Blurred Lines [BxB] COMPLETED

By zoetbennett

786K 29.6K 18.2K

Time stretches out, the beat of my heart like a ticking clock. Spit it out. I slowly look down at his lips, m... More


Bonus Chapter

18K 608 311
By zoetbennett

hi guys! as a thank you for 100k views, I thought I would give you guys a bonus chapter of my sweet boys Rhys and Mav. Now a few warnings...this chapter is VERY R RATED. It contains some bondage, blindfold, rimming, and discussion of threesomes and sex in public, so if any of those things bother you, don't read this. Otherwise, please enjoy and thank you thank you thank you one hundred thousand times and more !!!

Bonus Chapter - Rated R

Saturday 4:20 p.m.

Maverick Bale

"Would you like a bag?" The old lady peers over her red rimmed glasses. Her neck sticks out like a turtle, and her thick lenses give her the resemblance of a frightened bug. Honestly, everyone here looks like that. Fragile, meek, and always with glasses. I guess that's what you get when you choose a small town in the middle of Paso Robles, California as your senior trip. It's like a destination city for all old retired people with glasses.

"No, thank you." I told Rhys this would only be a quick errand run to the nearest grocery store to get some snacks for the hotel room. Thanks to the slow traffic and even slower employees, a normally ten minute trip became a twenty five minute trip.

"Have a good day, sir." She shakily hands me the receipt. I force a smile as I take it.

"You too, ma'am."

Before we came out as a couple, our parents had agreed to send us, along with Jules, to Europe for a senior trip. We had planned to go to France and Italy for a month. When we came out, though, a lot changed, and our parents immediately canceled the trip.

Rhys and I were furious. We believed they were trying to punish us, or get revenge. It turns out they were scared we would have a fight or break up and things would get chaotic and we would be stranded in Europe. Also, on our own we would be able to have sex without supervision.

As a compromise, Rhys and I could go alone to a single destination in California for a week. So instead of having sex in Europe, we had sex in California. A lot of sex. Jokes on our parents for thinking they could stop us.

And now here we are, in Paso Robles, with the hopes of dirt biking, shooting rifles, and having lots and lots of sex in our hotel room.

"Good afternoon," the old man—with glasses—at the lobby desk says as I walk towards the elevators. As a gift from our parents, they bought us one of the nicer rooms at the top floor, with two large beds and a spacious shower with no divider and a pristine white tub I promised Rhys we would have sex in somehow.

The elevator pings at floor 5, and I step out. Our door is at the end of the hall, on the right, with an easy view of the rolling wine country below. Only bad side is that it faces the east, and the curtains aren't strong enough to block out the rising sun.

I stop a few steps from my door. The Do Not Disturb sign hangs on the door handle. Strange. I don't remember putting it there.

With a shrug I slide the key card in, and open the door.

The lights are off. The beds are empty. Then I hear the shower. But why are the bathroom lights off?


No response. He must not hear me with the water running.

I walk quietly to the bathroom. The door is open. I can make out Rhys standing under the water, one hand running through his hair, the other loosely circling his dick. His eyes are closed.

My hands move automatically, slipping off my pants, my boxers. Pulling off my sweatshirt and t-shirt in one swift movement. Rhys still doesn't hear me. My bare feet pad softly across the tile.

I walk into the shower and waste no time, pressing up against Rhys's back, my hands sliding around his chest. Rhys gasps, soft and sudden, before relaxing into me.

"Mav..." his voice melts like honey and his limbs go boneless. I crowd both of us directly under the shower head, letting the steady beat of water soak my skin, water streaming through my hair and into my eyes. It doesn't matter, though, because I have Rhys's dick in my hand and the power of knowing I could get him off in under a minute has my own arousal skyrocketing.

"You couldn't even wait for me," I whisper, my voice drowned out by the rushing water.

"You were taking too long." Rhys says each word with a gasp. In response I pin him against the wall, my free hand grasping his wrists above him, and now the entire length of his body flattens on mine. Rhys's breath rattles in his lungs and vibrates through my chest.

