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DRIVE ME CRAZY โ peter, you are absolutely the most unreliable person to work with! โž โ then why haven't you... More



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The dance was just hours away, and nobody could wait for it. Students could barely focus on their school work, they just wanted to get home so they could start getting ready. For some girls it was going to take awhile to just do their makeup.

Peter still never told Megan that he was Spider-Man, and it was absolutely killing Michelle. She was dying for it to be known because she wanted to talk about it with Megan and rub it in her face.

Megan still remained dateless. This morning Scott last minute offered to escort her, but she said no. He didn't even attend Midtown anymore, so there was no point. Plus whatever was happening between them wasn't going anywhere.

It was lunch time, and Megan and Michelle had just gotten out of the lunch line, finally sitting down at their table. Peter and Ned still didn't get out, so there was time to talk about what was really wrong.

"I will absolutely kill you if this is the look on your face later tonight." Michelle groaned. Megan had a glum face practically all day, and it seemed like she wasn't able to put on a different one.

She put on a fake smile, then gave her the middle finger. "Better?"

Michelle shrugged. "Not really, but the effort counts."

Peter and Ned sat down at the table with their lunch trays smacking the table at the same time. "You guys excited for tonight?"

"You bet. I can't wait to wear my fedora." Everyone held back from making fun of Ned's love for fedoras, they knew it would destroy his confidence completely.

"Wait til you guys see Megan's dress. She's gonna look bomb as fuck." Michelle was playing wing woman, hoping she was contributing to the mess that was Peter and Megan.

"I bet she will." Peter added, winking at Megan, which left her in a bit of shock.

"I- uh- yeah!" She stuttered, not able to find what words to say. Megan blushed a little, which made Peter laugh.

She did the only thing she could do the change the subject, asking for milk. "MJ. Milk. Gimme."

"Again?" Michelle groaned, then Megan nodded at her. "Pretty please?"

"Ugh, fine." She said, passing the small carton. "You are so lucky I'm trying to cut off dairy."

"Why are you trying to cut off dairy?" Ned asked, confused.

"I heard dairy is bad for your skin okay!" She yelled, maybe a little too loud.

Those around Michelle stared at her weirdly. "Go on with your eating, peasants."

"Peasants?" Peter questioned.

"Shut up, peasant."


Megan had brought everything she needed to Michelle's house to prepare for the dance. Michelle claimed she "didn't need to wear makeup to impress anyone", which was true. Megan was only going to wear some makeup just for the sake of looking less dead than she usually did.

The two girls were definitely comfortable with each other, as Megan was sitting in front the large mirror wearing leggings and a sports bra. "How does my eyeliner look? Do I look like a clown?"

Michelle gave a good look. It looked flawless, which was surprising considering she rarely wore makeup. She decided to joke with her, attempting to scare her a big. "I don't know, kinda getting raccoon vibes."

"What? Oh my god-"

"Kidding! I'm kidding!" Megan let out a huge sigh of relief, mainly because she didn't want to start over.

Once she finished up with makeup, trying to look as natural as possible, she was actually satisfied. She looked like she tried, just not too much. Megan didn't want to look like a cakey freak, so thank god she didn't.

They were getting their dresses on, having to zip up each other. "Damn, we look good."

"Eh." Michelle shrugged. "You look like Chanel while I look like Walmart."

She rolled her eyes, doubting her best friend. "Lies. You look amazing."

"Stop it, I'm blushing." Michelle joked.

They got their shoes on and grabbed their purses, then Michelle grabbed her car keys. "Let's go. Also, you better not fall in those heels cause I'll kill you."


They arrived at the dance, thankfully to be greeted by Michelle's decathlon teammates, obviously including Ned, who welcomed Megan in open arms.

"Nice hat, Ned." As promised, he wore a fedora, which actually suited his outfit. "Thanks. You already know this, but it gives me confidence."

Megan placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, trying not to crush his confidence. "You do you, man."

"Megan, can I just say how amazing you look? I'm honestly super surprised." Cindy, a member of the decathlon, said. Although she kind of had a snarky tone in her voice.

"Um, thanks?" That was all Megan could say, she really didn't want to waste her time over an irrelevant argument.

Liz entered the gym, without Peter beside her. She immediately ran to some of her friends, all of them complimenting each other back and forth. It was definitely annoying, but nobody was going to say it out loud.

Peter stood outside the front doors, looking like he just saw a ghost. But the truth was that he discovered Liz was, in fact, the Vulture's daughter. Obviously she was innocent and had nothing to do with his actions. She wasn't even aware of what he was doing.

He saw his decathlon teammates, plus Megan, who he thought looked beautiful. Michelle noticed him staring, and gave him the middle finger jokingly, which Megan thought was "incredibly rude."

He walked up to Liz, and even she could notice how odd he was acting. They were talking, and it didn't look good. Megan saw the look on her face, and it screamed disappointment.

"Gotta go."

And with that he ran out of the gym into the hallway. Megan, Michelle, and Ned were all confused in what just happened. But then realization hit Ned, and he bolted out of there faster than parents during Black Friday.

"What the fuck is going on?" Michelle asked, and nobody had an answer. Ned probably would've had one though.

