We are waiting for you

By Riverdale_lover100

8K 186 44

After spending time with each other Alice and Fp are happier then ever. Especially after knowing they are exp... More

We are waiting
Are we really done?
Old friends
Baby shower
Last minute preparation
It's time

Will you be mine?

744 20 9
By Riverdale_lover100

Fp knocked on Betty's room and waited for the door to open. Alice was sleeping but he knew he needed to do this quick if she would wake up. It didn't take long before the door opened.
- Mr. Jones? Betty questioned.
- Can we talk, he said.
- Sure, she moved out of the way and let him into the room closing the door after them.
- Dad? Jughead was laying down on Betty's bed.
- I need your help, Fp said and went to stand beside the bed. Betty was sitting beside Jughead on the bed again.
- With what? she asked.
- Your mother.
- I know this has been a weird few months but I really love your mother.
Jughead looked confused.
- So what do you want to do?
- With both of our divorces, I was thinking...
- You want to propose, Betty interrupted him.
- Yes
They were silent for a while.
- You really love her, don't you?
- I do, I would do everything for her.
- You better, if you ever hurt her, you won't like it, the warning in her voice was clear. She didn't care that Jughead was beside her. It was her mother.
- I would never, I promise.
- Good
- So what do you want us to do?
- I need you to help me, Betty of you with maybe Hermione and Veronica could take Alice out for a while that would be good. And Jug I would need you and Fred and Archie to help me decorate.
- Yeah, we can do that.
- When do you want to do this?
- I was thinking Sunday?
- Okay, let's do this, Betty said and smiled at him.
- Thanks


It was Sunday and Betty was on her way to the Pembroke. She was going to ask Hermione and Veronica if they could help with distracting her mother. She rang the bell and soon Smithers opened the door.
- Miss Cooper, welcome he said and she walked into the house.
- Hi Smithers, Betty said with a smile.
- Where are Veronica and miss Gomez?
- In the living room.
- Thank you, Betty made her way to the living room.
- B! Veronica said and stood up from the couch. Betty made her way to them and hugged her best friend.
- Hi V, Miss Gomez.
- Betty, to what do we owe the pleasure, Hermione asked.
- I need your help.
- Is something wrong? Veronica asked concerned.
- No everything is good she assured her friend.
- But Fp is going to propose to mom and he needs us to distract her for a day.
- Fp is proposing! Hermione said.
- Yeah, he is going to ask Mr. Andrews and Archie to help him and Jug of course.
- Wow, I knew those two would end up together.
- Yeah, Betty smiled.
- So what were you thinking? Hermione asked.
- Maybe we could go to pops, baby shopping?
- That's a good Idea! Veronica exclaimed.
- I should call her, saying we need some girl time, Hermione said.
- Sure.
Hermione picked up her phone and called Alice.
- Hello, Alice's voice spoke.
- Alice!
- Hermione, what is it?
- Nothing is wrong, I'm with Veronica and Betty and we thought it was a good idea to have a girls day out.
- I don't know Hermione
- Oh, come on we could go to pops and maybe baby shopping.
Alice was silent on the other end.
- I think Betty would really like it. Betty looked at her when she said it.
- Yeah okay, when should we go.
- Now
- Now?
- Yeah, we will pick you up.
- Fine, sure.
- See you soon
- Yeah see you soon, Alice said and closed the call.
- The plan is on, Hermione said.
- Did you convince her? Betty asked.
- Yeah, naming a mother's children helps.
Betty smiled at that.
- We should go it's not good to leave a pregnant lady waiting, Hermione said and stood and walked to the door.

They had picked up Alice who wasn't too eager to leave her cuddly boyfriend behind. But she was now sitting on the backseat with Veronica and Betty as Hermione sat at the front seat beside Smithers who were driving. They made their way to the town and Smithers dropped them off at the small mall. They walked a while until they saw a baby store. They walked in the store and Alice's eyes were wide. She had forgotten how much she liked baby shopping. They walked and came to the toy section. Alice eyes immediately set on a toy and picked it up. It was a little-stuffed serpent.
- I need this, she said and turned to the girls.
- Fp will love it, Hermione said.
Alice put the snake in the basket. She was planning on coming back here with Fp to buy the more important stuff like the crib later.
- They walked around the store and Alice put some small stuff in the basket.
- Alice, she heard someone say and turned around.
- Hermione was holding an adorable purple onesie who had the writing "Daddy's little one" on the front.
- Aww, that's adorable, Alice said and told the onesie, admired it and put it in the basket. Betty and Veronica were walking behind them and occasionally showing Alice some stuff. After an hour in the store, they came to the cash register. Alice played for everything and they were soon out of the store.
- Now what? Alice asked.
- I was thinking we could go to pops, Betty suggested hoping her mother would say.
- Hmmm, I'm craving a chocolate milkshake, let's go.
They walked, Hermine and Alice together, Hermione linked her arms with Alice and walked. The girls behind them were in the same position and were like miniatures oh their mothers. They were soon in pops and sat down at a both. They ordered milkshakes and sat there talking. Another hour past and Betty got a message on her phone.

