Juliet Noble // Cody Martin

By 0804writer

43.6K 647 163

Juliet is going to school at Seven Seas High School. She's intelligent, pretty, and really shy. Juliet has ne... More

First Day
Looking and Working
Author Notes
Dance and Museum
Harvard or Yale
Moseby's Birthday and Meeting the Parents
Garbage and Hannah Montana
Holiday Special (Part 1)
1 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 3)
4 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 4)
First Day, Again
Chief Martin
Beauty Pageant
when in rome
london (part 1)
london (part 2)

Holiday Special (Part 2)

1.9K 33 4
By 0804writer

Juliet's POV

I woke up at 6:00. I popped up and put my snow boots on. I didn't put a jacket on because my pajama top was a sweatshirt.

I grabbed my crutches and went over to my parents room. I was about to knock on the door when it opened to Elliot and my very tired parents.

"We were about to go to you." My mom said

"Oh well, Merry Christmas!!" I said

"Merry Christmas!!" They said

"Come in, we have some of your presents. You'll get the rest when we get home." My dad said

I went in and my parents took presents out and we alternated opening them. We laughed and talked. Once we finished Elliot carried my presents back since I didn't have any hands. I got all my presents since they were smaller.

I got the yale sweatshirt from my mom and the Harvard from my dad and the Princeton from my brother because he didn't know what to get me. My mom got me pointe shoes because she knows I'll be better soon. It was her way of saying I'll be off the crutches soon and I should be dancing. Anyway I had to start to getting ready. I had to go to breakfast with my parents in the formal dining hall so I have to look sort of nice. Elliot went back to get ready. I did my hair and got dressed.

I put my blue pea coat on. Then I grabbed my purse and crutches and left. I went to my parents room and knocked on the door. Elliot opened it.

"Mom is going to need 20 minutes at least. She's blow drying her hair." Elliot said

"Okay...text me and I'll come back until then I'm going to go for a walk."


I turned around and went for a walk. I went back out on the deck and Zack was at the juice bar.

"Hey Zack."

"Hey Juliet, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, you have to work. That must stink."

"Well it gets me out of morning breakfast with my whole family."

"I have to go to mine soon."

"Have fun with that."

"I will."

"I was being sarcastic."

"Oh, sorry I didn't get that."

"It's cool, are you going to talk to Cody? He wonders about you but he's too scared to talk to you."

"Oh...well, he shouldn't be-." Then my phone started to buzz

"One second." I said and took my phone out. Elliot texted me that they were heading down and to meet them there.

"I have to go meet up with my parents and brother..."

"Go, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." I said and headed to the formal dining room.

I walked in and saw my family so I sat down in the open seat at the table.

"You look nice." My mom said

"Thanks, Merry Christmas." I said leaning my crutches against the table.

We order breakfast and ate. They talked to to me about what I wanted to do and how it was up to me. I told them I still didn't know. They wanted to go and see some show or something and I needed to think about what I was going to do with school. They were leaving first thing in the morning, so I would have to pack tonight or if I'm just going back for break pack on essentials. Breakfast ended and they wanted to go watch a show, but I decided against it. I said my goodbyes for now and left. I went back to my room and sat down. Tonight the ship was having a big party all over ship. That means everyone including students have to look nice. I'm just going to do something with my hair and put a dress on my mom brought with her. I haven't seen it yet, but it's probably nice. I had to go pick it up from there room. I left my crutches and went to there room. I walked in and it was laying in a bag on the couch. I picked it up and headed back to my room. I was walking back and I turned the corner and almost ran into someone. I looked up and it was Cody.

"Hi-Hey..uh..hi ." Cody stuttered out.

"He-ey." I said

"Sorry." I said

"No, it was my fault sorry." he said

"oh, it's fine then."

"What's in the bag?" he asked pointing to the bag

"my mom brought a dress for me, I wasn't expecting a formal event."

"Yeah, it's kind of weird. I was talking to Zach and you might leave."

"yeah...I don't know yet...I might, I've applied to some really good schools back in new jersey and I've gotten in. I still don't know yet though."

