Prophet of the Gods

By -Athenax-

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Genevieve Delora is chosen as the newest prophet for the royal family, which is a saving grace to her struggl... More

Chapter 1: Cursed
Chapter 2: The Staff
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: Royal Prophet
Chapter 5: Princess Cora
Chapter 6: First Day
Chapter 7: Prince Liam
Chapter 9: Past and Present
Chapter 10: Warlock
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Fiona
Chapter 13: The Ball
Chapter 14: Pathos
Chapter 15: Telling Liam
Chapter 16: Making Amends
Chapter 17: Valeria
Chapter 18: The Map
Chapter 19: Elise

Chapter 8: Privateers

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By -Athenax-

The Serapis was a magnificent vessel. Mahogany wood created its sleek sides with a gold figurehead of a Olumian Serpent- the magnificent beasts from Olumian mythology that were considered the blessed creatures of the goddess Sahara (goddess of water) and according to the tales, once ruled the sea. Even if they once did exist, they were long gone now. 

Gen was in awe with the sheer size and wonder of the ship. She'd never seen one up close before. "Yeah, he's a beauty," said Riley from beside her. Gen nodded. 

She was excited to accompany Cora and the privateers to Donna Island. She did some research and learned that the island was famous for its beautiful views, calm atmosphere, and delicious food. The idea of leaving the kingdom all together (Donna Island was an independent island though it was still technically a territory of Olumia) or at least leaving the mainland was a tiny bit frightening, but more exciting. Mira had been envious when she found out. 

It was also a much needed break from the palace and King Alastair. Gen had been prophet for a month now and every day was the same old frustration and intimidation she felt from the king. She gave up one trying to convince of him of anything he didn't want to hear. She spoke when spoken to, answered when asked, and obeyed at all costs. It was tiresome but when she felt life get rough, she reminded herself that the money she was making helped Mother, Father, and Mira. Mother had even written her a week ago, telling her they were able to repair the roof that had been sagging for years because of the funds she's generated. 

Gen was happy for them. 

She also hadn't made any progress on finding out where the map was. She had casually mentioned it when hanging out with Dell but he didn't even know the map was in the palace let alone where. She didn't know how to go about looking for it. The whole thing was hopeless but Gen had promised Mother she'd try, so she would. Until she got bored or frustrated. 

Fiona whistled and two of the other crew mates lowered a ramp from the ship to the dock. Cora grabbed her arm and squealed, "It's been forever since I've gone sailing. You're going to love it Gen!" Her green eyes were sparkling. Her other arm was linked with Astra's. Any passerby (including her family) would assume it was a friendly linking.

Gen tugged on her bracelet. She had never been on a boat before, and though she was thrilled at the prospect, she was also scared. What if she was sea sick? The thought of vomiting amidst her new friends (or at least Cora- she didn't know if she could call her relationships with the others "friendship" quite yet), was embarrassing and terrifying. 

She let Cora pull her on deck. The ground creaked under their weight and a small stroke of fear ignited inside her. As if reading her mind, Astra reassured, "It feels rocky, but trust me. It's safe."

Gen nodded and attempted a smile, "Maybe I'll just go below deck during the journey?" Hopefully, not seeing the vast expanse of water will keep her fears of drowning at bay. 

"You'll miss the views!" exclaimed Riley, who had snuck up behind her. 

"It's fine, there are windows downstairs if you really want to see outside," said Astra to which Gen was grateful. 

"I'll come with you," decided Cora. 

"You don't have to," said Gen, feeling guilty now. 

"Nonsense, I want to," insisted Cora. And so they went, and for the next couple of hours, they sat in the dining hall and played cards with some of the crew mates: Skye and Holli. Gen didn't want to brag, but she was a queen at Serpents Six. Cora and her were partners, which basically meant Cora was cheering her on and trying to throw off the other team by feigning disinterest, nervousness, and pretending to gesture vaguely to Gen when Skye and Holli dealt a hand.

