The Chase (A Harry Styles/One...

By lovin1Dismylife

46K 284 44

Eighteen year old Bree Keller has just finished high school, and is ready to leave home and start college. Bu... More

The Chase--A Harry Styles Fanfic (:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen & Epilogue

2.1K 26 7
By lovin1Dismylife

Chapter Fourteen

After an awkward fifteen-minute car ride, Bree and Liam sat in the car in silence for about five minutes after they reached the airport. Bree watched the rain start, and the droplets sliding down the window. Finally, Liam cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“You sure about this?” he asked quietly, briefly glancing across at Bree. She sighed and nodded slowly. “You know it’s over once you get on that plane, right? I know you’re hurt, I would be too, but Bree—”

“I can’t… I can’t look at him after that,” she cut him off, wiping her newly damp cheeks. Bree opened the door and slipped out of the car and into the rain. Liam did the same and walked around the car to get her suitcase out.

“Thanks,” Bree mumbled at the same time as Liam said—

“Don’t let Louis and Niall’s prank break you up, it’s not worth it.”

Liam blushed and shut the door of the car. He rolled the suitcase over to Bree and she took it. He held out his arms for a hug, and Bree gratefully accepted it. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, crying slightly.

They stayed like this for a few moments, until Bree pulled away, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “Thanks, Liam. Sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused,” she said, putting her phone in her purse and getting ready to go.

“Not your fault, Bree,” Liam said, not making eye contact. He was obviously super uncomfortable, which made Bree feel bad.

“I guess this is goodbye, it’s been really great getting to know you guys,” Bree said with a nod. She took a deep breath and spun on her heel, walking quickly toward the front doors of the airport.

“Harry loves you!” Liam called, making Bree stop. She didn’t look back, though, knowing he could convince her to go back to Harry.

“I love him, too,” she said, continuing on. She heard Liam sigh and open the car door. As she reached the doors of the airport, she heard Liam drive off.

It’s all over now, Bree thought. She didn’t know if she had done the right thing or not, but there was no turning back now.

Bree checked in at the counter and got her gate number. C43. She pulled her passport out of her purse and flashed it to the guy at security, who checked her boarding pass and I.D, then promptly let her through as if he had no idea what she was going through. Which, of course, he didn’t.

After unloading all of her stuff into plastic bins she walked through the metal detector. A shrill alarm went off and Bree looked at herself, wondering if she’d forgotten to take off some jewelry or a belt or something. She couldn’t see anything, and the security guard was already patting her down.

“Can you check your pockets, miss?”

Bree nodded and shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She felt something small and circular in her right pocket. She pulled it out, confused as to why one of her rings was in her pocket. She usually stored her rings in a jewelry box when she wasn’t wearing them.

Except this wasn’t one of her rings. As she pulled it out of her pocket, she took a look at it. It was a slim, silver band with a medium-sized white diamond on the top.

She looked up at the security guard who was walking away, obviously having decided a weepy girl with a ring in her pocket wasn’t a threat. But Bree’s eyes didn’t follow the security guard, they were distracted by a flash of brown curls.

“Harry?” she breathed, taking in his appearance. His hair was massively disheveled, his clothes were soaking wet, and he was panting heavily. “What did you do? Run here?”

He nodded and took a few steps towards her, “Bree—”

Bree looked down at the ring again, then up at Harry, which made him stop speaking. Girls were starting to realize the pop-star’s presence, and security were trying hard to keep them away from Harry, but they couldn’t control the screaming.

Bree held up the ring, questioningly, and Harry took a deep breath and closed the distance between them. Bree took a step back, his words from earlier still ringing in her head.

Harry looked hurt, but only for a second, he mostly looked really nervous and out of breath. He took a few deep breaths, drawing in the oxygen like he’d been underwater for an hour.

Finally, he sunk down to one knee. The girls that had crowded in the airport started screaming even louder, realizing who Bree was and what Harry was about to do. Bree, however, hadn’t figured it out yet. It could have been her raging emotions, or the shock of seeing Harry there, but the ring and the picture of Harry kneeling in front of her hadn’t clicked together.

“Bree, I’m so completely, truly, and utterly sorry about what I said back home. I was scared I was going to lose you, and I said some things I, uh, shouldn’t have,” Harry said, pausing to swallow loudly and breathe in and out a few times. Bree finally understood and started shaking her head, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t want him to do this, she couldn’t let him.


“No, Bree, let me finish.”

Bree shut her mouth and ran a hand through her messy hair then wiped her eyes, nervously. She played with the ring in her fingers and looked down at it, instead of at Harry.

