The Spy Next Door [COMPLETED]

By ARegularPerson

4.1K 64 160

"You REALLY thought you were different? No. Everything that we do, we do it for a reason, Y/n." -Kim Taehyung... More

Chapter 1 : Meeting New People
Chapter 2 : The New Student
Chapter 3 : The Hospital
Chapter 4 : Back to School
Chapter 5 : The Restaurant
Chapter 6 : Meeting the Others
Chapter 7 : The First Dance
Chapter 8 : A Little Surprise
Chapter 9 : A Room Full Of Merch
Chapter 10 : Brunch And Brawl Time
Chapter 11 : Two Have Fallen Down
Chapter 12 : The Call
Chapter 13 : You'll Remember Me
Chapter 14 : Goodbye, Old Self
Chapter 15 : A Little Surprise pt.2
Chapter 16 : It's Been A Long Time
Chapter 17 : The Haunting Past
Chapter 18 : Second Test
Chapter 19 : The Other Girl
Chapter 20 : Confusion
Chapter 21 : Is this the End ?
The Spy Next Door Part 2
Chapter 22 : Is this the End? Part 2
Chapter 23 : Old Enemy
Chapter 24 : Silence
Chapter 25 : Your Dull Eyes
Chapter 26 : Black Van
Chapter 27 : One Wounded
Chapter 28 : The Train
Chapter 29 : The Ones Left Behind
Chapter 30 : All Alone
Chapter 31 : Reunion
Chapter 32 : The Choice
Chapter 33 : Your Choice
Chapter 34 : The New Boyfriend
Chapter 35: The Guard
Chapter 36 : An Overprotective Boyfriend
Chapter 37 : Lost One
Chapter 38 : The Favour
Chapter 39 : Stop
Chapter 40 : The Date
Chapter 41 : Escaping
Chapter 42 : Get Out
Chapter 43 : A Favor
Chapter 44 : Pacific Discussion
Chapter 45 : Almost Ready To Leave
Chapter 46 : Leaving
Chapter 47 : Finally Departing
Little Heads Up & Thanks
Ending 2 : I Don't Feel the Same

Ending 1 : I Love You Too

69 1 2
By ARegularPerson

Y/n : I love you too, Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled, happy from your decision. You went to the bathroom, thinking about what you just had said, not regretting it. You went back to your seat and strapped back down. You rested your head on Tae's comfortable shoulder and he hummed you to sleep with sad songs. Your eyes slowly closed, as you were still tired and you drifted to sleep, happy from your decision. It was going to be hard in America, so you were glad that you could at least be with someone you cared about. And the rest of BTS would always support you. You had developed such great relationships with them in such a short amount of time, that it was impossible for you all to part ways, especially now. It felt good to have friends.

2 weeks later

It was the beginning of fall and it was becoming more chilly. It was a cloudy day and the sky was greyish, it reminded you of the sky in the wintertime, back in Seoul. It was almost the same kind of grey too, you'd almost believe that you were back in Seoul. Not a ray of sunshine was passing through the thick clouds. There was wind blowing, making the fallen leaves spiral around in some aerial ballet. You had a long white coat on, just good enough to make you feel warm in this chilly temperature. Leaves were already falling down, turning red, brown or yellow and were being picked up by the wind. Your hair was blowing from side to side in the wind. You all had brought something to him, but you had bought a bouquet of white smeraldo flowers for him, twenty minutes before coming here. It had been difficult to find some, but you had insisted so much on getting those flowers specifically that you had finally found a bouquet for him. When you, Taehyung, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and their girlfriend, a white veil covering most of her face, entered, you all went silent, to respect him. A crow hawked in the distance, making the atmosphere even more gloomy. The gravel under the soles of your shoes was making a crunchy sound, almost like snow. Everyone looked sad, looking down at the ground, as everyone remained silent for their fallen friend. When you arrived to his place, you stopped and stared at his marble monument, having a hard time keeping your tears from falling off your face. You had all decided that this was the best thing to do and that he would most certainly be happy to have been remembered in that way.

Here lies Park Jimin

Everyone's best friend
You were the best one of us

You removed the flowers from their plastic wrapping and laying them, one by one, at the feet of Jimin's grey tombstone, hoping that the wind wouldn't blow them away. It was almost ironic how such a happy and cheery person would have such a grey and plain tombstone at his death, but life was made this way.

Min Yoongi : So who wants to start, he said, breaking the silence.

Kim Seok-Jin : I....I do.

Jin, dressed in a white coat, which stopped at his hips, matching his raven hair, took a big breath in. He put his hand in his back pants pocket and took out a small paper, folded many times. He unfolded it, holding it with the both of his hands and read, his voice full of emotion, his letter.

