Gale - A Naruto Fanfiction

By Graykip

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"Like the calm before the storm." Hayato Harukaze, a fifteen-year-old ANBU member known for his special Storm... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

65 8 0
By Graykip

"Appreciate everything around you, before moments turn into memories." 


The second Shisui said go, Hayato sprang forwards using force buildup in his back leg. Itachi expertly dodged a punch from the front by tilting his head just enough out of the way. He knew that Hayato would attack first judging by the way he was standing, but he didn't expect him to spin and give him a hard heel kick. Itachi gasped, skidded back and clutched his stomach. He quickly adjusted himself and sprinted towards his target, jumping into the air and spin into a side kick. His attack clashed with a side kick from Hayato. Dust scattered around them from the force.

Shisui watched the battle intently from the sidelines, observing each and every single punch and kick. He made mental notes on their form and movements. Both to help them improve, and so that he can beat their asses later. During the spar he had with the fifteen-year-old, he wasn't fighting very seriously, and from what Itachi had told him, neither was Hayato. Apparently, the teen had leveled an entire street block in a battle with one of Kumo's best Jounin, to which he won. Using a kekkei genkai he hadn't he mentioned during their first meeting.

The body-flicker was determined to fight him at his best, but he couldn't now and he probably wouldn't get another chance for a while. The Clan was biding their time, they were angry and wanted revenge. Somehow, a thirteen-year-old boy and Shisui's best friend had gotten roped into spying on the village through his position as an ANBU Captain. Shisui had been ordered to look over the boy because of his strange behavior, none of which was present right now. It seems that he only acts distant and strange within the clan. Though he knew better, Itachi was fiercely loyal to the village, even more so than he is, he sympathised with the boy. 

Despite that, he still felt uneasy, he loved his Clan. He didn't want to do any of this, but if it was to stop a massacre, he'd do it. 

(Though he'd never know that the massacre was the exact outcome)

Shisui ended up zoning out about half-way through the spar, thinking back to a conversation he had the previous day with the Hokage and the Council. The three old people who were all apart of the First Shinobi War and still had a distaste for the Uchiha. One of them, in particular, stood out to him, he had bandages around his right eye and forehead. His name was Danzo Shimura, he stared at him as if he had personally wronged him previously. Especially when he brought the idea of using the Kotoamatsukami on Lord Fugaku to end the coup with subtlety. 

None of that mattered, however, tonight was the night. His plan was about to be put in motion. He needed to stop the overthrow and bloodshed, even at the cost of the usage of his eyes.


Hayato and Itachi laid there on the ground, panting and exhausted. Their spar went on for a good half an hour, filled with kicks and metal. Which was against the rules, but the two didn't care, they preferred weapons over hand-to-hand. Their sprawled forms were inverse to one another, their faces held a small smile. Shisui who had started to pay attention again after thinking of his grim future and laughed at their pathetic figures. He poked fun at how crazy they fought, especially for a spar. 

"Well, my turn!" Shisui grinned, Hayato paled and begged for a couple of minutes. The body-flicker laughed at him when the exhausted teen shot up in alarm. Shisui stood over him with his arms behind his head, his face had a genuine smile plastered on it.

Hayato fell backward onto the roughed up grass patch they were on. Itachi had closed his eyes to rest, managing to fall asleep, much to their confusion. The two were loud, even in the small altercation they had, plus it had only been a couple of minutes since the end of their match. The small boy was exhausted undoubtedly, Shisui quieted down and picked up his clansman, placing him where he was previously sitting.

Hayato sat up and groaned a little as struggled to get onto his feet. He stretched out and rubbed his sore legs. The teen wobbled over to the hill where his best friend was having a catnap and collapsed on the practically untouched soft green grass. Shisui did the same but with more grace, positioning himself on the other side of Itachi. Hayato looked down at the boy, peaceful but slightly disturbed, most likely having a nightmare.

Hayato looked over at his new friend with a concerned look, he sighed before asking quietly, "has Itachi been like this in the Compound too?" Shisui looked surprised, he didn't think Hayato would pick up on slight behavioral changes, if Shisui were in his place, he'd blame it on Itachi's aloofness. He didn't think that the two would be this close, at least close enough to notice tiny changes in his conduct.