"Did I make you wait?" I ask with mock sympathy. Rhys groans as I fist him tighter.

"Y-yes. Make it up to me?" He knows how to sound like an angel while in the most compromised positions and I shudder, moving my hand faster. "Wait. No."

I stop. Rhys takes my hand and turns around. I can't read his face, but he seems to read mine, because he kisses me with a warm tongue and trembling lips.

"Tie me up," Rhys breathes against my jaw.


"I said tie--"

"I know what you said," I interrupt, and my hand reaches out and cups Rhys's cheek, forcing him to stay still and look me in the eyes. "Why?"

"I want to try something." His green eyes, heavy and dark with desire, focus on my mouth. He kisses me again.

"You want me to tie you up?" I sound disbelieving, but there is no mistaking an eagerness in the question.

Rhys nods against my neck, his nose dragging down my slick skin to the pulse point at the base of my collarbone, where he sucks the skin between his teeth. "On the bed."


Rhys bites my shoulder.

I take his hand and we walk to our beds. The room has darkened since the sun set half an hour ago, and I can barely make out what are beds and what are shadows.

"Wait." Rhys let's go of my hand and I turn around to see him walking back to me with something wrapped around his fingers. He presses soft fabric into my hands and I look down.

A tie.

"Shit, Rhys."

Rhys kisses my jaw, then climbs on the bed, lying chest down with his arms up and linked, ready to be tied. He watches me as I walk around the bed to tie his wrists together. I take a step back when I finish.

"I don't..."

"Take control. Own me," Rhys says, and he groans as his hips grind steadily on the mattress. I don't think I've ever seen him this passionate, like a starved animal. My heart beats fast in my chest as I stare in awe at Rhys's glistening, naked body sprawled on the bed, his wrists tied above his head, and those hips moving in that achingly slow rhythm.

"Stay still," I say firmly, before getting on the bed with him. I kneel behind him and I press a hand on his upper thigh. Rhys quivers in my grip.

"Mav..." God, he sounds completely debased, and yet I've never seen someone so pure.

"Do you want me to fuck you with your hands tied above your head?"

"Don't ask, just do." Rhys's neck has to crane to look at me, and that effort alone pushes my body in motion.

"I'm going to fuck you," I say, my hand sliding up to the curve of his ass. Rhys's eyelids flutter. "I'm going to fuck you, slow and hard, and when you try to touch yourself you won't be able to." Rhys's mouth falls open against the sheets. "But that's later. First, I'm going to rim you until you beg me to stop."

Rhys moans, and that's enough for me. I lower my head, pressing a rough kiss on the soft skin of his inner thigh. My fingers indent his hips, keeping him in place.

"You're beautiful like this." I trace a finger from his hip to his spine, down the soft ridges and dips, along the slim crevice to the small, pink hole I have grown to desire. I recently decided that becoming an adult is learning to love eating out your man's asshole.

"Please," Rhys chokes.

"Say it again."


"I love it when you beg."

Rhys whines, and his hips jerk back into my touch. With a smirk, I press my mouth to the sweet skin untouched by sun and air, tender under my lips. I stroke my tongue along the rim of his asshole. I'm still a bit inexperienced in rimming, but I know enough to make Rhys moan my name.

After circling the rim one more time, I sink my tongue into the hole, pushing as deep as I can. Rhys groans low in his throat, and he pushes his ass back into my face.

"Patience, my love," I murmur, lowering his hips with a gentle prod of my palm.

I lick my way back in, thrusting my tongue fast and hard until Rhys's body spasms, and he moans low and long. With my mouth still in his ass I wrap my hand around his dick, moving in time to the rhythm of my tongue.

With a cry, Rhys comes over my knuckles and on the sheets. His muscles go slack and he relaxes into the mattress. I place a gentle kiss on the small of his back before scooting forward and lying beside him. My fingers are shaky from my previous effort as I swipe Rhys's fringe from his forehead, which is slick with sweat. His eyes watch me with a sated satisfaction.

