Jessica answered before giving Michael the chance to reply.

"Jessica, there are some things we still need to talk about-"

"How about we call it a day?" Mary suggested as she tugged Michael by the arm. "It's been a long day and I'm sure Jessica will be willing to speak with us when she's ready. We can answer what you wanted to know another time."

It was under Jessica's breath the name, "Dawnbreaker?" when a sudden swell of determination to find out whom he is and why he killed the other members of the Green Lantern Corps became her primary objective.  

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