“I’m not going to say that I didn’t mean them at some point, because that would be a lie,” Harry paused long enough for Bree to try to walk away in anger. Why would he just say that? Harry stood up and jogged after her, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face him. “No, don’t take it like that. Before we got too serious, I had to think… like that. I have to be suspicious of girls I take into my life, or else I could get seriously hurt when I find out they only want to be with me, um, because I’m, you know… famous.”

Bree opened her mouth to retort something about how he hadn’t thought about how that would hurt her, but Harry cut her off.

“No! Let me finish!” he cleared his throat. “I don’t think like that anymore! I am totally committed to you, Bree Keller.” Bree almost rolled her eyes. You just know when the proposal is coming, when he uses your last name. “And I want to be with you for as long as you’ll have me.”

Bree couldn’t speak, she just kept looking from Harry to the ring in confusion.

“Now, this isn’t an, um, engagement ring,” Harry said slowly. “But I hope one can replace it someday. This one just shows my, erm, promise that I will always love you.”

Harry reached down and took the ring out of Bree’s hand and slid it onto her left ring finger. Tears rolled down her cheeks, still, as she looked down at the ring on her finger and Harry’s hands laced in hers. There was no way she couldn’t forgive him after all of this.

Bree finally smiled and Harry grinned back at her. He leaned in and grabbed Bree’s face in both hands and pressed his lips to hers. She gripped his damp shirt in her hands and kissed him back with all she had. The crowd cheered, making Harry grin against Bree’s lips. She grinned, too, and they stood there with their foreheads touching for a good minute or two before Harry broke them apart. He laced his fingers into Bree’s and went over to the security conveyor belt and picked up all of her stuff.

“Let’s go home,” he whispered into her ear and she nodded. They ran through the crowd, holding hands the whole way, trying not to get attacked by any of the fans. They walked the whole way back to the cabin in the middle of the night, not saying anything, just happy holding hands and being with each other…

            EPILOGUE: (4 years later)

“Harry??” Bree called from the bedroom of their new house. They’d decided to move in together about two years before, but couldn’t settle down anywhere. Harry had decided to give up being in the band a few months ago so he could settle down and have a family, which was a tough decision for him. They’d bought a little place just outside of London after Bree had graduated from college. Harry agreed after a few years, he’d re-join the band if everything was going well at home. Presently, Bree was laying on the bed, reading a magazine. Harry came running into the bedroom, looking flustered.

“Yeah? Is everything okay??” he asked, his eyes darting around the room frantically. Bree laughed and nodded.

“Yeah, it’s okay,” she said and struggled to push herself up into a sitting position. Harry rushed over to help her, trying to be careful. “I’m not going to break, Haz,” she chuckled.

Harry nodded, taking it a little too literally, “So… what did you need?”

Bree stood up and instinctively placed her left hand on her protruding belly, catching a glint from her gorgeous diamond wedding ring. “Just wondering if my lovely husband wanted to go out to lunch.”

Harry shook his head, “The doctor said to stay home and rest until the baby comes.”

Bree rolled her eyes, “I’m not going to—”

“Break,” Harry interrupted with a stubborn look. “I know. But I don’t want to risk it.” Harry helped Bree sit back down and sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her instinctively.

Bree snuggled into Harry’s chest and they sat there for a few minutes. Harry started humming, and Bree smiled, loving his gorgeous voice even after four years. She looked up at him and grinned, he grinned back and kissed her quickly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Suddenly, Harry’s face turned from a loving expression to complete fear and worry. Bree furrowed her eyebrows, “What’s wrong?”

“I think your, ummm…” he trailed off and looked down. The bed was wet, and Bree gasped. “Water broke,” Harry finished, still not moving.


“Okay!” Harry cried, jumping into action. He picked up Bree with ease and carefully went downstairs. After getting her in the car, he ran inside and grabbed the suitcase they packed two weeks ago for when this happened. Then, he drove all the way to the hospital at exactly the speed limit, more bothered about keeping Bree safe on the road than getting to the hospital fast.

Eight hours later, Leah Marie Styles was born. (:


Okay! I’m officially done with this story! YAY! When I read back through it I’m so embarrassed I actually wrote this :/ dear lord… Anyway I’m going to start a new one soon and that will be BILLIONS of times better I PROMISE! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, and sorry the epilogue was lame, I wasn’t going to go into anymore detail though haha. Okay please comment, fan, and vote!! (: love you guys!! xx

Oh actually one more thing! Comment with which fanfic I should start next: Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, or a bromance one! (: cool beans! Thanks (:

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