"Here, let me untie you." I gingerly grab Rhys's wrists and pull the knot undone, then I kiss his wrist where the tie left his skin blushing.

"I thought you were going to fuck me with my hands tied?" Rhys asks, sounding slightly disappointed. I smile at his pink pout.

"Later, don't worry."

"I love you," Rhys whispers. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close, kissing me with unapologetic ferver, despite where my mouth had just been a few moments ago.

"I love you, more than I could ever show," I say as we part.

"Well, you showed plenty just now," Rhys teases. He takes a deep breath, then lets out a long sigh. "I'm so glad we didn't go on a trip with Jules. He would be such a cockblock."

"Jules would have found ways to keep himself occupied, I'm sure," I say, and Rhys laughs. "You're so sexy when you laugh. Did you know that?"

"Come on, you can't be sweet and good in bed. It's not fair for the rest of us," Rhys says. I smile at his joke, but the flicker of insecurity in his eyes gives me pause. I stroke a flat hand down his back.

"You're good in bed too. You know that right?" I never really thought that Rhys had any doubts of his affect on me. If anything, occasionally I would get embarrassed at how quickly he could get me to come.

Rhys smiles, then looks down. "Not as good as you."

I can tell Rhys doesn't want to make it a big deal, but I can't have my boyfriend thinking so low of himself when it's just not true.

"Babe, I promise, you are mesmerizing."

"I know I'm good. That's not it," Rhys says.

"Then what is it?"

Rhys rolls his eyes when he realizes I won't give up until I know the reason. "Okay, fine. That. What you just did. I could never do something like that."

"What do you mean? You've rimmed me before."

Rhys bites his lip. "No, not that. Tying my wrists. Acting all dominant. I couldn't do that."

Oh. That was not really what I expected, but I'm also not surprised. Rhys has mentioned several times that he feels like I'm the dominant one and he's more submissive.

"So you don't think you could take charge like I did?" I ask, and that's when an idea pops into my head. Rhys reads it on my face instantly and he groans.

"What are you thinking?" he asks, already sounding defeated.

"I have an idea—"

"Yeah, no shit."

"—and you have to hear me out first." I watch Rhys go through the five stages of grief, before settling on a grudging acceptance.

"Fine." Rhys raises an eyebrow, waiting.

I take a deep breath. "Okay, so maybe you can't take charge like I did, because you're not like me. take charge in a different way."

Rhys tilts his head. "I'm listening."

"I'm just saying that I think there's more than one way to command someone. There's definitely more than one way to take control of someone. You might not be able to do what I do, but I know your way will be equally, if not more, effective. You just have to believe in yourself and remember that I love you. Plus, I think it's hot when you boss me around in that sort of angelic, reasoning way."

Rhys chews his bottom lip again. I can already see a hickey starting to bloom among the freckles on his neck. His gaze flickers to my eyes, then down.

"Well..." he began, "if you trust me."

I take his face in my hands and brush my thumb against his cheek. "You know I do. I always trust you."

Rhys has a new determination in the lines of his shoulders. "You're gonna need this." He dangles a piece of cloth above us.

The tie.

Saturday 6:09 p.m.

Rhys Wyer

I don't consider myself an aggressive person, not by a long shot. My words have always served me better than my fists. Sometimes I'm so good at cutting down my enemy with insults that they don't have the willpower to actually beat me up afterwards. Why should it be any different with Mav?

"You can always back out," Mav says, and I really love him, but he needs to shut up sometimes.

"I literally just blindfolded you and now you're sitting on the bed where I just came. I'm not going to back out."

"Just checking." Mav's fingers keep fidgeting with the sheets. I haven't seen him this jittery since our first time.

"Who knew you had such a kink for consent?" The joke is lame, but it does the trick. Mav laughs and seems to calm down. He tries to find me in the dark with his hands, but I quickly slide off the bed.

"You wait here. Patience, my love." I smile to myself, then stop when I see him waiting so hopefully, his hands by his sides. "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I hurry to the bathroom and close the door. My reflection in the mirror makes me cringe. There's hair sticking in every direction, red spots and dried cum all over my skin. How does Mav even find this attractive?

