Come along, Holmes

By UnicornHeart84

168 0 0

When the Doctor and Amy Pond land the TARDIS in 221B Baker Street, they know something weird is bound to happ... More

Did you say..spaceship?
Doubtful hedgehog
This is ridiculous, really
Not a lie, not exactly
Cigarettes and stars
Totally bonkers

Come along Holmes

35 0 0
By UnicornHeart84


Hey hello! So, like many of you I'm intrigued and slightly (hah!) obsessed with a Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover. So I thought to myself I could as well start writing some fanfic just for the lolz. And that is exactly what this story is.

I don't know if I'll ever finish it, or where it's going. I'm just writing it for fun.

Of course, the characters that appear in the story ARE NOT MINE, but belong to the BBC, Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Bye byez!



The TARDIS just appeared across the street from 221b Baker street on a very foggy November night.

Sherlock Holmes was sitting in his armchair, drinking tea, when he heard the noise.

It was not a noise he recognized, yet with extreme calm and the coolness he was famous for he went to the window and peeked out. There was a police phone box on the other side of the street. Of course it wasn't there before. Actually, those police boxes had been removed for at least 50 years. Logically, the sound must be connected to its apparition, Sherlock thought. He waited, half hidden behind the curtain Mrs Hudson had insisted to hang.

After a while, a young man came out of the police box looking confused...or maybe drunk. He was dressed like one of those youngsters you always saw sitting in Starbucks - he looked like he just borrowed his grandpa's wardrobe. Velvety pants, checkered jacket and..wait, was that a bowtie? Sherlock wasn't impressed, the guy looked like a lunatic. What really caught his interest was the sudden apparition of such a large object so late at night.

Then suddenly something even curioser happened. Behind the young man appeared a girl. Red hair, round face, she seemed to be having a lot of fun. She told something to the young man, to which he frowned.

The red headed girl's name was Amy Pond. She was presently telling the young man, the Doctor, that crashing at 221b Baker Street at 1am was probably an awful idea. Plus, given the reputation of mr Holmes, he would never believe them.

"He has a very scientific mind, Doctor" she said in her peculiar scottish accent.

"So what? I'm not a unicorn! Besides, what would you know, Pond?"

"I've been reading the blog of that friend of his, dr Watson..."

"What? Amother doctor in theree? I don't like it..."

".. I think he's actually Holmes' boyfriend, you know.." Said Amy, dreamy eyed.

"Well we'll find out soon! Come along Pond!"

The pair walked across the street towards 221b. Sherlock couldn't help but being surprised.

He waited for the bell to ring.

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