Lily Rose Styles

By Rosoeul

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[COMPLETED] Meet Lily rose, the sister of the superstar, Harry styles. Lily's world is flipped upside down wh... More

Chapter 1~It Was Wayne & And who's coming?
Chapter 2~ Flashback&Oak tree
Chapter 3- Lily?
Chapter 4~ Suprise; People Change
Chapter 6~ He's In My House
Chapter 7~ Why Is It We Always Relive Our Worst Nightmares?
Chapter 8~ Movie Night&Nightmares
Chapter 9~ I tried to do what?
Chapter 10~ Saturday
Chapter 11~ I ran faster than ever
Chapter 12~Arguments
Chapter 13~Unlucky
Chapter 14~ We All Sometimes Get Lost.
Chapter 15~ Adam Parker
Chapter 16~ Note
Chapter 17~ Snow White
Chapter 18~ Lily
Chapter 19~ Doctors
Chapter 20~ Doctors part 2
Authors Note
Chapter 21~ Doctors part 3
Chapter 22~ Not again
Chapter 23~ He's the predator, I'm the prey
Chapter 24~ New Maths Teacher
Chapter 25~ Outsider
Chapter 26~ Baby Swings Are For Babies
Chapter 27~ It's like your invisible.
Chapter 28~ So dreams come true?
Chapter 29~ I love you
Chapter 30~ Notes been found
Chapter 31~ Plan B & Re-living
Chapter 32~ Look to your left, and to your right
Chapter 33~ Surprise!
Chapter 34- GOOD NEWS or BAD NEWS?
Chapter 35~ Escape Route
Chapter 36~ Wilfred the Waiter
Chapter 37- Trouble Maker
Chapter 38- 2010
Chapter 39- Do Not Interrupt
Chapter 40- Sleepwalking
Chapter 41- Here I Am Once Again
Chapter 42- Discovered
Chapter 43- Happy Days
Chapter 44- Gone
Chapter 45- Same mistakes.
chapter 46- Taunt
Chapter 47- Shopping
Chapter 48- December 20th
Chapter 49- Suspicion
Chapter 50- Broken
Authors note
Chapter 51- Forgive&Forget
Updated story?
New version is now up! Go check it out!

Chapter 5~ That School Slut

11K 178 109
By Rosoeul

Lily's P.O.V

"Lily" "Lily"

Unwillingly: I peeled my left eye open to see who's invading my peaceful slumber.

"Come on Lily you have school today" A Irish male voice said,putting a hand on my shoulder and shacking me awake.

I groaned, knowing it was school again today, just killed me inside.

"I'm up" I mumbled into my pillow, forcing my head up.

I saw Niall standing besides my bed, looking down at me. We used to be really close, to be honest: I was really close with all the boys.

I sent Niall a weak smile, while getting up and straightening my quilts and pillows out.

"Breakfast is going to be ready soon, so pop down, ohh and your mum went to work, and Gemma is out somewhere" Niall informed me walking out of my room, I just quickly nodded my head and went into my en suite bathroom.

I quickly walked over to the sink and started brushing my teeth clean.

When I was done I spat the toothpaste out, rinsing my mouth with look warm water.

I quickly applied some eyeliner to the top of my eyes; making my brown orbs pop out. I then went on and coated my top&bottom lashed in mascara, I took one final look in the full body mirror, I looked normal I thought.

I quickly rushed over to my chair and quickly put on my school uniform which consisted of: Black trousers, white shirt, navy cardigan, red and white stripey tie, and to Finnish of the look some black plain shoes.


I quickly rushed downstairs; My school started in 20 mins and I needed to set off in about 5.

"Hey Lily, breakfast is ready" Harry said from the kitchen, ugh food, I sighted walking into the kitchen.

"Sorry Harry not hungry, plus I have to go to school,soo bye" I said quickly, throwing my bag over my shoulder and heading towards the front door.