"you-you should stay. It wouldn't be the same without you here." he said blushing I think

"uh, thanks but I need to just think about it."

"let me know and hopefully I'll see you later."

"yeah.." I said and he walked away

I walked back to my room and opened the bag. I opened to find a beautiful dress. I took it out of the bag and tried it on.

Since I'm shorter the dress went a little bit over my knee, but other wise it fit well. I got changed back into regular clothes and headed back to the deck with my crutches. I was walking when I went out on the deck to see Bailey and Elliot talking at the smoothie bar.

"Hey guys." I said

"Wait, you know Bailey." Elliot said

"You know Elliot." Bailee said

"Yeah, Elliot's my twin and Bailey's my friend." I said

"Oh, this Bailee." Elliot said

"Yeah, I'll leave you guys." I said walking to the other end of the bar to talk to Zach

"They've been talking for an hour about something boring." He said

"Fun, how's your day going?" I asked

"Fine I guess, you?"

"Well, I bumped into Cody."

"Did anything happen?"

"Not really, he just said to let him know if I'm leaving."

"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Leaving, you're one of my only semi normal friend."

"Thanks, I guess." I said laughing a bit

"-but I don't know. I would want to stay because it's a great opportunity, but I would leave because I feel like I don't really have any close friends anymore. I haven't been to class because I'm not really able to talk to anyone."

"What? You could always talk to me."

"Thanks Zach. It's nice to know you're there for me."

"So is Cody and Bailey. Don't forget them."

"It doesn't feel like they're there but that be because I'm pushing everyone away."


Cody's POV

I walked out to the juice bar to talk to Zach to see Bailey talking to Elliot and Zach talking to Juliet. I can't believe Juliet might leave. I've missed seeing her in class. It's just not as fun anymore to correct Miss. Tutweiller. I have to convince her to stay. I ruined things with Bailey when after trying for 6 months to get her to notice me to realize that Juliet's been there the entire time. I really messed up and I don't know if I'll be able to fix it. If she says she's leaving for good I'll have to do something. Even if I can why would she want to talk to me again, I always focused on Bailey and was barely there for her. Juliet is the one I should of been going after this whole time.

~two hours later~

Juliet's POV

A realized I had to get back and start getting ready for tonight. I left the deck and went back to my room. I washed my face and brushed my hair. Since my hair was already curled I could already style it easily.

It took forever but I was happy with the end result. After doing a really light spray of hairspray I put my dress on. It really sucked that I still had my brace but I'll make it work. I put my shoes on and grabbed a shawl type thing.

I'm being a bit risky with the heels even though they are pretty short and I won't be using crutches. I've been walking in heels since I was 5. I would say I'll be fine, most likely. I practiced around my room getting a balance of things and it wasn't difficult at all for me. I may of almost tripped once or twice because of my own clumsiness, but otherwise I was fine. I grabbed my clutch that had my phone and a few other random things and left.

I went out to meet up with my parents and Elliot. I walked out to the deck and saw them all talking. I looked around and everyone was dressed very formal. Emmy mom was in a floor length gown and my father and brother were both in tuxedos.

"You look very nice, Juliet." My mother said

"Thanks, so do all of you." I replied

"I know." Elliot said jokingly fixing his tie.

"Don't go getting a big head." My father said jokingly back

Then I saw Zach and I wanted to go over and talk to him. I finally made my decision. I wanted to tell Cody first but I couldn't find him. I'll tell them and then I'll tell my parents.

"Excuse me, I see one of my friends." I said

"Go, don't let us get in the way." My mother said

I walked away and walked up behind Zach and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ahh....I mean high Juliet." Zach said realizing it was me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I said apologizing

"You didn't scare me...I always say ahh when I see a friend..."

"Sure...anyway, I made my decision about me leaving or not."

"Really what is it?"

"I'm -." I was going to say it but then Mr. Mosby started to talk

"Welcome and Merry Christmas..." he said which was too loud for me

"Excuse me." I said and left as fast I could with my conditions

"Wait! Juliet!" I heard Zach say from behind me.