Holli dealt a sun card and Cora feigned indifference, "Really Holli, if you're going to claim mastery you ought to at least pretend to be good."

Holli scoffed, "I don't pretend." 

Gen resisted a smirk, and threw down three cards: Two moons and... an Immortal Tree card. Holli and Skye gaped. 

Cora squealed and they high-fived. 

"How long were you holding that?" demanded Skye while Holli pouted. 

Gen shrugged, "Only the whole game." There were many opportunities when Cora wanted to play it but Gen avoided it until the perfect moment, and it was the perfect moment indeed. They had won. 

"I want a rematch," said Holli, blue eyes narrowed in an attempt at a pout.

Cora shrugged, "We'll just beat you again."

They arrived at the island soon after and Gen was surprised that she had forgotten about her sea discomfort. 

Cora grabbed her hand and together they raced upstairs, "I can't wait for your reaction Gen!" Gen tried not to trip over her new periwinkle skirts. Cora had taken her for her fitting three weeks ago and when the clothes arrived a few nights before, Cora had her try them out for her and Anna, her maid. They oohed and ahed and praised her until Gen couldn't help but smile every time she looked in the mirror. She even posed a little.

Cora pulled her to the railing, and Gen gasped. They were docked at a small harbor but that wasn't what caught her attention. The ocean was a vast, cerulean living being with waves that swelled and breathed like a creature. The sky was an endless, cloudless blue that took her breath away. She had never seen so much sky. 

That wasn't even the most gorgeous part. That was the island. White sand beaches and bright, glorious green trees. The sun cast a warm glow over everything. So many flowers... 

Cora was looking at her awed expression with a pleased smile. She bumped her shoulder with hers, "Told you."

Gen couldn't will her mouth to answer. 


The next few hours might have been the best of Gen's entire life. They took a hike up Mt Terra and Fiona pointed out all the flowers to Gen's pleasure. Then they visited the ancient library where Lady Donna (from the early days of the kingdom) spent her life documenting the stories of the royal family and gods and demons while she was on exile by order of the tyrant, King Darrian. 

As the story goes, King Darrian's younger brother and Donna's lover, Prince Hugo challenged his brother to a duel for the crown and as self-absorbed as he was, he didn't refuse. Prince Hugo beat his brother using his wit and skill and was coronated king. Donna was pardoned from her exile and they were married a month later. 

The tales of Lady Donna were some of Gen and Mira's favorites growing up so seeing the actual library with its mosaic windows and endless rows of shelves, some of them still filled with the gilded manuscripts she must have read in her free time? It was wonderful. 

After the library, they visited the meadow- Fiona must have caught the hints. Riley proposed a game of Catch the Demon which ended disastrously as Skye "accidentally" drenched Riley in water after Riley (the demon) cheated with her wind gift and was hovering out of their reach. 

Thankfully, she used her manipulation of wind to dry herself off but not before threatening Skye with cleaning the galley for months as punishment. Fiona brushed off that claim. 

They had a picnic in the meadow (sandwiches and pastries from the palace- delicious). Then they went to the beach. With some hesitation, Gen waded out knee-deep in the water. It was cool against her legs and skirts. Cora splashed her and shocked, Gen splashed back resulting in a girl wide water war (Skye cheated with her gift). They were all soaking wet when they were done, but their smiles were wide and Gen's stomach ached from laughing so much. 

After Fiona dried them off with wind, they went shopping at a bazaar. Cora had Gen model some fancy hats and urged her to buy one but Gen refused. Cora may be able to pull of floppy hats, but she definitely could not. She did buy a necklace made of Iris beads in the color peach. Cora bought a matching green one, "Friendship necklaces," she said, helping Gen lace it around her neck. "They're waterproof so I expect you to never take it off."

"I won't."

They were now heading towards Hugo's, the elite restaurant on the island that caters toward the higher end of society (so said the brochure). The privateers and Cora ate for free and much to her surprise, so did she. 

