Erotic Book Club (E.B.C) 2019

By EroticBookClub

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This is the Erotic Book Club's club book with the stories and feedback for the 2019 session. For information... More

When You Realize You've Become a Mean Girl
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Cinderella (Feedback)
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Tied to Mr. B
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Sinful Delight & The Master's Might
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Secret Pleasure (Feedback)
Rebound (Feedback)
All Fun & Games
All Fun and Games (Feedback)
Show Me The Way
Show Me The Way (Feedback)
Translating Love
Translating Love (Feedback)
The Party Princess
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The Words that Bind
The Words that Bind (Feedback)
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Mean Girl (Feedback)

37.7K 32 2
By EroticBookClub

Note: Any late reviews will be added as they are received.

When you realize you've become a mean girl.

This story... I have only read 8 chapters so far and must say that I love the way it feels as if the MC is speaking directly to me at times. However, I do not like the MC one little bit I have dealt with her type of person many times over the years and even though I understand WHY she means I do not approve of it!!!

I went the opposite way when I climbed out of my victim to become the person I am now. I chose to be the nicest person I could be and NOT be mean to others. I chose to help instead of destroying.

Yes, this story will make people FEEL all of the hurt the MC is sharing against others. Perhaps sharing this story will help others understand WHY even better.

Your writing style is easy to follow and seems to be quite expressive, to say the least. I hope to continue reading the story in the future. Best of luck in your writing.

Nikki Kyss

When You Realize You've Become a Mean Girl... And What Comes Next Review:

This was definitely not the typical story I was used to reading when it comes to erotica but I still really enjoyed it. You really don't read a lot of stories with the main female character as a mean vain girl. I really liked the change in plot and characters from the usual types of stories you read. And it isn't the normal girl meets guy story which I sometimes like getting away from. Another thing I really enjoyed about this story was the strong dialogue throughout. I would be interested to read other stories from this writer in the future.


What did you think the book was about?
As per the four chapters that I read, I just learn CATHY and not yet sure if there will be other mean girls to comes out. But as it goes, I can say, it's about how a simple, naive and weak girl discover their power and start to become mean :)

Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations:
100 percent, I actually enjoy every part. It is so refreshing. Also, the author put us in some situation that afterward, you will be surprised that what you are thinking is actually not going to happen :)

What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?
It actually hooked me, I love the character so much, and the flow of the story.

Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they do at all?):
I actually love Cathy, her story and how she become mean. I show it all and give all the valid reason on why she acts like that in the story.

How was the pacing of the chapters you read? (Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Too fast or too slow? Why?)
The chapter runs smoothly, it is not too short and not too long which make the reader more comfortable to read it.

How was the description of the chapters you read? (Consider if there where any information bumps. Were there a lack of emotions, too little describing, telling rather than showing, etc.)
I love it! The author knows how to empower her characters. It is not exaggerated and well written!

Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer's style? Why?
I actually don't have anything to dislike in the book. It is good and knows how to catch readers attention.

Would you read more of the author's work? YES!

~ Ariane

I have to be honest, the synopsis didn't prepare me at all for what I was going to read. I thought it would be a work of fiction about a mean girl. It took a couple of chapters to realize that it was actually about the author's life. These types of books don't normally appeal to me, it is a personal preference and nothing to do with the individuals that write them, but in this instance, it drew me in.

I think that it is hard to not wonder about the main character, and while I watch her character unfold through her experiences, I can honestly say that I can't personally relate and I think that is what drew me in, the vast differences between the author's experiences and my own. I am from a very small town where you essentially went to school with the same kids your entire life, and there were certain segregated groups that I am only now reflecting on which I belonged to. I don't feel like I was a mean girl, I am not sure what others that went to school with me would consider me, but I don't feel that I was.

I am not sure what the chapters were like as the author said that she was editing and the length had changed on some of them. I liked the length and the flow from chapter to chapter was good. There was a lot of reflective monologues which can get dry, but I am not sure that this is a story that could be told without the monologue especially as it is about one's own life.

This is the first story I have read on here that seems to be about the author's own real life. As I said, this is not the type of story I would choose to read but her style has drawn me in. I want to learn about what made her the way she was and what those experiences led her life to be the way she lives it today. I will continue to read the story (11 chapters in or so at this point) as I said it has drawn me in. There were a few grammar errors but I saw that people had made note of them and perhaps the chapter length will need adjusting (which she said she is working on) as I read further but overall a very unique read for me and I am very interested to see how the story evolves.


