The Boy Next Door

By isabellehopeee

2.1M 53.7K 14.1K

Something hit the side of my laptop screen and fell onto the floor. It was a paper airplane. There was a mess... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
Author's Note


63.9K 2K 345
By isabellehopeee


I opened the door of the car and followed Colton up the stone path. Colton opened the front door and held it open for me.

"I'll be right back. I have to put my stuff in the garage." he said. I nodded. He jogged down a hallway to the garage with his football bag in hand.

Hanna rounded the corner, coming out of the kitchen. Her eyes lit up. I was greeted with a hug around my legs.

"Hi Ray Ray! Why are you here?" she asked.

"I'm going to eat dinner with you." I bent down to her level.

"Can you sit by me?" she asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

She grabbed a piece of my hair and played with it. "Your hair is really pretty Rachel." she said.

"Thank you, Hanna."

"One day I am going to have long hair like you. My mom says that I have to be patient and wait for it to grow." She said. "It will be the same as you except it will be long and brown."

Before I could say anything, she let go of it and ran back into the kitchen. "Mom!" She called out.

I sat down on the couch. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that happened just minutes before. It was so... satisfying. Colton had been acting nicer and treating me differently than he did when we first met. Even after the second interaction we had was more pleasant than the first at my front door. The first time we met, he seemed arrogant and cocky. But something had dramatically changed about him, and I couldn't seem to figure out why. Maybe the first time I met him was all an act. All the hugs, holding me when I cried, listening to what I had to say, our conversations, the kiss we just shared. Everything he did just felt different. It felt right. It didn't feel like it was coming out of a place of arrogance.

Colton came back into the room. "Hey, let me just tell my mom you are eating with us so she isn't surprised too much." He spoke.

I nodded and stood up from the couch that I was on. I followed him into the kitchen.

Jennifer was taking a hot pan out of the oven. Hanna was sitting at the breakfast bar, coloring a picture.

"I made a picture of you and Rachel." Hanna said, handing Colton the picture she drew.

He laughed.

"Here Rachel, I think you should look at this." he said.

He handed me the picture.

The picture was of two people, me and Colton, holding hands.

I gave the picture back to Colton.

"Coltey?" Hanna asked.

"Yes Hanna?" he responded.

"Are you and Ray Ray getting married?" she asked him.

He looked at me and smiled. "I don't think so, squirt. Rachel is a really nice friend. Don't you think?"

"If you ever do, can I be the flower girl?" she asked.

Jennifer snickered.

"Yes, you can, squirt. I wouldn't choose anyone else."

I smiled.

"Nice to have you joining us for dinner Rachel." Jennifer said.

"It is nice of you for having me."

She brought the pan of lasagna over to the table. The four of us sat at the rectangular table. Hanna sitting next to me, and Colton sitting across from me, next to his mom. "So how was practice today, Colton?" Jennifer asked.

"It was fine, same as always." he said. "I'm feeling the pressure for sure."

Jennifer looked at me. I was still in my uniform. "I didn't know you were a cheerleader, Rachel."

"Yeah, I am. I have been since I was twelve or thirteen. Whenever they let us start cheering in middle school." I said.

"Her practice looked really complicated and intense." he replied.

"What did you think was complicated? The jumps, handsprings or being thrown in the air and doing back flips?" I commented.

"All of it." he said, looking directly into my eyes. "I saw you getting thrown in the air, and you had to trust those other chicks to be strong enough to catch you."

"Well, one time my group failed to catch me, and I broke my leg in numerous places." Jennifer handed me a plate full of lasagna. Her eyes widened. "Despite that incident, I really like it. I have fun with what I do."

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything. You are always welcome here. But I am curious. How did you end up coming over?" She asked.

"I gave her a ride home, mom. Then I invited her to eat with us." Colton said with a mouth full of food.

He left the part about kissing me out.

She changed the subject. "Are you guys excited for school to start tomorrow?"

"I guess so." I said, after wiping my face with my napkin.

"Why do you guess so? Why not a yes or a no?" Colton asked me.

"I am excited, but I'm not at the same time. There are just some people that I'm not looking forward to seeing. And I'm going to miss the freedom to sleep in and not having to worry about getting stuff done."

"Oh okay, I see what you mean." he said.

I nodded. His mom looked kind of confused, but we didn't explain what we were talking about. We continued to make awkward small talk. I felt like Colton's mom could sense the thin cloud of tension between us.

I stabbed the last bite of my lasagna before my plate was swiped away from me. Colton carried it to the sink.

"Hey mom, Rachel and I are going to go watch some TV."

"Okay." she said before continuing to talk to Hanna.

"Thank you for dinner!" I managed to say before I was pulled into the living room.

We sat on the couch, and Colton turned a show on. We silently watched the show.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked him.

"Anything." He sat up and turned toward me.

"What happened in the car, did-" I was cut off by the ringing of his phone.

He pulled it out of his pocket. "It's Wyatt."

"How do you have his number?" I asked.

"He gave it to me when we were at the water park."

"Answer it I suppose." I aid.

He put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Colton said.

"Hey Colton, it's Wyatt. Is Rachel over there?"


"She wasn't home at her normal time after practice. I was concerned. Can you send her home, please?"

"Why?" he asked.

"Just send her home." Wyatt said.

"Okay. Will do."

"Thanks." The line clicked dead.

"You should probably get home. He sounded kind of mad. I promise we can continue that conversation later on. He just doesn't sound pleasant." Colton said.

I got off of the couch and walked to the front door. He sprung off after me. He opened the door for me. "Thanks for the ride and dinner." I said before the door closed behind me.

I walked across the lawn to my house. Wyatt was waiting on the front porch.

"Why were you over there and why haven't you been answering my calls?"

"I left my phone in your car and Colton gave me a ride home from practice because Katie couldn't."

"But practice ended an hour and a half ago."

"I stayed for dinner. Why did you want me home?" I asked.

"Has he been trying to..." I cut him off.

"Enough Wyatt! I'm tired of you trying to control me. I'm glad that you are leaving tomorrow. I will actually get to have a life again." I actually didn't want him to leave. It was kind of lonely and boring without him here, but in the spur of the moment I was upset.

"I'm sorry that I actually care about you." He said standing up.

I felt bad for snapping at him.

"I'm sorry, Wyatt." I said before opening the front door and slamming it shut.

I ran up the stairs and locked the door to my room then to my bathroom. I decided to take a shower because I was sweaty and showering calmed me down. I started the shower and got in. I started to think about the kiss again. I thought about how I started to ask Colton about it but was interrupted by Wyatt calling. I closed my eyes and imagined his lips on mine once again. When I finished washing the soap off my body, I turned the handle that controlled the water to the off position.

I dried myself with the light purple towel hanging from the bar on the wall. Then slipped my robe on to go on a hunt for some clothes in my messy dresser.

I picked out a pair of silky pants and a white tee shirt. I plopped down on my bed with my laptop.

There was no point in leaving my room for anything because I had already had dinner and I had a bathroom in my room. So, when I finished, I decided to watch TV before going to bed.

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