Riley was just in the middle of telling Gen about their newest target for invading when they arrived at the location- nestled deep in the trees at the foot of the mountain, but also close enough to the beach to get a lovely view. "Colonel Hamptons has been dealing in illegal magic for decades now," explained Riley. "Lobster- I call him lobster- is going to get what's coming to him." Gen nodded, slightly curious as to where lobster came from. 

The hostess gestured them inside. It was dimly lit and spacious, with hard, enamel floors and velvet curtains opening off into mini balconies where groups of finely dressed, sophisticated people ate. Waiters dressed impeccably in crisp cobalt uniforms milled about with blank faces, and classical music played in the background. It smelled like heaven. 

Gen was so caught up by the atmosphere, she didn't notice the detectors until it was too late. A blaring alarm cut through the quiet of the room and Gen froze. Shit. 

Everyone in the room stopped eating and faced them. Cora looked confused, "What-"

They all looked at each other, and Gen panicked. She was done for. Fiona caught her eye and Gen could feel her read the fear on her face. 

Some other staff had arrived at the scene, "We have to do a check," said the hostess, guiltily. "It's protocol, your majesty." Cora nodded, looking appalled at this unexpected change in events. 

They had handheld detectors. Gen felt dizzy. She might as well surrender herself right then, there was no hope for her. 

She should have brought Greta's puring salt. She had almost packed it, but then assumed she would be fine. Stupid. Idiot.  

"Actually sir, that won't be necessary," interrupted Fiona smoothly. Gen tensed. She was going to rat her out. Fiona was a good person, and she always did the right thing. This was the right thing to do. 

She could imagine the shocked and then hurt look on Cora's face as she realized the true nature of Genevieve and her destiny. Captain Fiona, Riley, and the others would be furious. 

Gen held her breath as the hostess raised an eyebrow, "And that would be because?"

Fiona swiftly pulled out a locket from the pocket of her trench coat, "This locket is enchanted with magic- it was part of the loot we brought in our last haul, and I forgot that I left it in this pocket." Gen blinked. She shrugged, "Sorry."

The hostess frowned, but nodded. "You may continue."

They were escorted to a private balcony. Gen felt like she was pushing through water. Fiona brushed shoulders with her. Their eyes met, Fiona's were dark with disdain.  "You have a lot of explaining to do later, Genevieve," she hissed. "To me and the rest of the crew."

Gen's fingers dug into her palms. She nodded. 


Though dinner was delicious (she tried seafood), she didn't enjoy it. Fiona had returned to acting like everything was normal. She, Cora, Astra, and the others laughed and joked around with the others. Gen felt like she was slowly sinking into the earth. Cora had given her some concerned looks so she attempted some smiles to appease her friend's worry. Friend. 

Not for long. 

She didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to find an escape. She didn't want to die. She wanted to run. Far, far away. But where? How would she make it back to the mainland?

And then where would she go? The Royal Prophet couldn't just "disappear". The guards would come after her once Fiona spilled her secret. 

Despite the impracticalities, she still wanted to flee. As if reading her mind, Fiona stayed close on the journey back to the docks, never once leaving her out of sight. 

Cora was chattering about school (Olumia Preparatory School of Intelligence, fondly known as OPSI- "oppsi"- by students) and specifically, the unfair teacher she had for Olumian Theory. Gen had pretty much given up on full-time schooling at age fourteen. Not that she didn't want to go to school- she wished she could- but she needed to help Mother with her shop to earn their living. It was common for children in her village to quit school to work full time by fifteen or sixteen, so it wasn't so shocking that she stopped going consistently. It was also a relief to leave behind the mocking stares and whispered rumors. 

