The Supernaturals: Universe

De AryanaPrettyy

238 1 0

A group of friends in which grows within time, comes to face different enemies and challenges as they grow mo... Mais

1: "Doppel"
2: "Dark Magic"
3: "Fino"
5: "Angel."
Reunion Special

4: "Possession"

31 1 0
De AryanaPrettyy


Back on earth about a week later, Everyone arrived to Skyler's mother's funeral. Skyler, Gigi, And Reina were in the back of the limo. Skyler was in the middle and Reina and Gigi were on his sides holding his hands.

He was Devastated and couldn't think or talk straight. He broke down crying.

"I cant do this, i dont wanna do this, take me home.." He said as a tear fell. He leaned towards Gigi's Shoulder and cried.

"No, this is your only way to get closure. Plus you get to see the coven and the rest of your family." Reina said as she rubbed his back.

"She's right. You'll never stop hurting over this, and neither will we. She was like another mother to me too." Gigi said as she wiped her own tear.

Gigi hated to see Skyler in this much pain but she knew he would cope because he's strong.

Soon they arrived at the funeral. Candice was waiting for him at the cemetery.

Skyler, Gigi, and Reina walked up to her.

Skyler fell into her arms and hugged her tightly.

"You're gonna get through this.." Candice said as she hugged him.

All of the family was there, except one girl. She looked so unfamiliar. She was blonde and looked somewhat mixed raced. She was slim. Who was this mysterious girl.

Skyler and this girl made eye contact. But it was in a creepy way. The girl smiled and waved at him before walking off and disappearing into the woods.

Skyler was worried a bit. He then started to feel a wave of energy surround him. What the hell was it?

Later after the funeral they were all going home to Skyler's house. They walked up to his room and climbed in bed with him.

"Something wasnt right about that funeral.." Skyler said to them.

"What you mean?" Gigi asked.

"I seen a girl. But she wasnt family, and her Energy was giving me bad vibes." Skyler said.

"Hm, weird. What'd the bitch look like?" Reina asked

"She was blonde. Caramel skin colored but she was like really pretty. But unless shes like a distant cousin or something i know for a fact shes not family." Skyler said.

"You might just be over thinking it. She might be family." Gigi said.

"Well..if shes important She'll show her face again." Skyler shrugged his shoulders.

The next day, Gigi woke up the next morning in Skylers bed next to reina and him. She quietly walked out and called a ride to her house. She then got out of the uber and walked inside her house only to be startled by William who was sitting on her couch.

"Ah! William what the hell?! What are you doing here?" Gigi said.

"We have a problem. My father is here on earth." William said.

"And what makes this my problem? He's the one who let me even come back here, im sure me and him are cool." Gigi said.

"No..candice snuck you out. Remember you're rightfully his soul." William said.

"But im not even dead yet." Gigi said.

"Exactly. Alive in the flesh just how he likes them. Hes gonna come for you and Reina and we have to watch. Plus, nobody knows me better than him. My dad is predictable. He's probably gonna take the form of a homeless person or somebody who we would never expect to be him." William said.

"Oh my god. I have to warn Reina." Gigi said as she pulled her phone out.

William grabbed her phone.

"No..its better to do it in person trust me." William said.

Meanwhile, Reina got a text from city club. They were having a meet and greet with the students and teachers for their senior year. She was gonna see if Skyler and Gigi was going.

She tapped Skyler until he woke up.

"Hey, theres a meet and greet today at school, you wanna go?"Reina asked.

" grieving im gonna stay home." Skyler said from under his blanket.

"Alright. See you later." She kissed his forehead and walked out to go meet Gigi at the school.

They met up at the school parking lot. But they couldn't meet up where they usually do because a pink Mustang was parked there. Reina frowned her face and got out the car, walking up to the Pink car and she pushed it out the way, rolling her eyes. She then got back inside the car and parked in her spot.

"Alright now, today is not the day.." Reina said.

She then seen Gigi pulling up beside her.

They both got out of their cars and talked as they walked.

"We have some things to talk about, but not here." Gigi said.

They walked inside and seen people everywhere. New students and mostly old ones. A few new teachers as well. They walked through the hallway and spotted Zeke. They walked up to him and smiled.

"Zeke babes hey!" Reina said.

"Hey!" Zeke said smiling at them.

"How's your summer going?" He asked.

"Its..its going. How about you-" Gigi was cut off by zeke.

"Who is that?" He asked as he looked down the hall.

A blonde girl, with heels, a high waist plaid skirt, long blonde hair, smooth caramel colored skin with red lipstick on her plump lips. Obviously the same girl from the funeral. She was walking down the hall and everyone was staring at her. She noticed Gigi and Reina and smiled at them. It was twisted.

She walked over to them and rolled her eyes at Zeke. "Ew Scum." she said before pushing Zeke.

"Anyways, I'm Natalya." she said with a smile as she looked at Gigi and Reina, ignoring Zeke.

"Hi, I'm Reina, and next time you put your hands on Him, I'm gonna break your pretty little finger off and feed it to you, make you shit it out, and feed you it again." Reina said.