Shisui exhaled deeply and nodded, he was stuck, he wanted to tell him of the Clan's problem but it was against his orders. "Yeah... There are 'issues' going on at home." Hayato didn't miss the slight frown when he mentioned the issues, he needed to know now. So he decided to ask, "what kind of issues?" 

Shisui shook his head, "it's nothing to worry about." Hayato looked at him with discontent and retorted. 

"Considering how troubled Itachi is over this, I'm pretty sure this is a big deal." His tone was sharp and almost angry, Shisui jumped a bit. 

"I'd tell you but I ca-" Shisui starts but gets cut off.

"The Uchiha are planning something, aren't they?" He realizes. Shisui's eyes widen to the size of plates and he stutters out a 'how?'

"I saw the looks they gave me when I came into the Compound a few days ago, plus I know about the history between them and the Village. Being pushed to the outskirts and everything. It's probably an overthrow or something," he looked at the sky then back at Shisui, seeing his face assured his belief. Hayato murmured a curse under his breath.

"Can I have some details at least? I figured out the problem on my own." Hayato asks him discreetly, he looked around and made sure there was nobody around to listen in.

'This kid is perceptive and curious. This curiosity will get him killed...' Shisui thought. He realized the problem with only a little bit of data and his knowledge on Itachi. The older Uchiha had to make sure that none of the Elders found out about this, or else they could be tried for treason.

Shisui sighed and gave him a watered down version of what was gonna happen that very day. He was to enter the office of Fugaku Uchiha and place him under a Genjutsu, including the spy they planted in the ANBU, Itachi. While under its effects, the Leader would cancel the plans of the coup d'etat. Thus ending the problem without any blood spilled. 

"You know that even if the coup is stopped now, there's a chance it might occur again in the future?" Hayato pointed out, the Uchiha were stubborn and they wanted what they wanted. Judging by how the other branch family Uchihas acted, they wanted power and control over the Village. He wasn't sure how long they've been planning this but it needed to be stopped. 

"Hopefully not," Shisui said slightly dejected, the two sat in silence before a stir broke the stillness. Itachi moved onto his shoulder in his sleep and began trembling a bit, Hayato placed a hand on his upper arm to reassure him. The shaking in the boy stopped and his body eased up, going back to nap in peace. Hayato chortled a bit and Shisui looked stupefied, his eyes were blinking rapidly as he tried to understand what just happened.

"Wha-what?!" Shisui stammered out finally after regaining his composure.

"He's like a cat..." Hayato muttered under his breath while watching the small boy curl up into a ball. The Body-Flicker watched his best friend with a strange look. He didn't think Itachi would do something like this, especially around others. From what he's seen at the main household, he doesn't even take naps around his family, let alone his friends. He doesn't know much of his friend's and Hayato's relationship, but seeing how Itachi is right now, it's clear to him. They're close, as in sibling close. He didn't think Itachi would make another friendship like that, the boy was always reserved and anti-social. He's glad that the young Uchiha is starting to open up.

"Do we wake him up?" Shisui asks finally, he genuinely didn't know what to do. This sort of thing never happened.

"I mean if we're going to spar for a bit then he'll get woken up," Hayato informed with a half excited, half nervous tone. Shisui noticed his excitement and threw his head back then chuckled. 

"Short one, I need some rest for later," Shisui told him as he stood up and stretched a bit, he walked over to the edge of the stream. He motioned the teen over and got into a fighting stance. 

Hayato picked up a small stone and tossed it into the air over the small stream. The two stood ready, waiting for the small object to meet the surface of the small lake. The second the rock hit the water, small waves rippled around the impact area and the two teens flashed in front of each other. Shisui had his Sharingan active, but Hayato, he - had his eyes closed.

Somehow he was attempting to fight using only his other senses apart from his eyes.