Councilor Ulysses had informed her she would receive mandatory tutoring sessions four times a week for two hours each time for the rest of her teen years. She would be instructed by Master Grem. Lessons would have been welcome, had her teacher not been one of the most boring people she had ever met in her life. She did however, have different mentors for history and language (Sarrik- the ancient language of Olumia- was apparently valued in a good prophet). Those were Professor Radde who was interesting enough and Madame de Loa- a woman of about forty who spoke with a rich accent and told dramatic stories in Sarrik during lessons to "immerse the pupil in the language" as she put it. It worked. 

They reached the Serapis all too soon and Gen could feel her time ticking down. She was tugging on her bracelet so hard it left her wrist a raw red. Strength. Yeah right. 

Fiona didn't waste a second. The moment they were all on board, she grabbed Gen by the wrist. She didn't even have time to worry about the sea sickness. "Riley, Astra, Cora downstairs- we need to talk."

The girls looked confused but followed with interest. Gen panicked and Fiona's grip tightened. Death. Death. Death. She was going to die. 

She didn't want to die. 

They all sat around a table in the meal room. Fiona propped up her feet on the wooden table, and pulled out the locket from before. "This locket isn't magic. I lied."

"I knew it!" exclaimed Riley, sprawled out on two chairs. "That's the locket you bought at the thrift ship in Volli!"

Fiona nodded, "Exactly, so care to explain why you had magic that triggered the detectors Genevieve?" She spit her name out as if it were a curse and Gen winced. 

Cora, Astra, and Riley looked shocked. "What're you talking about?" asked Cora, confusion written over her face. 

"I can read guilt from a mile away and she was guilty as can be," said Fiona. She turned to Gen, a glare cutting deep into her core. "Deny it, Genevieve."

She couldn't. 

Fiona nodded, "See."

Cora looked appalled, "But... why would you have magic with you?"

Riley was dead silent and Astra was staring at her like she was a stranger. This is what she knew would happen. She shouldn't have even tried to become friends with others. Not with her destiny.

Cursed girls don't get friends. 

Gen opened her mouth to say- anything, something. She didn't know. They stared at her, waiting. Fiona had open hate in her expression. 

"Well?" she snapped. "Is it a weapon? Are you trying to assassinate the princess or something?"

"Okay Fiona, hold on. We're getting ahead of ourselves," said Cora, raising a hand. "Gen wouldn't-"

"We don't know that," said Fiona. "We don't know anything about her. She came out of nowhere and was given a lot of power and responsibility in a small amount of time. I heard there wasn't even proper trials for the position." Fiona turned to her, her voice scathing, "Well?"

Gen wanted to cry. "I... I wasn't. I didn't.. There is no weapon I promise."

"Then what?" asked Fiona. She was getting angrier and angrier. "Stop stalling and get to the truth or I swear I'll throw you overboard myself." Gen flinched. Death. Death. Death.

"Fiona," said Astra, voice calm. "We need to be rational about this." She turned to Gen, "No one's being thrown overboard, I promise. But please, tell us what happened Genevieve. We'll understand."

They'll understand? Doubtful. But all of them were staring at her expectedly. Fiona looked downright murderous. But most importantly, Cora's face was unreadable. She was wearing her green friendship necklace and Gen could feel the weight of her own on her neck. Cora would be angry- she'd feel betrayed. And rightfully so. She couldn't escape her horror. She couldn't escape this without speaking either. So with a shuddering exhale, Gen began. 

The privateers were masters at stories but now it was Gen's turn to tell a tale. A tale about a little girl with a big destiny. A little girl blessed to see the future for better or for worse. 

A little girl with a curse. 

a/n: First of all- I'm so sorry about skipping last week's deadline. I was really, really busy and I wasn't able to actually begin writing this chapter until Monday. Winter/Spring is always a busy time for me so bear with me and my chapters. If I skip a week without notice, I'm sorry. But it happens. Life happens. Chapter 8 is here now and I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please consider giving it a vote and commenting because I'd really appreciate it :) Hopefully Chapter 9 won't be late. 

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