"I'm following them." Megan announced.

"What? Meg-"

"Hold my purse." She said as she shoved it into Michelle, and ran out as fast as she could. She definitely cursed to herself that she shouldn't have worn heels.

"Peter! Ned!" She yelled in the hallway. No answer. Megan noticed they both went left, so she tried her best to try and find them. It didn't help that she wore the worst shoes to run in either.

Megan heard a commotion outside, and lots of glass breaking. She tried following where the sound was coming from with the best of her ability. By the time she made it outside, Ned stood there alone, with a beat up school bus a few feet ahead of him. "Ned?"

He turned around, his breathing heavy. "You didn't see that, right? Cause I didn't ruin that bus-"

"Just cut the crap. I know Peter is Spider-Man. So, what's the sitch?" Megan said, her arms crossed, totally looking like a badass. She didn't have the time for bullshit anymore.

"Okay, Kim Possible. I gotta hurry, so I guess follow me." He started making his way to the computer room, with Megan attempting to catch up. It was shocking because Ned was actually a pretty fast runner.


"Go for Ned."

"And Megan!"

"Meg? What are you doing in there with Ned?" He was on speaker phone, so her presence couldn't be ignored. Too late to have a deep conversation about his identity.

"No time for questions!" Megan yelled. Even through the phone she still remained sassy.

"Ned, I need you to uh- shit- track my phone!"

"Where is it?" Ned worked his nerd magic with the keyboard, which definitely made Megan too confused for her own good, then something popped up on the screen. Peter's phone was in the Vulture's car, that he purposely left there. "Genius move. Okay, he just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."

"Hey, where are the headlights on this thing? I'm in Flash's car!"

"Nice!" Ned and Megan spoke in unison. It was definitely going to be talked about later since Flash kind of deserved it.

"I'm kinda freaking out, guys."

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I've never driven before! Only in parking lots! I might piss myself!" Megan laughed a little, which Peter heard all too well. "Hey!"

"Whatever. Remember when you said you owed me?" Megan said.

"Uh, yeah?" Peter yelled over the sounds of the roaring car engine.

"Let me help! That can be your way of paying me back. Plus, I've taken drivers ed before." He didn't want to argue, there was no time to waste, so he agreed. "Fine! Have you gotten through to Happy yet?"

"Work in progress, buddy." Ned had to find his way to access how to call Happy, which was fairly easy for him to achieve.

Ned spun in his chair, as happy as he can be. "Guy in the chair!"

Megan also spun in her chair as well, copying Ned. "And girl in the chair!"

"Hello? Who is this?" Enough celebrating about being guys and girls in the chair, they had to get back to business. "Mr. Happy, this is Ned and Megan-"


"We're associates of Peter Parker. We got something very important to tell you and-"

"You gotta be shitting me." Then Happy hung up not even bothering to hear the two teens out. What a shame.

Megan tried to ease the situation, not exactly helping though. "I think that went well?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "Ya think?"

"Guys? A little help here!" They had totally forgot for a second that Peter was still driving, and he could fuck up any second.

This was Megan's time to shine. She quietly thanked her grandma for paying for drivers ed lessons, and the fact that she paid attention. "Round knob to the left of the steering wheel, turn clockwise."

They continued to help Peter track down the Vulture, which clearly wouldn't have been made possible without the help of Ned and Megan.

He went on to tell Peter that Happy was surrounded by boxes, which had reminded Peter. "It's moving day!"

Megan raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"He's gonna rob that plane. I gotta stop him!"

Peter slammed his foot on the gas pedal with so much force, going probably over 100 miles per hour. "Parker, you gotta turn right. You're almost there."

"Turn right. Got it." He quickly replied.

"Hey Peter?" Ned spoke.


He had a smile on his face. "It's been an honor, Spider-Man."

Megan smiled as well. "Yeah, it's been an honor. Good luck out there."

A teacher walked in, crossing her arms. "What are you two doing in here? There's a dance!"


"Looking... at porn! Together." That definitely wasn't the best thing to say, true or not, especially in front of a teacher.


And so they got kicked out of the dance. They also got detention for a week, they're just lucky they didn't get expelled.

Peter's state is still unknown, but they're hoping he's okay. He hasn't tried calling or anything since they got caught in the computer room, so they have no idea what's going on.

They waited outside until the dance was over, since there wasn't much time left and they had no ride besides Michelle. Speaking of Michelle, she later returned Megan's purse at the end of the night, not forgetting to laugh in their faces. "You guys are such idiots!"

"Look, Ned was the one who-"

"It was the only thing I could think of at the top of my head!" He said, trying to defend himself. Let's be real, that's the worst excuse to think of.

"Whatever you say, dude. So Meg, are we going to McDonald's?" She pulled out her car keys, letting her keychain hang from her finger.

Ned's face lit up. "Did you say McDonald's? Can I go?"

"Do we have to invite him?" Michelle whined, and Megan nodded. Clearly there has been an established friendship between Ned and Megan, the guy and girl in the chair.

"Get in losers, we're gonna go eat some chicken nuggets."


Jesus that chapter was LONG

Last chapter is next guys !

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