Blow for blow, Hayato would match it. He'd duck at the right time, counter appropriately and even strike first on the odd occasion. He still wasn't fighting at his fullest, however, neither was Shisui but he couldn't even he wanted to. His chakra reserves were still recharging from his last fight, where he somehow managed to run dry in about a three minutes. On the plus side, he came on top in that fight, against Hiashi Hyuga of all people. The prideful Hyuga had to tone down their strength fulfillment. Their leader, the strongest member, had been taken down by a teenager. That was a direct blow to them.

"How are you doing this?" Shisui asked, more like demanded judging by the small strain in his voice, all while leaning back to dodge a kick. Hayato laughed and told him 'senses'.  

Shisui realized it, 'so he's a sensor then.


Itachi heard small noises around him, it sounded like people talking. He vaguely made out what they were saying. 

"can I have some details at least?"

"there's a chance it might occur again in the future?"

"Hopefully not."

Itachi heard those voices before, 'Shisui and Hayato? What are they talking about?'

He didn't get an answer before he dozed off again.

He woke up again, this time fully at the sounds of combat, instinctively, he grabbed a kunai. Then he sat up and saw Shisui and Hayato sparring. Shisui had his Sharingan on, while Hayato had his eyes closed. 'What?' was the first thing that went through his head. He kept watching as the two drew closer to the end of their fight. Hayato kicked Shisui in the chest. Shisui hits Hayato with a right hook. Rinse and repeat, but with different techniques. In the end, neither of them won. Shisui groaned a little and said, "so much for short..."

Hayato laughed and then noticed Itachi sitting upright. He tiredly waved at him and called out to him excitedly, the only thing showing his exhaustion was his body, nothing else. His eyes were joyful and his voice was enthusiastic. 

"Sleeping beauty is awake!" He called out to Shisui, who's head perked up at the nickname and looked at Itachi. Shisui gave him a cheeky grin, obviously making fun of him for falling asleep right there and then.

"When did I fall asleep?" Itachi asked carefully, directing the question at Hayato rather than Shisui.

"Like right after sitting down, you seemed pretty drained recently..." He muttered, glancing at Shisui. The older Uchiha looked away, while Itachi looked confused.

The three stayed in an uncomfortable silence, Itachi slowly starting to question the knowledge of his ANBU co-captain. He didn't think he'd know about that. It wasn't possible. The only other person who wasn't the Elders that knew of the plan, was Shisui, the actual executor. Hayato was tense, he looked like he wanted to say something, but he was struggling with the words. 

Eventually, Hayato gave up, he looked at Itachi and started talking, "we need to talk."

"About?" The Uchiha responded. "This... Situation..." Hayato pointed at Itachi and Shisui, "I want some details on the Uchiha Spy business." Itachi's eyes filled with a look of confusion and shock. His face went back to normal in a split second. Hayato felt a tinge of guilt calling him out like this, but he needed to know if his best friend was on his side, and an actual friend. 

Itachi spoke up again, "I can't tell you anything, it's classified."

Hayato pointed to himself, "I found out about the coup on my own, I just want to know if I'm actually your friend or not."

Itachi looked hurt. His eyes were widened a bit, he exhaled softly and a small, almost unheard sob escaped him. He turned away and muttered something, Hayato asked him to speak louder.

"I am your friend." He said looking away and then shushined away, ignoring the calls of the other two. Hayato sat down again and put his head in his arms. 

"I'm an idiot, I hurt him," Hayato said, though it was muffled by his clothes. Shisui sighed too, put his hand on the teen's shoulder.

"He'll be fine, just apologize later. Alright?" Shisui told him softly, Hayato looked up and nodded.

"I'm going to go re-" Shisui started but he was interrupted by an ANBU, but with a hood on. 'Strange...' Hayato thought. 

"Lord Danzo requests your presence." The masked man said monotonously, then vanished.

"Well, I guess it's starting. Until next time." Shisui gave him a two-finger salute and vanished. Hayato sighed and got up, he needed to find Itachi.


Hayato was walking around the town, deciding to head to the first place the three of them had met. The edge of the forest where there was a small training ground. He felt a bunch of chakra signatures deeper in the forest, it was unidentifiable. Then he felt a surge of chakra within that group. Something wasn't right, he needed to check it out. But before he could get any further, a group of masked shinobi ambushed him. 'Those masks! That's the same as before...'