I just kept walking and pushing through people until I made it to the dance studio. I walked in and walked across the floor to the mirror and the bar. I put my hands on the bar and looked down. I just kept thinking breathe, you're fine I just repeated over and over in my head. I was just trying to calm my self when I heard the door to the studio open. I looked in the mirror to see Cody and Zach standing there.

"Are you okay?" one of them asked

"yeah...I'm fine." I said turning around and smiling

"Are you sure?" Cody asked

"yeah..." I said smiling again

"okay...we'll see you out there." Cody said and I nodded smiling. Once they both left I sighed and sat on the floor with my back against the mirror. I hurried my face in my dress and just sat there for a while. I just sat thinking about breathing normally and then it all started to be too much. Then I started to cry and hyperventilate. I couldn't do it anymore, it was too much. Cody and Bailey and school and not seeing my parents and the party. The party was too much; the noise; the spot lights they put out; I can't do it anymore.

Cody's POV

I left the room with Zach after like 10 minutes I didn't see Juliet, so I went back to the studio to see if she was still there. I walked to the studio and since they are windows all around the studio I saw Juliet crying and what looked to be like hyperventilating. I didn't want to walk in and bother her, but I couldn't just let her cry. Then I went back out on the deck, I was looking for someone but I didn't know who. I was looking around and I saw Bailey and Zach talking and they couldn't really do anything. Then I saw Elliot, her brother. He would have know what to do. I walked up to him and what I assumed were her parents.

"uh..excuse me. Elliot, could I talk to for a second." I asked nervously

"sure." he replied confused

"I'll be right back." He said to his parents

"what's up?" he asked me once we walked away from them

"It's Juliet..."

"What happened?!" He asked nervously

"follow me." I said as we pushed through the people

I walked up to the glass to see Juliet still crying but now she was laying on the floor. All I wanted to do was rush in and help her, but I don't think I would help.

"Juliet!" Elliot said looking in to see her

"She's been like this for a while I think." I said

"Thanks for letting me know." Elliot said and opened the door and went in to her.

He went over to her and sat next. I walked away, I couldn't watch any longer.

Juliet's POV

I was laying in the studio just crying and hyperventilating. I couldn't calm myself down. I don't know why. I've been through this before except this time it's so much worst and I don't know why. I was laying there when Elliot came over to me.

"Hey Juliet...tell me what's going on."

"I-I don-don't know." I muttered out

"Okay, then just breathe. Just breathe. Forget about everything. Focus on only your breathing." he said

"I can't-I-I can't."

"yes you can. All you have to do is breathe. Forget about all the stress and the worries. Right now none of it matters. Listen to my voice....Breathe. Just breathe. That's it, breathe."

I listened to what he was saying. Forget about Cody, Bailey, school, going home, and everything else. I just breathed. All I focused on was breathing. I finally stopped hyperventilating. I was just crying. Elliot was laying next to me on the ground. I finally got myself together. I just had barely any tears left.

"You're okay, you're okay." He said said helping me sit up.

"Thanks." I said whipping tears away

"What happened? I know schools been hard with Cody, but what was it?"

"The party I guess...I don't know, it's all too much....I can't do it anymore....I thought I could but I can't...." I said very broken

"Then you don't have to come back."

"But I do...I can't go to another school this late in the school year. That would be worst.."

"Then get through the rest of the year and then decide if you want to transfer."

"Maybe...I don't know anymore...I did before, but after this....I have no idea..."

"Okay, do you want to stay in here or try and go back or go back to your room?"

"You can go back to the party, I'll come out in a few."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."


he got up and before he left he said "oh by the way, Cody is the one who told me that you were in here."

"Oh...great.." I said in a sarcastic voice.

he left and I sat there for a little. I just collected my thoughts. I had to figure everything out. I don't know what to do anymore. I've always knew what to do; I've never been in this situation before or any like that. I have to stop thinking, yea. I over analyzing everything. I just need a minute to breathe. I'm over thinking. I was about to get up what the door opened and I looked up to see Cody.

"Juliet." He said

"Cody, hey." I said getting up

"Ar-are you okay?"

