I will never fall in love aga...

By fan_army1234

39.1K 1.4K 303

" I hate you Jeon ! " " well I hate you more Park ! " " Can't you just stay away from me ! " " you started... More

Authors note
I Will never fall in love again...
Chapter 1 - school
Chapter 2 - The project
Chapter 3 - Taemin or Jungkook
Chapter 5 - real eyes can realise real lies
chapter 6 - Talk to me !
Chapter 7 - Heart broken
Chapter 8 - Don't leave me now...
Chapter 9 - Philophobia
Chapter 10 - Trust no one...
Chapter 11 - I...l-Love you !
Chapter 12 - I loved him...
Another Tagg
Chapter 13 - Yeong won hi sa-rang hai-ge
Chapter 14 - ga -ji -ma
Chapter 15 -Jeoneun geujeo chinguro jinaego shipeoyo...
Chapter 16 - Is this...good bye then ?
Chapter 17 - I miss him...
Chapter 18 - The storm
Chapter 19 - Family problems
Chapter 20 - Break up
Chapter 21 - Broken again...
Chapter 22 - Is this worth it ?
Chapter 23- I broke up with him.
Chapter 24 - Childhood
Chapter 25- All good things come to an end.
Chapter 26 - Traumatised
Chapter 27 - a villian in one story but a hero in another
I will never fall in love again - The end
Epilogue - I will never fall in love again

Chapter 4 - The new guy

1.7K 75 40
By fan_army1234

" Hey Taemin is leaving the school ! I heard he went to Japan ! So hot ! " whispered a girl

" today is going to be a great day " sighed Jungkook

" uh...Jungkook you know there is a crowd of girls and boys...
heading towards your way ? " said Taehyung pointing at them

" excuse me while I hide..."




" ...oooh there is a new guy in school...him and Jungkook Oppa would be great together "
Whispered some girls as Jimin walked past them

" who the hell is this new guy ? And why would him and Jungkook be perfect
Together? Why is that ?! " said Jimin accidentally out loud

" ooh Jimin is jealous " smirked Hoseok

" I am not " he said walking away accidentally bumping into some guy on his way

" Oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going...your Jimin right ? People
Say your the nicest person In school it's a pleasure to meet you " smiled the boy

" it's okay...I wasn't really looking...I'm Jimin...which you already know " smiled Jimin

" thanks Im Minho I'm looking for my boyfriend Taemin...have you seen him ? " he asked

" Wait...do you mean KIM TAEMIN ?!?? " he asked

" uh...nope  Lee Taemin we both just moved here...and I lost him in a hallway ? "
Said Minho , making Jimin sigh of relief

" ...I'm here...why were there girls crowded around that guy ? There following him and it's
Kind of hard to walk everywhere " panted Taemin

" ...that's Jungkook , he's popular you could say...by the way I'm Jimin " said Jimin

" Hi I'm Taemin...by the way " he smiled

" hey Minho , hey Taemin oh Jimin you have an appointed in 5 minutes " said Hoseok

" appointment with who ? " asked Minho

" some 50 boys want to give him love letters " sighed hoseok

" but like Doesn't Jungkook gave fangirls too ? " asked Taemin

" yeah but he just usually rejects them...he's like a bad boy , oh and
Jimin has a huge crush on him so yeah he pretends to hate him - "

" you have to cancel the appointment " interrupted jimin

" why you have 250 people that want to see you " said Hoseok

" you said 5o ! " exclaimed Jimin

" I said 50 boys the other 200 are girls " shrugged hoseok

" I have to complete the project with Jungkook "

" ...didn't you and Jungkook  kiss ? You should include that " said Jihyun

" Why did you tell him that ??!? I'm going to kill you ! " exclaimed Jimin

" oh look at the time I need to go..also they were holding hands ! " he yelled
While running down the corridor  sticking his tongue out.

" you kissed and you didn't tell your best friend ! " gasped Hoseok

" he was talking too much so I only kissed him to shut him up ! " blushed Jimin

" yeah you don't kiss your friends ! " said Minho

" ...yeah and holding hands...I'm pretty sure that this Jungkook is more then a friend "
Smirked Taemin as Jungkook was walking there way

" guys  hide me ! " said Jimin

" why ? " asked hoseok

" because it's awkward between us ! I gave him flowers ! " screamed Jimin

" oh yeah that was hilarious , thankgod The evil Taemin is gone " laughed hoseok

" hey can I borrow Jimin for a second ? " asked Jungkook

" sure Take him forever if you want " smirked Hoseok

" hey shut up " said Jimin




" your staying at my house for a few months " said Jungkook

" what why ? " asked Jimin

" our parents had to go on a sudden business trip and my parents wanted us
To stay together so we wouldn't be alone " explained Jungkook

" ...so I'll pick you up after school okay ? So you won't have to take the bus " said Jungkook

" okay then bye - "

" wait " Jungkook grabbed his wrist and spun him around

Jimin looked at him , he definitely felt he was in an anime...but no he didn't like
Jungkook at all...or did he ?