"Reina.. Really?" Gigi said.

"wow.. We got a feisty one.. I love that.  Maybe we can be besties." Natalya said as she giggled.

The principal was heard on the school wide speaker.

"All Students and faculty report to the auditorium for orientation. " he said.

Everyone in the hallways started to walk down the hall. They were the only ones left in the hall way, minus Natalya she left.

"Well that was awkward. " Gigi said.

"I think I should get going, see you guys later. " Zeke said before walking off.

"Bye Zeke." Reina said to him.

William then appeared behind Gigi and startled her.

"Hi ladies." He said.

"Oh my god! What the fuck!?" Gigi said.

"What did we tell you about sneaking up on us, ugly ass. " Reina said as she folded her arms.

"Ugly? When you look like a demon that my father used to train centuries ago?" William said.

"Your father definitely trained me.. Which is why he's in my bed every night. " Reina said

"Okay enough bickering! William why are you here?" Gigi asked.

"I just got word that Marcel is dead.. So he won't be a bother to you anymore. " William said.

"I doubt you killed him. I think he was sucking your dick too good for you to find yourself killing him." Reina said

"You know what, what use is she to us anyways? A weak hormonal Female, who happens to be a heretic, but she hasn't killed anyone in her life. I can do nothing with that. " William said.

"What can I do with a gay anti christ besides have him do my makeup and hair? And you aren't even good at that. " Reina said stepping close to him.

He didn't budge a bit. Gigi stepped in the middle.

"ANYWAYS, William continue. " Gigi said.

"Anyways, my father is definitely here somewhere I can feel him. " William said before he walked into the auditorium where everyone was. Gigi and Reina followed right behind him.

They seen natalya on stage giving the principal a lap dance. Everyone was cheering and clapping.

Natalyas perfect body dancing around in her plaid skirt. Her blonde hair swinging with every movement.

William looked and watched. He knew something was off. He waved his hands and everyone got quiet and sat down. He slowly walked on stage and looked at Natalya.

"This is highly inappropriate, I think you need to sit down." William said.

"Oh do I? And who's gonna make me?" Natalya asked. Skyler walked through the doors.

"Me. " He said before waving his hands making Natalya fall asleep. She collapsed to the floor and laid there.

"She's freaking cute. Gosh." William said.

"Yeah, well she's off. Follow me and I'll explain everything." Skyler said.

William waved his hands and Natalya disappeared.

Soon william waved his hands and everything went back to normal with orientation.

They walked to the cafeteria and sat down.

"Last time we were here, we were attacked by Aryana's ugly ass boyfriend and his squad of grimey bikers." Reina said.

"Guys..that blonde, thats the girl i seen at the funeral and shes also the girl that Pryce was cheating on me with." Skyler said.

"Where is pryce anyways?" Gigi asked.

"I havent seen him since the first day of summer. He just disappeared i hope hes okay." Skyler said.

"Oh and hey, im sorry about your mom..i may be evil but, the loss of your mother is the cruelest pain ever." William said.

"Thank you william, you're actually a cool person." Skyler said.

Reina rolled her eyes.

"Thank you skyler. And problem sweetie?" William asked Reina with a smile.

"Oh no, besides the fact that your breath is practically melting my bundles.. Nothing at all." Reina said back with a smile.

"ANYWAYS, so this girl natalya, shes also the captain of the cheer squad." Gigi said.

"She definitely is..oh shit how could we not recognize her?" Reina said.

"Because shes mad irrelevant thats why." William said.

"So why is she all of a sudden interested in us? Its not like its just school she talks to us at..she was at my mother's funeral." Skyler said.

Natalya walked inside with a smile. She stopped at the doorway in the lunch room.

"Chat about me? And i didnt even get an invite? Aww." Natalya said with a fake sad face.

"Ah..Fino..its nice to see you." She smiled.

"Did you just call me by my real name?" William asked as he stood up.

"Wait what?!" Reina asked.

"You're such a fool to be here toying around with these humans. I think you all need to be taught a lesson." Natalya said with a smile. She waved her hands and they were all lit on fire.

They all started to scream and run around as their skin burned and peeled.

Natalya then snapped her fingers and the fire was gone and everyone was back to normal.

"What the fuck?!" Skyler asked.

"Thats just an ounce of my power..unless you want to see the rest..i have a few orders." Natalya said.

Reina growled and super speeded towards her. Natalya punched Reina making her fly across the room into the wall. Reina landed on her feet on the wall and growled.

" that all you got?" Reina asked as she licked her fangs.

"Wow youre good..but no." Natalya said with a smile.

She waved her hands and Reina's skin started to burn but there was no fire.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" William said as he stomped and the ground began to crumble around natalya.

Natalya growled and ran through the wall like a bull dozer and into the woods.

Gigi, William, Reina and Skyler ran after her. After they got deep in the woods they noticed they were surrounded by demons.

William closed his eyes and made everyone but skyler disappear back to their homes.

"Skyler, you can kill these demons, ill take Natalya." William said.

"Alright." Skyler said. He walked towards the demon's and started to chant a spell that was taught to him to weaken a demons strength. The demons started to screech loudly.