I shake my head. This is pathetic. Mav pushes away all his insecurities to make me feel good and tries so hard to give me the confidence I deserve, and here I am, nearly crying in the bathroom as he waits for me like an adorable puppy. After a few moments of staring into the eyes of my reflection, I turn the sink on and splash some water on my face.

Maybe I should have more confidence. After all, I've known Mav for as long as I can remember. If anyone knows how to control Mav, it would be me. With that thought in mind, I walk back out to the bedroom. Mav sits on the bed in the exact position I left him in, with the tie wrapped tightly around his eyes. I grab the nearest chair and I pull it up at the foot of the bed, then I sit down, ignoring the unfamiliarity of sitting naked in a chair.

"Where are you?" Mav asks. He pats the sheets around him, his head moving along as if he could even see.

"Did I say you could speak?" I ask, my voice cold and cutting, exactly like I get when I tear someone I hate apart. Mav goes still, his breath hitching, and his head turns towards me. "It's my turn to do some talking. I want you to just listen. Oh, and do everything I say exactly how I tell you to. Nod if you understand."

Mav nods quickly.

"Good." I settle in my chair, trying to find a comfortable position, letting the silence go on a beat too long until Mav starts to fidget again. "I didn't give you permission to move, did I?"

His body freezes.

"That's better. Now. I want you to imagine a city. Any city. Do you have one in mind?"

Mav stays silent. Then nods.

"You may say it."

"Paris." His voice sounds rough. I swallow before speaking.

"Paris. Lovely city. Good choice. You can hold your dick, but don't move your hand."

I can read the surprise on his face even with the blindfold, but he does as I say nonetheless. His dick starts to harden when he touches it.

"Now pick a place to visit in Paris. When you have it, you can say it."

Mav's arm is tense, and I can tell he wants to move his hand. He doesn't give in, though. When he speaks, it's low and gritty.

"Eiffel Tower."

"Ah, the Eiffel Tower. This makes it almost too easy." I wait, watching Mav struggle against the pleasure. "Imagine you are at the top of the Eiffel Tower, looking at Paris below. You see the dots of street lamps and cars passing. You have picked out a corner, somewhat sheltered from the rest of the tourists, and I'm beside you. The tourist hours are coming to an end soon, and the crowds have thinned. There can't be more than fifteen other people there with us."

"Please." Mav whispers, starting to slide his hand.

"No. Take your hand away." I'm surprised by the authority in my voice. Mav withdraws his hand immediately, even though it looks painful to do so. "I told you not to speak until I tell you to."

Mav nods, then stops himself. If I didn't know better I'd think he looked somewhat scared.

"We had a couple drinks before we came there, so everything's nice and warm and hot. It's summer so it's still humid even with the sun gone. And then, we're alone. It's like all the other tourists migrate to the opposite end of the area, and we have this side all to ourselves. I tell you to undo your pants. You do. Then I slip my hand down the front of your boxers. You can hold your dick again, but you can't move your hand."

My prior lesson must have stuck with him, because Mav wraps a hand around his erection and stays completely still.

"I have your dick in my hand, at the top of the Eiffel Tower. And then the tour guide walks in our direction. I sort of get in front of you, and he doesn't seem to notice anything off. There are not many lights up there, you see. He starts to talk to us about the building of the tower. Who had the idea. What challenges the builders faced. What the city thought of it at first. He keeps talking and talking, so I start to move my hand. You can move your hand now, very slowly, and don't touch the head."

Mav does as I say, his wrist flexing with the strain of not moving fast. His jaw clenches.

"Good boy. The tour guide has no idea, so I keep going. Your hands keep clutching at the railing. Then the tour guide goes away to bore some other person, but just after he leaves, another tourist comes near us. He is close to our age, and seems to be local. He asks if we are from around here in a thick French accent. I say no, since you can barely talk. The boy keeps asking questions, and I keep answering them. Meanwhile, I continue to give you a hand job. You can touch the head now, but don't come."

