Doe Eyes ✧ Gotham [1] #Wattys...

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"eyes are the windows to the soul. jane valeska's are no different: big, beautiful an... Higit pa

extended description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
sequel !!!

chapter four

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               Jane's head was sweaty as she finished her round with Alfred. Her right fist connected to his left hand and then her left connected with his right. She repeated the pattern over and over again as he yelled over her "1, 2, 3!" Finally Alfred called time and she slowed then came to a complete stop.

She smiled and took her gloves off. "Thank you for this."

Alfred took his gloves off as well. "Of course, Miss Valeska. You're getting better every day."

"I feel better every day."

A couple days had passed since she started with Alfred, and she felt herself getting increasingly stronger. She felt so much better, letting out all the aggression that she held dormant for most of her life. Her face was looking better as well. Her swollen eye had decreased in size and her cuts were healing up nicely.

Bruce walked inside the room and handed her a towel. "You should come to the Children's Hospital Benefit tonight."

Jane made a face. "I don't know if I would fit in there."

Bruce sighed. "Come on. I really don't wanna go, and it would be great for someone else to be there with me."

Alfred decided to jump into the conversation as well, believing as well it would be good for the young girl. "Master Bruce has to go because his parents were huge donors to the organization. We'll only be there for a little bit, don't worry." He smiled before continuing. "Plus there's gonna be a magician."

Jane sighed. She wasn't a fan of magicians. Her mother dated one once and he used to beat her and her brother often with whips from his show. But as she looked between Bruce and Alfred, she thought maybe she did deserve to go out and have fun. She was with two people who she knew weren't gonna hurt her. Jane gave both a tired smile. "What does one even wear to a Benefit?"


Alfred, Bruce and Jane had just arrived to the Benefit, both not very excited about being there. With some help, Jane was able to find something to wear. She wore a black cocktail dress that landed low thigh. Her hair was in its natural red waves and she even put a coat of mascara one. She was excited about being able to dress up a little bit for a night; she never was able to before.

"This is a waste of time," Bruce announced as they reached the main entrance of the room. Cameras were flashing all over and it was making Jane nervous. She didn't realize this many cameras would be here. She wasn't used to it.

"We had a deal, didn't we, Master Bruce?" Alfred replied. Jane was not around when this deal was made so she hadn't a clue what it was about. All she knew was Bruce wanted company and that's why she was there. "Besides, there's gonna be a magician. You like magicians, don't you?" He nudged Bruce's shoulder with his own.

Bruce frowned. "No, I don't." He turned to Alfred. "I hate magicians."

"Me too," Jane agreed. She shivered with bad memories.

Just as Alfred was about to say something, the group heard a woman say, "Excuse me." They all turned to see Dr. Thompkins. Jane hadn't seen her since her brother got arrested and she had changed since then, wearing a very nice black dress and pearls. "I'm Lee Thompkins." She turned at Jane and smiled, rather pitifully, "It's good to see you again, Jane." Jane returned the smile. She turned back to Bruce. "I work with James Gordon and he's mentioned you. I saw you and thought-"

"Of course," Bruce interrupted as they shook hands. "It's very nice to meet you." Bruce motioned over to Alfred. "This is my guardian, Alfred Pennyworth." They shook hands as well.

"How is Detective Gordon doing since the attack on the precinct?" Bruce asked her. Jane instantly tensed at the mention of that night. "I was thinking I should call him."

Lee nodded. "He'd appreciate that."

Something took Bruce's eyes as he excused himself. Jane seeing the opportunity decided to look around as well. "I'll be back."

Jane walked around the party, looking at all the people talking and laughing, enjoying each other. They all looked so happy and rich, a very foreign idea to Jane. She wondered what it was like not to worry about money or someone killing you. She couldn't help but wonder what Jerome was doing. Was he recking havoc in a children's home perhaps? Or maybe an elderly home. Somewhere with helpless victims, his favorite.

Out of nowhere, she watched the lights dim and Lee Thompkins take the stage. Jane hung in the back, standing for a better view as she spoke. "Good evening. I am Dr. Lee Thompkins. For the past five years, I've had the honor of being part of the Children's Hospital. Thank you for your support, and thank you so much for coming out tonight." Jane scanned the crowd and noticed how engrossed everyone was with the speaker. Lee knew how to command a room, Jane would give her that. "Over the years, we've had magicians come and entertain our children. And so tonight, we have one of the magicians here for you. Without further ado, please allow me to present to you The Great Rudolpho." The crowd clapped but Jane inwardly groaned.