The screams could be heard from hundreds of miles away.

Natalya smiled and looked at William.

"Where are my souls fino? They were just here." Natalya asked calmly.

"" William asked.

"Ah, you caught me." He giggled.

"Out of billions of humans, you possess this pretty young girl? Father are you gay?" William asked with a smile.

"Son..i am everything. And soon, so will this planet. Over billions of demons are wandering this earth now. As soon as the sun sets, all hell will break loose." Natalya smiled.

"Now where are my souls, fino?" Natalya asked.

"Oh you mean Reina and Gigi? Well you had Gigi but your favorite girl candice brought her back. And you know reina wont go down without a fight." William said.

"Ah, that's why shes my favorite. But im glad you kept her safe for seed is inside of her and it needs to be safe." Natalya smiled.

" got her pregnant?" William asked.

"No son, well yes but no. I gave my seed to one of my demons, the demon guardian that attacked you all. And he gave it to Reina." Natalya said.

"You are relentless." William said

"Of course..i am the devil." Natalya giggled.

They were distracted by screaming being done. Skyler was screaming.

He was covered in blood and he was waving his hands over and over fighting the demons off with his telekinesis. They started to gain on him a once taking him down. One demon shoved its claws through Skyler's stomach. Causing him to scream.

"Skyler!! No!!" William jumped up high in the air as his inhuman form jumped out. His skin was black and burned looking, horns curved, all sharp teeth. Each of his ten claws the size of broom sticks and his long black wings were helping him float.

Natalya jumped up in the air and caught william right before he helped skyler and sucker punched him in his throat making him do multiple flips back while still floating.

Candice rose from the underground and screamed.

"Father and brother stop it!" She shouted.

Skyler being torn apart by the demons. They were mauling on him like bears.

Gigi and reina soon appeared and seen the scene.

"No!" Reina growled and super speeded. She started throwing the demons miles away each time getting them off of skyler. She then picked skyler up and took him to the cafeteria laying his half dead body on top of the table.

Gigi stayed with him and cried as she wiped the blood from the scratches on his face.

"Skyler!" Gigi cried.

Reina then speeded back to the fight and seen candice casting each of the demons back to hell.

After she finished they both jumped in the fight with natalya and William.

Candice jumped up in the air and tackled Natalya to the floor.

She screamed and held natalya down to the ground.

"Candice get off of me what are you doing?!" Natalya screamed.

Her girly voice turned very deep and demonic really fast. William jumped up and grabbed natalya helping candice hold her down.

Reina grabbed a giant rock and stood over top of natalya right before she tossed it, William stopped her.

"You cant kill her. Shes possessed. Were doing an exorcism, take the cross on your chest and hold it on his head!" William shouted as him and candice struggled to hold Natalya down.

"Come on!" Candice said.

Reina placed the cross on his head and a scream would be heard. It sounded like hundreds of people screaming at once. The ground shook rapidly as if a level 5 earthquake was happening.

Candice and william then began to chant a spell and after a few moments of chanting, a strong and dark black dog started to float out of Natalya's mouth and it was enough fog to cover the whole woods.

Blood then poured out of Natalya's mouth and her head then blew up into chunks.

"Oh my god!" Reina said.

"What the fuck?!" William said.

The fog around them started to go down under ground.

"He's going back to hell, he's weak." Candice said.

"What the fuck?!" Reina said as the Pentacle mark started to disappear off of her.

"He's defeated in his weakest state, so his claim on you is now gone." Candice said.

"Whatever! I have to get to skyler!" Reina said.

Meanwhile, Gigi was sitting by skylers dead body as she cried out.

"He's dead!!" Gigi cried as she seen reina running in, Candice and William not too far behind.

"No! He cant be! Do something!" Reina shouted to candice and William.

"We cant! We only take lives not revive them..we come from evil magic not earth's magic." Candice said.

Zeke soon walked into the cafeteria with a confused expression.

"Whats wrong guys?! What happened to skyler!" Zeke asked.

"He's dead.." William said.

"Its all your fault you should have teleported him away with us!!" Reina said before jumping over the table biting into William neck.

William screamed and kicked her off making her hit the ceiling and fall back down.

"You animalistic bitch.." William said.

Zeke then grabbed william and tossed him into the wall before going to grab reina pushing her to the corner.

"Stay there! Now is not the fucking time mother fuckers! Get it together." Zeke said.

They all looked at him in shock. Usually reina would put up a fight but she was in shock.

Zeke walked over to skylers dead body and climbed on top of him, tongue kissing his bloody lips softly. After a few minutes of kissing Skyler came back to life with a gasp.

"Well if it isnt sleeping beauty and her prince! You two are cute!" Reina shouted before her, Gigi, and zeke hugged skyler.

"You guys look happy..i guess im gonna go now." William said.

"No!" Skyler said as he got up and walked to William.

"Thank you for everything..i want you to stick around for a bit.." Skyler said.

"No hes sure he has things to handle in hell." Reina said.

"Actually i dont so ill stay." William said as he winked at Reina.

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