"Wait Lily" Harry said stopping me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Want me to drive ya?" He said, his eyes flashing with hope.

"Ohh no, It's okay, It's sunny and walking is better for you. It counts as exercise, soo, bye" I said thinking of a quick excuse and walking out of the house shutting the door close.

I sighted loudly, Harry is so complicated. He honestly dosen't understand I don't need him in my life, I don't need anyone. Everyone just hurts you anyway, so you better stick to yourself.

As my school came into view I was growing a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Knowing that in a minute, I'd be called all kind of names possible.

I groaned in annoyance, kept my head down and walked through the school field to get inside the building.

Laughter and whispers filled the school as I walked on by. I had my headphones in, not bothering to listen to their comments. It hurt to know that I can't get out of this. I guess the saying is wright: Once your in Hell, there's no way of getting out. I honestly swear, what on Earth have I done to someone? I always said please and thank yous, was always nice to people and polite, helped people in need. But now I just got it thrown back into my face.

I opened the large double doors to walk into school: laughter and chatter filled my ears as I walked towards my locker.

I kept my head down but I could still feel eyes burning wholes at the back of my head.

I slowly put my code into my locker (3,6,63) and opened it showing my bag in my locker and taking out my maths books. I slowly took my earphones out one by one, sticking them into the locker and my phone into my pocket. Soon enough I was met with my name being mentioned around the school.

"I still can't believe she's the Harry Styles sister. I mean come on. Harry's so gorgeous, and she's just eww. She should be ashamed of herself."

As soon as I heard that anger boiled inside of me. I just let it slip and walked to first period which for my luck is Maths.




Attention Seeker


Dick Head



Oh em Gee.


She's such a slut.

When I got to my maths class, all sort of names were shouted at me. I blocked some out, but fortunately I heard some, which once again, took a piece of my soul away with it, slowly kiling me inside.

"Awh, look who we have here" A high pitched voice said behind me.

I sighted and turned around, only to be met by Lauren, the school slut, who honestly, cakes her face with makeup, or should I say it looks more as If a 2 year old attacked her with crayons in her sleep.

"Listen here bitch, I heard Harry and the boys came to yours, so here's the deal, I come to your house to hang out tomorrow!" She said in that high annoying voice, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Never in your wildest dreams" I sang smiling and walking off, don't know where the confedence came from, but no way is she coming to my house.

I heard her scoff, suddenly there was a stinging sensation on my right cheek, I instantly knew what happened so without second though; I jumped on her tackling her to the ground, and started punching her for everything that bitch done to me.

I punched her and punched her, she was crying out in pain, well good I thought, I cried so many times because of her and this school, she deserves to suffer.

Out of nowhere: strong arms gripped round my waist and pulled me back, I watched in amusant as Lauren was taken to the office to get cleaned up, her nose was bleeding badly, I oy hoped I broke it.

To my surprise the head teacher stood right in front of me, and pointed to his office door.

I sighted and followed his orders.

"Sit" He said pointing to a chair right in front of his desk.

I did as I was told.

"What was that Lily?, we do NOT tolerate such behaviour!" he yelled quite loudly may I add, looking straight at me.

"It wasn't me, she started it" I yelled back just as loudly stamping my fists onto his desk.

"Lily Rose Styles; Your behaviour is in acceptable. This school does not tolerate you attacking students for no reason, I'm going to have to phone your guardians." He said writing something down on a piece of paper.

"No reason, NO REASON? Was you there No. She started it, It was self defence. She should be sat on her plastic butt in this chair, not me!" I yelled standing up from my chair.

"Lily Rose; SIT DOWN, your guardians are coming to pick you up, you've been excluded from school for this week" He said typing away on his computer.

I just sat down, shock covering me, I just don't get how no one listens to me. Always my fault. I'm just a nobody.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Come in" my head teacher said.

And with that 5 very angry and disappointed boys walked through the door into his office...

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