Demigods At Hogwarts

By Jessicorn1

202K 3.5K 3.2K

Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Thalia and Hazel all go to Hogwarts at the request of Hecate. She wants them to protec... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note

Chapter 17

6.8K 114 45
By Jessicorn1

I've been going back through my work and editing small parts. This hasn't been edited yet.

Thanks to Werewerwer for commenting.

Harry POV

The Astronomy OWL was about to begin. We all traipsed up to the top of the tower and positioned ourselves in front of the telescopes. It was about halfway through the OWL when we heard a noise. Five people, one of whom was unnaturally short, were sneaking across the grounds, under the cover of darkness. They reached Hagrid's hut and went inside.

"Stop" cried Hagrid as he raced out of the hut

"You are fired" said a high pitched voice we knew too well "come here"

The other figures were attacking Hagrid. The spells were bouncing off him as he knocked out the attackers. The door opened

"What is this ruckus" the woman silhouette in the doorframe said sternly. The attackers turned around and shot spells at her. They combined and Professor McGonagall fell. Hagrid howled, grabbed Fang and fled into the night.

Nothing happened until my History of Magic OWL. I was answering questions on my sheet, I could see Hermione, her head bent over in concentration. I was exhausted and goblins with names like Gagnook the Dirty and Eric the Nasty weren't easy to remember. I found myself drifting off into a nightmare. Sirius was on the floor, Voldemort standing over him, wand outstretched. The room he was in was filled with small glass balls on shelves, I realised he  was in a part of the Department of Mysteries. Voldemort cast another curse and Sirius screamed. I was shaken awake.

One of the examiners was standing over me

"Now boy, lets get you some calming draught, exam nerves..." he said kindly

"I really don't need..." I began

"Nonsense, exam nerves, that's all, you'll be all right after a rest"

I was carted out of the room.

"I can get myself to the hospital wing now" I assured the Professor

"I must get back, go up and lie down" the Professor finished before turning on his heel and returning to the hall. I raced off into a side room and glanced at a clock. The exam would finish in a few minutes, I needed to talk to Ron and Hermione.

When Ron and Hermione emerged with the Americans, I grabbed them as they passed

"Harry" Hermione exclaimed "are you ok"

"Mate" said Ron "bloody hell"

"Nightmare?" Questioned Thalia

"How did you know" Harry narrowed his eyes

"You were flailing around, it was kinda obvious" she said "What did you see?"

Harry turned to Hermione

"I saw Sirius, being tortured, in the Department of Mysteries"

"You want to rescue him" said Percy, it wasn't a question

"Yes" He answered

"Are you sure that's the best idea Harry, what if that's what he wants" Hermione said timidly

"If you think I'm just going to sit here" Harry growled

"We can check" said Percy "You could do the fireplace thingy"

"But the fireplaces are being monitored" Hazel said "except Umbridge's"

"We can use hers, I'll arrange a distraction" said Thalia with a smile "I'll get some help, be ready in an hour" She ran out of the room.Hermione and Annabeth still looked uneasy.

The plan was about to be put in action. While Fred and George set off a distraction Ginny, Luna and Neville were going to keep people out of the corridor. Ron was going to  head Umbridge off while I talked in the fireplace. The Americans were watching the office.

We heard fireworks going off and I threw floo powder into the fire and stuck my head through to Grimmauld Place. Sirius was not there, Kreacher told me he had gone out. Suddenly there were footsteps on my side. I pulled my head out of the fireplace, the Toad was standing there triumphantly.

"Well, well, well, Mr Potter" she said. I glanced around Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna were all being held firmly by Slitherins, the Americans looked at ease, a group of Slytherin had them at wand point but they all looked on as if they didn't have a care.

"You thought you could get in here and use my fireplace without consequence" she stared at me "Why were you in my fireplace?" She questioned sternly

I didn't answer. She carefully placed a portrait of the Minister onto its front, hiding him from view.

"The cruciatus curse ought to loosen you tongue" She snarled

"No" Hermione exclaimed. The others all looked her in surprise "I can't take it Harry, we have to tell her" Hermione rubbed her eyes, I noticed that there were no tears

"Go on girl" said Umbridge with a sneer

"We've been making Dumbledore's secret weapon" She sniffled "We we're trying to find him, to tell him it was ready, that's why we were in the fireplace, it's deep in the forbidden forest" She said while sobbing into her hands

"I will go there with you" she said "You and Potter"

"But Professor" said Malfoy "what if they..."

"I am a senior ministry official, I can handle two wandless teenagers"

She left, dragging us with her.

Filch met us at the bottom of the stairs

"'Ello Ma'am" He wheezed "I've got the Weasley twins in the courtyard, they set off these fireworks"

"We'll have to make a detour" Umbridge sniffed

The group marched to the courtyard, a group had gathered around the twins. The twins seemed mightily unconcerned and stood easily in the middle. Umbridge strode over two them

"You little troublemakers" She addressed them "will be the perfect demonstration to the students of what happens to wrongdoers in my school"

"You know what George" said Fred "I don't think we will be"

They raised their wands and shouted

"ACCIO BROOMS" their broomsticks came hurting round the corner. They hopped on and lifted off

"If anyone would like to purchase fireworks, a portable swamp or anything else here visit our premises on Diagon Alley" shouted George as they flew off into the sunset. Umbridge growled at Filch to clear up before marching us off toward the forest.

Percy POV

Umbridge caught us just as Annabeth had predicted. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna all struggled. We just stood there, we'd been in worse situations. Umbridge was threatening Harry when Hermione stepped in. I think even Annabeth was mildly impressed with her story. As soon as we could no longer hear her footsteps in the corridor we moved together, even the non demigods. We knocked the Slytherins out, Ron kicked his opposite number in the bits, Neville swept a foot under the bulky Slitherin and grabbed his wand back, Luna distracted her Slytherin by talking about wrackspurts while Ginny grabbed a wand and cast a few bat bogey hexes. We stunned the remaining Slytherins and tied them together before sneaking out to the forest to meet up with Harry and Hermione.

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