By romanticismskiss

10.2K 527 68

I've been dancing with the devil. More

F O R W O R D.
•A E S T H E T I C S•
Act I.
C H A P T E R • O N E
C H A P T E R • T W O
C H A P T E R • T H R E E
C H A P T E R • F O U R
C H A P T E R • F I V E
C H A P T E R • S I X
C HA P T E R • S E V E N
C H A P T E R • E I G H T
C H A P T E R • N I N E
C H A P T E R • T E N
C H A P T E R • E L E V E N
C H A P T E R • T W E L V E
C H A P T E R • T H I R T E E N
C H A P T E R • F O U R T E E N
C H A P T E R • S I X T E E N
C H A P T E R • S E V E N T E E N
C H A P T E R • E I G H T E E N
C H A P T E R • N I N E T E E N
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y

C H A P T E R • F I F T E E N

131 11 0
By romanticismskiss

SNEAKING INTO SAINT'S SALTWATER ACADEMY WAS EFFORTLESS. Easy as breathing. A piece of cake some would say. At first Gola couldn't help but feel put off by the trouble free way in which she'd broken and entered the opulent historic building sheltering hundreds of wealthy children but the nervousness faded swiftly once she recalled the way in which she'd entered,( by dropping a chunk of hard cash) was how many of the children were attending the prestigious school in the first place. The whole situation had been underwhelming.

Cole, one of Beaumont's closest mates and scholarship attendant had promised to sneak her in for a hundred-fifty dollars. Her unhinged imagination weaved a laughable scenario which involved her dressing like a male substitute teacher who had a unfortunate yet complicated northern european name.

Or at least having to climb through the boys dorm room window. But no, she'd simply begrudgingly handed a quarter of her savings over and walked right through the door which she suspected had already been unlocked.

"That couldn't be safe." She mumbled, following cole to his shared dorm room with Beaumont.

"I had security cleared before you arrived and the back door unlocked." Cole chuckled, making her glare at the back of his head.

She wouldn't accuse him of being swindling liar but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then...

He must've felt her doubt because he halted, turned around and flashed her one of those charming million dollar Crow boy smiles. Perfect pearly white jewels that shone brighter than stars. "I promise, I wouldn't dream of cheating you."

Gola nodded although she still didn't believe him. The boys of Saints saltwater Academy. The Crow boys. Were known for being charming cheaters. Plus she already didn't like the looks of this Cole character. Something about him annoyed her soul though she couldn't place it at the moment.

The boys dormitory was filled with oceans of noise, threatening to pour out of each and every door if opened. Gola heard thundering rock music flooding one room, rapt laughter in the next, an educational debate, truth or dare, an 'I love you mom', weeping, Hip hop booming and dirtily harsh squeaking of a bed moving back and forth accompanied by groans leaking out into the hallway dry of sound.

Suddenly overwhelmed at the noise and all the different emotions they brung  she turned to investigate Cole.

Charming, cheating, Crow, Cole. "So did you meet Beaumont in school?"

"No, Actually, Before I began Attending Saint's." He sighed, something sentimental settling onto his face as he recalled the memory. His eyes fluttering closed.

"Ah." A moment of silence passed, a short period in time in which Gola waited patiently for Cole to run into a wall. The moment never came. "so..."

Silence or the closest thing to it dripped into the hall.

"Beaumont and I, met at one of his  step mom's annual parties. I was a waiter and he was waiting for the first excuse to leave." Cole stopped speaking as we reached a door covered with a lettered triangle flag. He sighed in relief, flinging the door open.

The relief in the air he released felt toxic to Gola's lungs. Her palms suddenly clammy at the prospect of being Beaumont's room.

Sleeping beauty lay resting on presumably his bed in way that deeply bothered Gola. He lay on his back with his hands crossed over his chest, his handsome face troubled. He mirror death. The whole room felt suffocating like a casket.

"How long has he been asleep?" She barely whispered, kneeling beside Beau's bed to run feathery fingertips over the lines on his face.

"Since Ethan brought him back last night, his mom must've worn him out." Cole shrugged, slumping down onto his own bed.

In light of new information about Beaumont De luca she wouldn't inform Cole that he hadn't been at his mother's house but instead with her. "So he hasn't woken up at all."

Cole shook his head. Starring at Beaumont with something she couldn't comprehend in his jade eyes.

"Cole, I have to tell you something. promise you won't freak out—"

"I know he's seeing you." Cole cuts me shorts, sitting up. "Don't worry we're just friends."

"What?" Gola gasped, shaking her head. "No, No, No. it's not that. It's that Beau might—well not might. He is in big trouble. He's kinda dead. Well not dead—In between dead. At least I think. I hope." She rambled, deeply exhaling when she finished.


"I came here for help."


"Help getting his soul back into his body?"

"Wait so let me get this straight—You expect me to believe Beau's is in some sort of enteral sleep, from which he'll never wake unless you steal his soul?"

"Back. Steal his soul back."


"Beaumont you up?" A girls voice called just beyond the door. Whoever it was didn't wait for answer before barging in.


"YOU?" Nyx hissed with distaste.

"WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE?" both of them shouted in sync.

Coles eyes widened as a knowing smirk spread like wildfire across his face. They weren't supposed to meet. This day just kept getting better and better.

Gola knew that something was up between Nyx and Beaumont. What exactly? She didn't know. But she knew that once again she felt like a fool. How could she forget that Beaumont was a crow boy?

"Uh, maybe I should go." She offered already at the door.

Behind her Beaumont rose to follow.

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