Kim Seok-Jin : Jimin, you were probably the best one of us. I'll always remember you for your smiles and your energy, which seemed to be contagious to everyone of us. You were in some sort, the kind of brother we always wished we had. You were probably too good for this world. You have been the best thing to me. You brought me back on my feet when I felt down and made me happy once more. The feelings you made me feel when we were together, made me realize what was really love at its purest and most simple form. I wished I could have told you everything, but I wasn't able to. I truely wanted to, but, I was scared of being rejected or that if I said anything, it would change our relationship for the worst. ARMYs around the globe and everyone here will miss you. I hope you'll be happy where you are and that you'll always be looking over us. Yours forever, in this life and the next, Kim Seok-Jin.

As soon as he finished, he started sobbing loudly exploding at last with the pain of the regret of not telling Jimin about his secret feelings for him. He turned away his face from Jimin's grave, not being able to stare at it for longer. He saw you and ran into your arms, almost making you fall down. You hugged him and patted his back to calm the tall man. You looked at Taehyung, who was looking with a serious and absent look at Jimin's grave. He saw that you were looking at him and he turned his head and smiled faintly at you. You reached one hand to him and he grabbed it, almost hesitantly, taking at first your pinky in his big hands, then taking it all. You were almost going to cry, but you had to stay strong, so you didn't cry yet, even though your throat was tightening in the emotion. It was almost silent, except for Jin's muffled sobs into your shoulder and the crow letting out loud croaks in the distance.

Min Yoongi : Our letter I guess.

He unfolded a neatly twice folded paper and read it. Hoseok was already crying on the side, but didn't let out any sounds, trying to brave through it without crying. Their girlfriend stayed silent, but she put a comforting hand on Hoseok's shoulder, caressing it slowly. With one of his hands, he removed a tear from his face, almost denying his feelings. Yoongi stood straight in front of Jimin's tombstone and read it to him.

Min Yoongi : So, you're gone. Our little brother is gone. It hurts. We know how much you suffered through this career, so we both hope for the best for you up there. We hope you're better where you are right now, but we really wished you could have seen America. You remember the first time you came here, how ecstatic you were? You wanted to see everything, taste everything, talk to everyone. Here we are. You would have loved it here. We're far away from Namjoon and this whole mafia thing. We could all have finally become real singers, not part time singers. We don't know what we're going to do now, without you by our side, but we're going to live each day, one by one, as you told me and see where it'll bring us. We're...going to miss you. You energy. Your smile. Your enthusiasm. You all helped us survive Namjoon and we thank you for that. For all these good times, thank you. Your good friends and family, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok.

Yoongi stopped. He took a big deep breath in. You saw one of his tears fall off his face, rolling off his cheeks. He sniffed loudly and he got back next to Hoseok, giving him a big hug, before turning back to face Jimin's tombstone. Facing the cold reality that was sadly, almost impossible for him true, but it was the reality. He just had to accept it. Taehyung cleared his throat, ready for his speech. You already knew that it would be difficult for him, but he managed to say it all, his voice strangled by the emotion.

Kim Taehyung : We've had great memories together, Jimin. You've been the little bit of sunshine that lit up my life everyday, making me happy and cheery everyday, even when I didn't feel up to it. You were a great person and an amazing friend, always putting others' needs before his. We've been great friends, brothers and confidents, but I've been too blind to realize all of this. I was stupid. I put my needs before yours, when all of your life you put my needs and everyone's first, I put mine first, not caring about you. I am only a traitor. I didn't even once do like you and thought about others first. It was always my pain, my stress, not yours or anyone's. I am only a traitor who'd deserve death. By doing this, I've not only hurt you, I now realize that I've hurt everyone else who cared about you, like the selfish person that I am. I am sorry. I know you probably can't hear me, but I am really sorry. I hope you'll pardon me, even if it takes one million whips from Satan himself for you to do so. I miss you, Jimin. I never thought it would affect me so much, but it did. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. When we'll see each other some day, I'll be happy to say hi to you. You'll probably greet me with your smile, telling me everything is alright, but this time, I don't think it will be that way. The traitor that's part of your family, Kim Taehyung.

A few seconds went by in silence. You tapped Jin on the back, telling him that it was now your turn. The sobbing broad man let go of you, wiped off a tear off his face with the back of his hand. His breath was shaky, but you thought that he'd be fine for the moment. Your paper was in the front left pocket of your coat and you found your paper. It was folded neatly, four times exactly. You unfolded it carefully. The wind was a bit stronger, so your paper flapped in your hands, but you held on tightly to it, not letting it escape. You cleared your throat, as the emotion was getting to you already.