Let me start off by saying I like how you make the plot of this story is about a girl who has her own reason for becoming who she is now. A mean girl. I do believe that everyone has their own story, though this is just fiction, this fact is actually true. What's even sadder is that the things that she's going through right now is very common yet little ppl care about. I still think this is so unfair. Women, girls, *little girls* shouldn't be treated this way. I like how you narrate this story and you put a little 'the usual society's mentality about a girl getting harassed.' I'm a little bit sensitive about this topic and I think women are not at fault. I meant, not everything is women's fault. Men played an important role when it comes to this, too. This is so frustrating and unfair. Sorry for my bad English

I think this is really good. As you did yourself, this chapter is kinda short but very meaningful. I think she deserves to feel that way. She deserves to feel like killing the boy. I don't care if he's a 10-year-old or something, assault is assault, you should be ashamed of yourself. I also like how you try to focus on her rage in this chapter, by saying she's not ok with what he's doing, and she was trying to actually kill him...I felt that. Great job

Again, I personally think you did such amazing work when it comes to the story setting. I like how you make her go all crazy about wanting to kill her because if I were her I'd kill him too, no matter who he is. And I like how you make the older brother a compassionate man. He got some good moral values and he knows and realized that his little brother is an asshole kid who touches her against her will. I think this is very important bc no matter who he/she is to you, sometimes you need to realize that the ones you love did something wrong when they did it. He didn't even beat her up! And her friends shouldn't have just left her like that. No matter if they didn't like her or something, you should really help someone especially in this kind of situation. This is so horrible, really. But yeah, great job!!


Judging from the title and the blurb, I thought this book was a diary-style telling on becoming a "mean girl" with autobiographical elements. I'm not sure, though, if these are all your personal experiences? I read eight chapters, and it certainly conveyed the feeling of a very personal book, with real experiences. The writing as such was easy to read, it flowed nicely. There were only a few grammar issues that I noticed. You did a great job with the character developments and the descriptions of the scenes.

Unfortunately, I couldn't relate, and I didn't really find my way into the story. I still thought the characters were believable. I found that I had to force myself a little to read on. Maybe that was also because of the little dialogue in some parts, which is why I don't usually read diary-style books. The other thing is, you conveyed the emotions well, and reading it made me feel sad, and I'm more for lighthearted stuff (so that is a compliment ;) )

But overall I think it's a good story that will interest readers who can relate a little more.


Callie Sumner
Book: When You Realize You've Become A Mean Girl
Author: CatherineDeynes

1. What did you think the book was about? A woman's story of how she developed into the person she was growing up, and into adulthood.

2. Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations? This is a book I need to read like 3 or 4 times before I completely understood everything the MC goes through. I don't think I've read a story in that type of writing style either that was really interesting.

3. What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? I think some of the flashbacks in the middle of the story needs just a bit more explaining when it comes to why it placed in the storyline at that time. And it might just be me but I feel the MC is just bitching out the reader with hypothetical questions and situations that made me confused at times.

4. Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they do at all?) The MC and her husband and the minor boyfriends are very well written. I wish some people got more background information at certain times, but other than that everything the MC went through had me sympathizing with her. Maybe telling about her entire family also instead of having a sister, brother, and grandmother mentioned just a few times instead of knowing the MC had some much family from the start.

5. How was the pacing of the chapters you read? (Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Too fast or too slow? Why?) Like I said before some of the flashback scenes could use more details on why they were placed then. Also, there were a few chapters while reading that seemed like it was all the same information with nothing new.

6. How was the description of the chapters you read? (Consider if there where any information bumps. Were there a lack of emotions, too little describing, telling rather than showing, etc.) I finished the entire book and certain scenes were great with details and everything going on at that time. While some barely glossed over the main information needed choosing to have the MC rant instead.

7. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer's style? Why? I believe this type of writing style is a first for me, and overall I think it's ok.

8. Would you read more of the author's work? I believe I'm going to reread this one a few more times first.


Actually, I don't know what to say. The chapters I've read just left me speechless. Smashed on the floor. Heart in pieces.

So this isn't going to be a real review, sorry, but the expression of all I felt while reading this incredible story. Let me say first that I'm not a fan of 1st POV. Too much of it recently, and not enough people master the art of it. I know I don't. But here... not only the story could only be told this way, but it's also done so masterfully, I wept.

Second, the story itself. Lady, I've been bullied by mean girls. I dislike them. But this story... it's a story of self-empowerment, of survival in a world who hates women and young girls even more. The first chapters made me cry. The boys were awful (but thank goodness for Mike) but it's the girls' attitude who made me even angrier. I've seen it. I've known it.

The way your narrator decides to fight back... become this relentless survivor who will take no prisoner... somehow a part of me wish I had had this kind of guts 'back then'. The way she handles men, the way she works her way through the top... downright scary and awesome. The way she sees herself and goes through this incredible transformation is breathtaking. In a way, I was reminded of Cersei Lannister (maybe not as cruel but hey, it's the 21st century).

This isn't a review, isn't it? Maybe a fan letter. When I can finally get back to reading, yours is the first story I'll binge-read. You've got talent. You've got skills. You need to publish this, sign me up on your mailing list.


The blurb certainly covered the contents of this story well. I must admit that I didn't manage to get the full way through it due to a million other commitments, but what I did read was very interesting. You've taken it up from such an early stage in the MC's life, and that makes sense given the perspective you're trying to give us.