She really hated magicians, and she was not excited for this part of the night.

The magician came out after his assistant opened a box to reveal nothing and then again to reveal him. Jane rolled her eyes, so basic. He spoke with such excitement and enthusiasm. "Greetings, ladies and germs! I am indeed the Great Rudolpho." Jane narrowed her eyes. The man was obviously speaking in a fake voice, and there was something eerily familiar about him. "Please ogle my lovely assistant." The crowd was eating this whole act up.

Jane barely paid attention to the act, finding it extremely boring. He was pulling roses, doves out of nowhere; all very basic in Jane's eyes.

"For my first act! I'll require a volunteer!" The man announced. He covered his eyes before pointing throughout the crowd and stopping on poor little Bruce Wayne, who reluctantly let the assistant drag him up on stage.

Jane felt for the poor guy. He hated magicians just like she did.

The act was continuing to be boring. It was a basic saw a person in half trick. They separated the boy and the crowd cheered. They put him back together and they let the kid out. Bruce had a smile on his face and looked like he actually enjoyed the experience. Jane could never understand.

"Some people say Bruce has a split personality." The magician joked and then laughed a hearty laugh. Jane frowned even more. This all felt so familiar. "For my next illusion, I'd like to call to the stage esteemed Deputy Mayor Harrison Kane!" The crowd cheered as the Deputy Mayor came on the stage.

Jane was about zone out once more when something very strange happened. After the assistant took the sheet off a table to reveal a bunch of knives, the woman bowed and her mask fell off to reveal the beautiful Barbara Kean. Jane gasped quietly. If that was Barbara Kean, then that must be...

The magician picked up a knife and observed it before speaking. "By the way, nobody here is getting out alive." The crowd laughed, not realizing how truthful the magician was being. He smiled at them as he threw the knife into the Deputy Mayor's chest.

The crowd was in major freak out as everyone tried to leave in a hurry. Jane was frozen in fear. Jerome was here. Gunshots from Jerome's men started going off in the theatre and that was when Jane unfroze, turning to run out and far away from him.

However, Jerome had anticipated her being here and planned for it. One of his men quickly saw her and grabbed her by the arm. "You're not going anywhere. Mr. Valeska wants you here for the entire show."

One of Jerome's men started dragging her to the stage through the screaming and running. When she got closer, she noticed Jerome lose his disguise. He smiled at her and she was escorted to a chair in the middle of the stage. The man started tying her to it, while Jerome took the opportunity to bully her.

"Hey, sis. Long time no see." Jane glared at him with such hatred. Jerome grazed his hand across her face, admiring the damage he did a few nights prior. "See you still got all those nice bruises I left you." He laughed. "Just you wait to see what happens tonight!"


Jerome had made a promise that he was going to start killing people in ten minutes unless the police listened to his demands. Jane, besides being terrified, found the whole situation very strange. It felt like a true show, staged and practiced. It almost didn't feel real.

He had wanted to torture his sister just a little more as he let the crowd breath a little. He went up to her and smiled. "Isn't it exciting how I'm a magician, Jane." He learned closer to her and traced his finger down the side of her face to taunt her. "Reminds me of that one guy from Omaha that Ma liked to fuck." Jane got more tense, recalling that twisted man. "Gosh, he sure had a thing for whips." Jerome twirled a piece of her red locks. "And he really had a thing for little red-headed girls." Jane refused to answer him, refused to give him the satisfaction. Jerome frowned at her not playing along and turned toward the front of the stage

"Let's play a game while we wait the ten minutes!" Jerome announced to the crowd. "This trick I will require a single volunteer!" He rested a hand on her shoulder. "Luckily! I have one willing one right here!"

Jerome took one of the smaller knives and cut off the rope, starting on Jane's right wrist. This was her moment. Once free, she slammed her right fist into her brother's face, catching him by surprise. Jerome's own hand went to his face and felt a little blood come out of his nose.

He stood up and gave his sister a thoughtful look while she gave him a glare. "Well would you look at that. Little Janey learned how to punch." He leaned in closer to her face. "Now where'd you learn that?"

"I learned it to protect myself from you!" Jane seethed.

Jerome smirked at her. He saw straight through her mask of anger and saw the frighten little girl she always were. Pathetic, in his eyes. He finished cutting the ropes before grabbing her upper arm. "My turn for some fun."

He positioned her in the front of the stage, facing him and placed an apple on top of her head. Then he made his announcement. "In this trick, I will attempt to shoot this apple on top of my sister's head!" Barbara unveiled two guns. "However one of these guns is a water gun and the other, an actual gun. I don't know which is which. So lets hope I don't miss!" He wore a boyish smile as he looked away and picked up a random gun.