Jughead: Everything is done, you can come with her.
Betty: Okay we will be there with her soon.
Jughead: See you soon
Betty: See you

- Could we go to Sweetwater river before going home? Betty asked and the two others understood that it was time.
- That would be a great way to end the day! Hermione said and smiled.
- Yeah, I haven't been there in a while.
Alice looked at them, thinking.
- You really want to go.
- Yeah, Betty said.
- Then what are we waiting for?
- I will call Smiter, Veronica said.


Alice phone rang and she got up to get it. It was Hermione. She talked with her and later put down the phone.
- The girls want to go out together.
- Really? Fp said.
- Yeah, they will be here soon.
- You should go.
- But you are really cozy.
- I will still be cozy when you come back.
It didn't take long for the door to ring. Alice went up to open it and Fp was behind her. She opened it and saw the girls there.
- Now come on, Hermione said but Alice just stood beside Fp.
- Come on! Hermione said and dragged her by the arm. But before she was dragged out of the house she managed to kiss Fp. He smiled when he saw her walk out and turn around to look at him. She got in the backseat and the girls drove away. He closed the door and called Fred and Archie. It didn't take them long to come here, obviously as they lived next door. When Jughead heard the door he came down.
- So are you ready Fp? Fred asked him.
- Yeah, he said nervously.
- Everything will be fine, Fred clapped him on the back.
- Let's go.
The four left the house and Jughead, Fred and Archie got into Fred's truck. Fred had all of the stuff in his truck so Alice wouldn't see them. Fp took his bike as he and Alice needed a way to get back.
They drove down to Sweetwater river. The ride didn't take to long. They got there and walked for a bit. They walked through a bath in the forest until they came to an open place.

(Imagen this)

They set down the boxes they had and started. They had rose petals that they spread on the ground. They put beautiful lamps on the tree and on the ground. They put down some candles, carefully so they would burn anything. They formed a path with the candles until they came to the middle of the opening and shaped a heart with the candles. And inside the heart, they had put down a blanket on the ground and there was a picnic backed filled with food and sweets. There were also a Champagne bottle and two champagne glasses. The opening looked beautiful with all the lights and candles. If felt as it was glowing. After 1 hour and a half the boys were done.
- It looks beautiful dad.
- It does.
- We should go then if Miss Smith comes sooner then planned.
- Yeah, I guess your right red.
Fred came up and pulled a box out of his jacket.
- Here I kept it safe.
- Thanks
- let's go, boys, Fred said and turned around. Archie went after him but Jughead stayed.
- She will love it dad.
Fp didn't say anything but nodded his head.
- I will be over at Archie's for tonight and I think Betty will go there too of not to Veronica's.
- Thanks jug.
Jughead smiled before he turned and walked fast so he would join the others. Now the only thing left was to wait.

The girls drove to Sweetwater. Alice was looking out the window. The day had been really good if she would be honest. Smithers parked and the girls went out.
- You can wait here Smithers, we won't be gone long.
- Of course Miss Veronica.
They walked on a path through the forest.
- Is that a light over there.
- I don't know, Hermione said.
They walked a little more until they came to the opening were Fp stood in the heart. He smiled widely when he saw her.
Alice's heart beat fast as he looked at all the decorations. She looked back but didn't see any of the girls.
- I asked them and the boys for help.
Alice walked down the path of candles until she stood in front of him in the heart. He took her hand.
- Fp what is this?
- I have known you a very long time, we may not have really talked until high school but I always fancied you. And then I grew to love you. And the past few months had been amazing and I can't wait to raise our perfect little baby together. And I want to live with you for my whole life. You are honestly one of the best things to ever happen to me.
He dropped to one knee and pulled out a black box from his jacket.
- So Alice Sussana Smith, would you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?
Tears were running down her cheeks.
Just as she said wife she felt something in her stomach. Her eyes widened and she looked at him.
- What? Fp asked starring to become nervous.
Alice had a hand in front of her mouth. She removed it and looked at him.
- I think someone else decided for me, she said and put her hand in her stomach. She took one of his hands and put it on her stomach. FP felt something. Was it a kick?
- Is that a?
- Yes.
- He looked at her, his eyes full of love.
- But if you want me to say it, she took a deep breath. She was still crying.
- Of course, I will be your wife.
Fp stood up and put a hand on her cheek, one of his hands were still on her stomach feeling his baby kick. Their baby. Her hands were around his neck and he leaned in and kissed her. Their kiss was soft but full of passion. The sun was setting making the river get a beautiful color. The lights and candles gave everything a romantic vibe.
Alice pulled back.
- I love you so much.
- I love you to Ali, so much.
He pulled back from the embrace. He took the ring out of the box. It looked stunning. It was silver with diamonds. The rind was 2 serpents holding a heart diamond. It was gorgeous.

(imagen this but in silver and that the serpents are holding a heart diamond)

Fp slit the ring into Alice's finger and Alice held it up to admire it. The setting sun shined on it.
- it's gorgeous Fp, I love it.
- It reminded me of you and us.
- Two serpents loving each other, Alice said.
- I love you, he said.
- I love you too. They went in for a long kiss. Fp pulled back
And put his forehead against hers. Her hands were around his neck and his hand on her cheek and the other on her stomach. Together they felt their baby's kick. The sun had set down and the only lights left were the lamps and candles. They shined and gave a magical lightning. The newly engaged couple stood in the light and no one could be happier than them right then. Their love was truly undying.


This is a long chapter but may be my favorite chapter I have ever written. They are finally engaged now. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading.

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