One thing that I would like to mention is, I am sure this is done on purpose, the story does feel very much like a recount. When I mentioned the MC having very mature reasoning and thought patterns, I imagine this is because she is an adult looking back and retelling her story.

As I read through, I don't feel like I'm reading the perspective of a ten or twelve-year-old. I understand that she's had some very impactful life experiences, but I found it hard to identify with her at various points because of the reasoning attributed to her. That said, that is something that I feel on a personal level, and I'm sure there are readers out there who would disagree with me.

Chapter Eight was an interesting one for me. It felt a little out of place with the ones around it. Up until this point (from memory) you tended to use 'you' sporadically to address readers. In Ch. 8 it was used far more frequently, and I can see that this has an impact for reading, but the rapid jumps between first and second person made it hard for me to get into. You've done such a great job of getting us into the head of the MC that I feel it would probably be best to keep this bit from her perspective. This is just my opinion, and I know I haven't finished the novel, so take it with a grain of salt if you like.

Overall, you've given us an artfully crafted insight into the MC's world. She has a strong, assertive voice that is consistent and fascinating. Even though you highlighted grammar as a weak writing trait, I didn't see anything glaringly obvious. I mean, everyone misses something from time to time, but that is nothing that a little editing couldn't fix. In regards to your help request, I think you have done an excellent job conveying the character's thoughts and feelings, and it flows quite naturally in the story-telling format you've chosen.


From the moment I started reading this book, I saw myself in it. So many of the experiences portrayed in this book mirror my own. The setting of new York mirrored my upbringing in the ghettos of Chicago. I beta read this book for Catherine so a lot of things have been discussed in private between us. I love her writing. It is compelling and captivating. It takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish.

Everything that needs fixing is easily done with some editing. The style fits the narrative, but could also be done with more dialogue. That's something that Catherine will have to decide on as the author, but I enjoyed it as is.

I can definitely see a memoir like this hitting it big one day and becoming a Bestseller. Best of luck, dear!


The author is good at setting the scene. Sadly, if I didn't have to read this book for the club I probably would've never bothered to read the blurb. That is because I don't care much for mean people (girls or otherwise), nor their reasons for being the way they are. With that said, the author had a story to tell and she tells it. From the five chapters I read, it's not a happy tale. So far, the author is good character building. I am rooting for the main character, especially when she finally decided to stop being a victim. The story does not pull me in even though it's interesting. However, there is a bit of curiosity to find out when will she become the mean girl, and will she evolve past the hurt and anger from her past.
My current consensus is although the author seems to do a good job, I am not in the correct head space to fully appreciate it at this time.


Ok, so let me start out with the good, I love your writing style, it's very punchy, honest and engaging and it captured me straight away then kept me wanting more.

 There are a few things I don't get, like how she was called Dominican but you never actually say what she was. Also, I have no idea if it's different where you're from but I know normal kids didn't have a body to die for or boobs at 10 years old here, and still don't as far as I'm aware, well unless they're fat like I was but then they're more like man boobs lol

Also, they are having sex at 11-12 years old? Like I know it happens in the world but I don't think it should be written about like it's just a normal everyday thing it could give off the wrong impression.

 If this book is based on your own life then I am sorry for any offense caused by what I write but I just felt very uncomfortable through some parts of your book. It seems as if the character was made to feel bad for how she looked, but on the other hand also treated like a sexual piece of meat and in response she built up this giant persona of being a complete bitch and portrayed that she liked it that way, when all I saw was a very insecure person who was desperate for love and attention and would basically sell her soul to get it. It's very sad, and if this story is about yourself then I hope you're doing ok and that you have self-worth now and are happy in your own skin.

Personally, I don't think the mc is a mean girl, I think that she overcompensates for lack of self-esteem and just ended up being a very lost little girl in a scary and lonely world.

 I hope anything I have said isn't taken the wrong way, I really did like the book but I feel that if this is based on your life then it needs to be stated at the beginning because then anything that had happened in it can be seen as an experience rather than it being seen badly because of the underage sex and assaults.

It's a hard-hitting story and I think people need to be a little more prepared for that.

From the description and the cover, I thought I would be reading a cliché harmless mean girl story, but this was way beyond just being mean, this was verging on narcissistic if I am completely honest. It seems as though the mc is trying to justify her nasty and violent actions and brush it off like it's nothing which is not ok. I get that she had a hard life, but a lot of us do and we don't turn into the same kind of people that hurt us. I get that a hard life can make you a little hard and a little mean at the time but I really don't like how the mc treats people.

I dunno maybe I will feel differently if I read the rest of the story. I think maybe the book has too many triggers for me, which has made me feel quite negatively, I like a hard-hitting story as much as the next person but more of a heads up would have prepared me.

Again though I do love your writing style, it's gripping xoxo


I read the first couple chapters and think that you did a really good job. The writing quality was pretty good and you depicted the situation as properly horrifying. I don't blame the main character for wanting to kill the boy who abused her and ended up feeling disgusted at her 'friends' who let it happen. So kudos for provoking an emotional reaction from me, it takes something well written to do that.


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