Y/n : So hello, Jimin. We havn't known each other for a long time before you disappeared, but you were truely one funny guy. You were both funny and smiling all the time and it seemed like you didn't have any flaws. You always had the right thing to say to me or to anyone, as I say it today. I wished I could have known you better. I think you and I would have became great friends. I'm sorry for not being able to jump down the train to get back to you. I'm really really sorry. I miss you. We miss you. We all will. Nothing will ever be the same without you, Jimin. I would have loved teaching you English here, but maybe you weren't meant to be with us, but I would have loved to be here with you right now. You would have probably cracked a funny joke or something to cheer us up, but we'll see. Jin will miss you too. I hope you can see him from up...there and watch over him. Your friend, Y/n L/n.

It was difficult not to cry now. You folded the paper and put it back into your coat. Your throat felt extremely tight and you finally let the tears flow. Jin nodded in approval, smiling with difficulty at you. You were unable to withstand all of this pain and sadness that you felt, so you ran into Taehyung's arms, hugging him too, burrying your face in his chest. He hugged you tightly, brushing your head, as you sniffed loudly, still crying in his expensive immaculate white coat, color of grief in Korea. Jin needed a hug too, but you were too sad to go over to him. Your cries got louder, but they were still muffled into Taehyung's coat. Sobbing and shaking uncontrollably, you calmed down a little when Taehyung stroked your hair, hugging you also tightly and whispering in his low voice.

Kim Taehyung : He liked you, Y/n. As much as anyone else.

A few seconds went by, where everyone was just sad and gloomy, crying their eyes out. You could feel some of Taehyung's tears fall on your face, mixing with yours, before falling off your chin. The sky was still grey. You heard gravel crunching and getting louder, probably as some other person brought flowers for their lost loved ones, but the sound was getting closer. You guessed it was an employee, probably the old man you saw when you entered the cemetery and that you had waved at. Maybe he wanted to tell you something or tell you that the cemetery was closing, but you guessed that nobody wanted to talk to him.

??? : Why is everyone so sad?

How rude of him. You were all grieving and this person had the guts to ask you why everyone was sad? Didn't he realize that you were going through tough times, despite all wearing white in your own way, the traditional color of death in Korea. You almost yelled at the man, but Taehyung, understanding what you were about to do, hugged you tighter, which saved the man from being yelled at.

??? : I thought you'd be at least happier to see me, the person said in English.

Jung Hoseok : Who do you FUCKING think you are, he screamed at the man, turning around, ready to teach him a little lesson.

But his punch never landed. Instead, he covered his hand in pure shock and fell on his knees, crying loudly, while stuttering uncomprehensive sentences. Everyone started turning around, wondering what caused this concussion and this drama. Taehyung pivoted, turning towards the stranger. He let you go, putting a hand on his mouth and crying loudly. You looked at the stranger. You recognized him too well. The small male with a friendly smile on his face, looked confused about what was going on. It was none other than Jimin, in a grey autumn coat. Seeing that nobody went to see him, you rushed into his arms and hugged him the tighest you could.

Park Jimin : Hey, hey, careful! I've got shot recently! I don't want you to crack my ribs open, he said in Hangul.

Y/n : You're're alive, you said, in between two sobs.

Park Jimin : Yeah? So?

He looked behind you and realized that everything here was made for him and why everyone were wearing white.

Park Jimin : Oh. I see.

Taehyung finally was able to look at Jimin without crying too much, so he joined in, hugging Jimin. Jin was still under shock and Yoongi, Hoseok and his girlfriend were still under shock.

Kim Taehyung : I thought.....I thought he killed you....I thought I had sold you out.

Park Jimin : What? Pfff! Me? I'm stronger than that.

Jin went to Hoseok and helped him get on his feet and get back together. Everyone hugged Jimin, right there, in the cemetery, in front of his own tombstone, in some sort of group hug.

Park Jimin : Aww...I'm happy to see all of you too!

When you finally let go of him, everyone not crying anymore. Taehyung asked Jimin why he wasn't dead, since he had ratted him out and two people had seen him becoming left behind the train. The male smiled, happy to answer this question.

Park Jimin : Well you remember how I had almost missed the train when we were younger by falling flat onto my face? Well, just like old times, I managed to catch the last wagon. You really thought I didn't catch the train? Who even told you I was dead?

Kim Taehyung : Namjoon...

Park Jimin : WELL DUMMY, WHY are you trusting Namjoon? Of course he's going to manipulate you to believe that he killed me! He has always been like that!

Kim Taehyung : I don't know, but I'm glad that you're alive. We're all glad that you are alive.