He looked back at Jane, who was beyond terrified that she would die. "Hold very still, Janey." He focused on the apple on top of her head before gasping and very dramatically saying, "Oh no! I can't look!" and then looking away and covering his eyes. "Someone tell me how it turns out."

Jane was nearly shaking with fear as she noticed the gun drop from the top of her head to her face. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for death. Then he shot and water came out, sprayed her in the face. Jane felt so revealed.

Jerome looked at his gun and sighed. "Damn." He placed it down and then grabbed the other one. He gave his sister a twisted smile before saying, "Turn around."

Jane, very hesitantly, turned around, facing the crowd and preparing herself to have a public execution, as it was very much her brother's style. This time, Jerome wasted no time. He shot it right off her head, making Jane jump. "Well, clap," Jerome demanded of the crowd and then received a half-ass clap. He didn't mind though. He always was an attention whore.

He harshly slammed his hands on Jane's shoulder, catching her off guard before laughing and sitting her back in her seat on stage. "Gosh, I do love some good psychological torture."

Jane's voice was barely above a whisper, due to her still shaking. "You're crazy."

Jerome gave her another sick smile. "You haven't seen nothing yet."

He stood by the microphone, ready to make another announcement. "Well. I think it's time for tonight's first official victim. You all know and love. Poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer. Where is Bruce Wayne?" Jerome stood very dramatically, ready for Bruce to just pop out of nowhere. After a second of no reply, Jerome spoke again. "You know I'm an orphan too, Bruce?" He motioned towards Jane behind him. "So is she. Obviously. Siblings and all." He rolled his eyes. "I killed our parents, though." Jane almost wasn't surprised. Of course Jerome killed Mr. Cicero. It was just a matter of time.

Jerome stepped away from the microphone and looked deeper into the crowd. "Where are you hiding?" Once again, nothing so obviously he saw fit to yell, "Bruce! Where are yah buddy?"

"Kill his butler," Barbara suggested from behind him.

Jerome sighed. "I wanted to start and end with killing an orphan. But I guess this will do." He motioned his men to bring Alfred up. Jane knew he was talking about her. Nice to know she was the closing act. Before killing Alfred, Jerome called one last time. "Alright, last chance, Bruce. But it's about to get very butler-brainy out here." There was a pause before once again, he called out, "Brucey."

There was a slight pause before Bruce comes running out, yelling "Stop!"

Jerome quickly grabbed him, dragging him up the stage with a knife to poor Bruce's throat. "Let's get this started, huh?"

"Jerome, stop!" Jane pleaded. "Stop, doing this! Kill me, not Bruce." Jerome rolled his eyes at his sister's dramatics and completely ignored her.

He looked at his men and nodded towards the curtains. "You, check the curtain. Make sure no one's playing silly buggers."

There was instant gunshots as James Gordon appeared from behind it, killing one of his men and then Alfred doing the same.

"Drop the knife!" Jerome laughed in response, finding the entire thing so funny.

"It seems like we've got ourselves a pickle," Jerome responded to Bruce, the knife still securely on his throat. "What do you say, Brucey boy? Wanna boost our ratings, huh?"

The man from before, Jane recalled his name, Theo Galavan, appeared right behind Jerome. He was speaking very heroically and Jane eyed him with suspicion. "I said enough."

Jerome rolled his eyes and turned around to face him.

That's when the last thing expected to happen happened. Mr. Galavan stabbed her brother in the throat.

Jane gasped, not knowing what to do. She watched her brother slowly lose consciousness as Theo stood up. Jane made eye contact with Jerome as she watched her brother die right before her.

When the light dimmed from his eyes, Jane didn't know how to feel. She had just watched her brother die.


That night, Jane sat in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She felt emotionless. Her brother, the man who tried to kill her multiple times just died. She couldn't describe how she felt. So many things happened at once. She was put through psychological torture tonight plus watched her brother die. How was she still sane?

That's when it started.

Voices from all over. They were whispers for the moment, just calling out her name. There was one that was louder then them all. It was Jerome's voice. She sat up in the bed and looked around the room. No one was in sight.


She jumped and turned to her left. Standing there was her dear brother. She stood quickly and took slow steps backwards. "Y-You're dead."

He walked towards her, a predator and his prey. "Oh I am, sissy. But I'm here to ruin your life. Drive yah mad." Her back hit the wall as he closed the gap between them. "Oh this is going to be so much fun."

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