" thanks for those flowers , thanks for trusting me " said Jungkook

" you should thank Taehyung and his mix tape...I have class bye ! "
Jimin waved and walked away leaving Jungkook confused

" Taehyung and his mixtape ?!!!! " said Jungkook confused he was
Pretty sure Taehyung couldn't rap...or could he ?




" Hey Jimin your boyfriends friend is pretty cute can you...uh - "

He grabbed hoseoks hand...

( I don't even know why my auto correct changed it to he stole hoseoks jams ?!
Anyway let's continue with the story )

He dragged him to where Taehyung and Jungkook were , leaning against the red lockers

" hey are you guys free tonight ? We should grab some lunch ? " offered Jimin

" sure why not " said Taehyung

Jimin winked at Jungkook who understood what he was doing...

" oh but me and Jimin-Ssi have a project to do , so have fun without us "
Jungkook and Jimin waved , leaving the two behind , Jimin checked his phone
And his messages starting blowing up making Jimin smile at his panicking best friend

" now I guess I need to take you on a date now , since I wanted to go out "
Said Jungkook to Jimin

" W-Wha ?! " blushed Jimin...did his rival just ask him out ?

" ...wear this " said Jungkook handing him a blind fold

" ...firstly you don't have a car - "

" I have a motorcycle and your going to be the first the ride it - "

" ...wearing A Blind fold ?!? " said Jimin

" do you trust me ? " he said Jungkook pulling out his hand

" ...are you quoting aladin ? " asked Jimin laughing

" can you blame a guy for trying to be romantic ? " asked Jungkook

" I guess not..fine I trust you "




Jimin held on to Jungkook tightly he felt like he was going to fall any second now...

" I can show you the world ~ " started singing Jungkook

" ...I can't even see anything   ? " said Jimin

" I'm just lighting up the mood...your so tense chillax " smiled Jungkook

" your driving to Fasssst !!!! " said Jimin holding on to Jungkook tighter

" I'm sorry...I'll drive slower don't worry " said Jungkook

" can...I ask you something? " said Jungkook

" sure what's up ? " asked Jimin

" so...Hoseok hyung told me...you just gave up on love ?! Why is that ? "

" I...after Taemin...I couldn't trust anyone...he acted so nice to me and I fell for it
He was my first love...so instead of getting heartbroken again...I decided love is useless "
confessed , but what he didn't realise is he has never told anyone that...
So why did he tell Jungkook ?

" Tell me prince...when did you last let your heat decide ? " asked Jungkook

" I did Jungkook - "

" but...did you ? You thought he was nice , you let your brain do the talking
Maybe it's time to follow your heart - "

" but...if my heart is broken into a million pieces...which piece  do I follow ? "
Sighed Jimin.

" the piece that leads you to someone who can help you fix your heart again...of course "
Said Jungkook who suddenly pulled the brakes.

" we are here " announced Jungkook , lifting him gently of the bike.

" and where is exactly here ? " asked Jimin

" hold my hand and follow me...watch your step " said Jungkook

" now open your blind fold " said Jungkook

Jimin opened his eyes to see a familiar  place...it was a park...there was candles
Leading towards a tree, underneath the tree was a picnic basket and roses scattered

" y-You planned this ?! " said Jimin in shock  , not knowing what else to say

" yes of course , shall we ? " he said holding out his arm

" we shall " smiled Jimin , he hadn't felt this happy in ages




" ...you remember this place ? " asked Jungkook

" ...kind of...we met here didn't we ? " replied Jimin

" yeah and you asked me to be your boyfriend " smirked Jungkook

" we were only 6  ! " blushed Jimin




" I'm Jungkook and you are ? " waved Jungkook

" I'm park Jimin " smiled the boy

" ...your cute wanna play ? " asked Jungkook

" I...uh...sure " he smiled




" hey Jungkook ? " asked Jimin

" yeah ? " he asked

They were both laying underneath a tree watching the clouds go past.

" will we stay together like this ? " asked Jimin

" of course ! We can even get married! " said Jungkook

" really ? But...it's not common for boys to like each other "

" love is love at the end of the day...they can't stop us "

" so...then...uh...will you be my boyfriend? " asked Jimin

" of course I will "




" Jimin-ah...I really like you...and will you give me a change and be my husband ? "
Asked Jungkook who had a ring in his hand , With the initials Jk and JM

" No..." replied Jimin

" what why ?! " asked Jungkook

" ...Jungkook we haven't even dated and you want us to get married ?!? "

" Aish...did I say husband?! I meant boyfriend I swear " exclaimed Jungkook
Jimin laughed at Jungkook who was bright red




" yes then I will be your boyfriend "

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