Jin who had been staying in retreat from everyone, stepped in front of Jimin and took a big breath in.

Park Jimin : Hyung, he smiled.

Kim Seok-Jin : Humm...h-hey, Jimin, he sluttered, looking at his shoes. Can I talk to you for a moment?

Park Jimin : Yeah sure!

You smiled, knowing what he was going to do, so you made a small head gesture, to indicate to everyone that they should be left alone. Everyone smiled at Jin, happy that he was going to finally admit his feelings to Jimin. Everybody crossed their fingers, hoping it'd go well for the both of them. You walked about ten meters away from them, leaving them plenty of space for talking. But because of the wind, you were able to hear almost anything.

Kim Seok-Jin : I...have something to confess to you, he scratched his head with his hand, stressed.

There was an awkward silence.

Park Jimin : And?

Jin took a big breath in, before telling Jimin.

Kim Seok-Jin : I....have feelings for you. I wasn't able to tell you earlier on, but I love you, Jimin. I really do. All of these moments that you were with me were the best ones I had ever lived in my entire life. You showed me what love was. I don't know if you feel the same, but if you don't love me back, well it's fine, I understand, but I'd like to know and stuff, because I really lov-

Jimin cut him off, shuting him with a small and soft kiss on his lips. After the peck, Jin looked at him, eyes as wide as two set of plates, turning crimson red as soon as he realized that Jimin was still looking at him.

Park Jimin : I didn't think that you felt the same way, he smirked.

Kim Seok-Jin : I love you.

Park Jimin : I love you too.

The black haired male, all happy from this answer, started running towards you, screaming loudly in happiness.

Kim Seok-Jin : HE LOVES ME TOO!!!

He ran out of the cemetery, than came back. The rest of you walked towards Jimin, who was laughing cutely at Jin. Suddenly, Jin came back and ran into Jimin's arms, lifting him up the ground.

Park Jimin : HEY I'M NOT A CHILD!

Everyone laughed, including Jimin. When Jin dropped him on thr ground, they exchanged another kiss, as lovebirds usually do. Everyone got out of the cemetery, a smile on their face, but Jimin and Jin had the most radiant smiles, looking at each other, madly in love, holding each other's hand. The grey sky of that day seemed a little less grey and a little less gloomy and sad.



Everyone cheered when you finally kissed him, smiling happily at the man who was going to spend the rest of his life with you.

Park Jimin : Can you keep this for tonight? Your public display of attention is disgusting me.

Kim Taehyung : You're just jealous.

Park Jimin : No, I'm UTTERLY disgusted.

You laughed at his joke. Jin laughed at his boyfriend's joke too. Both of them looked amzing in their man of honor matching suits. Of course, having that many man of honor was weird for a normal wedding, but people accepted it, mostly due to the fact that Jimin, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi were almost considered like family.

Jung Hoseok : Y/n, that dress looks stunning on you. I absolutely love it.

Y/n : Thank you so much Hoseok.

Min Yoongi : I hope Taehyung will stay in our group. You'd better not take him away from us!

Y/n : No, no, no! Calm down!

Min Yoongi : Alright, just making sure!

Being wedded to Taehyung was something you never thought would happen, but it happened after a few years. Love finally took over and installed into your couple. You were now dancing with Taehyung, for the first dance of the married couple. His black tuxedo looked amazing on him and he couldn't help but to smile when your eyes met.

Kim Taehyung : Mrs. Kim, you look.....fantastic, he whispered.

Y/n : Thanks! Your tuxedo looks pretty damn good on you too.

Kim Taehyung : No I meant you look amazing, not the dress. I can't wait until I get to take it off tonight.

You giggled, amused. You knew that you shouldn't think about this, especially the day of your wedding, but Namjoon, was still lurking in the shadows. He had been caught and Jungkook, for his part, was pronounced dead, which caused some sadness to the ARMYs, but after that everyone was interviewed about it, everyone had seen Jungkook's true personality. Namjoon was condemned to prison for life, but he was still alive, somewhere in Seoul. You knew you were safe, but nothing told you that the freak couldn't appear back into your lives at any moment and that scared you at night. When you were dancing, something came back to you. He still didn't tell you his real name.

Y/n : Babe, what's your real name?

Kim Taehyung : Oh right, I didn't tell you. My real name's Kim Taehyung. That's why he found my family so easily.

Y/n : Oh, I see

But for now, everything was alright. You were far away from Namjoon, far away from danger and your old life. It was just you and Taehyung for both of your lives. You put your head on Taehyung's chest and whispered a small "I love you" which he answered back with a kiss and four whispered words.

Kim Taehyung : I love you too.

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