He jumped over a barrage of kunai and demanded to know why they were attacking. None of the men answered and continued to attack. Hayato had enough and focused chakra throughout his entire body at once. Lightning danced around his form, he gripped onto his tanto and memorized their locations. Instantaneously, he flashed to them and they engaged in battle. Hayato's tanto clashed with multiple kunai, metals clangs were heard and tiny bits of sparks lit up the area.

The fifteen-year-old tilted his head as a kunai flew past his head, he turned and flipped kicked one. They flew back but managed to stop themselves. Hayato cast some hand signs, pulled his head back and blew. 

"Wind Style: Twister Tunnel!"

The kicked enemy couldn't move fast enough and was engulfed in the wind, being torn to shreds by the sharp winds. The remaining three jumped at him with kunai, attempting to stab him. They fell downwards and pierced the ground where he previously was. The 'ANBU' glanced around to find him. When they locked onto his position, it was too late. Hayato beheaded all three with a single swipe of his Storm Blade. 

The victor looked down at the dead ANBU, questioning why they attacked and what were they protecting. Then he felt that powerful chakra from earlier cut almost completely out. He followed it to its source.


Itachi was distressed, to say the least. He couldn't get what his friend had said to him out of his head. It was eating him, he put the trust of one of the only people he actually did trust on the line. All for the sake of a mission. Then the way he reacted after being questioned, the guilt and confusion in his eyes was crushing. He panicked and said that he was Hayato's friend. Not that he would ever believe after the breach of trust he showed. The one person he ever felt safe around didn't feel safe around him anymore. He felt tears prick his eyes but his mask blocked anyone from seeing it, not that anyone would be in the secret spot that he and Shisui had found. He took off the clay mask and placed in on his hip. He rubbed out the tears threatening to spill and put on his mask again. He heard some ruffling in the trees and recognized the signature behind it.

"Is that you, Shisui?" Itachi called out to the trees, "come with me." Shisui said and vanished. Itachi followed him to the edge of the cliffs.

"It's too late to stop the coup d'état by the Uchiha." Shisui told him, "if civil war breaks out in the Leaf Village, other nations are sure to attack... Which means a full-scale war." He continued.

"I was going to try and stop the coup d'état with Kotoamatsukami, but... Lord Danzo took my right eye... He doesn't trust me. He intends to protect the village is own way, no matter what it takes or how it looks. I suspect he'll come after my left eye as well. So I want to give it to you before he has the chance." He said while placing his fingers to his remaining eye, ripping it out of his eye socket and holding in front of him towards Itachi.

"You're the only person I can count on, my best friend. Please protect this Village... and the honor of the Uchiha name." He extended his hand out, giving him the eye. A crow, Itachi's crow to be specific, swooped down over the eye, took it and split into black feathers. 

"I accept it." Itachi said, his Sharingan active, "what will you do now?"

Shisui backed up to the edge of the cliff, "if I die, several circumstances will change. I've left behind a note already."

"Wait, Shisui!" Itachi stepped forwards in a desperate call. Shisui told him off.

"Don't stop me, Itachi." Then he fell back, straight down into the ravine below. 'If you're my friend.'  

"Shisui!" Itachi cried out and tried reaching for his falling figure, to no avail. His friend fell to the bottom, his body never to be seen again.

"Shisui..." Itachi muttered and opened his eyes, blood dripping down his face, three spiraling curves around his pupil replaces his usual three tomoes. He had awoken the Mangekyou Sharingan, at the price of his friend's suicide.

Itachi fell to his knees and cried, blood mixed with the teardrops, he heard something land next to him. Hayato finally arrived and saw his form. Pitiful coming from someone like Itachi. His friend, friend, said nothing about it, and instead, he kneeled down next to him and hugged him. Itachi graciously accepted the embrace and sobbed into his shoulders.



Sorry!!! Shisui had to die, This may be somewhat AU but the Massacre is important.

Thinking about adding quotes to the beginning of each chapter...

Most words I've written so far. Also sorry about the long delay, I've been swamped with work. I've written some here and there but nothing consistent lately.

Words: 3300ish


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