"yeah, I think. You should go back out to the party."

"I can stay here if you'd like."

"It's okay, I'll be alright."

"Okay, I'll see you out there." he said and waved behind

He left and I just stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I finally pulled myself together enough and left the studio. I felt okay for just having a mental breakdown a few minutes ago. I walked out and Bailey ran over to me.

"come on let's goo dance." She said taking my arm and dragging me over to London, Zach, Cody, and Woody.

I just stood by them in the circle. I looked over and saw Elliot and I left them and went over to him.

"hey." I said

"Are you feeling any better?" he asked

"Yeah, but I'm gonna go look for a more quiet place."

"Do you want me to come?"

"No, go have fun." I said and walked away

I just kept saying excuse me to people until I finally found space. I just looked out at the sea. It was almost pitch black out.

Cody's POV

I saw Juliet leave our group and then go over to her brother and then walked away. I wanted to talk to her so followed her to a more empty part of the ship. I had a gift to give her. I wanted to tell her how I feel and to stay. I have a plan to ask her out. I know tonight hasn't been the best for her, but it was now or never. The I looked at het and she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I wanted to say so many things, but when I tried to say something nothing same out. Then something came to me and it was the only thing I could think of.

Juliet's POV

I was just standing there when I heard someone start to talk and I turned around to see Cody standing there.

" 'She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.' "

Cody finished saying the quote and I was just surprised. I was not expecting that.

"F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Dammed." I said smiling

"yes, how did you- never mind. I was going to ask how you knew that, but knowing you...." He said in a light almost sarcastic voice.

"Thanks...I guess..." I said in the same tone.

"Why are you quoting Fitzgerald?" I asked confused and a bit sarcastically

"well...um...I've been meaning to tell you just how beautiful and amazing you are, but the only thing I could think of was that...."

"Well, Fitzgerald happens to be one of my favorite writers." I said trying to reassure him

"Than I said the right thing, I hope..."

"yeah.." I said and then there was an awkward pause

"oh, I got you a present." he said box out.

I opened it and there was a necklace.

It was so pretty. I just stood there with a bank expression. I looked up and Cody looked really nervous.

"Oh, sorry. I love it...It's beautiful..." I said and as soon I said it a wave of relief came over his face.

"I was nervous if you would like it." he said

"Well I do."

"Can I put it on you?"

"sure.." I said and then he took the necklace and I turned around for him to put it on. He put it on and I turned back around.

"Can I show you something?" He asked me nervously

"Yeah..." I said rather excited and then he took my hand and we walked to the main area and then through it. I had no idea where we were going. We eventually got to doors, that I didn't really recognize.

"Wait here." He said letting got of my hand and going inside the room. He made sure that I couldn't see. I was standing there for only a few minutes until Cody came back out.

"Close your eyes." he said

"Why?" I asked confused and nervous

"Trust me."

"okay." I said and I closed my eyes. Then I heard the doors open

"I'm gonna cover your eyes with my hands, okay?"

"okay..." I said and he cover me eyes

"Now take two steps forward."

"okay..." I said and I took the two steps

"Open your eyes." he said

I opened my eyes and he moved his hands away. What I saw was the most amazing thing.

"Roses...they're so lovely." I said looking at all of them. They filled the room with a wonderful scent.

"yes, and I've been meaning to ask you something..."

"What?' I asked turning towards him

"I know that for a while I chased after Bailey, but I've realized the truth. You are the one I want to be with and I know there is no reason for you to say yes to my question, but-." he started and then took a deep breath

"Here I go... Will you go out with me?" he asked looking very pale

"Like a date? or are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked confused


"Really?" I asked smiling


Author's notes: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I thought this was the perfect spot to end for now. Please vote if you enjoyed, which I hope you did. Do you want them to date yet or do you want them to wait? Do you want to bring James in or forget about him? What do you guys want to happen, let me know. Also please don't be a silent reader, I love reading the comments and seeing when you guys vote. Bye for now and sorry for it being such a long time. Hearing from you guys really motivates me. 

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