Mav complies, and liberally closes his fist around the head of his dick, before sliding it back down to the base. There is something about the slick pump of his hand that shoots a sting of desire down my abdomen. I breathe in and out silently.

"This boy, he keeps looking at you. It really bothers me. He probably thinks you are hot. I ask him what he's looking at. He nods his head at me, then asks how much you cost. I guess he had seen what I was doing. Since I know you have a thing for public sex and threesomes, I figured I might have some fun. I ask the boy to come closer. He leisurely walks towards us.

"Do you see this boy? I ask him. He nods his head, looking at you with such an intensity that it makes me feel like I am intruding. Then I get an idea. I ask him if he wants to suck your dick."

Mav starts, and he loses his grip. He's already breathing heavily.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

Mav continues, but he's nearly shuddering with each stroke.

"The boy says yes, so I tell him to kneel in front of you, that your dick is already wet and ready. He kneels down in front of you and I lower your dick into his small, warm mouth. You are moaning and you look like a slut. I tell the boy to take you deeper and he does. You can move your hand faster, now. Just don't come."

With a moan he moves his hand faster, but barely, because he also doesn't want to come. I feel my own dick throb for my attention.

"This boy is good. He has clearly done this before. His mouth takes all of you and he doesn't even gag. You like it, but I tell you not to come, so now the pleasure hurts. I take a few steps around you so that I am standing behind you and I tug down your pants and boxers just enough, and then I put a finger in your ass. You can put a finger in your ass."

Mav shakily sticks a finger up his asshole, while still gripping his dick. It's a tough position to get to, but I've seen him do it before. Maybe not this aroused, but what can you do.

"I slide the finger in and out. In and out, hitting that spot again and again, while the boy takes you in his mouth, sucking at the head. Then I slide another finger. You can do the same."

Mav whimpers as he slides a second finger in. His skin shines with sweat and his dick glistens with precome. In that moment he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

"You are almost there, and I can hear voices growing louder, the tourists from the other side, so I undo my pants and slide my boxers down, and then I slide inside of you. Even while the boy has his tongue on your dick, I fuck you from behind. You can put three fingers in."

Mav can barely put the third in and he strains from the effort. I know he won't last much longer, and neither will I.

"I fuck you hard, and you moan my name out loud. Moan my name out loud."

"Rhys," Mav moans, his hands both working at the same pace.

"The voices are getting closer. Take your fingers out and stop touching yourself."

Mav's moan breaks off into half a sob, a mix of pleasure and pain. I get off the chair and climb on the bed. He gasps when I touch his leg.

"Climb on my lap."

With shaky legs, Mav gets up and feels around until he finds my hips. I place both hands on his legs and spread them apart.

"Ride me."

Mav pants as he lets me align my dick with his asshole and I force my eyes open to watch as Mav slides down, his tight hole compressing my dick. I try not to grunt as I adjust my position. When I find the sweet spot, I take his dick in one hand and with the other I hold onto his hip. Then I move.

"The boy keeps sucking on your dick, and I keep fucking you, harder and deeper. The voices get louder and then the tour guide is back and he sees me fucking you in the ass. You keep moaning my name despite the new audience and the tour guide cannot say a word. I hold you tight and move my hips like I'm doing now, and he watches as you just take it and take it, from me and a complete stranger, at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Then I look at the tour guide dead in the eyes and say, watch him as he comes. Come for me, Mav."

Mav cries out and comes all over my chest in long spurts, and I continue to thrust into him until I come with a soft moan, the world fading to white as my eyes roll back in my head.

When Mav comes into focus again, he's collapsed against me.

"Rhys," he says, his voice hoarse. "What. The. Fuck."

I'm too exhausted to explain how any of those words came out of my mouth. Instead, I kiss him, slow and sweet. We are both sticky with sweat and the air is thick with sex and pent up desire.

"Maybe a bath this time?" I suggest in my most innocent voice.

Mav smiles into my neck, circling his arms tightly around my waist.

"Just incredible," Mav says. "Incredible. Incredible."

"You said incredible three times."

This time he kisses me. 

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